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Question: Multiform Limitation


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I have Multiform (which I use as a form of Shape Shifting into a variety of animals). I have a limitation on the Multiform that can, under certain conditions, trap me in the form for a long period of time (minimum of one hour). The limitation, however, only rarely goes off.


We have arbitrarily set the limitation at a -1. However, I was wondering, how would I properly determine what the limitation cost should be? I have found nothing in the book that aids me in 'building' such a limitation (rarely going off, but long lasting when it does). The section on the limitation 'Limited Power' doesn't really help and I was wondering if anyone could give me some guidelines on how to properly determine the limitation value



MistWing SilverTail

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Re: Question: Multiform Limitation


I would be inclined to use the activation roll, but define it as being an activation on turning the power off, rather than on.


-1 also seems way too big of a limitation for what you described. For it to be worth -1 then you would have to get stuck in Panda bear form approximately half the time.

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Re: Question: Multiform Limitation


OK, for the "1 hour trapped", I woud use "Extra Time" at half value, on the basis it is only to deactivate, whioch I would price (in this case) similar to "only to activate".


The fact this doesn't always happen would be, to me, a "limitatioon on the Limitation, which makes the math complex. Let's assume it happens only on an 8-. Let's also assume the Multiform itself costs 60 points, the Extra Time limitation, after halving, is - 1, and that there are no other limitations on the power.


The -1 limitation for Extra Time, if it always happened, would reduce the cost from 60 to 30, saving 30 points. Act 8- would reduce 30 to 10, so the power would cost 60 - 10 = 50.


If you want varying "trapped" durations, this becomes even more complex. Let's say it's an Extra Time -1/2 on a 14-, Extra Time - 1 on an 11- and Extra Time -1 1/2 on an 8-.


Extra Time at -1/2 saves 20 points (60 - 40), and a -1/2 limitation (for act 14-) reduces 20 to 13.


Extra Time at -1 saves a further 10 points (40 - 30) and a -1 limitation (for act 11-) reduces 10 to 5.


Extra Time at -1 1/2 saves a further 6 points (30 - 24) and a -2 limitation (for act 8-) reduces 6 to 2.


Total savings: 13 + 5 + 2 = 20, so the power costs 40 points.


Add more limitations to the Multiform, and the calcs get a bit more cumbersome, and the savings will be further reduced.


A lot of people will disagree with my aproach because it's quite math-intensive, however to me this is the appropriate mechanism for "partial limitations" such as you describe. And the math only gets done in character creation and when you want to change that power, so for me it's not a big deal.


The bottom line, however, is that I agree with the other posters that -1 is likely excessive (but that depends on both the extent of time trapped and the frequerncy of such trapping occuring). With the ability to change into a variety of animal forms, I accept this is, in fact, limiting.

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Re: Question: Multiform Limitation


I have Multiform (which I use as a form of Shape Shifting into a variety of animals). I have a limitation on the Multiform that can, under certain conditions, trap me in the form for a long period of time (minimum of one hour). The limitation, however, only rarely goes off.


We have arbitrarily set the limitation at a -1. However, I was wondering, how would I properly determine what the limitation cost should be? I have found nothing in the book that aids me in 'building' such a limitation (rarely going off, but long lasting when it does). The section on the limitation 'Limited Power' doesn't really help and I was wondering if anyone could give me some guidelines on how to properly determine the limitation value



MistWing SilverTail


Its hard to say exactly what limitation to give this without some more details of what happens to your character. Rather than trying to fudge another limitation to fit I would use the Limited Power limitation. As to what value, its sounds like this falls under the Conditional Power part of Limitied power, i.e. power does not work under certain circumstances. For a -1 these circumstances should be "very common" and you should be unable to use the power about "half the time", according to the rules. To get any limitaiton at all you should not be able to use the power about 1/4 of the time, which is worth -1/4 according to the Limited Power description. If its any more rare than that, its not enough of a limitation to save points, and falls under special effect.



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Re: Question: Multiform Limitation


The basic method for determining the value of a Limitation is to think in terms of how often or how much it restricts the Power. Since what you describe doesn't make the power less effective, and only limits when you can use it, think about "how often."


In the Limitations section there is Limited Power, which is a generic Limitation used as a catch-all. It offers guidelines on how to value a new Limitation.


How you are describing it sounds like an application of Burnout of Jammed Activation Roll though.

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Re: Question: Multiform Limitation


The basic method for determining the value of a Limitation is to think in terms of how often or how much it restricts the Power. Since what you describe doesn't make the power less effective, and only limits when you can use it, think about "how often."


In the Limitations section there is Limited Power, which is a generic Limitation used as a catch-all. It offers guidelines on how to value a new Limitation.


How you are describing it sounds like an application of Burnout of Jammed Activation Roll though.


Didnt think about burnout/jammed. Thats an interesting idea. I would probably go with burnout, and possibly at a slightly reduced limitation value if its back after an hour of being burnedout. Burnedout/jammed powers should be useless for the "rest of the adventure", whatever the heck that means. But again, it would be easier with the specific details of when and why the character gets stuck in a single form.

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Re: Question: Multiform Limitation


Didnt think about burnout/jammed. Thats an interesting idea. I would probably go with burnout' date=' and possibly at a slightly reduced limitation value if its back after an hour of being burnedout. Burnedout/jammed powers should be useless for the "rest of the adventure", whatever the heck that means. But again, it would be easier with the specific details of when and why the character gets stuck in a single form.[/quote']


Well, it's the rest of the adventure or until repaired/recovered. Repaired/recoverd could be automatic after an hour. That's how I'd do it.

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