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UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Hey bro!


So now that I know you're reading this thread, I have to scrap my idea to tell everyone about the evil plans I have for the future of the campaign... ;)


Oh well. Y'all will just have to wait to find out, just like my players do. :eg:



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


So now that I know you're reading this thread, I have to scrap my idea to tell everyone about the evil plans I have for the future of the campaign... ;)


Oh well. Y'all will just have to wait to find out, just like my players do. :eg:


Curses! I knew I should have kept my silence. A pox on my need to contribute! :mad:


Hey, if I can effectively roleplay a mind controlled character, I can pretend to be surprised when the others are. :angel: Honest I can!



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


I have recently gotten a new respect for archers, after seeing a show on the art of archery.


As a character, I might be tempted to try one. I'm still trying to work past the stretching character... Still don't like them.


My favorite characters are Iron Man and Green Lantern. It is really difficult to create a lower level version of either of them... especially Green Lantern.


So far I really like the story... PLease keep it coming.

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Well, since y'all asked so nicely and all...


One of my players and I did a little off-line bluebooking (since he couldn't make it to one of the "vacation" sessions, we played out his vacation seperately).



Straight Arrow has two children (his wife died shortly after he became a hero). His wife’s sister and her husband take care of the kids while he’s on duty – which can be for weeks at a time. They don’t mind, since they can’t have kids of their own and because they know he’s got a very important job. He tries to keep his family life and his superhero life separate, so even though he could, he does not allow his children to live at Midgard (the UNITY base). So on his rare days off, he flies back to England to spend time with them. A long weekend would be a great chance for him to see his little ones.


Straight Arrow’s kids were doing fine, and were excited to see him again. “Did you get us anything?†they pestered him, as all children do. His brother- and sister -in-law were pleased that he came home. "We heard about all that awfulness down in London," they said. "Is everything OK?" He assured them everything was fine, that UNITY took care of the problem, and they invited him to dinner and sat to chat until it was time to take the kids home.


Straight Arrow’s house was fine, no one tripped the alarms (he designed them himself) or anything. Of course, there were plenty of chores to take care of – after all, no one had been home for weeks. There were ants in the kitchen, and it sounded like birds were building a nest in the chimney. After he put the kids to bed, Simon headed to his room. Taking care of kids is nearly as exhausting as fighting alien invaders! But when he clicked the light switch on, he found another chore to take care of – the light bulb was burned out.


Before he could replace the bulb, he heard a voice in the darkened room – "Don’t turn it on." There was another person in the room, who wasn’t there a moment ago. Simon quickly ran through scenarios in his mind. He was out of his armor and without his bow – both were downstairs in his carrying case. The stranger was across the room and on the other side of a dresser, making it difficult for Simon to leap at him. The only thing Simon had in his hand was a lightbulb – not exactly a fearsome weapon.


The stranger was quick to assure Simon he wasn’t there to fight, though he understood that the hero mistrusts him. He merely came to have a word, "And it’s important that you listen, because there isn’t much time."


"Your family has a long tradition of heroism," the stranger said. "Have you ever wondered where it comes from? Not your family’s traditions… the heroes? Why are they here? Where did they come from? And why now? Of all the times throughout history, why does the world teem with superhumans now?"


Simon said that the thought hadn’t crossed his mind. There are superheroes, just like there are trees and grass. No real reason for it.


"Do you know what an antibody is?" the stranger asked. "Antibodies are the body’s defense mechanism, activated whenever a foreign vector is introduced. They defend the vulnerable but vital systems so that the body may continue functioning."


"I know what antibodies are," Simon sneered. "Are you going to come to some point?"


"The world is a living organism," the stranger continued. "And we are its antibodies; natural defenses that the world created in order to protect itself."


"Wait," Simon interrupted. "Did you just say 'we'?"


He heard the stranger chuckle. "Surely you realize you aren’t the only ones out there protecting the world?" Then he continued. "Sometimes there are viruses that can infiltrate the body’s defenses. HIV is one example. They pose as antibodies, but in reality, they do nothing but weaken the system so that foreign invaders can take over and destroy the body much more easily."


"Just what are you getting at?" Simon demanded.


"Think about it," the stranger said. "Are you an antibody, or are you a virus?" And then he vanished. Even though Simon couldn’t see him, he knew he was gone. Simon did an immediate check on his kids – they were fine – and his house. The alarm systems were all intact and hadn’t been disturbed at all.


After searching the house and the grounds thoroughly, Simon went back upstairs to go to bed. Turning down the covers, he found a business card on his bed – with a large, black symbol of Omega on it. "Am I an antibody or a virus?" Simon asked himself before turning in. "What kind of question is that?"




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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


How did Straight Arrow's player take the 'doesn't trip your sensors' trick?


Straight Arrow is not a happy archer. He's currently working on revamping his home's security systems. With his position in UNTIL, he has access to some fairly high tech gear and he'll be incorporating some of those ideas with his own.


Oh, and maybe he'll throw in a few bear traps, alligator pits, death lasers, and rabid attack dogs...just for variety. :winkgrin:


"Break into MY home, will you? " :eg:



aka Straight Arrow

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


UNITY Recap this week! UNITY Team C vs. Eurostar!



After getting the report from Simian and Ifrita about the attempted jailbreak in France, Major Bec ordered UNITY Team C to investigate Eurostar and find out what they are planning. "They’ve been getting more and more active, and they need to be stopped before they complete whatever it is they’re building up to."


First, the team hit UNTIL Intelligence for an update on exactly what Eurostar has been doing. They learned that Eurostar had been quiet for the past year, but that they have suddenly become active again, striking three museums in the past month – plus the jailbreak in Russia and the attempt in France.


The first museum hit was in Istanbul, about a month ago, at the great Museum of Calligraphy, where a handful of books by the great philosopher and astronomer Abiz al Hilya were stolen.


Ifrita checked the records and learned that these books had been locked away, forbidden to be displayed by the religious authorities. No one knows what was in them, but they are said to contain star charts and references to the names of ancient demons. Hilya himself had been executed as a Shirk (idolater) in 1481, and most of his writings were burned. The only reason that any of his work survives is because his calligraphy is said to be among the greatest works of art the Muslim world ever produced.


The second attack was in Stalingrad, where Eurostar struck the Museum of History. They attacked the Czarist collection, but (according to the reports out of Russia) were driven off by the heroic Super Soldiers before they could take anything. This is when Durak was captured; it happened about 2 weeks ago.


The most recent theft was from a private collection in Sicily, owned by Mr. Ivan Vonovich, a very wealthy Russian ex-patriot who is said to be a gangster and arms dealer. He has an extensive private collection of ancient artifacts from around the world. He is very private about what he owns, and a full catalog doesn’t (publicly) exist. He claims that a daVinci painting, seldom seen by the public (and insured for 50 million dollars), was stolen. According to Interpol reports, he is not averse to using questionable methods to enhance his collection, from threats to bribes to outright theft and violence. They have him under constant watch, but he is very clever and nothing has ever been proven against him.


The team split up. New Man, Aurora, and Straight Arrow went to Bastion-1 to see if they could get any information out of Jean Dubois, AKA Ultrasonique. The second team (Ifrita, Red Dragon, and Tank) headed to Sicily to talk with Mr. Vonovich.


Team Two flew to Vonovich’s palatial estate. They found him to be an unpleasant man, to say the least, with little respect for authority except to use as a tool against other people. He gave no deference to Ifrita (she’s only a woman), but seemed to get along with Red Dragon (since they are both gear-heads). The team got the impression that he was livid at the theft – that someone would dare do to him what he has done to so many others.


Vonovich was very proud of his "good taste," showing off his eccentric collection to the heroes. He showed them to the room where he kept his DaVinci. They saw a wall filled with paintings from every artistic period (no particular emphasis, making it an eclectic collection to be sure). Apparently, Durak smashed through the outer wall, broke a few display cases, and removed the painting from its frame.


The team’s suspicions were raised immediately. Why would Durak take the time to remove the painting from the frame when he could have easily pulled the whole thing off the wall? Ifrita poked around the room while Red Dragon distracted the gangster, and she found something interesting. In the rubble, she found a half-destroyed plaque identifying the case in which the Armor and Sword of St. Jean Parisot de la Dubois of Malta were displayed.


She confronted Vonovich with this piece of evidence, and he denied knowing what she was talking about. He told her that the display case was empty, and that he had the plaque made because he intended to someday acquire the pieces. She obviously didn’t believe him and he grew angry, insulting her as "Someone who has no knowledge of such things, since she’s only a stupid woman," and he spit at her feet.


Red Dragon took umbrage at this, and began to unsheathe his sword. No one may insult a Samurai’s master! But Ifrita told him to back down, and the three heroes took their leave (much to the relief of Vonovich’s security team, which did not want to have to fight a group of superheroes!).


Meanwhile, Team One went to see Ultrasonique, who was being kept in Ultimate Security lockdown at Bastion-1. EuroGuard were planning to move him to a secret location soon, just because they didn’t want to present a tempting target to Eurostar. The team was met by Bielo the White, Passion, and Speed. Bielo greeted them like old friends, and took them to see Mssr. Dubois.


He was being kept in a small but comfortable cell, sitting quietly, wrapped up in a straight-jacket, and muttering to himself. When Straight Arrow questioned him, he kept repeating what he said before. He talked about how everyone wants his blood, his precious blood, and how the eyes in the sky were watching for him and wanted him dead so they could come back. "They’re going to come back for me because they know the eyes, the eyes in space – they want my blood and they know I’m the last, so only my blood will do! That’s why they want me!"


While this was going on, New Man attempted to read the madman's mind. He found it to be a disconcerting place, like a Technicolor river of thought, rushing past faster than the eye could follow. He could pick up basic themes (not much different than what Straight Arrow was getting), but nothing else. He decided to go deeper. Thanks to a phenomenal roll (beating Ultrasonique's EGO by 40+!), New Man managed to plunge through the river, straight into what was left of the man’s Id.


He found himself in a dark place – which did not surprise him, since he knew that Dubois was blind. He saw Dubois as a young man, standing before a workbench covered with tools and gizmos. Dubois was working on the equipment with the sure, steady hands of a good engineer. New Man approached and spoke to him, asking what he was working on. "My work is what gives my life meaning," Dubois answered.


"What are you hiding from in here?" New Man asked.


"Someone is always watching me," Dubois answered. "There is an eye that sits eternally on me. Someone wants me for something – something terrible. I believe they mean to sacrifice me." He pointed upward, and New Man saw the full moon overhead… except it wasn’t the moon, it looked like a huge, red, slitted eye.


"Why would they do that?" New Man inquired.


"Because I am the last. I think I am some sort of conduit or gateway. Perhaps by taking my blood, they will open a passageway. Or perhaps I am a barrier; my presence prevents them from coming through, and my death will mean no more barrier."


"What are you the last of?"


"My family were once nobles," Dubois explained. "There are stories told of great warriors in our past, and I am the last of my family."


"You have no relatives?" New Man pressed.


"I had a brother, once," Dubois said, his hands visibly shaking. "But he is now dead. I think I may have had something to do with that."


New Man could see that Dubois was becoming agitated, so he bid the man farewell, and came out of his trance. He told Straight Arrow what he learned, and the Team headed back to Midgard to meet up with Team Two.


They decided they needed to know a little bit more about the Sword of St. John, so they called the mysterious phone number that Simian acquired. "John" was very interested to hear their story. He told them a little bit more about the legends of the Sword – how many people think it is more than a mere weapon, and that it holds great magical powers. It is supposed to be a "weapon of defense;" when the wielder uses it to protect a person or a place, he gains incredible abilities – and indeed, the place that he is protecting cannot be harmed while the Sword is still held by a man with a noble and innocent heart. Some people even believe that the Sword is one of the things that prevents evil from overwhelming the world.


However, John didn’t know anything about Jean Dubois, AKA Ultrasonique. He told them that the original St. Jean Dubois had many children, but he doesn’t know anyone who has bothered to keep track of the family line. He went on to insist that it was very important that the Sword not stay in the hands of someone like Rasputin. "There’s no telling what sort of mischief a man like that could get up to, hanging on to an artifact like that."


The heroes did some investigation into the theft of the Sword. It was a professional, non-super (as far as the authorities can tell) job, pulled about 5 weeks ago (before the first Eurostar museum heist). Authorities had no reason to believe that Eurostar was involved, and thus didn't contact EuroGuard or UNITY about it. It was certainly not their style (which tends toward brute-force). It was a "Mission Impossible"-type heist which left few clues and no leads. No leads, at least, until now...


They also did a little bit of research into Jean Dubois and learned that he has one living relative, a wife who divorced him years ago. She has not remarried and is fairly comfortable in her spinsterism. They had no children. According to their records, she visits him in the asylum a couple of times a year. Dubois also used to have a brother named Luc, but he died in a fire about 10 years ago. Police think that Ultrasonique, in his madness, killed his own brother. Luc was unmarried.


They decided that their best bet was to call on Mrs. Dubois and find out if she knew anything.



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


I'm SOOOO hooked...


YOU'RE hooked? Try being an actual player in the game. When my fiancee and I miss a single session, we start going through withdrawal symptoms! :angst:


Luckily, I got a fix coming this Saturday. Yay! :bounce:


(Bill, I'm sick....) :doi:




(PS: This has nothing to do with me sucking up to my GM for a few more XPs. Honest.) :angel:

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


YOU'RE hooked? Try being an actual player in the game. When my fiancee and I miss a single session, we start going through withdrawal symptoms! :angst:


Luckily, I got a fix coming this Saturday. Yay! :bounce:


(Bill, I'm sick....) :doi:


(PS: This has nothing to do with me sucking up to my GM for a few more XPs. Honest.) :angel:


Glad to hear y'all are enjoying the game. Just wait'll you see what I've got planned for the very near future. :eg:



(The big "metaplot" starts this week...) :bounce:

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


I'd love to get into a good super's game. The game that I'm currently involved with is on and off. We don't meet at regular intervels and it is really hard to "keep the feeling" when is bounces like this.


I even looked at Mutants and Masterminds trying to find a gaming group. I have a 19 m/o son that hampers my ability to go out on a regular basis. I have a lot of things going on and it all adds up to having limited time to do anything. SO... I live vicariously through the posts on this board. Keep up the great work.

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


I have a 19 m/o son that hampers my ability to go out on a regular basis.


You know, it's never too early to start teaching Junior about life skills. :bounce:


"That's right, son. The bad guy did a critical hit on Daddy because he's a twink elf." :winkgrin:



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


You know' date=' it's never too early to start teaching Junior about life skills. :bounce: -Lonewalker[/quote']


I can see it now.... My son's first word being "Critical!!!" I think my wife would kill me. She is not a gamer and I don't think that she grasps the depth that gaming can warp...err... I mean touch your soul.


My son sits with us when we play D&D.




I was trying to teach him the Green Lantern Oath. He still hasn't recited it yet... but he does hold his fist out.

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


I'd love to get into a good super's game. The game that I'm currently involved with is on and off. We don't meet at regular intervels and it is really hard to "keep the feeling" when is bounces like this.


I even looked at Mutants and Masterminds trying to find a gaming group. I have a 19 m/o son that hampers my ability to go out on a regular basis. I have a lot of things going on and it all adds up to having limited time to do anything. SO... I live vicariously through the posts on this board. Keep up the great work.

I so understand. The only difference is that my wife will game with me. Its the rest of the 'group' that are flakesters. Imma rep Bill just for having this thread.

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