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I'm possessed, and so am I

Dust Raven

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Our group just got a new player, and it's his first time playing Hero. His character concept is an interesting one, and for staters is a rather simple build. But as he grows in experience, there are a few dirctions his character can take, and because he's new, he's leaving certain aspects of it up to me.


Here's where things get a bit tricky. He's playing a normal guy who's been trapped in the astral plane for the past 20 years or so. While there, a native creature of some sort decided to use his body as a sort of incubator for one of it's offspring. Before the creature matured, he was brought back to Earth though a summoning gone wonky. Now this creature is still dependent upon his body for nurishment and protection, but being on Earth grants that body some unusual characteristics (like lots of strength, durrability and agility, plus the ability to withstand a number of hostile enviroments and he can grow and ungrow a bullet proof scaly skin).


The thing is, the creature is still maturing, and as it does, new powers will develop. That's the easy part. More strength and Life Support, and possibly some Enhanced Senses. But as this is happening, the creature is becoming more sentient and aware. Eventually it will be able to communicate with its host, and possibly others as well.


So how can I represent this? We've thought about using Duplication or Multiform to write up the creature, but the player has specifically stated he prefers to have me, the GM, run it. I suppose a Follower could be used, but I have no idea how to simulate the possibility of it taking over his body (or maybe just some of his Powers) once in a while.


Any suggestions?

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: I'm possessed, and so am I


Well, since the creature essentially means that 'he has some more powers, and occasionally the player loses control of his PC...'... it's SFX for Powers and probably a Physical Limitation (Sometimes Controlled Drectly by the GM).


The telepathy is just extra skills (for when it talks to him), and some mental powers (for when it talks to others)... again, this should come up occasionally.


Oh, and if it'll hijack his body when threatened? BESERK! heh heh heh.

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Re: I'm possessed, and so am I


So how can I represent this? We've thought about using Duplication or Multiform to write up the creature, but the player has specifically stated he prefers to have me, the GM, run it. I suppose a Follower could be used, but I have no idea how to simulate the possibility of it taking over his body (or maybe just some of his Powers) once in a while.


Any suggestions?


Let's see, the effect you are looking for is that his powers and/or actions are not always under his control... At a quick first glance...


What about maybe buying some of his abilities with "extra" dice added on with a 'No Conscious Control' limitation? That basically puts it at GM's, ie. the alien's, discretion when and how he get to use these powers.


Coupled with Pychological Limitation: Shares Body with Alien Personality, this could represent that not all of his abilities do what he wants, when he wants, and establishes on the Character Sheet that he has another personality.


Since Psych Lims control a character's reaction to situations, that would fit the idea that the GM is in control at times...


I'd look at Side Effects, as well.


If I have any other ideas, I'll let you know...

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Guest Witch Doctor

Re: I'm possessed, and so am I


What about using Behemoth from Champions:New Millenium as a guide for how to build this character?

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Re: I'm possessed, and so am I


I'd do it with three things:


Buy a Follower using the rules for an AI computer (ie, just give it intelligence, ego, and so on), and make sure to put on some disadvantages that represent its motivations.


Buy some extra powers with NCC (or possibly just limited control, or side effects: creature gains control).


Disadvantage: Subject to takeover from symbiant.

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Re: I'm possessed, and so am I


It depends, a lot, on how useful the entity IS.


If it's just stupid, an infant, or mostly just flavor you can actually just make it with disadvantages like split personality. The main character "blacks out" and the entity does the talking and acting or it's just a jumble of stuff in his head. I mean, especially if the entity brings nothing useful to the table in terms of skills or power, itself, it can just be a voice that talks to whomever it pleases.


If it's going to be bringing more knowledge, observations, etc, it can just be a simple AI. As GM you can just play it like that for the player (and maybe he'll become comfortable enough with it to play it, himself). If there's a big fun factor in having no control over it, you can limit the AI (not worth much) with no conscious control (that's a GM call) or make it a disad that the player has no control over the AI - this assumes it's actually disadvantageous... such as the entity does not agree with him and will do things like call out to people the character is hiding from or decides to take a nap when needed (and is uncooperative if awoken).


The AI, too, would either have a "mind control" ability that only works vs the host (thus, it "takes over") and perhaps even an Aid or Succor to stun so that when the character is KOed, the entity just starts working the body (it can move again because of the stun added - phys lim: no memory of actions while using "extra stun"). Maybe when the character is sleeping, the entity has an easier time taking over. "Ugh, why am I hung over? What is this sheep doing in my living room?" A multiform works well here, but not if the GM is playing one of the forms (you have enough work to do).


The AI, too, could purchase a number of powers similar to the main character's (you can even then use lock-out limitations for both character and AI. "Hey, *I'M* using the illusion power... you just wait your turn.") if mind control isn't the route you want to take.


The advantage of the AI is that it's cheaper for it to mature and catch up to the main player. It might start with next to nothing, but a few points brings more bang for the buck.


What I would do, too, is not award the character all his experience points every session, but hold some back to apply to the AI. So it grows and changes without his knowledge... letting you play with mystery powers (which can be fun, especially if it's a small power pool, he'll never know what's happening) and letting you have a direct hand in the character's advancement which can be helpful for a new player who simply might not think of some things or become easily fixated on a particular direction that is either unbalancing or less than useful in the campaign.


If the entity is often the source of trouble, it can even be a DNPC (perhaps "slightly less powerful with useful skills"), as an invisible, desolid thing... this leaves it vulnerable in some ways. This places it firmly into GM's control.

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Re: I'm possessed, and so am I


Intersting ideas!


I might try the AI Follower idea, as it seems the most like having an extra mind at work. The Side Effects on his powers might also work, but I haven't decided if this is actually a Limitation or not.

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