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Help with Sai (character review)


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Hi Everyone,


I am new to the boards and some what new to Champions and Hero System.


I have created maybe a handfull of Hero system characters. My gaming group is starting a Champion campaign and I want help with my character. I just spent the last 3 hours creating her and I would like some imput on her.



She is a mutant. They call them Eugenics in this campaign. He a super cop. She is a mentalist with a little bit of martial arts. Her Mental powers have 2 focus areas clairvoyance and Psi powers. I think her Clairvoyance power can describle themselves, but I am not sure about her Psi power Multipower.


I think I did it right for the Telepathy powers, but slot 5 and 6 I am not sure about. Slot 5 'Sai with Psi' power I want some focus on. Here the idea around the character. She can empower her Sai with Psi energy. I am not sure if I can do that or if I did it right. I want her to be able to Ego atttack from range if she has too, but that brings up should I even have the slot 5 power? Please help me if you can.







Val** Char*** Cost
13** STR 3
13** DEX 9
13** CON 6
13** BODY 6
18** INT 8
23** EGO 26
14** PRE 4
18** COM 4
3** PD 0
3** ED 0
5** SPD 27
7** REC 2
32** END 3
27** STUN 0
*7"**RUN22"**SWIM02 1/2"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 100


Cost** Power END
16** Clairvoyance: Elemental Control, 32-point powers*
8** 1) Visions: Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (67 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Precognition Only (-1), Fixed Perception Point (-1), Vague and Unclear (-1/2), Only Through The Senses Of Others (-1/2)* 0
9** 2) Object Read: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (67 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Retrocognition Only (-1), Fixed Perception Point (Of the object; -1), IAF (-1/2)* 0
16** 3) Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, any danger, Function as a Sense) (32 Active Points) 13-*
11** 4) Precognitive Dodge: +7 with DCV (35 Active Points); Requires An EGO Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4)*
50** Psi Powers: Multipower, 50-point reserve*
5u** 1) Mind Scan: Telepathy 8d6 (Human class of minds), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points)* 2
2u** 2) Deep Scan: Telepathy 4d6 (Human class of minds), Cumulative (384 points; +1 1/2) (50 Active Points); Skin Contact Required (-1), Receive Only (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)* 5
4m** 3) Telepathic Link: Mind Link , Any Willing Target, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8) (40 Active Points); Feedback STUN Only (-1)* 0
5u** 4) Psi Control: Mind Control 10d6 (50 Active Points)* 5
4m** 5) Sai with Psi: Hand-To-Hand Attack +8d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)* 2
7m** 6) Psi blast: Ego Attack 5d6 (Human class of minds) (50 Active Points); Beam (-1/4), Visible (-1/4)* 5
12** Psi Shields: Mental Defense (17 points total)* 0
Powers Cost: 149


Cost** Martial Arts Maneuver
** Saijutsu*
4** 1) Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 4 1/2d6 Strike*
4** 2) Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort*
4** 3) Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort*
4** 4) Martial Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 23 STR to Disarm*
4** 5) Weapon Bind: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Bind, 23 STR*
Martial Arts Cost: 20


Cost** Skill
3** Acrobatics 12-*
3** Analyze: Style: Agility Skills 13-*
3** Security Systems 13-*
3** Shadowing 13-*
3** Stealth 12-*
3** Criminology 13-*
3** Interrogation 12-*
2** AK: Portland 11-*
9** +3 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks*
2** KS 11-*
10** Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH) *
3** +1 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks*
Skills Cost: 47


Cost** Perk
2** Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers*
1** Fringe Benefit: Licensed Psionic*
1** Fringe Benefit: Black Belt*
Perks Cost: 4




Total Character Cost: 320


Val** Disadvantages
15** Hunted: Black Sai 8- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)*
20** Psychological Limitation: Code Vs Killing (Common, Total)*
15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Frequently, Major)*
10** Physical Limitation: Plagued by Voices (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)*
15** Distinctive Features: Eugenics (Gen 3) (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)*
10** Social Limitation: Take on high emotions of a crowd mentally (Frequently, Minor)*
10** Distinctive Features: Always waers gloves in public (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
15** Dependent NPC: Grandmother 8- (Incompetent)*
10** Social Limitation: Trying to live up to dead Dad's Reputation (Occasionally, Major)*

Disadvantage Points: 120


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0




PS - I am up late so please forgive my typing.

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


Need to know more about the campain before I can make a call. Right now she is very normal human with AMAZING MENTAL POWERS.


Okay I take that back. You might want to make all your MP slots ultra cause you don't have enough point to run more than one anyway.


If you are going to use weapons with your arts then you might need a WF or two.


You do not appear to have any protection other than mental. If you get shot, you will die.


I will post more after I sleep.

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


A few small thoughts and points, many are very picky so take with a pinch of salt


If I was the GM and you were a player presenting this character to me....



I would not make you pay for the Black Belt, you are or you are not. That point I would spend on WPN element unarmed for your Martial Art.


Sai is a very normal person for a Supers campaign, if everyone else is like that then that is great. Normals with Superpowers is cool.


If the others are built as 350 point combat machines then Sai is about to be a bloody smear on the aspahlt!


What are the skills "9** +3 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks*" that you bought twice.


Is the analyze, for Agility skills or for martial arts?


What is the Skill v Skill roll with the extra dcv?


I would consider breakfall for any Martial Artist.


I'm guessing he is a policeman, do you think he could have any more skills to simulate that?


Could you come up with another 30 disads and spend the extra points somewhere?



I really like the disadvantage that you take on the emotions of the crowd, however i would make that a physical limitaion rather than a social one.


All in all a nice character that you could have a lot of fun with, good work. :thumbup:

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


Well now that I had some sleep, I feel better.




What do you need to know? I know it a 200 base game with 125 disadvantages. There about 5 heroes with no limited on origin. I think we have a Troll (Brick) and a character like bishop (absorption and redirect) character. I not sure what else.


I will change the slots and get the Weapon Familiarity. I was going to get WF I just forgot.


WHat kind of def should I get? A force field base on TK? I was thinking the Precognitive Dodge would help.


Thank you for your advice. I would like to 'hear' more.




I was not sure If he want to me buy that or not so to be on the safe side I thought I would get it.


What is a WPN element unarmed for your Martial Art?


I am not sure what everyone is like we have not played yet. The other characters sound more combat focused.


The first "with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks: is with Saijutsu. The second is with my Psi Powers Multipower.


The analyze is for martial arts.


I was thinking the Skill v Skill on my Precognitive Dodge would be ... Some sort of EGO vs ECV of the attacker but that does not make sense now... It would make more sense to make it a danger sense or something like that...


I will take breakfall. I like that one!


What would you suggest for other police skills? I will look later today at the skill I did them first and was trying to 'save' points for my powers.


I can only get another 5 disadvantages.


Thanks for the help. Please ask questions and I will try and respond ASAP.




PS I will change the character and try to repost later today.

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


I got the changes in before work.


Another limitation we have is no more 50 points on one power.


I have 4 more points as is or 9 more points if I take a 5 point disadvantage. I am willing to shift points and drop power to get a good character.


Here is my new copy.


BTW I did have the label on the CS but they are not coming out in the export.






Val** Char*** Cost
13** STR 3
13** DEX 9
13** CON 6
13** BODY 6
18** INT 8
23** EGO 26
14** PRE 4
18** COM 4
3** PD 0
3** ED 0
5** SPD 27
7** REC 2
32** END 3
27** STUN 0
*7"**RUN22"**SWIM02 1/2"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 100


Cost** Power END
16** Clairvoyance: Elemental Control, 32-point powers*
8** 1) Visions: Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (67 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Precognition Only (-1), Fixed Perception Point (-1), Vague and Unclear (-1/2), Only Through The Senses Of Others (-1/2)* 0
9** 2) Object Read: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (67 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Retrocognition Only (-1), Fixed Perception Point (Of the object; -1), IAF (-1/2)* 0
16** 3) Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, any danger, Function as a Sense) (32 Active Points) 13-*
13** 4) Precognitive Dodge: +7 with DCV (35 Active Points); Requires An EGO Roll (-1/2)*
50** Psi Powers: Multipower, 50-point reserve*
5u** 1) Mind Scan: Telepathy 8d6 (Human class of minds), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points)* 2
2u** 2) Deep Scan: Telepathy 4d6 (Human class of minds), Cumulative (384 points; +1 1/2) (50 Active Points); Skin Contact Required (-1), Receive Only (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)* 5
2u** 3) Telepathic Link: Mind Link , Any Willing Target, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8) (40 Active Points); Feedback STUN Only (-1)* 0
5u** 4) Psi Control: Mind Control 10d6 (50 Active Points)* 5
2u** 5) Sai with Psi: Hand-To-Hand Attack +8d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)* 2
3u** 6) Psi blast: Ego Attack 5d6 (Human class of minds) (50 Active Points); Beam (-1/4), Visible (-1/4)* 5
12** Psi Shields: Mental Defense (17 points total)* 0
Powers Cost: 143


Cost** Martial Arts Maneuver
** Saijutsu*
4** 1) Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 4 1/2d6 Strike*
4** 2) Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort*
4** 3) Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort*
4** 4) Martial Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 23 STR to Disarm*
4** 5) Weapon Bind: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Bind, 23 STR*
Martial Arts Cost: 20


Cost** Skill
3** Acrobatics 12-*
2** AK: Portland 11-*
3** Analyze: Style: Combat 13-*
3** Breakfall 12-*
3** Criminology 13-*
9** +3 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks*
3** Interrogation 12-*
2** KS 11-*
3** Security Systems 13-*
3** Shadowing 13-*
3** Stealth 12-*
10** Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH) *
2** WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons*
Skills Cost: 49


Cost** Perk
1** Fringe Benefit: Black Belt*
1** Fringe Benefit: Licensed Psionic*
2** Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers*
Perks Cost: 4




Total Character Cost: 316


Val** Disadvantages
15** Hunted: Black Sai 8- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)*
20** Psychological Limitation: Code Vs Killing (Common, Total)*
15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Frequently, Major)*
10** Physical Limitation: Plagued by Voices (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)*
15** Distinctive Features: Eugenics (Gen 3) (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)*
10** Physical Limitation: Takes on high emotions of a crowd mentally (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)*
10** Distinctive Features: Always waers gloves in public (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
15** Dependent NPC: Grandmother 8- (Incompetent)*
10** Social Limitation: Trying to live up to dead Dad's Reputation (Occasionally, Major)*

Disadvantage Points: 120


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


As it stands right now, your character doesn't actually have a Sai. In superheroic games, characters have to buy their weapons with character points. If this isn't the case in your game, then no worries. If it is a standard supers game, though, you need to buy the sai.


Also, I'd suggest at least some 6/6 or 8/8 body armor. Your character only has a 3pd/3ed right now, and none of it is resistant. A gun shot from anyone could kill your character. I'd also suggest upping you PD and ED a bit. You can lower her Body down to 10 to help pay for this.


While I love games that keep the stats of supers in the normal range, most games don't work that way. So, I'd suggest that you also buy up your Dex, Con, and STR. These stats will pay dividends, and are a must in most supers games.


Two-weapon fighting isn't going to be that useful in a supers game, so I'd suggest ditching it. It will help you afford all the other stuff I've suggested.


Hope this helps!

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


A couple other things...


I really like the character idea, and I think it will be a fun character. However, generally mentalists are focuses on mentalist powers, which costs enough to make them bad at other things (like hand-to-hand combat). Making a character that is a mentalist/Martial artist is going to be expensive. And while you character probably won't be as tough as a regular MA, or as powerful as a straight mentalist, you should have a pretty good mix of abilities.

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


Shhh I am at work. (looks both ways) I was thinking about the PD/ED issue on the way to work. What about Police armor or super police armor


10 PD / 10 ED Armor in hero form or while on active duty as Disadvantages. I will dich two weapon fighting.




This is a superheroic game. I thought that adding the OAF to Sai with Psi power would make this a Sai. Did I do this wrong? Is that the best way?


While I was driving in I thought about the Sai with psi power. If it is done right, can I use it with MA moves and add my STR? So like this...


Sai with Psi 8d6 (2 END) + Martial Strike 4 1/2d6 (END ?) + STR 2 1/2d6 END(1) = 15d5 for 3 + ? END


Am I doing that right?



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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


A couple other things...


I really like the character idea, and I think it will be a fun character. However, generally mentalists are focuses on mentalist powers, which costs enough to make them bad at other things (like hand-to-hand combat). Making a character that is a mentalist/Martial artist is going to be expensive. And while you character probably won't be as tough as a regular MA, or as powerful as a straight mentalist, you should have a pretty good mix of abilities.


I agree...Especially since you've decided to go both COMBAT Mentalist with a very nice mix of RP and out of combat powers (on top of your MA), you will have a nice mix of abilities.


Good job on the character...as Herdom has said, there are a few problems, but you really had most of it worked out on your own...now that lack of Sai's might be a problem, as already mentioned, but we'll have to see how your GM runs his Supers games...

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


Should I create a Sai like a 1d6 HTH attack?




I'd do it as a multipower, since you want to be able to use it in H-t-H combat and be able to throw it, right?


So, something like...


15 pts 30 pt Multipower - Sai (OAF)

1pt 1) 1d6+1 HKA AP (+1/2)

1pt 2) 1d6+1 RKA AP (+1/2)


Couple of things doing it this way. It's OAF, so it can be taken away in combat. but it save points. Second, making it a RKA means that it will always return if you thrown it (very skilled!), and you can't lose it that way. If you bought it as an OIF, it couldn't be taken from you during combat, and would reflect your character being very skilled at holding on to them, at the cost of a few more points.


There might be a better way to buy sai found in an official book, but this is a pretty good start (I also am at work). You can buy a second sai for an additional 5 pts.

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)




I am at work too. I have the books out in my car so I will look at lunch. I also work with my GM so I have sent him an email on it. Maybe I will take the Sai with Psi power and Psi Blast out and make that a Telepathy power Multipower. than make Sai multipower.


Thanks for the help.


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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


I'd do it as a multipower, since you want to be able to use it in H-t-H combat and be able to throw it, right?


So, something like...


15 pts 30 pt Multipower - Sai (OAF)

1pt 1) 1d6+1 HKA AP (+1/2)

1pt 2) 1d6+1 RKA AP (+1/2)


Couple of things doing it this way. It's OAF, so it can be taken away in combat. but it save points. Second, making it a RKA means that it will always return if you thrown it (very skilled!), and you can't lose it that way. If you bought it as an OIF, it couldn't be taken from you during combat, and would reflect your character being very skilled at holding on to them, at the cost of a few more points.


There might be a better way to buy sai found in an official book, but this is a pretty good start (I also am at work). You can buy a second sai for an additional 5 pts.


Personally, I would stick with the non-sharpened Sai. The

sharpened ones get too much air-time.


15 pts 30 pt Multipower - Sai; OAF -1

1u +2d6 HtH; Hand-to-hand -1/2, OAF -1 1 end

1u 6d6 EB; OAF -1, Lock out -1/2 3 end

1u +30 STR; Only to Disarm -2, OAF -1 3 end

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


Personally, I would stick with the non-sharpened Sai. The

sharpened ones get too much air-time.


15 pts 30 pt Multipower - Sai; OAF -1

1u +2d6 HtH; Hand-to-hand -1/2, OAF -1 1 end

1u 6d6 EB; OAF -1, Lock out -1/2 3 end

1u +30 STR; Only to Disarm -2, OAF -1 3 end

Given that this is a supers game and killing probably isn't the norm, I whole-heartedly agree!
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Re: Help with Sai (character review)OK at lunch I changed her like this. I dropped Sai with Psi and Psi Blast for Empower Sai.I added Police armor.I added Sai. BTW I still not know what lockout is but I will check the book after this post.It looks like I did not do the STR on the Sai disarm correctly. I will have to figure that out.I add the Neat disadvantage.OK I need to go and eat. Thanks for the help everyone. Please kept it up.Ratman


Val** Char*** Cost
28** STR 3
13** DEX 9
13** CON 6
13** BODY 6
18** INT 8
23** EGO 26
14** PRE 4
18** COM 4
3/11** PD 0
3/10** ED 0
5** SPD 27
7** REC 2
32** END 3
27** STUN 0
7"** RUN 2
2"** SWIM 0
5 1/2"** LEAP 0
Characteristics Cost: 100

Cost** Power END
16** Clairvoyance: Elemental Control, 32-point powers*
8** 1) Visions: Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (67 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Precognition Only (-1), Fixed Perception Point (-1), Vague and Unclear (-1/2), Only Through The Senses Of Others (-1/2)* 0
9** 2) Object Read: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (67 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Retrocognition Only (-1), Fixed Perception Point (Of the object; -1), IAF (-1/2)* 0
16** 3) Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, any danger, Function as a Sense) (32 Active Points) 13-*
13** 4) Precognitive Dodge: +7 with DCV (35 Active Points); Requires An EGO Roll (-1/2)*
50** Psi Powers: Multipower, 50-point reserve*
5u** 1) Mind Scan: Telepathy 8d6 (Human class of minds), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points)* 2
2u** 2) Deep Scan: Telepathy 4d6 (Human class of minds), Cumulative (384 points; +1 1/2) (50 Active Points); Skin Contact Required (-1), Receive Only (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)* 5
2u** 3) Telepathic Link: Mind Link , Any Willing Target, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8) (40 Active Points); Feedback STUN Only (-1)* 0
5u** 4) Psi Control: Mind Control 10d6 (50 Active Points)* 5
3u** 5) Empower Sai: Energy Blast 8d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points); Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; must be used with Sai or functions at half power; -1/2), Beam (-1/4)* 2
12** Psi Shields: Mental Defense (17 points total)* 0
11** Police Armor: Armor (8 PD/7 ED) (23 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4), Only In Police Identity (-1/4)* 0
7** Sai: Multipower, 15-point reserve, (15 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1)*
1u** 1) Sai strike: Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6 (10 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)* 1
1u** 2) Sai Throw: Energy Blast 3d6 (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), Lockout (-1/2)* 1
1u** 3) Sai disarm: +15 STR (15 Active Points); Variable Limitations (requires -2 worth of Limitations; Only to Disarm ; -1), OAF (-1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)* 1
Powers Cost: 162

Cost** Martial Arts Maneuver
** Saijutsu*
4** 1) Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 7 1/2d6 Strike*
4** 2) Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort*
4** 3) Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort*
4** 4) Martial Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 38 STR to Disarm*
4** 5) Weapon Bind: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Bind, 38 STR*
Martial Arts Cost: 20

Cost** Skill
3** Acrobatics 12-*
2** AK: Portland 11-*
3** Analyze: Style: Combat 13-*
3** Breakfall 12-*
3** Criminology 13-*
9** +3 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks*
3** Interrogation 12-*
2** KS 11-*
3** Security Systems 13-*
3** Shadowing 13-*
3** Stealth 12-*
2** WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons*
Skills Cost: 39

Cost** Perk
1** Fringe Benefit: Black Belt*
1** Fringe Benefit: Licensed Psionic*
2** Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers*
Perks Cost: 4

Val** Disadvantages
15** Hunted: Black Sai 8- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)*
20** Psychological Limitation: Code Vs Killing (Common, Total)*
15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Frequently, Major)*
10** Physical Limitation: Plagued by Voices (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)*
15** Distinctive Features: Eugenics (Gen 3) (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)*
10** Physical Limitation: Takes on high emotions of a crowd mentally (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)*
10** Distinctive Features: Always waers gloves in public (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
15** Dependent NPC: Grandmother 8- (Incompetent)*
10** Social Limitation: Trying to live up to dead Dad's Reputation (Occasionally, Major)*
5** Social Limitation: SHe like everything neat and orderly (Occasionally, Minor)*
Disadvantage Points: 125
Cost Summary:Base Points:200Disadvantage Points: 125Total Experience Available: 0Total Character Cost: 325Height: 1.72 mHair: BlackWeight: 64.00 kgEyes: BrownAppearance: Personality: Quote:Background: Powers/Tactics: Campaign Use: 
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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


Sleep good.


Now back to work. Things are looking better so here we go.


You might want to change the activation on your armor to OIF-1/2, and I'm not sure your GM will allow that only while a cop thing.


You could also drop acrobatics, it just does not seem to come up that much. Breakfall is much more usefull so I'm glad you took that.


Thats about it for now.

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


You might want to change the activation on your armor to OIF-1/2, and I'm not sure your GM will allow that only while a cop thing.

I quickly added while at work and I never even thought about making it a Focus. Thanks for the update and I feel better about takng the cop thing off.



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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


Lock out prevents you from using the other slots in a multipower.

Which reminds me that the EB should have 1 recoverable charge.

But if you're going to have just a 3d6 EB, I would drop the

slot all together. 3d6 won't reliably stun naked toddlers.

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


I will drop acrobatics and add to the Sai Multipower.


I make it 3d6 because of points and I was going to add the throw with the Empower Sai power making the Sai throw a 11d6 blast. Is the do able?



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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


Actually if you took your old +8d6 psionic sia think youd be doing good, IMHO... Youd have 3d6 from str dmg, +2d6 from your sia, and them +8d6...and you could apply this all to MA maneuvers....


I also agree to drop the 3d6 sia throw....use those points to keep empowered sia and youll be good.


Also, dont underestimate a 5d6 ego attack....Id say thats a good chunk of your characters versatility right there....

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Re: Help with Sai (character review)Well My GM and I went thru the character just now and here is how she looks.I still want help with her. I am going to write up her backgound and I will get some exp soon to help her get some powers.


Val** Char*** Cost
13** STR 3
13** DEX 9
13** CON 6
13** BODY 6
18** INT 8
23** EGO 26
14** PRE 4
18** COM 4
3/12** PD 0
3/12** ED 0
5** SPD 27
7** REC 2
32** END 3
27** STUN 0
7"** RUN 2
2"** SWIM 0
2 1/2"** LEAP 0
Characteristics Cost: 100

Cost** Power END
16** Clairvoyance: Elemental Control, 32-point powers*
8** 1) Visions: Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (67 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Precognition Only (-1), Fixed Perception Point (-1), Vague and Unclear (-1/2), Only Through The Senses Of Others (-1/2)* 0
9** 2) Object Read: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (67 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Retrocognition Only (-1), Fixed Perception Point (Of the object; -1), IAF (-1/2)* 0
16** 3) Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, any danger, Function as a Sense) (32 Active Points) 13-*
11** 4) Precognitive Dodge: +7 with DCV (35 Active Points); Requires An EGO Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4)*
50** Psi Powers: Multipower, 50-point reserve*
5u** 1) Mind Scan: Telepathy 8d6 (Human class of minds), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points)* 2
2u** 2) Deep Scan: Telepathy 4d6 (Human class of minds), Cumulative (384 points; +1 1/2) (50 Active Points); Skin Contact Required (-1), Receive Only (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)* 5
4m** 3) Telepathic Link: Mind Link , Any Willing Target, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8) (40 Active Points); Feedback STUN Only (-1)* 0
5u** 4) Psi Control: Mind Control 10d6 (50 Active Points)* 5
3m** 5) Empower Sai: Ego Attack 5d6 (50 Active Points); OAF Durable Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; must use Sai; -1 1/4), Cannot Be Used Through Mind Link (-1/4), Conditional Power Power does not work if Sai attack fails (-1/4), Subject To Range Modifier (-1/4)* 5
12** Psi Shields: Mental Defense (17 points total)* 0
13** Police Armor: Armor (9 PD/9 ED) (27 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), OIF (-1/2)* 0
7** Sai: Multipower, 15-point reserve, (15 Active Points); all slots OAF Durable Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; -1 1/4)*
1u** 1) Sai strike: Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (15 Active Points); OAF Durable Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; -1 1/4), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)* 1
1u** 2) Sai Throw: Energy Blast 3d6 (15 Active Points); OAF Durable Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; -1 1/4), 2 Recoverable Charges (-1)* [2 rc]
Powers Cost: 163

Cost** Martial Arts Maneuver
** Saijutsu*
4** 1) Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 4 1/2d6 Strike*
4** 2) Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort*
4** 3) Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort*
4** 4) Martial Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 23 STR to Disarm*
4** 5) Weapon Bind: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Bind, 23 STR*
Martial Arts Cost: 20

Cost** Skill
3** Acrobatics 12-*
2** AK: Portland 11-*
3** Analyze: Style: Combat 13-*
3** Breakfall 12-*
3** Criminology 13-*
9** +3 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks*
3** Interrogation 12-*
2** KS 11-*
3** Security Systems 13-*
3** Shadowing 13-*
3** Stealth 12-*
2** WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons*
Skills Cost: 39

Cost** Perk
1** Fringe Benefit: Black Belt*
2** Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers*
Perks Cost: 3

Val** Disadvantages
15** Hunted: COD 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)*
20** Psychological Limitation: Code Vs Killing (Common, Total)*
15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Frequently, Major)*
10** Physical Limitation: Plagued by Voices (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)*
10** Distinctive Features: Eugenics (Gen 3) (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)*
10** Physical Limitation: Takes on high emotions of a crowd mentally (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)*
10** Distinctive Features: Always waers gloves in public (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
15** Dependent NPC: Grandmother 8- (Incompetent)*
10** Social Limitation: Trying to live up to dead Dad's Reputation (Occasionally, Major)*
5** Social Limitation: She like everything neat and orderly (Occasionally, Minor)*
Disadvantage Points: 120
Cost Summary:Base Points:200Disadvantage Points: 120Experience Required: 5Total Experience Available: 5Total Character Cost: 325Height: 1.72 mHair: BlackWeight: 64.00 kgEyes: BrownAppearance: Personality: Quote:Background: Powers/Tactics: Campaign Use: 
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Re: Help with Sai (character review)


With such a high EGO you should drop the points you put in to PRE, they really serve no purpose. You also might not need the interogation skill with your mental powers. Since you are a black belt you may want to get some Damage Classes, these are VERY usefull.


All in all looks like a fun hero, wish I could see ya play her. One last thing, everyone hates fighting people with mental powers. You are going to be a very big target so keep your head down, you don't take a hit so well and AOE is just going to suck for you.


Good Luck.

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Guest Champsguy

Re: Help with Sai (character review)


Umm... no offense dude, but you really need to raise your stats. Like, badly. I understand that this is your first character, and you need to get a feel for the game.


Here, do something like this. As far as your skills go, I yanked Weapon Bind ('cause disarm is better--you don't need two maneuvers that do virtually the same thing), your +3 combat levels ('cause with your new 20 dex, you'll have that OCV will all your attacks), and your black belt fringe benefit, 'cause it's never gonna come up in a game. I lowered your Ego by 3 points, because non-mentalists almost never buy up their Ego scores. A 23 is simply overkill, especially when you're hurting for stats in other areas. I lowered your Pre to 13, so you keep the skill bonus, and because a 14 gives you absolutely zero game benefit. You'll use your Ego to defend against Presence Attacks anyway. I gave you combat luck instead of body armor, because it seems more in keeping with a martial artist type theme. I moved your clairsentience into your Multipower, because there's no point in having them eat up space in your EC when they'll come into play so rarely. If you want, you could put in a Force Field into your EC instead of the +7 DCV. That'll give you a 12/12 0 End Force Field with the special effect of "precognitive dodging" (give it the combat luck limitation), and will raise your defenses to respectable levels. I didn't put that on this writeup, but it's what I'd do. I also changed the thrown sai to be an RKA, because a 3D6 Energy Blast won't drop a 6 year old child. Also, it should be noted that a sai is not a "difficult to retrieve item" for your focus limitation. A difficult to retrieve item is something like a magic potion made of dragon eyeballs or something.


All that said, here you go. Should be much more effective in combat.



15 STR 5

20 DEX 30

23 CON 26

12 BODY 4

18 INT 8

20 EGO 20

13 PRE 3

18 COM 4

10 PD 7

10 ED 5

5 SPD 20

8 REC 0

46 END 0

32 STUN 0

Characteristics Cost: 132


13 6/6 Armor,combat luck(-3/4),x1 Hardened(+1/4)

16 EC (16),"clairvoyance"

16a) 13- Danger Sense,any attack,immediate vicinity

11b) +7 DCV,skill vs skill Ego roll(-3/4)

50 MP (50)

1u Clairsentience,"object reading",see past,No Conscious

Control(-2),fixed perception point(-1),IAF(-1/2),see past

only(-1),1/2 END(+1/4) 2

1u Clairsentience,see future,No Conscious Control(-2),see

future only(-1),only through eyes of others(-1/2),vague and

unclear(-1/2),fixed perception point(-1),1/2 END(+1/4) 2

5u 10D6 Telepathy 5

5u 10D6 Mind Control 5

2u 5D6 Ego Attack,OAF(-1),not if sai attack misses(-1/4),

subject to range penalties(-1/4) 5

2u 4D6 Telepathy,"deep scan",skin contact required(-1),

Concentrate(-1/4),receive only(-1/2),cumulative(+1 1/2) 5

2u Mind Link,any one mind,any distance,any dimension,x8 # Of

Minds,feedback: stun only(-1)

11 15 Mental Defense

7 MP (15),"sai",OAF(-1)

1u 3D6 HA 1

1u 1D6 RKA,vs physical defense,2 Charges(-1),recoverable 0

48 skills and perks--48 points


Powers Cost: 192

Total Cost: 324


Base Points: 100



Disadvantages Total: 0

Experience Spent: 0

Total Points: 100

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