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Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR

Iuz the Evil

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Hi folks, here's the campaign my wife has been running... giving me the rare and treasured opportunity to be a player rather than GM for a change! Anyway, I'm going to post my character (he's mostly 4th Ed., and there are a few odd house rules... heck I'm not even sure everything adds up right it's been so long). And then I'll post the "crime journals" as the campaign progresses... it's sort of bronze age with shades of iron right now, kind of a rusty bronze hue? Feedback is welcome, but be gentle please - the wife is pretty sensitive and it's her first shot as a GM.


The setting is mostly in the greater Sacramento area, with some carry over into the San Francisco Bay area. So far I've battled government conspirators, Russian mobsters, child pornographers, drug dealers, hoodlums, and a lone incident of occult demonic forces.



(Michael “Mike†Anderson)

50** Str. 35 CHA Cost = 190

23 Dex. 39 Power Cost = 160

23 Con. 26 Exp. Spent = 21

12 Body 4 Total Cost = 371

14 Int. 4

14 Ego 8 Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12

20 Pre. 10 OCV: 8

12 Com. 1 DCV: 8

26** PD 16 ECV: 5

20** ED 14 Experience: 0

6 Spd. 27

14 Rec. 0

46 End. 0

57 Stun 11


Pts. Power

23 Tough As Nails: 26rPD, 20rED Damage Resistance


18 Combat Armor: 10 rPD, 5 rED hardened Armor, Act. 14/less (OIF - Combat Armor)


10 Shakes Off Almost Anything!: 25% resistant Physical Damage Reduction, requires Con. roll (-1/2)


3* Cyberimplants: 1 level Density Increase, always on, 0 END cost (already figured in)


12 Adapts instantly to damage: Variable Power Pool (10 points): only for defenses or recovery from damage (-1/2), requires a “Con†roll to change (-0), Little conscious control over powers manifested (-1/2), Powers change only when “damaged†or suffers a negative effect (-1/2), self only and no powers may be outside of person (such as force fields, force walls, etc) (-1/2), change powers as a 0 phase action (+1), if 5 turns pass without damage or negative effect then pool automatically switches to recovery from damage if any (-0) [Total Disadvantages -1, Total Cost 12 points]


25 Defies Gravity: Flight, 10†(4x Noncombat)


3*** Armored Visor: 5 pts. Vision Flash Defense


4 Psi-Shielding: 8 pts. Mental Defense (IIF - Combat Armor)


9 Acrobatics, Breakfall, Deduction

12 Stealth, Shadowing, Systems Operations, Streetwise

3 Weapon Familiarity w/ Small Arms

2 KS: Government Paranormal Operatives

8 Combat Sense, Defense Maneuver

10 2 Levels with Unarmed Combat

2 PS: Regional Water & Power Manager

1 Perk: Water Treatment Operator Certification


31 Martial Arts - Kung Fu/Wu Shu, Commando Training

Block (10 OCV, 10 DCV; Block/Abort)

Dodge (- OCV, 13 DCV; Dodge/Abort)

Escape (10 OCV, 10 DCV; 65 Str. vs. Grabs)

Kick (6 OCV, 9 DCV; 14d6 Strike)

Punch (8 OCV, 10 DCV; 12d6 Strike)

Throw (8 OCV, 9 DCV; 10d6 + v/5, target falls)

Grab (7 OCV, 7 DCV; grab two limbs, 60 str hold)

(+1 DC with Martial Arts)


*OIF - Cybernetic Implants

**Stats from Density Increase Already Figured

***OIF - Visor/Mirrorshades



1 1/2 x Stun vs. Poisons & Toxins (15 points)

Susceptability 2d6 stun/phase from very strong magnetic

fields/EMP (20 points)

Enraged if Companion or Innocent Injured, 11/less, recover

11/less (15 points)

Overconfidence (15 points)

Strong Sense of Social Justice (15 points)

Protects Innocents (10 points)

Distrustful of ‘Super Patriots’, representatives of

Government or Industry (15 points)

Watched by US Government, 11/less (10 points)

Hunted by Secret Government Cabal, 11/less (20 points)

Hunted by Campaign Villain Group, 11/less (20 points)

Distinctive Features (Mutant) (10 points)

Distinctive Features (Cybernetic Implantation & Physiology

Modification) (10 points)

Secret Identity (15 points)

Dependence on ‘Cyberline’ Drug, 3d6 drain vs. str/dex/con/

spd. down to ‘normal char. maxima’ per day

without use. (40 points)

Reputation (Violent Vigilante) (10 points)

Rivalry with other ‘super soldiers’ (10 points)



Mike was always pretty special, with gifts both athletic and intellectual. How special wasn’t clear until his mutant gifts of flight and invulnerability manifested in adolescence, and Mike found himself “volunteered†to join the Oil Wars of the 1990s along with many of his classmates. The Super Soldier program was in full swing, and his body’s resistance to damage made him an excellent candidate for the augmented

warrior cybernetics being tested as the next step in advanced battle systems during these conflicts. Mike served his two tours, and when the winds of political fortune shifted found himself with the opportunity to take an honorable discharge and be “decommisionedâ€. Returning to civilian life, he took a job with the State Department of Water Resources as a Water and Power Dispatcher. Less demanding work than covert ops and battles with terrorist supers, but fulfilling as the weeks drifted into years...

The winds of politics appear to have turned once more. Mike spotted some of his old comrades in arms, the kind that didn’t mind so much if there was a high civilian body count associated with their activities, and they were stateside! Clearly something shady is afoot, but he figured that some other paranormal would handle it. He’d done his duty, and was enjoying the fruits of his service... but then the toll on Liberty and the welfare of his fellow citizens began to grow. “Supervillains†who he recognized as disguised Super Soldier operatives began sanctioning civilian targets, obviously

aligned with the same oligarchs of industry who orchestrated the Oil Wars a decade and a half agone. As his frustration built, Mike realized that somebody had to do something, someone had to take action... and he was that somebody. Digging out his cache of “war trophies†(his battle-armor and a significant stockpile of Cyberline), Mike made a few cosmetic changes to the armor and Vindicator joined the ranks in the fight against villainy.



Damaged by “specific type†Energy KA – Armor +12rED (+8 rED hardened if penetrating/AP) only vs “specific type†energy KA (-1)


Damaged by Physical KA – Armor +6rPD (+4 rPD hardened if penetrating/AP)


Damaged by “standard†physical attack – +25% physical damage reduction


Damaged by “standard†energy attack - +25% energy damage reduction (or +50% only vs “specific type†of energy (-1))


Damaged by ego power – 10 points mental defense (13 points total)


Damaged by drain/transfer/suppress – 10 points power defense


Damaged by NND/AVLD – appropriate defense (if applicable)


Environmental damage – appropriate life support (up to 10 points)


Recovery from damage – 1 body regeneration OR 3d6 Aid to appropriate CHA/Powers, only to starting values (-1/2), Self only (-1/2), Always On (-1/2), 0 END Cost (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2)

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


11/11/04: Solosoft Case (Primary Criminals: Shamrock)

Investigated the theft of unknown materials by the

known brick-for-hire and former strongarm of the Irish

Republican Army, Shamrock. Unknown who is was working for

at the time, but he and the gunsels supporting him were well

equipped. Armor Piercing ammunition, FBI identification good

enough to fool local authorities, and biometric locks on the

doors of the facility they were utilizing. Fancy, shmancy. Also

found credit card number for Swiss Geimenshaft Bank, no

credit limit. Clearly they were in the employ of someone with

considerable resources, and it was extremely concerning to

discover that they appear to have been released following

their apprehension by local authorities (well, by me... but the

police had arrived by the time I was departing). Not my best

day, and next time that big Mick will find himself parked on an

island too far to jump to shore from. Note to self, return

materials to Solosoft (or other aggrieved party) personally

next time rather than trust ‘the authorities’. Least my first

activity as Vindicator showed me how much I’ve lost my edge

these past years, sheesh. I need to practice, the only thing

that hasn’t slowed way down is my ability to take a punch for

cryin’ out loud. I must be either getting old, or need to brush

up on basics. Thank my lucky stars that Shamrock is such a

goon, or I’d be in a world of hurt.

11/12/04: Contacted by ‘Mr. Smith’

Contacted in my ‘civvies’ by a ‘Mr. Smith’, who knows about

my work with the government during the Oil Wars. Shady

character, but had an interesting proposition for me

regarding countering the forces that threaten liberty and

freedom in this country. I’m inclined to believe him for now,

simply because I think it’s likely the folks behind Shamrock’s

activities would have tried killing me rather than recruiting

me. Doesn’t seem their style, but I’m definitely keeping my eyes

open on this one. I don’t trust this fellow at all yet, he just

reeks of government or corporate backing. The guy actually

offered me money to work for him, but seemed pleased when I

straightened him out on that. Not sure if it was avarice or a

shared agenda that made him happy, but I figure that time will

tell. He says he will ‘be in touch’... I’ll just bet he will.

11/25/04: Eco-Trans Assassination Plot (Primary Criminals:

Terror Inc.)

Contacted at home through mysterious gray envelope

that revealed coming assassination attempt at Sacramento

Metropolitan Airport against the President of Eco-Trans.

Suspected operatives were to be members of Terror Inc., and

this proved to be the case. I managed to warn the flight crew

and get them and the passengers to safety just prior to

engaging Scorpia, who had boarded the plane disguised as a

flight attendant. After a pretty vicious exchange, I escaped

with her unconscious body as Professor Muerte arrived on

the scene. Decided to turn her over to the British Embassy in

San Francisco, since my experience with Shamrock has me

somewhat suspicious of the American authorities. Turns out

that Eco-Trans was developing a fuel additive which will

greatly reduce emissions and fuel consumption, also the

president of their corporation is openly gay and planned on

attending a GLA (Gay-Lesbian Alliance) business mixer. My

guess is that the gay thing is a red herring, it’s all about the

oil, just like in Desert Storm.

12/14/04: High speed robbery

While getting some holiday shopping done in the Capitol

Mall, I observed a trio of ski-masked, armed perpetrators

fleeing from Macy’s in an armored Wells Fargo truck...

obviously making off with a considerable haul of seasonal

proceeds. Ducked into restroom and shucked my civvies,

intercepted them and used a combination of my strength and

flight to upend the truck. The cretins were swiftly subdued,

despite their rather feeble efforts at resistance.

Unfortunately, some clever fellow with a hi-res phone camera

filmed me during the final moments of the conflict... made the

ten o’clock local news, and clearly established my

imperviousness to small arms fire (also my strength given the

picking up and upending of the armored car). Would have

preferred to avoid widespread broadcast of my powers, but

there was unfortunately little recourse. At least no

bystanders were hurt.

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


12/28/04: Child slavery ring

Rumors of child slavers operating in North Highlands and Del Paso Heights reached my ears, and I determined to investigate. Roughed up a bunch of scumbags looking around, but didn’t find much aside from the usual mid-teen prostututes selling themselves for crank, until I caught Raoul “Dimebag†Peres peddling kiddie porn out of a van. Broke his left femur and right arm before he spilled, the guy kept telling me how he knew “wouldn’t do nothing†as I’m a “super-suitâ€. Dumbass. Left him and his goodies with an audiotaped confession tied up in rebar knots in front of the downtown police station. Then I went to the safe house those scum were running, in western DPH. The less said about what I found there, the better... clearly so-called “supervillains†are not the worst evil in the world. The couple running the place will pull through I hear, courtesy of Sutter Memorial Hospital, and given enough physical rehab they’ll probably even be able to walk by the time they get out of prison in 10-20 years. Almost lost it in there. CPS showed up thanks to my phone call and took the

kids to the shelter, wish there was something more I could do. Makes me feel sick and dirty just thinking about it.


1/19/05: Meth lab explosion

Responded to a three alarm apartment fire in West Sacramento, meth lab blew up and the fire was burning through the three story structure like it was gasoline soaked newspaper. I assisted local fire departments in evacuating civilians (and a lucky pooch), and flew in a rather large quantity of water in a ripped open milk truck to dump on the blaze. Estimated damages are in excess of $3 million, and three people lost their lives in the fire, but it would have been much worse if I hadn’t been along. Felt good to make a difference with something so straightforward. Still haven’t heard from Smith, starting to wonder what’s going on with all that...


1/25/05: Arcane Adversary (Primary Criminal: Demoness)

On my way home from the Capitol Plaza, I became alerted to widespread traffic signal disruption and injury accidents. I assisted the EMTs repeatedly in moving vehicles aside and rescuing injured passengers, when I discovered on further investigation that centered in each of the traffic signal

“zones†was a specialized transistor wired into the main junction box. Someone was remotely triggering the incidents. I determined that the shape of the incidents corresponded to a five pointed star, and after a bit of thought located a sizeable structure at the center of the region. This office building had flickering lights on the second floor, and I broke in to confront a scaled demonic woman during some arcane ritual. Four of the candles in her pentagram were lit, which I later learned corresponded to the four deaths during the accidents. I lost my cool given the widespread loss of innocent life, and rather seriously injured her with a series of Wu Shu strikes and kicks. Unfortunately, interrogation proved impossible as she collapsed into a cloud of sulphuric smoke when I rendered her unconscious. The attorney whose office was being utilized might prove an interesting follow up,

or possibly the circuit boards left at the scene...

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


2/8/05: Occult Incident Follow Up

The attorney whose office was being used by the demoness was a hapless dupe, one Steve Wood. He agreed (with some persuasion) to return to the paganistic group meetings he had met her at, and attempted to inquire as to whether anyone knew her (during their new moon services). No joy however, and from what I observed it’s highly unlikely any of the people present would know a real arcane entity if it bit them on their ass. Steve expressed a strong desire to avoid future contact with either the group or me, though I gave him a hotmail e-drop address which I’ll access through a county library based dynamic IP address. Doubt I’ll hear from him, but if he gets into trouble maybe I can help... seems like a decent fellow who just got used.


2/12/05: The Organizatsiya and Gem Smuggling

The Russian Mafia has gotten quite involved in various illicit activities in the West Sacramento and Harbor regions of the city, and recent news stories alerted me to their traffic in stolen gems through local jewelers. I followed a “mule†from one such cover operation, tracking him to the harbor drop and waiting patiently while he made the exchange. Then I followed the individual who recieved the gemstones to a trawler of Russian registry where he handed them to a sizeable number of Organizatsiya goons. Having learned from some of my recent engagements, I did not act at once, but continued to follow him after the drop to a very substantial house in the older neighborhoods of central Sacramento. He made another exchange, turning in a small card recieved at the ship to a woman who came out of the building before departing. I waited a bit, but nothing else of interest was happening at the house, so I returned to the dock expecting some action against

the Russians. I was not dissapointed.


There were eight armed Organizatsiya enforcers on the ship, three on the gangplank, and five more on the dock. All were armed with sub-machineguns when I initially engaged them, and they flattened light ammo against me like they bought it wholesale. Noticing the lack of effectiveness, two of them ran to their vehicle on the dock and got out a couple AK-74 assault rifles. I caught a round in the face from a lucky hit, and it stung enough that I may have hit the guy a bit hard. He’ll live with decent medical care though. After I established the guns weren’t going to help them, and gave about half their number some minor broken bones and light bleeding, the Russians gave up. I gathered them up, called the Coast Guard on the ship-to-shore radio, and stuck around until the feds showed up. There was a couple of million dollars worth of diamonds in that safe I broke open, and I’m guessing the local mob boss is going to be seriously pissed off. The feds asked me to come with them, but I let them know “I don’t take requests†before flying off. At least they were smart enough not to waste ammo on me. Tomorrow I’m going to stake out that manor house in central Sacramento, my guess is there are more activities these guys are up to in my city that I won’t approve of. I also figure they won’t appreciate how I express my displeasure.

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


Sounds like a pretty fun game so far. It has a lot of that "don't trust govt/corporations" feel that you can get lots of good subplot mileage from. Sure it's all iron age but if it's fun, run with it.


As to the character, he seems fine to me. Only thing I'd want is more Flight, but I suspect that's just personal preference on my part.

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


Sounds like a pretty fun game so far. It has a lot of that "don't trust govt/corporations" feel that you can get lots of good subplot mileage from. Sure it's all iron age but if it's fun, run with it.


As to the character, he seems fine to me. Only thing I'd want is more Flight, but I suspect that's just personal preference on my part.


Yeah, I'm planning to buy up flight in the near future with my experience. I have his mutant power structure defined as a physiology that adapts to stressors rapidly, growing increasingly resistant to damage, hostile environments, and the like while increasing the existing powers as they are pushed to new limits. My GM/wife is a stickler for "you want to pay exp for what? Ok, give me a viable reason or forget it!" (damn me for all those years of hard line experience policedom). So I made sure to give myself SOME wiggle-room or I'd be limited to straight up skills... which wouldn't be awful, but at 350 points I wanted to be able to upgrade a bit. I'm going to aim at about 15" flight with a x8 noncombat multiple (and maybe a 1/2 END cost) down the road a piece... I've been pushing my flight like crazy just to move around the battlefield and will use that as impetus for both increased speed of movement and decrease in endurance cost over a couple of campaign months. I also noted that I forgot to include the list of resistances/recoveries that my VPP draws from (GM selects them in response to specific negative effects), so I'll Edit it into my first post. It was the best way I could think up to simulate his adapting to the most recent damaging effect on a 350 point scale.


Thanks for the feedback :)

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


The setting is mostly in the greater Sacramento area' date=' with some carry over into the San Francisco Bay area. So far I've battled government conspirators, Russian mobsters, child pornographers, drug dealers, hoodlums, and a lone incident of occult demonic forces. [/quote']


Well, you certainly hit all the appropriate locations. West Sac, Del Paso Heights, North Highlands...


...hey! No Rancho Cambodia? No South Sac ("South side repreZEEEEEENNNNT!")? Blatant discrimination!


By the way, Sacramento Metro is actually "Sacramento International Airport" now. I guess Canada counts, and they have their own Starbucks and everything. Let's not sell Cow Town short, pal.


Good stuff, though :)

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


Well, you certainly hit all the appropriate locations. West Sac, Del Paso Heights, North Highlands...


...hey! No Rancho Cambodia? No South Sac ("South side repreZEEEEEENNNNT!")? Blatant discrimination!


By the way, Sacramento Metro is actually "Sacramento International Airport" now. I guess Canada counts, and they have their own Starbucks and everything. Let's not sell Cow Town short, pal.


Good stuff, though :)


Well Vindicator's a local boy, so he still calls it Sacramento Metro like everyone else who grew up around here. ...and don't you worry, I have a feeling we'll be hitting South Sac, Rancho Cordova, and even maybe roll on over to Stockton following up on leads (at least ONE of the many homicides must be due to someone in Stockton if I'm to maintain my suspension of disbelief).


It's been pretty fun stuff, the last campaign I ran was set in San Francisco, the one before that in Oklahoma City. We always set the heroe(s) somewhere geographically proximate so there's the mutual knowledge of geographic features and major city sites IRL. I'm hoping she'll let me get in a fight with baddies at Rivercat Stadium :eg:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - CHIMERA


Here's a Stockton area superheroine/vigilante who Vindicator will be interacting with on a semi-frequent basis (recurring NPC). Inspired (as are all the NPCs I generated for this purpose) by Storn's art.



(Carole Reihms)

10/15* Str. 3

18/23* Dex. 34

20 Con. 20

10 Body 0

13 Int. 3

11 Ego 2

20 Pre. 10

16 Com. 3

5/12* PD 6

5/8* ED 3

4/5* Spd. 15

6/8 Rec. 0 CHA Cost = 116 OCV = 6/8

40/50 End. 2 Power Cost = 184 DCV = 6/8

35/45* Stun 15 Total Cost = 300 ECV = 4

Pts. Power

14* Armor 10 rPD, 5 rED, OIF - Battlesuit

11* Suit Sensor Suite - Radio Listen & Transmit, IR Vision, +3 on PER rolls

7* 360 degree vision (suit sensor suite)

5* 5 points Vision & 3 points Hearing Flash Defense (sensor buffers)

3* -5 Lack of Weakness

3* 8 points Mental Defense (Psionic Shielding)

20 Multipower - 40 active points (OAF - Battle Staff)

4 u. Battle Staff - +4d6 Hand to Hand Attack, AP, Penetrating, 0 END [+2] Cost with linked 1†stretching (no noncombat -1/4, linked to HTH (-1/2)

4 u. Staff Blaster - 12d6 Energy Blast, beam only (-1/4), 12 charges (-1/4)

4 u. Spinning Block - Missile Deflection through bullets/shrapnel, +7 on “to hit†rolls, affects adjacent hex

10 +2â€/5†Running (8â€/11†total), 1/2 END Cost* 1/10â€

3* +5†Superleap (8†x 4†total) 1/5â€

7* 2 levels with Martial Arts (Suit Battle Computer Interface)

3* Defense Maneuver (Suit Battle Computer Interface)

12 Acrobatics, Breakfall, Computer Programming, Deduction

12 Criminology, Lockpicking, Electronics, Security Systems

8 Stealth, Streetwise, AK: Central Valley

4 WF: Bo Staff/Jo Staff, Small Arms

29 Martial Arts - Bojutsu/Jojutsu, Shaolin Shuan Fa

Block (10 OCV, 10 DCV: Block, Abort)

Disarm (7 OCV, 9 DCV: 25/30 STR Disarm)

Legsweep (10 OCV, 7 DCV: 4d6/5d6 strike or 9d6 w/ staff, target falls)

Strike (8 OCV, 10 DCV: 5d6/6d6 strike or 10d6 w/ staff)

Smash (6 OCV, 9 DCV: 7d6/8d6 strike or 12d6 w/ staff)

Dodge (13 DCV: Dodge, Abort)

Escape (7 OCV, 9 DCV: 30/35 STR vs. Grabs)

4 +1 DC with Martial Arts

5 2 levels DCV, requires an acrobatics roll, side effect (-2 DCV)

4 Languages: Spanish, Russian (fluent w/ accent)

1 Perk - Local Police Powers (only in Secret ID)

7 PS: Policewoman, Well Connected, Contacts (FBI, Police)

* OIF - Battlesuit




Secret Identity 15

Reputation (Vengeful Vigilante), 11/less 15

Distinctive Features (Air of Overconfidence and Competence) 5

Hunted by Local Gangs, 11/less 20

Watched by Federal Government, 14/less 15

Hunted by Organized Crime, 8/less 15

Hunted by Campaign Villain Group, 8/less 20

Protective of Innocents (x1/2) 5

Vengeful 15

Thrillseeker, Love of Excitement and Danger 15

Loves to Fight 15

Normal Characteristic Maxima 20

Rivalry: Professional, with Zephyr 10

DNPC, Normal Sister, 8/less (CPS worker) 10



Carole Reihms had always dreamed of following in her

father’s footsteps and becoming a law enforcement officer.

Her dad was a good cop, a great father, and she and her sister

were both stunned and traumatized when he was killed in the

line of duty during a drug store robbery while she was in high

school. Carole grew increasingly determined to “make a

differenceâ€, and went to CSU, Sacramento where she majored

in Criminology. After a stint with the Sacramento County

Sherriff’s Department, she was wounded in a shootout while

busting a meth lab. Carole realized that she would need more

than a badge to truly impact the criminals who had killed her

father and continued to terrorize innocent people. She began

to evaluate what would be necessary for her to make a

difference in the shadows, as a vigilante.

Five more long years passed, and Carole had greatly

expanded her repertoire of skills, had acquired some

equipment through black market channels and crafted some

as well, and had transferred to the Stockton Police

Department where she’d been promoted to the rank of

Detective. Now she was ready to take the battle to the streets

in a new identity, as a creature of legend whose name would

evoke terror in the superstitious criminals of the city... as




“Drop the gun or I’ll drop you Vato...†OR “Do yourself a favor

and give up, I can keep this up all night longâ€

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - ZEPHYR


Here's another Storn art inspired superhero who will reprise the "recurring NPC hero" role. The speedster threads on this board were extremely helpful.



(William Renvold)

20 Str. 10 CHA Cost = 173

30 Dex. 60 Power Cost = 177

25 Con. 30 Total Cost = 350

10 Body 0

10 Int. 0

11 Ego 2

20 Pre. 10

12 Com. 1 OCV: 10

14 PD 10 DCV: 10

10 ED 5 ECV: 4

8 Spd. 40 Phases: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12

9 Rec. 0

50 End. 0

38 Stun 5


Pts. Power


60 Multipower (Super Speed)

6 u. 30†Flight, must be in contact with a surface, 1/2 END Cost 1/10â€

6 u. +22†Running (28â€), 8x noncombat multiple, 1/2 END Cost 2(3)

5 u. Teleportation 50â€, only to reach area that Zephyr could physically

1/5†move to by normal means (-1/2), no noncombat multiple (-1/4)

45 Variable Power Pool, (20 point pool/25 point control cost), change as 0-

phase action (+1), no skill roll required (+1), Speed Powers Only


7 Damage Resistance, 12rPD 8rED (OIF - speedsuit)

3 5 points Vision Flash Defense (OIF - visor)

17 +4d6 Hand to Hand Attack (8d6 hyper velocity punch/kick), str+2(x5)

Autofire (5 shots)(+1/2)

11 2 levels with All Combat, only vs. attacks Zephyr is aware of (-1/2)

10 3 levels DCV, only vs attacks Zephyr is aware of (-1/2)

8 Breakfall, Bureaucracy, PS: Human Resources




Secret Identity


Hunted by Organized Crime, 11/less


Hunted by campaign Supervillain group, 8/less


Hunted by Street Gangs, 11/less


Reputation (speedster vigilante), 11/less


2x effect from Gas or poisons


1 1/2x effect from drains or transfers


Physical Limitation (hyperactive metabolism, must eat at

double rate) 10





Code vs. Killing


Hyperactive/Easily Bored


Distinctive Features (Mutant)


Rivalry (other speedsters)




Bill Renvold grew up in San Diego, where his parents

still live. He did well enough at school, graduating with a

degree in Business Administration from CSU, San Diego. Bill

was coasting through life, moving into a position with the

human resources department of a northern California

publishing company... most people thought things were looking

pretty decent for Bill. Except for the fact he was bored to


Bill’s latent mutant powers had kicked in during those

college years, and events around him now moved with the

speed of molasses in winter. Waiting in line at a grocery store

was an excercise in patience, while the DMV was now

something he avoided at all costs. He adopted the identity of

Zephyr shortly after moving to the west Bay Area, and has

fought crime all over northern California since doing so.

Early in his career, Zephyr rescued the wife of a wealthy

industrialist, who gifted him with the bullet-proof “speed suitâ€

he now wears (and who continues to provide for regular

maintenance of it as well). Zephyr is having the time of his life,

and cannot imagine doing anything else!



“Thisfightwasoverbeforeitstarted!†(WHOOOSH <



Speed Powers - Common Variable Power Pool Configurations


“You Can’t Hit What You Can’t Catch†- +9 DEX., doesn’t affect

skills/figured characteristics (-1/2), only to calculate CV (-

1/2) [14 active points]


“Catch a bullet in my teeth†- Missile Deflection, through

bullets/shrapnel, affects adja cent (+1/2), Costs END to

use (-1/2) [15 active points]


“Sonic Boom†- 2d6 NND vs. hearing flash defense, Explosion

(+1/2), No Range (-1/2), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Must move

at least half move/gestures (-1/4) [20 ac tive points]


“Whooosh!†- 4d6 EB, Double KB (+3/4), 3x END Cost (-1),

Trigger - super speed(+1/4), Linked to Running (-1/2), AE:Any

(+1), No Range (-1/2) [20 active points]


“Ten on one, I like these odds†- +10 STR., Area of Effect (Any

Area:+1), Selective Target (+1/2), only for HTH combat (-1/2)

[20 active points] (Note: when com bined with the autofire,

hyper-velocity attack this can inflict 5 shots of 10d6 dam age

to any 3 hex area selectively... at a cost of 30 END!)


“Just let me... catch my breath†- +15 REC, only to recover END.

(-1/2) [20 active points]


“Mach what?†- additional x16 noncombat multiple on Running

(multipower slot #2) or Flight (multipower slot #1) [20

active points] (Maximum velocity is just over Mach 18,

though Zephyr obviously doesn’t do this near population



“You can’t sneak up on me†- 360 degree vision [10 points]


“Need an extra hand?†- Extra Limbs, only for instant speed

effects (-1/2) [7 active points]


“Didn’t even see me move†- Stretching 2â€, no noncombat

stretching (-1/4), instant speed effects only (-1/2) [11 active



“Barely got me†- 50% resistant Physical or Energy Damage

Reduction, requires a suc cessful “Dex†roll (-1/2), Costs END

to use (-1/2), only vs. attacks Zephyr is aware of (-1/2) [12

active points]


“Ouch! Good thing I heal quick†- 2 BODY Regeneration [20

active points]


“Headed right through you†- +x levels OCV with move through,

only to offset velocity penalties (-1/2) [2/3 points per

level, ex. 6 points = 4 levels]


“I’m a quick study†- Lightning Calculator, Speed Reading [3

active points each]

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - ZEPHYR


Yup, when not lurking on my "obsidian throne in Dorakaa", I reside in Davis. I spent 18 years there, went of to CSUChico for the standard 6.5 year BA that institution produces (and killersocial skills), moved to Oklahoma for graduate school & licensure & just living/working, had kids and like the mighty salmon returned to Davis to raise them.


It's a good time... the Sacto campaign is a blast, we took a break for about 2 weeks cause of RL stuff. I expect to resume my "crime journal" next weekend by crushing the Organizatsiya branch I've tracked to central Sac (the neighborhood in the letters region near 16th street). Hoping that "Mr. Smith" will make a return appearance and bring up some component of the main plot thread as well, or maybe a clash with another villainous superhuman? Only the GM knows for sure...

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


Sigh. My dormant campaign was based in Sac to start, then wandered all over California.


You guys have a perfectly good, half-assed reactor in Rancho Seco. Who can't have adventures around a nuclear reactor?


My game flamed out when the adventure plot was to save the kidnapped governor, and the whole team said screw it. Of course the governor at the time was Pete Wilson.

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


Sigh. My dormant campaign was based in Sac to start, then wandered all over California.


You guys have a perfectly good, half-assed reactor in Rancho Seco. Who can't have adventures around a nuclear reactor?


My game flamed out when the adventure plot was to save the kidnapped governor, and the whole team said screw it. Of course the governor at the time was Pete Wilson.


Bwahahahaha! Pete Wilson?! I probably wouldn't have tried to save him either... :lol:


That's awesomely funny... I still remember him approving the 300% hike in tuition for the state University system. Yeah, I think that would be a hard sell for the group I was in at the time.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


2/12/05: The Organizatsiya and Gem Smuggling

The Russian Mafia has gotten quite involved in various illicit activities in the West Sacramento and Harbor regions of the city, and recent news stories alerted me to their traffic in stolen gems through local jewelers. I followed a “mule†from one such cover operation, tracking him to the harbor drop and waiting patiently while he made the exchange. Then I followed the individual who recieved the gemstones to a trawler of Russian registry where he handed them to a sizeable number of Organizatsiya goons. Having learned from some of my recent engagements, I did not act at once, but continued to follow him after the drop to a very substantial house in the older neighborhoods of central Sacramento. He made another exchange, turning in a small card recieved at the ship to a woman who came out of the building before departing. I waited a bit, but nothing else of interest was happening at the house, so I returned to the dock expecting some action against the Russians. I was not dissapointed.


There were eight armed Organizatsiya enforcers on the ship, three on the gangplank, and five more on the dock. All were armed with sub-machineguns when I initially engaged them, and they flattened light ammo against me like they bought it wholesale. Noticing the lack of effectiveness, two of them ran to their vehicle on the dock and got out a couple AK-74 assault rifles. I caught a round in the face from a lucky hit, and it stung enough that I may have hit the guy a bit hard. He’ll live with decent medical care though. After I established the guns weren’t going to help them, and gave about half their number some minor broken bones and light bleeding, the Russians gave up. I gathered them up, called the Coast Guard on the ship-to-shore radio, and stuck around until the feds showed up. There was a couple of million dollars worth of diamonds in that safe I broke open, and I’m guessing the local mob boss is going to be seriously pissed off. The feds asked me to come with them, but I let them know “I don’t take requests†before flying off. At least they were smart enough not to waste ammo on me. Tomorrow I’m going to stake out that manor house in central Sacramento, my guess is there are more activities these guys are up to in my city that I won’t approve of. I also figure they won’t appreciate how I express my displeasure.

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


2/27/05: Gangbusting the Organizatsiya

Well I spent the past two weeks staking out the “substantial older house†in central Sacramento. Lots of traffic in and out, packages dropped off and plenty of thugs hanging about. Followed plenty of cars back to various businesses and residences, and generally watched and waited. I’ve got eight locations which I have tagged as “primary targets†(weapons dealing, extortion rackets, etc.), and six more “secondary targets†(tariff avoidance, money laundering, etc.). Now it’s time to make my displeasure more fully apparent to these folks.


I went over to a warehouse in Roseville, basically a bunch of AK-47s, Light Anti-Tank Weapons, grenades, and other ordinance. The goons there were no match for me, they did enthusiastically flatten a bunch of ammunition against me though. One of them busted out the merchandise (clever boy), and tagged me with a rocket. That stung a bit, but it was pretty demoralizing for them when I shook it off and flattened the smart guy with a right hook. I ran them off, made sure there was nobody inside, and blew the place with a half dozen grenades before setting a fire. Before leaving, I made sure to mention to one who spoke english to pass along a message for me that, “I’m not going to tolerate this type of activity around here anymore†to his superiors. He didn’t seem happy but was pretty civil about it.


I then proceeded to trash my way through three more “primary target†areas the same night. Not sure the total cost to the Organizatsiya, but I’d guess a couple million dollars. I know for a fact there must’ve been three hundred thousand in cash which I dumped out over a three mile area of downtown Sacramento after a visit to their local extortionists.


Somebody is gonna be pissed.

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Re: Sacramento Area Campaign - VINDICATOR


3/6/05: Cut to the Chase, Organazitsaya Big Cheese


I decided that I was getting tired knocking around the Russian Mafioso, so I dropped by the residence of the man who I had determined was the major mover and shaker in the Central Valley. Snuck into the house without being spotted by the hard guys lurking around, and was waiting in his unlit bedroom when he came strolling in with his wife. I told him to send her away, as we had business to discuss, and his eyes got appreciably large before narrowing shrewdly. She went, he stayed, and we had a nice chat about how much I was going to cost him and his overbosses in Moscow. I mentioned that I had only scratched the surface of how much damage could be inflicted on the group, that I was not the police and “didn’t care about evidence or proceduresâ€, and that I wasn’t above tossing a couple of his expensive cars through the front of his house to make my point, or hospitalizing every goon-looking bruiser I even thought was associated with them. He started looking a little worried, but mostly just mad as hell. Tough



When he asked what I wanted from him, he demonstrated that he was smart as well as brave. I told him, basically that I didn’t expect him to “go legit†but that certain criminal behavior was not going to be tolerated. No kiddie porn, immigrant slavery, drug traffic or victimization of innocents,

no distribution of missiles to terrorists, no breaking the legs of local shopkeepers to make them turn over part of their take. I don’t care about tariff dodging, I don’t care about running illegal craps games or sports betting. I do care about hurting people who have done nothing and can’t protect themselves. He asked a couple of shrewd questions and we clarified that he didn’t have absolute control over his men, but also that I would hold him responsible for any egregious violations of these standards. Not thrilled that I can’t shut them down altogether, but realistically I am just one man (even if I’m a man who can fly and bounce military ordinance off my pecs), and I’ll live with containment at the moment. We also established that the fight between me and the Organizatsiya wasn’t over, but would be limited in scope as I have bigger fish to fry so long as they don’t cross the line I just drew in the sandy dirt of West Sacramento. I’m not calling it “Southportâ€, that’s ridiculous and pretentious. It’s still West Sac, I don’t care how much they gentrify it.


So with that little chapter of my vigilante career largely out of the way, I am now going to move on to the “bigger fish†I mentioned. Heard that there was some activity by paranormals who might have something to do with the Program by the sounds of things, and THAT interests me a whole lot more than some gangster wannabes who I’ve largely defanged (at least for now).

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