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Mind Link = Detect Shape Shift?


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I was in a game recently where I tried to trick someone into thinking I was a character for which they had a mind link. Of course instead of mindlinking to their friend they had to roll an attack roll. Can you think of anyway in which I can avoid this kind of detection with a shifter?

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Re: Mind Link = Detect Shape Shift?


I was in a game recently where I tried to trick someone into thinking I was a character for which they had a mind link. Of course instead of mindlinking to their friend they had to roll an attack roll. Can you think of anyway in which I can avoid this kind of detection with a shifter?


There are a lot of mechanics involved that could interact with this poorly.


If the Mind Link is up and running at the time you try to trick the other character, I think you are going to have to create some sort of work around. I'm thinking Shape Shift vs. Mental plus a fully invisible Telepathy that way you could try and "switch the circuit" to you.


If you had already managed to disrupt the Mind Link, than I would say all you need is the Mental Group Shape Shift, because all you need to be is willing and the person they are looking at when they try to establish the Mind Link. The real problem is that if the other character has a Limitation on his Mind Link that keeps it from working with anyone. You will need to talk to the GM about how they would like to handle that.

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Either you need a Transform that changes you into the other character that the Mind Link requires, or you need a Mind Link, useable as an attack, invisible power effects, triggered off the other guy using his Mind Link (and, presumably, a triggered, invisible power effects Dispel vs. his mind link so he doesn't wonder why he's suddenly got *2* mind links going).


Or maybe an invisible power effects Transform on the guy with mind link, changing "mind link only with Fred" to "mind link only with Me"


The problem here is that you're meddling with someone else's powers, changing the way that they work. That's gonna be expensive.

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Re: Mind Link = Detect Shape Shift?


Shape Shift versus the Mental Group would work. I would think the immitation adder would be a requisite though. As long as you've got that, you can become whatever mind the other person Links with.


If they've already got the Link set up with who you're imitating, you're essentially in a situation where the person is "seeing" two of you (or rather, the person you're imitating). If you do the Mental shift, you can then try to just convince them the other one's the fake, and prove it by establishing the Link (which could be a problem if you don't actually have Mind Link).


It could get really interesting if this other person has No LOS on their Mind Link and tries to contact the person you're duplicating. Who would they get, since there are now two identical thems out and about?

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Re: Mind Link = Detect Shape Shift?


Perhaps having a word with the GM: the roll should have been made in secret, if it needed to be made at all (if you knew it was coming and let all your own defences down, I'd probably have waived the roll). Actually I don't have the book with me but I didn't think Mind Link used a roll - you either got in voluntarily or not at all...hmmm....this is more a meta-game problem than a system problem IMO.


What you detect through a mind link is surface thoughts and communications, it doesn't necessarily have discriminatory or analyse attached to it, so you may be able to fool someone even if you do not have 'shape shift Mental Group'. I mean if someone wanted to do an impromptu impersonation of the villain's voice over a radio without shapeshift hearing or impersonation skills, I'd let them have some chance of doing it (INT roll at -3, maybe)as a contest against the other character's PER roll.


If the character you were trying to trick could ONLY link to his friend it wouldn't work with you even if you did have shapeshift mental, unless the GM was very seneraous (and to be persuaded I'd probably want the Imitation adder, and possibly cellular as well).

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