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So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


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Re: Proditor being allowed to enter the contest...


I couldn't agree with Bill more. From my perspective, it was RM and Prod's mods that got me excited about trying my own hand at modifying some HeroClix for Champions in the first place. Doesn't seem right that he can't enter as well. Given the way we ran things last time Prod, we each were judges in addition to entrants. That was kind of the point, right? That the people actually putting in the effort might know best who's work actually took the most skill to accomplish and therefore they're votes counted a bit more than John Q. Public. It seems as though we could easily get Ben, Steve or one of the other Hero Games crew (or any other neutral party for that matter) who might be willing to judge the contest, and then Prod. can enter with out a problem. Even if you choose not to enter Prod., I think you should have the option to be in it.



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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Spoon-er-ific! Guess it's time to perfom some heroclix surgery on my late-Venom, err.. Tick...


The Juggernaut mod was very well done, but this one has the Tick on a roof-top... right where he belongs!


If you're gonna make your own plaster scenery, get the dental plaster - this stuff rocks! Buy it bulk (50 lbs) for about $0.75 per pound. Now if only the 1-to-1 silicone for the molds was that inexpensive. Also, get the cheap acrylic paint from Hobby Lobby - it works just fine for this.


I'm planning (making drawings, etc) on making a mock-up of the entire "Genocide" base from Adventure's Club #1 (or was it #2) mini-adventure "What Rough Beast" to run at Nexus in Lincoln NE in April.


Anyone interested in me posting pictures as I progress?

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Ok, I'll post 'em. This is a big job, making it in 12 sections. What I wouldn't do for a belt sander.


The paint may be wet, but I did my first mod. Not a tough one, just a new head - gotta love that green stuff! I'm happy, but I need to detail the face a bit more.

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Ok, I'll post 'em. This is a big job, making it in 12 sections. What I wouldn't do for a belt sander.


The paint may be wet, but I did my first mod. Not a tough one, just a new head - gotta love that green stuff! I'm happy, but I need to detail the face a bit more.

DUDE! He looks awesome! Very nice work! :D

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Thanks Proditor!


I kept the Venom head, just clipped the tongue and dremel'd the jaw a bit. Also dremel'd the spider design off the back, filled it a spot or two and built up the chest. Got rid of the pesky "Marvel" on the wall and put a respectable "Spoon!" in place.


Built the face and antennae ("What intennae?"... quiet, Tick) with green stuff.

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Spot on, Myrlyn - Radioactive Bear-Beast is from AC #1 or #2. I'm building a modified version of the base for the NEXUS con, figured since I had 2x Sabretooth figs I'd mod one.



The paper clips was a great idea, helped mold the green stuff and kept in in form. It dried enough that I felt okay painting.


Check out the Perspective image, I have Radioactive BeatBeast next to my otherSabretooth (glad I bought the duplicate) and the Tick.


Sorry about the quality of the pics - I make NO claim to be a photographer!

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Thanks Blue! Made my vote heard on both the WhizKids and Marvel sites. ;)


And CDAD, quick question: Have you already done all of the conversion work on that Champions adventure to bring it up to 5th Ed.? I'd love to run in for my group as I doubt any of them have been through it yet (course I'll need to make my own version of the bear... hmmmm could be an interesting problem. I really like the version you made, but I would want to make something original...).



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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Yepper, I modified the adventure for fifth Edition - plus mixed it up quite a bit. Should anyone try it out that knows the AC version, they are in for a few "unpleasant surprises".


It's all paper/HD right now, but I plan on organizing it in Word soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


I've forgotten which thread we're keeping all of the latest examples of good champions mods in as its been a while since we've posted any. I found this gentleman's site today and thought I would share it since he has a few good ideas for some Champions characters under the "Various" section:





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