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Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)


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I have this idea sort of brewing slowly in the back of my head and I want to do SOMETHING with it, but I keep getting stuck.


Basic premise: Set in the late 50's in the USA, the campaign would focus primarily on "Gee-whiz" technology like the below:






So the idea is that the heroes are military, most probably an "experiment" in unified armed forces out to stop the expansion of the "dirty reds!"


Basically I start thinking about how cool it would be to have metas zooming around in the bomber and the fighters to go on commando missions to stop the spread of communism and I sort of forget where I'm going or how to implement it. Apparently I get distracted easily by shiny things.


So, if you can make anything out of that umble I just posted, feel free to offer me some advice. Some reference material would be cool as well. The main thing I want is the lantern jawed heroes using their might to support what's right. (Very idyllic campaign)

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)


Okay, maybe I'm helping and maybe I missed the point(s), but here it goes my suggestions (and just that, you don't have to use them; I won't be offended):


Link 1: Keep the idea of a atomic or nuclear-powered bomber (heck, maybe call it atomic powered to not think of nuclear powered subs), but not the parasite aircraft. Maybe the B-52's use this energy and there is a special B-52 designed for the heroes (where they "disembark" through the bomb bay doors; returning to the B-52 is your own problem ;) ).


Link 2: A quick way to get there, but maybe has enough seats (single file) for everyone on the team, plus the actual pilot. The discarded section (the normal pilot seat) is actually where the heroes get ejected, but the capsule does have parachutes that open - at 10,000 feet or less. A HALO jump, er drop.


Link 3: Now this could be the ultimate espionage plane. While the Navy scraps it, the Air Force, CIA or home-grown "Super Secret Agency" makes sure each pilot is trained to fly one. They are trained to fly low over the trees and when they find their landing spots (almost always in the woods), the "face up" and land like a helicopter.


That's my ideas for the links provided.

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)


As for plot seeds in the 50's:


A billion screamin' Chinamen: Right after setting up its containment policy, the US lost China to communism. Maybe the heroes need to rescue some US-sympathetic Chinese that conventional groups just couldn't hope to help.


The Korean War: If you are willing to do your homework & research, you could occupy a few game years doing this; maybe the enemy has a few supers (like shown in the UNTIL book) or the heroes are needed to turn a few tides or just run some cover missions behind enemy lines (espionage, prisoner rescue, scouting, etc.). Maybe they need to prevent that second wave of a million Chinese from crossing the border?


Beware the Reds: Alaska is just a few miles away from Russia/USSR; it's closer than Florida is to Cuba. Maybe the heroes get stationed there because of some Reds sneaking over. (What an interesting campaign setting, actually.)


The Japs and Krauts had what???: Germany and Japan actually had some advanced technology that we didn't during WW2, including jet airplanes! Japan had secreted theirs away in a mountain; perhaps instead of the US finding it, it turns out to be a hidden fortress where the Japanese supersoldier program is working, turning out one new super a month! They also had a submarine that carried two propeller planes and one that carried five (I think five); both were designed to secretly take out the Panama Canal by surprise. Maybe some rogues are going to try and do this once more. Germany was building long range bombers and an Amerika class battleship, both designed to attack - you guessed it - America. Which Nazis escaped to South America, and did they take these with them? (Maybe some cloak or STEALTH technology, maybe some supers with invisibility?) Maybe there's a certain Doctor D. in South America that the heroes can topple/arrest/kaput so that he doesn't become an infamous Dr. D. in the future.


Hope these help.

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Addressing the Volunteers


"Greetings fellow Volunteers,

Each one of you was given a chance to put your patriotism where your mouth was and undergo certain super soldier procedures. You left your units, not knowing if you'd survive, but survive you did... Good Ole American Know How has taken science to a whole new level, and though some of your ...reactions to the Phoenix Formula have been unexpected, we're not going to look gift horses in the mouth. A few of you gained your powers by other means, almost as if God himself has tapped on on this shoulder for this assignment. It's a heavy responsiblity, but you're up to it, because you're Americans!

Not that this will be easy, no sir. You folks are volunteers, but those lousy commies aren't so gentle with their own. They've been conducting their own experiments, and their men were given no choice in the matter to decline. That's one thing you have to remember about the Reds, they're fanatics who'll stop at nothing to gain power, in their own borders, and abroad. Already that great Iron Curtain is growing stronger, turning to a smoothering steel no one seems able to part. It's growing too, more nations are swallowed by those steely drapes every day.

And who is lowering those curtains for them? Super Soviet Soldiers and other Blocheads who have powers that few mortal men can match, few, besides the Volunteers!

See, we're the torch of democracy! And curtains, my friends, burn! We're going to set fire to them with the light of freedom and the heat of truth! And we're going to do it right, because we're the good guys! Never doubt that, your mission, or yourselves.

You'll be well equipped. No less than three of the finest vehicles constructed, honed by our top test pilots and brilliant enineers and mechanics working together like fine machines, are yours! Let’s review…


The XAB-1 Beta 1 Atomic Powered Bomber, aka “Marathon†can keep flying indefinitely thanks to twin atomic engines. See that building? Well, that’s it. Yeah, it’s that gosh darn big, and a good thing too, you’ll be living, breathing, and working many long hours on the Marathon. Protect her well, and she’ll see you home when leave comes around. She’s souped up with radar that would do a recon plan proud. What’s radar? The details are classified and will be explained to you later.



Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior, what a beauty! This swell machine is built for interception of enemy air craft, and trust me , she can do it. The ramjet engine is a dual turbo lift variety, and you’ll thank your lucky stars for that protective titanium, mark my words.

Finally we have…

The Lockheed XFV-1 "Salmon", don’t laugh at that name buddy. This thing could save the lives of your compatriots some day when you don’t have a landing strip long enough to pick them up. Structurally reinforced, this baby can park itself right on its tail. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if you could teach it to sit up and beg.


These later two machines both hook up to the “Marathonâ€, close as bugs in a rug with only a minor increase in drag. Those boys in engineering, I’m starting to think there’s NOTHING they can’t do.


It’ll be your job to get in, check a situation out, analyze any communist activites, report, and act accordingly. These machines are just a few of the tools we’ll give you for that. Remember, for all their ‘peace, land and bread’ line they love to spin to their people, the dirty reds don’t care if towns go hungry if it means military might for them. So don’t assume you won’t be facing any real threats to match your own gadgetry, you got me?


Good. I can’t stress the danger enough, not all of you may return, but at least you’ll have made a difference in this world, and that’s something for your family, your friends, and all of the Good Ole US to be proud of. Remember you stand for us, and your honor is ours… it’s a sacred trust this team has been given, but we’re up to it.


More details will be given later on by Sgt. Hawkins,

Dismissed… and Godspeed!†*Salute*



And then I think to myself, I should cut down on the caffiene? Anyways, why not have a super soldier program that worked, though not the way the military expected. Perhaps one of the "All American Scientists" who is helping them is actually an Alien in disguise who is preparing them for an even big menace? (Note to self, must not go and post after playing Freedom Force...)


As for the planes, remember, the each need confusing toggles, switches, and buttons, and one BIG red button in each that you never, ever, push... until all is lost :)

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom!


Oh, and depending if you are starting right in the 50's or a little before, you might be able to make up something having to do with Roswell & Area 51. Maybe 99% of those UFO sightings are paranoia, but that other 1% is either the Reds, (Ha! Comrade, I told you the US would rather chase down a flying saucer than attack it! What a great spy vessel we created) or... aliens.

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)


Err.. disregard' date=' Kirby's advice is more useful than mine :o[/quote']

Now, now, I woudn't say "disregard," I would say "use with," but I'd keep the rest of the sentence the same. :D



Just kidding, of course.

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)


If I remember my history... the 50's were a time of whiz-bang technology and the feeling like we could do anything... Of course this was over-shadowed by the ever present threat of nuclear war.

If you want to incorporate real events into your game, it helps to create a much richer world.

Personally, I like Hermit's idea of ...

"Perhaps one of the "All American Scientists" who is helping them is actually an Alien in disguise who is preparing them for an even big menace?". It leaves you with a bigger scope to explore after a while.

As far as Roswell goes... who says that the crash of the UFO was not a result of a meta-battle high in the atmosphere??


Let us not forget the Tunguska Blast of 1908... that is always a good place to start a story of alien arrival and battles...

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)


The players are all high school students who patrioticly defend the country when needed, flying aircraft developed and built by an eccentric mechanic!


Powers were caused when they ate hamburgers at the local diner...hamburger that came from Roswell, New Mexico!


The team leader's father gives them missions, sent to him over his Ham radio by Senator McCarthy!


See an episode of Happy Guys for more inspiration.

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)


I'm reminded of that old saying...


"Ask and ye shall receive."


Thank you all very much, you just kicked loose the logjam of writer's block and I'll be steal...er...paying homage to your ideas. ;)

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)


I'm reminded of that old saying...


"Ask and ye shall receive."


Thank you all very much, you just kicked loose the logjam of writer's block and I'll be steal...er...paying homage to your ideas. ;)


No worries, as long as you steal from more than one, it isn't stealing... it's 'research' :eg:

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)



Ack! :o I knew it was wrong, dang it. (Apparently I'm not as up on my nationalistic slurs as I thought I was.) I'll go correct that now. :stupid:


But, you're sure they're not mortar? :whistle:


I personally blame my wife and her playing SiMs2 University all day long and not letting me get to use the computer until right before going to bed.

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)


No worries' date=' as long as you steal from more than one, it isn't stealing... it's 'research' :eg:[/quote']

He cannot steal what is freely given. He can try, but all the other cutpurses in his 'hood would just laugh at him.

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)


Here are some sources from comics. The atomic jets remind me of DC's Challengers of the Unknown, which was kind of the Fantastic Four sans super powers. They both fought the Reds.


The new Freedom Force comic tie in has a very Silver Age mood with commie enemies.


Alan Moore's 1963, particularly U.S.A. the Ultimate Super Agent has some good cold war supers.



Maybe your super pilots are the only people who can survive the hard rads the plane's reactors are giving off. If not, an idea you might pursue is the space race. I'm thinking the US and USSR might have an even more cut throat competition going on in an attempt to get to the moon and find an alien monolith or something.



If you end up doing a 50s campaign, I hope you post some details here as Its the era I'm running mine in and I could use some ideas.


Here are some pics of my favorite Super Commie, Rocket Red bod, Avalance head, Steel Hands and hammer and a scikle from an unidentified orc arm from Mageknight.

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Re: Defending America, Apple Pie and Mom! (Help needed with campaign idea)


Your player characters might meet Senator Joe McCarthy, the self-appointed hero of American anti-Communism, early in the piece, be photographed smiling and shaking hands with him, and then spend some time talking to him.


This would accomplish three things:


(1) It puts the characters firmly in their time, meeting important people of the 1950s.


(2) Potentially/in prospect it lets the press haul the characters over hot coals later for their involvement with runaway anti-Communism and witch hunts.


(3) It lets the characters look over Joe McCarthy close up and at leisure, and see a fool who is quick to accuse and slow to think, the clown who embarrassed and humiliated everyone who trusted him, and who eventually drank himself to death.


Senator Joe McCarthy and the witch hunts did great damage to the credibility of 1950s anti-Communists. It was natural for people to believe him early on, but when the truth came out that the anti-Communist hero in the Senate was a joke, you couldn't live it down.


The player characters should be in a much more heroic position than patsies who will eventually have egg on their faces. They were never fooled by Joe McCarthy! (Because you gave them ample opportunity to see through him - there's no need to be subtle about it.) The player characters should be defined as the Commie-crushing real thing. Phonies like Joe McCarthy dream of being real Cold War heroes like them!


If they disrespect him sufficiently, eventually Joe McCarthy might eventually accuse them of being Reds too, which could be funny and fun if the accusation comes after some great secret victory over the Red Menace that of course they can't talk about. It shouldn't lead to any serious consequences.

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