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The Team "Vibe"


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What feel or flavor to most of your PC teams have? There are probably too many options and variations to list, but you know what I mean. Some have the "Best of the Best, Elite Protectors of all mankind" thing going on (Sort of J.L.). While others are hated and persecuted by those they would protect. A few are a business (heroes for hire, capes for cash?:)). Some are Family (In the cases of folks like the F.F, litterally). There are the protectors of a city, not as glorified, but beloved locally and perhaps closer to the people. That sort of thing. There's even the Teen hero hang out.



Any particular "vibe" you end up with more often, and what sort do you like most? or hate most. I'm curious.

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Re: The Team "Vibe"


Originally posted by Hermit

What feel or flavor to most of your PC teams have? There are probably too many options and variations to list, but you know what I mean. Some have the "Best of the Best, Elite Protectors of all mankind" thing going on (Sort of J.L.). While others are hated and persecuted by those they would protect. A few are a business (heroes for hire, capes for cash?:)). Some are Family (In the cases of folks like the F.F, litterally). There are the protectors of a city, not as glorified, but beloved locally and perhaps closer to the people. That sort of thing. There's even the Teen hero hang out.



Any particular "vibe" you end up with more often, and what sort do you like most? or hate most. I'm curious.



I'll do thise by Group

* Force (our first team back in the early 80's): Boy's Club with Guns.

* The Highwaymen (our longest running campaign): A huge extended family.

* Onslaught: Bickering Siblings

* Purge: A Military Unit

* Still Un-named Team (aka The Soveriegn Order of Haven Sentinels): Businessmen with Guns... ah... we come full circle.

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As I mentioned in another thread, I've often run gov't-based teams in my current campaign world. It makes sense; would the gov't really let a bunch of superpowered yoyos run around? I've always found it doubtful.


Since my game world is bordering on cyberpunk/uplift technology, we also have some elements of those genres. I have, for example, played Shadowrun-style groups of criminals, and even more interesting, we had a brief campaign with a corporate watchdog group. That was fun; taking down the Man!



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Re: Re: The Team "Vibe"


Originally posted by MisterVimes

* Still Un-named Team (aka The Soveriegn Order of Haven Sentinels): Businessmen with Guns... ah... we come full circle.


Businessmen with guns?


Most of us tried to talk to Snow-dude, it was just the Kid-In-Armor who started the fight.


IIRC, Wreckers attacked us first, Ninjas attacked us first, Interchange started that battle. Snow-Dude was the first time we threw the first punch, and only because of the Kid.

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Re: Re: Re: The Team "Vibe"


Originally posted by EternityShard

Businessmen with guns?


Most of us tried to talk to Snow-dude, it was just the Kid-In-Armor who started the fight.


IIRC, Wreckers attacked us first, Ninjas attacked us first, Interchange started that battle. Snow-Dude was the first time we threw the first punch, and only because of the Kid.


I merely meant that the team is very mature and businesslike... You guys haven't been together long enough to establish more rapport. Though you and the homeless Hero were getting quite chummy... I liked that.

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I would characterize my current players as five guys with Looking For Adventure mindset (hm, 5 headlines to choose from; let's investigate this one), and one who wants the team to become a covert ops strike force with a national security focus, including a branch of superagents and a team of intelligence analysts serving them.


Most of the team wants a return matchup with Foxbat. The other guy wants to know if shifts in the GNP of Luxembourg might be signalling weapons stockpiling by ARGENT. Very schizophrenic.

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Re: Re: The Team "Vibe"


Originally posted by bcholmes

"We're Canada's greatest super heroes!"


"No, you're the heroes who work for the government."


Imagine Team Ambush Bug


Amusingly enough, one of the first teams in my campaign setting was Canada's greatest superheroes, as well as the world's.


Of course, Canada is also a world superpower in my setting. Hee! Imagine how much historical justification that took!



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Re: Re: Re: The Team "Vibe"


Originally posted by ProfessorM@ss

Amusingly enough, one of the first teams in my campaign setting was Canada's greatest superheroes, as well as the world's.


Of course, Canada is also a world superpower in my setting. Hee! Imagine how much historical justification that took!




You mean we're not!?! :eek::(

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Canada is a super power, they just hide it. They control a good chunk of the world's comedians and comedy writers. They've laced the US (Particularly the New York and L.A. areas) with them, and if we EVER make an agressive move against them....ZING.


Ouch. Our ego will get such a drubbing from barbed wits we'll be forced to flee in terror!




Hmmm... maybe that's a nother type of team... (No, not the comedy writing super heroes) , but patriotic ones who are not necessarily sponsored by the govt. More likely in the golden age, but it could still work.

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Originally posted by Hermit

Canada is a super power, they just hide it. They control a good chunk of the world's comedians and comedy writers. They've laced the US (Particularly the New York and L.A. areas) with them, and if we EVER make an agressive move against them....ZING.


Ouch. Our ego will get such a drubbing from barbed wits we'll be forced to flee in terror!




Hmmm... maybe that's a nother type of team... (No, not the comedy writing super heroes) , but patriotic ones who are not necessarily sponsored by the govt. More likely in the golden age, but it could still work.


And they are lead by Alex Trebec, who is just too smart for his own darned good.


And their Police ARE the Army... it's a ninja-secret-police-state... and those darned mounties are sooooo friendly. WHATEVER could they be up to?

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Originally posted by MisterVimes

And they are lead by Alex Trebec, who is just too smart for his own darned good.


And their Police ARE the Army... it's a ninja-secret-police-state... and those darned mounties are sooooo friendly. WHATEVER could they be up to?

Also, remember, from a Marvelesque P.O.V., there are 26 letters in the alphabet. We can have weapons A though Z... pardon me, Zed, pulling covert ops EVERYWHERE.

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Ok, I'm feeling guilt. Here I am picking on Canada (a bit), and I LIKE Canada. Nice guys, good neighbors, beautiful land and I loved some of the Alpha Flight I read in the 80s. :)


So, as pennance, I will reveal this... ah, rather dubious honor that someone has bestowed on my own region...




Some Team themes should never be touched

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Originally posted by Hermit

Ok, I'm feeling guilt. Here I am picking on Canada (a bit), and I LIKE Canada. Nice guys, good neighbors, beautiful land and I loved some of the Alpha Flight I read in the 80s. :)


So, as pennance, I will reveal this... ah, rather dubious honor that someone has bestowed on my own region...




Some Team themes should never be touched


WOW... Nice Double-Wide!:D


And I concur... Canada, beautiful land, friendly people, cool flaq, good beer, they got that whole Canadian Bacon thing going on... BIG THUMBS UP for Canada

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Originally posted by Hermit

Ok, I'm feeling guilt. Here I am picking on Canada (a bit), and I LIKE Canada. Nice guys, good neighbors, beautiful land and I loved some of the Alpha Flight I read in the 80s. :)


So, as pennance, I will reveal this... ah, rather dubious honor that someone has bestowed on my own region...




Some Team themes should never be touched


Volunteer. [snicker].


White Lightnin. [bwahahahahahahaha]


Thanks Hermit, needed that.


All they need's a "Wildcat" and they're all set.



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Re: Re: Re: Brrrr


Originally posted by Squid



"Look out! He's got claws!"

"No wait, they're made out of bacon!"


Haven't you heard? Cholestorol kills.;)


Thanks for (at least some) nice words about Canada. We don't mind the ribbing, though; to tell you the truth, we don't take ourselves too seriously, either. Which is exactly why we've cornered the market on comedians.


Besides, we've already had our revenge on America. We gave you... WILLIAM SHATNER!:P

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Brrrr


Originally posted by Lord Liaden

Haven't you heard? Cholestorol kills.;)


Thanks for (at least some) nice words about Canada. We don't mind the ribbing, though; to tell you the truth, we don't take ourselves too seriously, either. Which is exactly why we've cornered the market on comedians.


Besides, we've already had our revenge on America. We gave you... WILLIAM SHATNER!:P


I personally LOVE Canada... who else is america going to smoke behind the School with and talk bad about Mexico?


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  • 4 weeks later...

"Team vibe "! Hmm. The team that "St Barbara" belongs to (and nominally leads on occasions, badly) "Team Zenith 3" seems to have a "vibe" somewhat like an ox that has just been hit with a mallet ! I probably shouldn't be even mentioning this on a forum to which the other players don't (in general) subscribe but yesterdays little debacle in which we suddenly got swapped across dimensions (again !) and had to play evil analogs of our characters was an absolute disaster ! To make matters worse our referee has so altered (the term "bastardized' comes to mind) the system that I can no longer recognise it as being a derivative of the "Champions" system ! I don't like playing villains, I am not good at it and I am very close to simply walking away from the campaign at this minute. To make matters worse our referee decreed that the one power that "St Barbara" has that might have enabled me to NOT take part in this debacle (Her E D M)was stripped away, for the sake of the scenario ! To say that I am dissapointed with what has happenned is an understatement !

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