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Western Shores 5e Campaign


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Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Quick summary of the game so far-

The setting

Baron Alden von Elbe-Elster a reclusive noble eager to kowtow to any political wind to guard his secret (that of being a Mage in a repressive society .. ooooh) having proven this within the last 5 years by not supporting his Markgraf's son who was declared traitor while his more morally dubious cousin, Constantia took over the Mark. But then he's also cautious as he's getting on in years. He's in his sixties now and is fairly desparate to find a way to prolong his life. Hopefully live forever.

Which is why he went for the Wang. To be precise the Wu Shi Wang, the Wu Shi Wang Chian Tzu Kongzi Chen, Mage of the fifth Huan, Imperial Sorcerer of Kartar.

But Wang didn't show. Where in the world is Wang (WWW)?


Session One


This is why Frieherr (or Baron) Alden hired Thodric Jarl, a human (indeed, even somewhat Irolon in looks) mercenary of dubious employment background, straight from the semi-Arab reptilian nation of Zylistan. When you set forth to find a missing sorcerer in the wild and centaur-infested hinterlands, you want an experience mercenary to lead your guards. For while there is much inter-Duchy squabling and skirmishes, guards tend not to have much campaigning experience in foreign parts. They're more used to beating up their neighbours or impressing the locals. Although it took until session two for Thodric to prove his worth (albeit by cleaving an unarmed, starving monster that had previously be shot by someone else, from horseback). Although he did offer valuable skills and advice on their journey into the Horse Wilds. Especially when they started discovering the partially eaten corpses of Wang's guards.


Meanwhile, Red wakes up. He's a full monster with two heads and a large stomache full of feline Kartaran guard. But he doesn't know this. In fact he doesn't know anything at all, he has no memories - and only retains some language skills. Which come in handy when he examines the McGuffin in his hand, because he can read the writing on it - even though he doesn't know what it could mean. To add to the confusion, Wang - who was lieing next to him, jumps up and runs away. Leaving Red with naught but a bag of odd things and another half chewed guard corpse.


Luckily, along comes a bard named Cadmus, who just happens to be exploring the Horse Wilds ("honestly, Bard's do that") and is willing to befriend this monster (who appears to be able to shape shift) and explain things to him.


Along comes Team Alden and they all get together under what anyone would class as "dubious plot reasons for a GM to get PCs into the same party". The we proceeded on to "dubious plot reasons for a GM to keep the PCs in the same party" ;-p


Red, named by Cadmus, and now shaped to appear like a midget relative of his, wearing the uniform of one of Wang's guards (which made Team Alden quite suspicious - almost overcoming the "PC glow". Possibly they are just too polite to interrogate strangers in a forest), wanders off to have a look at a wandering band of centuars. These centaurs were in the way the previous day when Team Alden wanted to follow Wang's tracks, but were now camped further south. Caution (because it is well known the centaurs despise humanoids) and a quick count of the 4 to 1 odds, delayed the further tracking of Wang until a more opportune time.


It was then that everyone discovered Red's inquisitive nature, and the maximum level of unluck he had bought for his character ("unluck" is a game related disadvantage that is otherwise known as "GM's Delight"). Alerted the centuar guards, killed one of them, fled into the forest and dropped the pouch of the McGuffin. The pouch was picked up by the pursuing tribe when they sought this monster, and ended up surrounding the camp. Team Alden was volunteered by the centaur Chief (let's call him "Tim", because the PC's haven't asked for his name yet) to search the forest for the monster-what-done-them-wrong.


Session two


In the morning, that's what they did, spending many a long intercharacter discussion on the odds of centaurs-to-humanoids, what weapons they had, and how many they may be able to take. Strangely enough, they didn't find the monster, because the 8-foot two headed beastie was currently looking like a midget bard. However, Cadmus did trade with a centaur, his one and only sword, for the Pouch of Obvious Plot Device. Back at camp at lunch time, one of the guards - who is also a brewer's apprentice - proved his worth by demonstrating how much centaurs like alcohol. Tim and his centaurs settle down for food, and Alden supplies the drink. Sometime later, Team Alden carries on their way, leaving the drunk centaurs to their own devices (or as Alden describes it "gay horse sex" - which I found amusing at the time, in a very childish way of course).


Tim's troop of nomadic centaurs mentioned these monsters having attacked a fellow centaur tribe in the past. And that tribe being wiped out. So it came as no suprise to the PCs as they continued east, that they started coming across warning markings made by centaurs "beware of the monster, it has horrible pointy, nasty teeth, and many pamphlets on Avon products". Heedless of warnings, as every PC party is (although to be honest, the warnings are more akin to "oooh - possible treasure ahead"), Team Alden proceeded into the Even More Forbidding Forest.


Making camp, they took more precautions than usual, and included some fortifications. Possibly becuase they had spotted an orange/red shape shadowing them. I think they suspected it was a plot significant monster (possibly because I don't believe in random encounters).


Wandering into camp came a young man, fleeing a caravan that had been attacked by a group of these monsters. The caravan was doing illegal trade between Kartar and the Duchy of Irolo, and Alden had his suspicions that this man may be the missing traitorous heir to the Mark. They placed him in the centre of the camp and kept watch. During this time, Red decided to "come out of the midget" to Alden. Red had some suspicions that this stranger was another monster like himself. After that, Red left the camp to sleep - these monsters revert to their true shape when unconscious, as noted the stranger didn't but he was only pretending to be asleep when Team Alden got him drunk and strip searched him (note - interrogation of strangers that don't have the "PC glow" is likely to happen in Even More Forbidding Forests). Red climbed a tree nearby to sleep.


Further along that night, Baron (I'm not a Mage) Alden chanted (Religiously, only) in his tent (not because they would see the spell gestures, honestly) and there was a great wind (not because of the wind servant sent to bring his bestiary from his castle to him). Later on, there was another great wind as a mysterious book went ino Alden's tent. During this time the stranger fled, and Red "Mr Unluck" the Beast fell out of his tree, right on top of him. Thodric, alert to the stranger, went after him and surrounded them both. Alden tottered up later and cleared up the matter of Red being a "Rakshasa".


Next day, the strange young man lead Team Alden northwards towards where his caravan was attacked. But then he tried to make a break for it, and was shot at by one of the guards. Losing his pretend form, the stranger turned into a Rakshasa. But a rather small and starved one - who had just the time to change shape before Thodric cleft him (and there was much rejoicing).


Red scouted ahead and discovered an entire tribe of Rakshasa, so prudently, Team Alden left the forest.


After further "religious rituals" Alden determined that as yet, Wang had most certainly entere the EMFF, but had not yet left - or at least not within easy reach of the party.


Session three

In about an hour and a half from now.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Session Three


After camping for another day, the forest became strangely normal. Which intrigued Thodric.


Alden managed to examine the McGuffin and came to the conclusion it was a mind transferrance device, that had malfunctioned. Wang's mind was in Red's body and vice versa. The cut lengths of hair that connect the main crystal to the anodes, that transfer the different apects of a mind from one body to another, would need to be replaces. They were made of the tail hair of a unicorn.


Once again Red wandered up near the monster camp - and discovered many tracks.


Getting the rest of the party there, Thodric gave the tracks a profession once-over. Felines, many of them. Going east.


They set forth again on horseback, eventually coming within sight of the group of some 30 or so felines - all appearing identical, except for one holding a staff. The Rakshasa have decided to infiltrate Kartar. With the help of a Rakshasa mind in a feline body, and therefore not prone to change shape when he loses consciousness, the seek to wreak evil in the empire.


But the party has caught them in the open, have superior weapons, a devout religious man who is sure a holy item of his will act very much like a spell cast by one of those damned illegal mages if he but chants and gestures with it, and horses. The horse archer guards are up for it, and the page boys with the pack ponies are left behind.


After a false casting (ahem) use of the holy item, Alden does eventually target it in the centre of the monsters, causing them to scatter, one third coming towards them, one third away, and one third caught to take the effect - which stuns them and eventually knocks many of the unconscious with hoards of biting insects.


The Rakshasa left, including the feline (Wang) with the staff, charge the party - only to be cut down with bow fire (Strangely enough, guardsman Albrecht kept hitting them in the groin, causing major damage) - truly demonstrating the need for armour. Five of them made it to Thodric, who, using nearly all of his endurance (and therefore becoming heavily fatigued) managed to lay about himself with multiple attacks. During the charge, Cadmus shot the feline in the leg. The feline fell to the ground, bleeding - and after the battle was over, was discovered to be dead.


Red was only slightly miffed he wouldn't be getting his body back. During the time of the battle, Red himself was not present. He decided to stay back - and realised too late that he couldn't cover the distance in time before the battle was over. It took about 4 turns to make short work of the beasts and mop up. They quickly scattered, those that were left.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Session Four


Sunday 24th July 2005 - Session 4 -Western Shores Campaign

Current Game date - 12th of March 3250


The bodies of the beasts were gathered together and burned, extra special care taken to make sure that Wang's body left no identifying parts. Red took all of Wang's possessions and now is considerably rich - in Kartaran money. Having it converted to local currency may be somewhat problematical considering the somewhat paranoid nature of the Duchy of Irolo at this time.


The party travelled back as fast as they could to the Duchy's closest march - Uckermark. Eager to get away from the evidence of conflict. Cadmus still keeping the McGuffin safe.


Various campfires were noticed off to the south. Alden saw one more than the others. Strangely enough, even when asleep it nagged at his mind - giving him a troubled night and a headache in the morning.


In the morning Alden saw two sun rises. The normal one, and one from the south. It was a blazing magical disturbance, only viewable by those with the sight. Con-vincing others to scout ahead to see what it was, they discovered a large army approaching their region. In the midst of this army was a single figure, an elf on the back of a unicorn. Could it be the Weeping Prince? Surely not. Aren't all the rumours in a roleplaying update just simple rumours? Does that mean Kartar is really mobilising as well? Surely not. For that would mean dire things to those that lived in the eastern-most region of a Duchy.


The various high priests in the army were hurling magic, after magic at him - fireballs, lightning blasts, high winds, everything they could muster. Which he ignored. He appeared to be travelling to the northeast, the army was there to make sure he caused to problems with the Duchy of Irolo - and possibly to kill him if they could.


They continued past Team Alden, who was, in this case, far less interesting. Whether they do anything when they go past the ashes of the Rakshasa or how they return to the Duchy is left as an exercise for the active imagination of the paranoid.


Sometime later Team Alden approaced the fortified and patrolled borders of the Uckermark - to be greated by one of their roving patrol captains. Alden himself made sure that any suspicious items were in a field of unsuspiciousness while they passed to borders - to stay with the Baron Uckermark as befits a noble.


The Baron Uckermark, a fairly politically naive elderly man - with a new young wife who just happens to be a cousin of the current Marquessa. Cadmus even entertained those present whilst the two Barons discussed politics and Baron Bovo Minheim von Uckermark had his assurances that Alden's loyalties lay with the Marquessa to such an extent, that he could count on Alden's support if Constantia ever went after the Duchy herself. Marquessa Constantia being rumoured as quite ambitious.


Thodric made mention of the Corpsemaster of Uckermark, but in general just lurked in the background, out of sight - too common to entertain thoughts of talking with the nobility, perhaps - and seeing to the quartering of Alden's men in the guard barracks.


Red left his quarters during the night to sleep out of sight of potential gossiping servants who would not likely take kindly to the appearance of an 8 foot two headed monster in their castle. He did try to track down Cadmus, who had left earlier to go bar crawling, and catch up on Bard-gossip but unfortunately - due to a lack of interest in tracking the meandering path of a dedicated drinker through the quite numerous amount of pubs in the town (and the lack of any memory of a town's layout) - Red was not present when Cadmus was mugged.


Bit of a blow that - at that stage Cadmus was still carrying the McGuffin. He lost it, as well as much money to a number of brigands who were intelligent enough to attack him AFTER he was completely off his face on beer and ale.


This sad news was brought back to the castle the next day and started a side quest of inquiry into the disappearing McGuffin. The local constabulary were able to recommend the interrogation of a blacksmith near the docks area based on the description given by Cadmus. However the blacksmith proved unhelpful - as his son, the one most likely to be able to commit a violent crime, due to age, had gone missing. The blacksmith himself had not committed a crime for several years.


Meantime Cadmus and Red were questioning the various patrons of the bars that Cadmus had visited previously, although no further information on who stole Red's brain has yet been forthcoming. Nor indead who has Thodric's heart, or Alden's courage :)


Session Five


The McGuffin having been lost through tragic luck, the party sallied forth in various guises to retrieve it. The Baron and his grunty bodyguard (Arrgh, name? Something the Bald... :) threatened a poor, unpreposessing, though red-haired, blacksmith who had, in his youth, been something of a troublemaker. Stylish and amusing though the Baron's threats were, the poor, trembling fool turned out to be innocent. Meanwhile, Red and Camdus set forth to search the pubs the McGuffin had been through before that vicious, unprovoked assault robbed the party of it.


Unfortunately, no real clues were turned up. Yet, (I believe) we felt that a town nearby might hold the clues we needed (not to mention the local High Priest of Odin was coming by the castle soon and no-one was really that keen to meet him, which struck us all as rather strange, yet no-one argued about the need to leave), and so we said farewell to our kindly hosts in the castle and rode to this nearby village. There, we found a red-headed man who somewhat matched the description of the foul thieves' leader, but after some short investigations and questioning by our honey-voiced bard proved that we were once again at a dead-end, this man being obviously the wrong one.


Cadmus, knowing some people who knew some people who might, possibly, have some slight chance of knowing some other people who could just possibly know things, set about contacting his contacts. They said they would get back to him. There was nothing to do then but wait, and the Baron, having been away from home for far too long, needed to settled some affairs, thus we rode back to his city, discussing various things--namely Cadmus's future employment with such a stylish, rich and generous man.


We stayed at a port town for some days. Red, that bastion of strength and multiple forms, got a job that, much to his disgust, paid sod-all. Cadmus continued happily sponging off the Baron, as did his bodyguard, who, however, actually had to pretend to work. At least he got paid a substantial amount, and then spent a substantial time looking through items he could suddenly afford, often with exclamations of joy. :) Cadmus was contacted by some men, and, having obtained from the Baron some money to purchase what they claimed to have for him, set off to see if the McGuffin had been found. The Baron did some business, as did Red, and I think Bodyguard(Damn, sorry, Nathan, really can't remember his name...Take 'Bodyguard' as his name, not an intended insult.. :) talked to some of his contacts.


During the day, smoke was seen over the docks. The Baron immediately sprang into action, ordering fire-chains to be set up. Fortunately, these were barely in operation when the skys clouded over and unforeseen rain put the fire out-the Baron's prayers to Odin having obviously worked nicely. In the fire was found a headless body. Some investigations occurred, proving inconclusive. Party members were distracted by an odd looking priest who seemed to following them. Whenever they looked around, he seemed to be unobtrusively nearby. Suspicions were raised within the minds of every party member with something to hide from the church--that is to say, none of us, obviously.


Many hours later, Cadmus returned, tired, despite his mighty thews, from bearing a wooden box. Once it was levered open, inside we found a blood-soaked rag wrapped around the McGuffin, though the gems were missing. The blood was soon explained by the presence of a head-the owner's red hair being naturally that colour and not changed by his life's fluid that made everything else inside the box quite tacky to the touch. Our thief had been found, and the McGuffin returned. Much celebration happened.


The next day we rode back to the Baron's castle, keeping a close eye out for that priest. He was not seen, much to our relief. After a few days sponging at the castle, Cadmus received a message from a tradesman at the Port saying a commissioned piece of jewelry was ready for him. Our thoughtful bard convinced the Baron to give Bodyguard the day off, and we rode back to the Port, pausing only to deliver some letters for our kindly Baron. Cadmus quickly picked up his jewelry and then meet Bodyguard in the pub of his choice. Fun, it was not, though Cadmus was polite enough not to say that serious drinking among silent men was not his idea of a great time. However, this politeness soon helped to thaw, at least a little, relations between our greatest fighter and our wonderous morale officer. Cadmus even extracted a grunted assent that next time Bodyguard might just, possibly allow Cadmus to choose the pub in which we would have 'a good time'. Cadmus took this as sign of true friendship from Bodyguard, given the friendliest he had ever seen him up to that point was to not gut someone the instant he met them.


Special Guest Writer Torben[0]. The part of Bodyguard was played by Thodric Jarl. Victims were dressed by Generic NPC suits-R-Us. When travelling, PCs prefer Encounter-Free-Shipping.


Session Six


Sunday, 2nd October, 12.30, Torben's

Current Game date - 7th of April 3250


T'was the end of the month and the gods' bribing days came by once again[1]. All the populace was happy, knowing the wrath of the mighty ones would be bought off for another few weeks. As the Baron spent excessive amounts of time in pious 'prayer', completely unsuspiciously near the magic items of Wang, Cadmus made himself known as a happy, friendly man-about-town, impressing all and sundry with his stories, songs and ability to avoid paying for any drinks.


One fine day, a new priest, Brother Rizzo[2], appeared to take the place of the last poor castle priest who died of 'Loki's curse' - a sudden onset cancer that left him wearing a rictus grin, which is nothing at all like the results of a fatal poison[3]. Brother Rizzo, covered in dangly charms and amulets, turned out to be happy, friendly man-about-town, who went with Cadmus to learn the best waterholes in the Baron's demesne. Meanwhile, Red tried to learn the intricacies of roofing, only for Thodric to see true merit in turning him into a huge champion for the Baron, wielding two greatswords.


Then, late at night, while thunder rocked the peaceful town and strobes of light played across the hills preparing for their first real dramatic role in this adventure, a damp Cadmus and Rizzo saw, in one flash of Thor's hammer, a dark robed man on the hill. Knowing a GMPD (GM Plot Device) when they saw one, they decided to check it out. Much to their disgust (Well, Cadmus's at least[4]) the dark figure turned out to be an overly garrulous, far-too-truthful-for-anyone's-comfort, 40-ish man who proclaimed himself to be The Seer, a mythological agent of scary power. He had come to give a PROPHECY and a WARNING! Instantly, a slit throat and a meeting with the castle pigs were considered for him, but he blurted out so much so quickly that these thoughts became redundant and settled to mere irritation and defeatism. We were going to be prophesised at and warned...sigh...


Firstly, we were told the Hand of Loki[5] (according to Rizzo, an evil organisation/Loki priesthood) has The Wang (aka the McGuffin), and what the Baron has held 'something else', so the Baron should stop playing with it. After that, no-one suspected the Baron of being a mage.




More dire, the 'red star' (aka a bloody big war we want to avoid but probably can't) is coming. Worse still, Conrad, Cadmus's ailing grandfather, was due to be kidnapped soon by Cadmus's father, who Cadmus did not know and who turned out to be one Krantor, possibly a pirate king of Dornica-a man so vile but rich he had bribed the Duke of Bayern. Thodric was also told that he really should visit his mother, the poor old dear. He refused. After some private chats, the rain stopped and the Seer left, saying, to our everlasting 'joy', that he would be around quite a lot.[6]


Now, being a man of honour and a loyal grandson (who knows a 15-point disadvantage coming into play when he sees it)[7], Cadmus instantly began to ready himself to rescue his grandfather from a kidnapping that would probably only begin the moment Cadmus arrived. Red informed the others that he had told, and got, the Baron to stop playing with The Wang, and we all unconditionally believed him. Red's just that sort of guy[8]. The Baron agreed to go to Irolo too, as he had business there. After much discussion with Thodric and Cadmus, we went north by boat, the Baron travelling incognito as a merchant.[9]


We paused at Marchioness[10] Constantia's town, horrified but impressed to see an army possibly close to 50,000 strong encamped there. We all wandered into town. As we wandered the byways and highways, searching for information, bells and horns began to sound, the town gates closed. Why? Cadmus, meeting up with Rizzo, near the hotel where the Baron stayed, returned there, and we waited some time until Red, who apparently had been near the causal event arrived to tell us what had happened.


As Constantia had ridden down a main street, surrounded by guards, two small 'birds' flew at her head, stopping mere inches[11] away by some form of mystic shield. Closer inspection proved the birds to be darts. Unfortunately, this caused her guards to go wild, arresting every obviously armed man they could find. Even worse, Thodric just 'happened' to be one of the nearest armed men[12] in the street of the assassination attempt, and he was quickly whisked away to be questioned. What shall happen to him? Shall he escape? Shall the mighty PCs mount a valiant rescue attempt? Shall the Baron break cover to get his man released? Find out next time!


Special Guest Writer Torben.


GM footnotes:

[0]Earning him 1XP

[1]The Dezenaka (high mass) of Loki, usually a small sacrifice to ward off bad luck at the end of each month. Mass ceremonies are not traditionally held by any legal order of the Church.

[2]"Riso" is how I originally spelt it. But it's pronounced rizzo. He's a Friar of the Brotherhood of Cunradus

[3]And completely different to all the other tragedies and accidents that befell resident clergy in the castle within short periods of time after their residency.

[4]This was purely intentional. In and of himself, the Seer isn't powerful or very immortal. The Gods just won't let him die. Ever.

[5]See Religious Orders.

[6]Or may not, he travels on foot and in general PCs travel a lot faster. It took the PCs a week by barge to reach Havelland. However - He takes bookings and will do parties for reasonable sums.

[7]Just to be clear, this is a DNPC disadvantage. Not "must follow plot whims of GM" psych lim. As that's a house rule and not worth any points.

[8]Shapeshifters have trustworthy faces.

[9]South leads to pirates, zombies and necromancers. The PCs assumed that politics was the lesser of the two evils.

[10]Marquessa if you're French. Otherwise it's Markgrafin (or Margravine). Unlike the Baron, she isn't a Prominence either, she's a Nobleness.

[11]Almost a metre, actually.

[12]And masked.

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Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Session Seven


Sunday, 16th October, 12.30, Torben's

Game date - 7th of April 3250 to 9th of April


Deciding to wait a day to see if Thodric would be released before we tried anything more...straightforward, the Baron moved to a pub nearer the castle in order to mentally overwhelm a, uh, rat and send it in to look for the dungeon. Meanwhile, Cadmus took Red to learn the ancient art of rumour-mongering-spreading the rumour that the assassin belonged to mercenaries Constantia had hired as guards-only to have his young apprentice blindly talk to a captain of said mercenaries. Fortunately, Red managed to escape, change his features and continue on with Cadmus. He was nonetheless barred from making further attempts at rumour-mongering.


Thodric, having told the truth in front of a truth-seeing priest, was released, disappointing all who had been hoping for slightly more death (theirs, not ours) and destruction to go along with such a momentous event. Unfortunately, the town gates stayed shut while the Hand of Odin began doing Constantia's dirty work. Neither our mage, which we of course do not have, nor our monster, which we definitely do have, felt like being found by these somewhat zealous priests, so we decided to look for alternate exits to the city.


We noted a Doomsday Cult of the Red Star, wearing a red dot on their foreheads, and all went, "Huh." The Baron and Red went to look for clues at the building where the assassination attempt had occurred. They saw a priest cast a divination spell, then searched themselves, but, despite a muddy footprint, found nothing. Cadmus and Riso, however, found Rotha, a smuggler, and in order to get out of town cheap, agreed to transport a certain item Rotha did not want found in town either to Viltz[1] at the Grey Duchess in Kremaburg[2].


We left at midnight, rowed upstream, and then walked for two days, with the Baron as a humble merchant on a pilgrimage. On the way, the Baron failed to resist temptation to look inside the chest with the magic item we were transporting, but his flea could not see in the dark. However, to distract us, we found an old man crying by the side of the road. Knowing the stories of gods et cetera doing the same, we were all instantly suspicious. Nevertheless, we agree to take him to the next town to put his wedding ring on his wife's grave. Riso took up the unpleasant duty of trying to jolly the man up and convince him to do the job himself. Ultimately, Riso placed the (magic) ring on the grave while we all stood well back, waiting for the dark forces of hell to rise up and unleash themselves upon him. They did not. Oh well, maybe next time.


Unknown to us, Riso found the same ring in his backpack a few days later. He wisely palmed it off on some unsuspecting priest. It might have been a good magic item, but why take a chance with strange, crying old men?[3] We got to Kremaburg. The baron bought us all horses, Cadmus handed over the item, which turned out to be a youth potion, much to the Baron's chagrin. We moved on, having heard a rumour that Constantia was obviously nuts, killing all the birds in her city.


On 9 April, Heroes Day, we found ourselves in a village. Cadmus immediately became the centre of attention at the festival. The less party-minded of us kept to the sidelines, more interested in watching the plain-clothed but armed strangers also in the village than in having fun. At least the Baron kept his end up and had a good time.


There was a shooting star overnight, and bad omens the next morning. Riso advised us to stay, but we decided to keep moving-until we discovered a guard missing, the useless bastard. So we searched, eventually finding him sans head. But in true Godfather style[4], we found the head in the Baron's unslept in bed. A warning? A Threat? If so, pretty damn ineffectual as we do not know for what or by whom. Still, the plain-clothed but armed figures had vanished, apparently never having been in the pub we know they were in, and we were left answering the questions of the local constabulary. A fun day was had by all. The punchy was getting antsy, the Baron pissed, Red hungry, Cadmus bored and Riso rattled (or maybe that was just his rune stones...), so the plain-clothed but armed figures better keep out of our way or some serious dice rolling may just occur...next time...[5]


Special Guest Writer Torben.


GM footnotes for session seven:



[3]It was in fact the Ring of Woe - giving minus one to all rolls until it was willingly taken by someone else, or buried with the body of its creator. From Harn Encounters.

[4]The body was placed where the Baron slept, after he had left, in the morning. The head had been placed where the Baron would have slept, while he was checking out the body, also during daylight. There were multiple heavy footsteps at both locations, but no one saw (or perhaps remembers seeing) the culprits.

[5]Making the PCs nervous may in fact be part of their plan.

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Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


It gives people ideas as to what others are doing and may help other GMs.

We aren't playing again until the end of November though.


The posts on this thread are all from "The Story So Far" page on the campaign website along with all the Holy Roman Empire/German/Heraldic/Harn and every other thing I've ripped off to make the world more detailled and interesting :)



BTW - some of the plot points that were missed by the PCs-


Chapter 1

Originally in the first chapter of finding Wang, they weren't meant to kill the Rakshasa that was inhabiting Wang's body. It was going to go back to Kartar, and start spreading its evil influence as part of the elite mages of that Empire - and become the party's nemesis.


Chapter 2

During Thodric's interrogation over being armed and near the Margravine during her attempted assassination, he was made to touch a magical gem that is used by the Truthsayers of the Church which acted like a lie detector. If at this stage, Thodric had decided to stop being laconic, and merely answer the questions about the assassination - and had used the opportunity to claim his inheritance, there would have been:

A full inquiry, people trying to hush him up, a court case, a confrontation with the Margravine chasing her into the dungeons and attempting to capture her while she was defended by her pet demon, her escape, Thodric's rise to power, and he'd then have his own 50 thousand troops.

Those troops will come in handy when the Red Star lands :)

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Session Eight


Sunday, 27th November, 12.30, Torben's

Game date - 10th of April 3250 to 13th of April


I just finished running the game (just got home an hour ago). I'll update this thread as soon as one of my players earns his extra 1XP for session synopsis :)


First clue to the Ordo Custodes Laterna Veritas (OCLV) was planted - pretty much "go to this address, because what you find there will be interesting".

Also added a new group, the "Morgul" who want Thodric dead, and sent a group of assassins (only one of whom has tried so far, and managed to kill 4 guards) armed with Cloaks of Shadow, plate armour and magical swords with Autofire (possibly way over the top there).



Set the wayback machine to circa 6 years ago.

Mage Ludvig discovers what he thinks is hell, full of demons. Spends years studying them in his secret lab hidden in the capital. Eventually he summons a Demon Prince to talk to it - little knowing they aren't in fact demons.

The Tyranid Queen makes a meal of old Ludvig after stepping casually through all anti-demon wards.

Loki turns up to have fun and transports her away to trouble the Dark Elves, a particularly boring lot with no sense of humour.

The Morgul, the mage council of the Dark Elves discover that said "demon" is an alien, and will attract a rescue party.

Enter Constantia - High Mage of the Dark Elves to impersonate a human ruler, work her way into power, modify memories of those around her, and raise an army to fight the invasion. Not bothering with the fact that to get to power, she causes a PC's background (Thodric's).

That was plan B. Plan A is to capture and kill the Queen. Which kinda worked.

They managed to capture her, and found that she was great for creating all these nifty biological weapons and magic items. So rather than kill her, they kept her around as a living factory. They wanted to keep her around as long as possible, then kill her before her rescuers arrived. But again - Loki turns up (he's such a party crasher). This time with the fake McGuffin (wanted by another PC - Cadmus). Loki thinks it's more fun if the Queen is trapped within the fake McGuffin. He then gives it to Loki's Hand, the organisation that PC:Cadmus belongs to, and he in turn gives it to PC:Alden who stores it in his castle. Safe and sound until the Red star arrives. Oh well, Alden has had his castle for too long, anyway.

Meanwhile - Thodric turns up annoyingly not dead, and able to wrest power away from Constantia, who needs it for her army of human fodd*ahem* soldiers. So she sends out assassins after him.

Meanwhile - the OCLV point out the scene of the crime to PC:Alden. They will probably contact him later with "yes there is all this stuff on demons, but what interests us is where the summoned one is".


Anyhow, that's all GM knowledge - so SHHHH! Don't tell my players!

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Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Just as a note, I really like the way your web page is set up. Very easy to read and reference. Great job with that. Is your map of the Western Shores the same as in the old Fantasy HERO? It looks remniscient of that one, but slightly different. Then again, I haven't actually seen the one from the book in near a decade, so my memory may be failing me. Overall, I have to say "Great Job."

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Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


I'm actually redoing the entire site because it's a hodge-podge of different styles which basically show the migrations I've made from various previous hosts (including free ones, like Geocities) - and I just copied the pages over. Also many of the pages show my early learning of HTML and experimentation into other web languages as I learnt them :)


The organisation will be similar - you can see the site in progress here-



I'm making it a Wiki because I can update/edit on the fly - rather than editing at home, and ftping to the site..


Anyhow - map:

Original from book (I'm certain I didn't scan it, it's older than my websites - from before I actually had a scanner, I believe I found it on someone else's site, like many of the better researched parts :) )



I only created the textured maps. I also hand drew an Elvish version of the map which was slightly different for the alternate Elven Golden Age timeline - but haven't scanned that in (yet).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Session Eight


Having buried our dead guard, but having no idea what evil lurked in the hearts of the men who obviously intent on doing something nasty to us, we continued Irolo’s capital. We heard that there were lots of immigrants down south, but had no idea why. Coming upon a walled town, we decided to stay overnight. Some of us took rooms, while the guards and Rizo (Argh! Sp?) slept in the common room downstairs—and Red decided to sleep out of town.


During the night our brave priest awoke to see an assassin—one of the watchers from Kremaburg—standing over the bodies of two guards, including (alas!) Vitals Albrecht, so, of course, he screamed long and loud. Instantly those upstairs awoke and rushed to his aid—except Cadmus, who, despite being a light sleeper and having a high perception, blissfully slept on. Meanwhile, a third guard died, his head rolling free to join those of the other guards.


The party piled onto the stairs, Thodric wearing nought but a loincloth and a helmet—fortunately, really, given the assassin advanced up the stairs (while yelling something in a strange language none us of understood) and proved himself to be a flashing master of the blade, yet his one true hit bounced off—you guessed it—Thodric’s helm. Unfortunately, Thodric, being unprepared, had trouble keeping his fully armoured opponent off and was stunned. However, much to his good fortune—and chagrin—he was healed by the priest, while the Naked Bard finally joined them and threw a dagger straight over Thodric’s shoulder and into the assassin’s stomach! The Baron then did not join the fray and definitely did not cast a dispel magic spell on the assassin’s sword. However, this non-action led to the assassin teleporting away—and everyone else going: ‘Cool! I want his magic cloak!’


There being much wailing and gnashing of teeth for Vitals Albrecht, and a muttered ‘Dammit! Now I need to hire more guards!’ for the other two red shirts, we wasted the next day burying them and talking to the Sheriff. Thus, we stayed another night, this time all in the common room, with Cadmus-prepared alarms of string, bells and one crossbow. We slept, though Red, now with us, stayed awake.


Bells rang.


Red leapt.


The assassin was grappled!


He dropped a letter!


He vanished!




We read the note. “Kill Thodric and you may go free!” While daggers were for a while fingered thoughtfully, the note really did not give us enough reason to kill our own punchy—not to mention that unsigned notes really irritate PCs, who will often automatically do the exact opposite out of sheer bloody mindedness. So we ignored it, but pressed forward to the capital at speed. Our pursuers seemed to leave us alone.


However, having noted that there are now 4 red stars in the sky (joy) and still wondering what our friendly visitor yelled, we headed to the nearest big town—the capital of Badenmark—for information. Cadmus and the Baron went to Margrave’s palace, but found nothing in the library—though the Margrave himself noted that the Duchess was now raising her own army to counter Constantia. Rizo and Thodric found at the church library that the assassin yelled, “You shall not disrupt the evil sorcery!” in Elvish and mentioned “Morghul”. Umm…huh? Sigh…assassins…go figure…


We pressed on and, after a few weeks, reached Irolo. Now one red star had dimmed. Oh…ok. The amazing celestial lightshow—and us without astronomy knowledge skills!


Cadmus immediately went to his Grandfather Conrad’s place, with Red and Rizo, and took him out for a meal—and not a moment too soon. Coming up the stairs as we descended were two sailor types. Could these be the prophesised kidnappers? One way to find out. We let them pass. Having ‘forgotten something’, Cadmus snuck back up after them while Red and Rizo continued on to lunch. Cadmus soon joined them, nothing untoward having happened. Well…that’s what he told his grandfather.


Really, this happened (i.e. player, not PC knowledge): The bastards kicked in Conrad’s door! For that, they must pay! Cadmus stepped into the doorway. Two daggers flashed from his hands, knocking one sailor down, into permanent darkness. “Surrender—or you’ll get the same as your friend!” ordered Cadmus, and the sailor instantly put up his hands, dropping his weapons. As Rizo questioned Conrad about Cadmus, Cadmus questioned the sailor about, well, everything. Then Cadmus killed the kidnapper—not wanting the aggravation of explaining things to officials—messed up the house as though it had been robbed (being careful not to break anything of sentimental value to Conrad, but placing it as though it had been roughly thrown aside), and set up the corpses as though they had been killed by an ally while arguing over the ‘valuable jewellery Cadmus had left only a short while before in the apartment for safekeeping—dammit!’


Meanwhile, Baron Alden and Thodric were at the university library. Alden got a marginally magically book about Morghul, but could not read the language. He offered a reward for information. Back at the hotel, he received a letter from the ‘Eternal Guardians of the Torch of Flame’ (well, better than the Torch of Water). Intrigued, he followed the instructions and went to the noted warehouse, where there was no door—well none Thodric could see. So Thodric was sent off and the Baron dispelled the door. Inside he found the remains of a demon summoning ritual, a book on the subject (with the standard missing pages) and other good stuff. Treasure at last! Now all we need to worry about is: where are the Guardians? What happened to the demon? And did the Baron clearly say the three magic words before picking up the book? Find out – next time!

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Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


That entry, which may have seemed a bit Cadmus-centric was written by Cadmus' player :)


Just did session 9 today (Sunday) - the aliens have landed. As two players were missing I will need to explain mucho stuff. I hope to roleplay what the Baron got up to via email.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Okay, here's the synopses of session 9.

There are four versions - The general version, Cadmus/Red addendum, the Baron's summary, and Riso's PBeM (which isn't yet finished, but will by by the time session 10 starts this sunday)


Session Nine - the General version


Sunday, 11th December, 12.30

Game date - 24-25th April


With his deep, booming voice, the High Priest of Odin told everyone to go inside for two hours-no reason given. Red immediately ignored the order and headed for the castle, along with the red-dot hordes. Cadmus took his grandfather, Conrad, inside and 'discovered' the sailors' bodies.


There was a huge 'KA-thoom!' noise, and a red light beamed from the palace and hit the red star children. Two hurtled off to the east, but the other crashed down just outside the city, creating a huge crater and forcing vast amounts of dust into the air. Cadmus immediately headed for the crater. The air near the crater was very warm and smelt slightly of cooked meat. Red met up with Cadmus near the crater's lip. We could hear clinking cooling noises-and some unearthly sounds. We waited an hour for the dust to settle more.


Meanwhile, the city gates were closed.


When we finally ventured in, we could see a huge black shape at the bottom of the crater-a bone-like shell structure. Red snuck forward, almost burning himself on the hot ground, and threw a rock at the panels of the shell. It bounced off with a woody thunk noise. We decide to leave so as not to be found 'at the scene' and to get people with actual science-based knowledge skills to come back with us.


To get back into the closed city, Red ventured into the sea and swam all the way around, coming up at the docks. Cadmus used his inimitable talents to get back in dryly, over the walls. Cadmus retrieved his grandfather from his apartment, and took him to meet Thodric-putting the old man in the inn while he began to relocate him to a more salubrious area-while Red, in Conrad's old apartment, ate the bodies of the two sailors who had obviously been killed by a third companion when they found the money bag Cadmus had left for his grandfather's upkeep. Red then came back to the inn and slept. The Baron appeared and informed people that we had to leave immediately. Thodric rushed off to find where the Captains of the guard hung out so as to get information.


Cadmus and Red went to the docks and organised a ship for the Baron.*


Thunder off to the east.


The next day, the Baron left with Thodric and Riso. Red stayed with Cadmus to relocate Conrad. Cadmus also shopped for items with some new-found wealth given to him by an acquaintance who owed him money. Red headed out to the crater, and found clawed/slashed dead humans. The shell thing had been broken open-it was big enough for 100 men! Red brought shell bits and a spiky 'limb' back. Suddenly the Baron reappeared, having turned his boat around for reasons unknown. Apparently the fake McGuffin had a big demon in it, put there by Loki!


Now monsters are roaming the world! War is upon us! Aiyeeee! Perhaps it is time for the PCs to tell each other their secrets so we can all understand what is happening! Hah! Yeah, right, that'll happen...


Session Nine - the Cadmus and Red addendum


*Cadmus, not wanting to leave his grandfather in the lurch, having disposed of two attempted kidnappers, told Red everything about himself-ie. He is Varin, a famous member of the Hand of Loki-and asked Red to come with him to visit the Captain of the ship the sailors were from so as to discuss what could be done. Red caused a distraction on deck, while Varin landed on the deck, transformed into his human form and swung in through the rear windows into the captain's cabin. He tumbled over the furniture, grabbed the captain, and suggested, in his melodious voice of DOOM, that surrender would be a very good idea. The captain agreed. Varin suggested that kidnapping people was not very nice, especially when the kidnappee had a relative who knew a guy who knew Varin, the Serpent of Loki. The captain agreed. Varin pointed out that for his time and trouble, he would be appropriate some small amount from the captain in return for leaving him alive to deliver a message for him to the pirate king. The captain agreed.


Varin wrote a letter suggesting that Pirate King not attempt to kidnap friends of friends of his. If the pirate king disagrees with this proposition, Varin is more than happy to attend him and help convince him otherwise. However, Varin is certain things would never come to that, us being reasonable fellows. Of course, Varin is more than happy to discuss other things with a reasonable fellow in the future-politely and civilised.


Varin signed and sealed the letter, the captain agreeing to not read it, leave immediately and deliver it personally. Overall, things went well.


Varin felt the captain to be an honest and accommodating fellow who readily admitted his mistakes and was happy to agree that he had made a small error and that he would not bother Conrad again. Varin later sold the loot and researched options for some magic items.


Cadmus gave Red a share of loot, which was returned so Cadmus could buy himself a new sword. Nice guy, Red.


Session Nine - the Baron Alden Synopsis



Returning back to the hotel with the book after having retrieved Thodric from the tavern where you had told him to wait, you discovered another note.

It read "You have seen the evidence, we must speak to you at once - it involves a certain item you may have in your possession. Come alone to the warehouse again, in an hours time" Signed the Ordo Custodes Laterna Veritas (OCLV).


You left your guards behind, trusting to the city watch for your safety just for the brief period of this meeting. These people obviously know magic, and it would be best if you had no other witness.


On the way to the warehouse, there was a general announcement from the High Priest of Odin. Everyone in the capital city heard it as though he were standing just behind them-

"This is the High Priest of Odin, everyone should return home and stay in their dwellings for the next hour."


About 15 minutes later there was a very large *foom*


From the area of the palace a tremendous magical spell was cast, a beam as large as a city suburb lept skyward and hit the group of the Three Children of the Red Star as they were descending. One was hit an landed outside of the city to the east. The other two continued on much further east. You thought they were travelling to Kartar, or at least the Horse Wilds, but you have an almost paranoid dread that they will be landing closer to your homelands, Elbe-Elster.


The elderly man who met you at the warehouse wore a magic ring and a number of other magic items. He activated the ring, tried to cast a spell and attempted to open a portal. He swore and looked at the palace - all magic in city was drained (temporarily) to power the "orbital lightning bolt" spell.


So he took you back into the lab and explained The Plot to you then.


His group is explained here- http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/WS:Orders#Ordo_Custodes_Ars_Magnum


The renegade mage (by the name of Ludwig Prinn) who was studying what he believed to be hell, and the demons that lived within - who was writing that particular tome you retrieved made the fatal mistake of summoning one of their leaders. A "Hive Queen".


He used all the standard protections against demons. Which the Queen casually walked through and ignored. She broke loose and would have rampaged throughout the city if it weren't for Ludwig's investors and interested partners - the Elves. They managed to smuggle the Queen away and have been using her for their own purposes ever since.


They lost all trace of the Queen for 5 years.


And then Loki decided to rescue her from the Dark Elves, and happened to think that storing her in a gem was a handy way of transporting her away.


The order (OCLV) believes that the demons want their Queen back, and that the Red Star is their method to get her. It's taken them 6 years to get here, and they can communicate through some magical means. The order also believes the Dark Elves knew this, which is why they allowed Loki to remove the Queen and so not incur the Demon's wrath.


You immediately made preparations to return home and get rid of the McGuffin.


You went back to the hotel - attempted to open a portal, and then sent Cadmus off to chart a ship instead. Cadmus and Red went off and did things as well, Thodric and Riso stayed with you.


Red had investigated the crater of the crashed Child of the Red Star and brought back a piece of the hull of the rather organic "Star" and a insectoid, semi-organic claw he found inside. At the crater there were tracks of one survivor, who appeared to have slaughtered a half dozen of the high clergy who had been sent to investigate. The survivor had dissappeared into the city somehow - which is odd because from the tracks, it had claws, hooves and was over 8 feet tall.


The claw looked disturbingly like some of the illustrations in the book you had.


Cadmus and Red elected to stay in the city. You, Riso and Thodric took ship back to Elbe-Elster.


On the way, you left the null-magic zone of the city and tried another teleport. It worked - you got back home. Just in time to see your castle overrun by "things". They had six limbs, smelt of burnt flesh, distrupted magic in the area and looked precisely like the book demons. You had time to have one of your arms badly clawed before you escaped back through your portal. You're pretty sure they discovered your secret vault and the McGuffin.

Thodric questioned you on the injury, but you evaded the answer.


You turned the ship around and headed back to the city - it is now too late to save Elbe-Elster.


Other details-

The city is in curfew, the gates closed.

Thodric hired 6 more mercenaries.

The Duchess did raise an army in response to the Magravine's 50,000 that were waiting in Ostmark - but that army is a days journey east of the city.


Session Nine - Riso's PBeM


Okie dokie - when last we left Riso he was catching up on old times with Conrad, the grandfather of Cadmus the Bard. You, he, and Red were have lunch at a nearby tavern while Cadmus dealt with something in his grandfather's apartment. I believe what he said was that he'd left something behind and needs to pick it up.


Cadmus did eventually come by, which was good - because neither you nor Red had sufficient funds to pay for your lunches (Conrad ate a fair bit).


Before Cadmus arrives :- "So what's a priest doing hanging out with the likes of my Grandson eh? You know he's nothing but a wastrel and drunkard. Are you trying to mellow him out, are you? Is it a cause?"


Well, surely it is the constant duty of any priest to help all men to be better than their nature would lead them to be, but Cadmus is not my special cause.


I believe his employer is important, in some manner of which I am not yet entirely sure. It seemed to me that I could best serve the gods by travelling with him for a time.



Conrad is not impressed. You have the feeling that he's seen it all before and has a history with the priesthood. Red is somewhat wistful as he spoons his stew. You have a feeling there isn't enough meat in the meal for him. There is a strange tingle in the air and possibly the smell of ozone. You have enough time for little more conversation as Cadmus arrives - looking a bit peaked.


A voice behind you says- "This is the High Priest of Odin, everyone should return home and stay in their dwellings for the next hour."


Looking around, you see everyone else doing the same. A short conversation with Cadmus and Red - it appears everyone heard the same message at the same time. No one knows what is going on, messages like this have never occured before in the city (the capital, Alasrenoa). It must be big.

(I assume by this that everyone is looking behind themselves, not all at the same place?)

Behind everyone, individually.

Riso will use his mage-sense to gather the flavour of this magic. Does it feel like clerical magic, or something else?

clerical magic. It certainly feels Odinish.

(Do most people appear to be obeying the message?)

Yes - partly because of the shock of it and its unusual nature. Red asks you to go check on the Baron, while he and Cadmus escort Conrad back to his house.

Riso agrees.

You feel a slight sucking sensation behind your eyes.

(Does the sucking sensation seem to end the tingling feeling that started earlier?)

This feels different, and it seems to be getting worse.

Stepping carefully around a section of cracked pavement while rubbing his lucky rabbits foot, sets out to return to the hotel where the Baron and party have taken rooms. He may detour on the way, depending on the answers to the above questions.

About 15 minutes later, just as you are approaching the hotel the Baron is lodged with, you feel as though all life is being sucked out of you. Nausea, cramps and a cold sweat - your eyesight dims and it feels as though your hearing has just been deafened.


Magic is drained fom the entire city.


From the area of the palace a tremendous magical spell is cast, a beam as large as a city suburb leaps skyward and hits the group of the Three Children of the Red Star as they are descending. One is hit and crash lands outside of the city to the east. The other two continue on much further east. You thought they were travelling to Kartar, or at least the Horse Wilds, but you have an almost paranoid dread that they will be landing closer to your homelands, Elbe-Elster.


You've been to religious festivals before where miracles occured, and felt slight drains when it happened - nothing on this scale though.


You stagger into the hotel with an almost crippling migraine only to discover the Baron has left on some errand - according to Thodric. Thodric is sitting in the common room playing cards with the locals and waiting for the the Baron's return.

Friar Riso staggers over to Thodric, holding his head with one hand and looking pale. "Thodric, if you know where your master has gone, go after him. He may need help." Riso then begs a pot of hot water, some hot spiced mead and a bite of food from the innkeeper and retires to his room to brew up a restorative draught. When his head clears and he starts to feel a little better, he will set out to the main temple complex to see what he can find out about the Red Star.



Thodric is a bit gruff and tenacious with Riso on the matter of "following orders" and reveals his very serious "by the book" manner. He was told to stay and wait - and that is what he intends on doing.


During the time that it take for Riso to restore himself to almost normal health (looking in the mirror reveals a pale and pasty, sweaty complexion still), the Baron has returned to the inn - once again locking himself in his room. For his part Thodric guards him.


As Riso leaves for the great temple area, he notices the deserted nature of the streets.


The temple is barred to all, when Riso arrives. Primarily it seems because a large mob had formed outside it, and marched on both it, and the inner walls that protect the palace. Riso sees the remains of the violent dispersal by guards - many citizens lie dead on the ground, their foreheads featuring an ominous, painted read dot. There is a heavy guard presence throughout the area and they eye Riso as a potential troublemaker.


How did the baron look? Does he seem to have been affected like Riso?

This is player knowledge - The Baron came in while Riso was in his room. Riso is unlikely to have seen him, he didn't announce his arrival. Unless you want to use some luck to coincidentally look into the corridor whilst being nausous. The baron was much less affected. Elves are a more magical race than humans, and feel the effects of magic (and perceive the effects) more keenly. Null magic zones (even temporary ones when all the magic is used up on massive spells) have a similar effect as a drug addict going cold turkey on Elves.

Riso will head for one of the poorer areas of town, offering his healing talents, and see what he can find out about the violence and the cultists. Presumably there will be some members of the mob who were wounded but not killed. He will return to the hotel probably fairly late, depending on how many cases he finds.



The cultists had all gathered at the gates leading to the palace, which has its own walled enclosure. There are wounded there, but Riso is unable to do much other than bind their wounds. Eir and Geofen seem to have turned their faces away from the area for the moment and do not answer Riso's entreaties.


The poorer areas of town have no cultists or wounded in them. The sickest people Riso manages to see are the occasionally confused looking alchemists.


Within an hour of the crash of the Child outside the walls, while Riso is tending the Red Star cultists, he notices the gates to the palace enclosure open, and out of which pours a stream of high ranked officials and guards. All the various high priests seem to be there, as well as the Duchess' own elite guard units, on horseback. They head from the palace in the north towards the walls to the east.

Riso will probably head back to the hotel, unless he is lucky enough (given proper attention to his talismans) to find someone who can get him over/under/past the wall to get out and see what's happening. There are usually a few ways for such passage known amongst the criminal underclass, after all.

From the outside base of the city wall, where Riso managed to arrive after several hours of negotiation and travel, not to mention diplomatic wheedling with various less than savoury elements [all skipped because we'll be playing again in a couple of weeks and it would go too long] - Riso sees lightning.


Still slightly unwell, although recovering [magic coming back], Riso's eyes squint against the glare of the powerful bolts of lightning that have been called down on whatever is hidden in the vast cloud of dust and debris where the Child landed.


A stray breeze in the otherwise too still air brings with it the hint of the immense heat radiating from the crater about half an hour's walk away from the walls. At least Riso assumes it's a crater - it's hard to tell with the black fog of dust surrounding the area.


With his keen senses he can just make out the sounds of conflict in the distance before he sees the elite forces and high priests fleeing back towards the city from inside the fog.

Riso will join the stream of people returning to the city, trying his luck to get an idea of what has happened.

The high priests babble prayers to themselves in utter panic, the guards are wide eyed and panicked. As Riso approaches the group he spots something.


A guard near the back pauses, then is violently pulled back towards the fog, some 5 metres. There appear to be two cable-like tendrils attached to the guard. He hacks at one of them, but is dragged by the remaining tendil another 8 metres. The air around the guard seems to blur and open like a flower - or a crab. The guard is ripped into two pieces and cast aside.


The routed elite forces ignore Riso completely in their retreat.

Praying to all the gods to help him in this hour of need and crossing and uncrossing his fingers repeatedly, Riso runs as fast as he can for the gates, not stopping until he gets to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, Riso notes that the others have also arrived-


Cadmus and Red mention briefly their charting of a ship for Alden - a task he set for them on his arrival back at the hotel.


Cadmus and Red decide to stay in the city. Alden and Thodric invite Riso to come with them back to Elbe-Elster.


Alden appears very worried and eager to get home.


A guard near the back paused, then was violently pulled back towards the fog, some 5 metres. Two cable-like tendrils appeared to be attached to the guard. He hacked at one of them, but was dragged by the remaining tendil another 8 metres. The air around the guard seemed to blur and open like a flower - or a crab. The guard was ripped into two pieces and cast aside.


Riso was ignored as he joined the stream of fleeing guards and priests, and he did not stop running until he returned to the inn, panting heavily and collapsing on a bench.


The next day, the Baron left with Thodric and Riso. Red stayed with Cadmus to relocate Conrad. Cadmus also shopped for items with some new-found wealth given to him by an acquaintance who owed him money.


Red headed out to the crater, and found the remains of 10-12 clerics, hideously clawed and slashed. The shell thing had been broken open-it was big enough for 100 men! Heading inside, Red found it full of broken organic bits and pieces, including some extraordingary weapon-like limbs or blades, one of which he ripped out of the wall to take back to his brighter companions. The flesh of the invaders was not of a pleasant taste. Scouting around the area Red found markings suggesting that just a single beast had somehow, presumably, avoided their magic, and destroyed the clerics. He tracked it back to the walls of the city, where the huge monster appeared to head straight on towards the walls. Despite this, there was nowt in the way of uproar or cries. He also retrieved shell pieces as exhibits for the Baron and Cadmus. Suddenly the Baron reappeared, having turned his boat around for reasons unknown. Apparently the fake McGuffin had a big demon in it, put there by Loki! Bye bye barony!


Now monsters are roaming the world! War is upon us! Aiyeeee!


Perhaps it is time for the PCs to tell each other their secrets so we can all understand what is happening! Hah! Yeah, right, that'll happen...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Session Ten - The Baron's Synopsis


Sunday, 22nd January, 12.30

Game date - 26-29th of April


Pre game: The Good Baron and Thodric were a little puzzled - their understanding of the world had changed with the magical SAM attack. As the magic receeded, so did their memories of Constantia. Who was this jumped up tart that could ... put ... a spell... on the ... entire .... continent ...... ! Ehm.


And so, on with the story.


It was a bright and sunny day for the first day of the end of the world. The streets of the city were quiet, however, as guards were stationed at various points. Our heroes, knowing that a massive 10' tall invisible demon was stalking the streets, decided it was a good time for a walk. Actually, knowing that the demons had invaded his home, the Good Baron decided that he'd rather fight one now, learning its capabilities, then 200 with no clue.


It took some time but they found the first sign of its passing - a house with two guards outside and a pool of blood in the street. The guards were *very* uncommunicative. Further along there was another pool of blood and more guards. The Baron noticed a small piece of head lying in the gutter and pointed it out to his fellows. Riso promptly pointed it out to the guards.


The final point of call was the gates of the palace. There again the streets were closed but this time, in addition to the inevitable pool of human blood, there was a pool of purple blood as well, over which stood a Priest of Odin. Riso bluffed his way past the guards to have a look, accidentally stepping in the puddle and getting the bum rush.


The Good Baron bought Riso a new sandle (he wanted to keep the other - it was 'lucky') and then headed off to the hidden 'laboratory' to investigate the blood and see if there was a useful counter to the demons. Of course, seeing that the invisible demon was still at large, he took Thodric with him this time.


A little while later, it was obvious that the blood was carbon/silica based and immune to all normal poisons. The Good Baron reasoned that if it was an earth-based construct that perhaps a Dwarven alchemist might have better luck then he did finding a useful attack. It was off to the guild where he flashed his membership card, got Thodric a hot meal and beer and made his enquiries. Oh, and purchased a large container of mineral solvent in a magic jar - perhaps it'd take care of them. As he left, he gave the jar to Thodric to carry - 'Don't drop it, it costs as much as you do, and it'll eat ... everything'.


Nori the Dwarf was a happy little chap, ensconced in his shoppe on the corner of Cheap and Shadey streets. The Good Baron gave him a sample of the blood and asked if he knew of anything that might affect it like a poison. The Dwarf asked him to come back the next day.


Meanwhile, Red went to see a man about a hilt for his Demon Claw on the grounds that it'd probably be a good thing to hit them with. Cadmus ... was Cadmus.


That night, Cadmus and the Baron had a little chat in private while Thodric was having a drink (on the Barons coin of course, the freeloading git). An 'understanding' was reached and the part took another step in getting slightly closer together. By the end of the chronicle, they may actually talk to each other. There was also a little test of the solvent on the armour of the demons ship - it worked, but it wasn't completely effective. It would probably work better on a creature - but they'd have to find it to check.


The next day saw a return visit to Nori - fat lot of good that did. The jumped up little wanna-be alchemist could provide no useful information what so ever. The Good Baron was inclined to Thodric him for his impertenance but, being a Good Baron, merely left.


After some discussions, they decided that it would be useful to get the hell out of town and head back to the Barons lands. It would be even more useful if they had a writ from the Grand Duchess that would allow them to raise an army from the surrounding Dukes to fight the demons. So it was off to see the Grand Duchess - something that the Good Baron had carefully not done since his arrival.


On the way they passed the church of Odin, which was surrounded by a large number of guards poking the bushes. The Good Baron asked Thodric to ask the guards what was going on. It turned out that the High Priest was suffering from a mysterious case of detacted lower torsoe and feeling somewhat dead. The team exchanged glances, looked once more at the guards sticking swords into bushes and rode off.


After some 'functionary' delay they managed to get into court. This was followed by a 'lowly Barons wait their turn' delay but eventually they got to talk to someone. They secured leave to escape the city and even got a writ to raise an army. Team Alden was on the move.


Tomorrow. Red's sword still wasn't ready, and Cadmus had some things to do, and a few more guards would be good and ... why is it always so hard?


Anyway, the Baron ended up at the Alchemists guild (powders and what not, you know) and it turns out that the GuildMaster had been attacked by the beast but lived to tell the tale - his door was magically sealed and he bravely didn't open it to the monster. Thinking that this was a good idea, the Good Baron commissioned a copy of the forumla and, becoming suspicious that the thing was following him, took his guards and headed over to Nori's.


There he was distressed to find that his little fellow practicioner of the alchemical arts had been slain. The Good Baron, distressed beyond words, asked permission of the guards to say one last goodbye to his little chum. After the correct application of silver, they agreed.


The shop was trashed. Nori had fallen - into three pieces actually. The Good Baron clasped his hand, whispering his goodbyes (and incidentally relieving him of his magic rings). He then turned to leave, picking up the other magic items he'd 'commissioned' from his dearly departed friend.


As he left the building he noticed a large, 10' tall shimmery invisible shape on the building opposite. It ran off before he could call attention to it, but that was enough. It was after him. He sent his pageboy running to collect the rest of the team (particularly Thodric) and waited with the guards.


Cadmus, having returned from preparing the ship (and other nefarious deeds no doubt) joined the rest as they charged to meet the Baron. There was a quick whispered discussion as he explained that he thought he knew where it would be going - to get the rest of the blood he'd collected. If it didn't, it'd probably be after him anyway and he wanted the blood to work on.


He showed the others his secret lab, figuring that by now it was getting to dangerous to keep many secrets - the others would be dead soon anyway. The beast wasn't there so they collected what they could and started to leave. The Baron thought it was outside so he even went so far as the cast a spell on Thodric, knowing he'd be in the front lines - the Iron Warrior was in play... Riso's spidey-sense started pinging so they were cautious. That didn't stop Red, who was last to leave, walking straight into it, however.


The thing decided to try and capture the Good Baron, firing its meathooks at him. Fortunately, the Good Baron was blessed by the forsight to be wearing plate greeves and the hooks bounced off. The others attacked, rather unsuccessfully (the phrase 'bounced off its armour' was sickening in its regularity). The Baron retreated while the guards and Thodric intervened. Cadmus thew an explosive potion (courtesy of the Barons alchemical skill) which did nothin' to no one. Riso threw his, missed, hid Thodric in the head and it exploded heartily. Fortunately, Thodric was protected by the Barons magic and didn't take too much damage.


The beast, moving faster then any of them, ran around the guards and again attacked the Good Baron, chopping at him stupidly fast with his massive claws. The Baron threw his arms up for protection and fortunately the blades bounced off the plate arm guards that he was wearing. If the beast could have sworn, it would have. Thodric charged to attack (see phrase above) as did the others (see phrase above). The beast attacked the baron again, but the arm guards held firm. He did take a small scratch to the hand, however. Finally the beast took some damage when the Good Baron opened a volcano at its feat, coating its little hooves in lava.


Being quite tired now, given the amount of useless wailing on armour it had been doing, the beast retreated to the top of a nearby building to catch its breath. Cadmus then hit it fair in the head with another of the Barons explosive potions as the Baron caused the nearby vermin to crawl into its armour and start biting. Red, meanwhile advanced and waited at the bottom of the building for it to make a move.


Here, the beast made its fatal mistake. It fired its flesh hooks at Red to try and drag him close for the killing and eating. Red, thinking this was a bad plan, pulled the beast off the roof and back to the street where he promptly grabbed it and wouldn't let go. The others charged forward and a general melee ensued. That is, until Thodric, tired of hearing the phrase (see above) took a massive windup and cut its head clean off.


While the two guards were demanding hazzard pay from the Good Baron, and Riso was healing his hand, Cadmus knelt next to it and *poof* the body disappeared. Those claws were too good to pass up. The team took a circuitous route back to the inn and holed up for the night, ready to leave on the morrow...

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Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


The Bard's Synopsis


Having returned, the baron read his translated book to us. Demon aliens! Aiee! Cadmus went out to do some investigating of exactly who had given us the fake alien McGuffin while the others decided to walk along the wall, looking for where the alien/demon/creature had apparently made it over


Lacking marked success, they wandered into the interior of the city, finding a cordoned off area near the palace gates. A priest stood near some weird purple bloodstains. Riso bluffed his way through the guards and made notes of the scene. When the priest noticed Riso, he was not about to be bluffed and began to throw Riso out. With admirable forethought and no concern for the fact that the purple blood might melt his foot off, Riso stepped in it before leaving to ensure we got a sample


Having met with little success but gotten inquiries rolling, Cadmus checked on his purchases and made his way back to the hotel, where he met Red and Riso-the baron having gone to the warehouse laboratory to investigate the blood. Cadmus and Riso chatted about life, Riso and the nature of miracles. Cadmus found him trusting/liking Riso significantly more


The baron could not find a biological agent to affect the blood, but he did find a powerful mineral solvent would work on the creature's armour-albeit slowly. Disappointment/concern was in the air


The next day we went to visit Nori, a dwarf alchemist the baron had given some purple blood to. He agreed with the hypothesis that acids work on it, while known poisons do not. Riso went off to track down the red-dot people. Meanwhile, Cadmus and the baron had an in-depth chat-about life, Alden and the nature of miracles. In order to gain more cooperation within the party, and because he thought it was time-and because it amused him-Cadmus swapped background material with the baron


Now we can be much more free regarding what we do most of the time-something which turned out to be of major help the next day. As for the rest of the day, Cadmus went back to the shops, and he and Red changed Red's Kataran money into real cash


The next day we went to visit the Ducal court. On the way, we found that the High Priest of Odin had been murdered! Now many mystical guards and wards surrounded all places of importance-especially the palace, where it took over 10 minutes for even a Cadmus-announced Baron to gain entry


The court was abuzz with the news of a serial murderer monster, let loose, obviously, by the Hand of Loki. We ignored the courtiers, having more pressing business, meeting with Count Flavio and telling him our problems. We got permission to leave the city and a writ to command assistance when we got nearer to Elb-Elsta. After some discussion about whether we stop by Constantia for a quick murder and army theft, we decided to first go further south by boat, which was faster and gave us time to get a few troops of our own. Cadmus began to organise the boat trip. Meanwhile, the baron heard the Master of the Alchemy Guild had been attacked but survived. Having checked it out, he made his way to Norri's place, only to find the poor dwarf a pile of rubble-not that that stopped him, in the finest adventuring traditions, looting both the corpse and the room, of course. Outside, the baron saw a blur on the rooftops. He immediately sent a pageboy to fetch the armed and armoured party-he believed he knew where the creature would go next: the warehouse. It wasn't there. We discussed plans for trapping it. Dropping all pretence, the baron cast a few spells openly. Red had a mild panic attack about this until he realised no-one else had blinked. Ah - party secrets within secrets within conversations


We left, fully prepared to be attacked-and yea! We were


Near the back, Red bumped into something. The beast appeared! It grabbed at the baron with tentacles, which bounced of his armour! We instantly attacked it, with our attacks bouncing off its armour! Sigh


An armour-bouncing barney ensued, with the highlights including: it escaping to the roof, tentacling Red, and Red ripping it off the roof


The Baron letting loose with some rather impressive spells. Cadmus nailing it through both feet in a brilliant double-shot. And Thodric proving why we respect him as the punchy-by cleaving the beast's head in twain with a massive haymaker! Hooray for the tank! Not wanting to be questioned too closely by the authorities but wanting to keep the corpse for further examination/looting, the party quickly began to ready limb chopping implements. Cadmus instead leaned forward, placed his hands on the corpse, and it vanished, to be later carved up


And so we left, triumphant. For tomorrow Red and Cadmus gather our on-order swords, and then we all get the hell out of here by boat. An army, a country in peril, an evil ruler and glory await!

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Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


I've been asking the players about how long they would be willing to go with the alien invasion. I have two mop-up chapters planned after this - the Genestealer Cult (the Red Star cultists) that heralded the invasion, and the Dark Elves who had been using the Queen the past 5 years (the players don't know about this yet).


They said they didn't mind if it went a while - so I may have the mothership land - rather than just leaving it with the two Mycetic Spores in the barony and 200 Tyranids. As they will almost immediately be facing 50,000 troops - they would be calling for reinforcements anyway.


If they wanted a shorter invasion, the advance force would have hold up inside the Baron's castle under siege by the Margravine's forces by the time the PCs turned up.


I'm hoping to get them onboard the ship eventually - to kill the Queen (or possibly a Dominatrix) just so I can use my Advanced Space Crusade boards :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Session Eleven ran last Sunday. I should be receiving synopses from players (eager for contribution XP) soon.


But to summarise - left Alasrenoa by ship, attacked by pirates, main mast lost in storm near the Grey Bogs, deals made with nefarious dockmaster in the Duchy of Bayern, captain and two sailors of their ship murdered in order to get money from aforesaid dockmaster, attempts to recruit soldeirs to form an army to take back Elbe-Elster, arrival in Elbe-Elster within sight of what is left of the Margravine's army - the modified castle of the Baron, and ending on a sudden night attack by their favourite Dark Elven stalker (who was recalled when the Magravine went south)

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Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Synopsis a la Red


A final day in the city. The events of yesterday calmed the mind and body, as the beast we feared might still be walking the streets, slaughtering those it encountered was now dead. Others knew nothing of our actions, my companions desperate to conceal their heroism. The city remained locked, guards marching every hour and the day and night, and a miasma of fear filled my nostrils when I passed any group of people.


Morning was quiet, and the blade not ready until afternoon. The trip to the crater of the egg took me the most of the morning, and much of the afternoon. There was no change. I returned, swimming again, somehow very tired, floating upon the gentle waves rather than fighting them. By the time I had collected the claw-made sword my companions had loaded the ship, and we were ready to go.


For days our travel was uninterrupted and mostly smooth. After a day of nausea, the smell of salt and the sea became as familiar to me as that of a terror.


Passing not too far from the piratical isle of Dornica, possible distant relatives of one of my companions, a shipful of buccaneers, tried their luck with our ship. They were driven off handily, what I assume to have been Alden's magics creating a windstorm upon their decks, while Cadmus peppered their decks and men with arrows and fire blooms. As they never reached our sides, I did little more than assist Riso a very little.


Days again passed, our idylls interrupted by a storm, a perfect opportunity to ride out on the bowsprit as the ship rolled and plunged across the waves. Unfortunately, the damage the pirates had caused to our mast was enough to collapse it under the great stresses of the storm. It barely missed those few of us on the deck.


Nautical expertise saved us, and the captain and crew found ways of accounting for the lost mast, and we were soon limping into harbour. It seems likely that news of the foul beast far to the north is spreading as every other ship was fleeing the direction opposite to us.


The story continued in town, the docks awash with refugees desperate to escape to anyway, with more, desperate for a little money for their hard-ridden horses, arriving hourly.


The dockmaster, a hideously fat and ugly man came aboard. In negotiations of which I remained unaware until later, the ship was sold to him, by I think Cadmus and Alden, irrelevant of the fact the captain owned his vessel.


The conspiracy was revealed to me, in part at least, only later. Accompanying Cadmus, two sailors and the captain to the warehouse district down the docks from the refugees we entered a dark, lightless building. Dashing the light source to the ground Cadmus quickly and fatally knifed the captain and one of the sailors, injuring the third man. He died later as I tried to defend him from the bard. Cadmus' arguments, the necessity of money, of resources... made some sense. But I fear love of blood blinded him, and perhaps Alden, to other options.


We continued north, the baron raising a small force of children and invalids on the way to... for some reason. We passed greater numbers fleeing before we finally reached the river across for Elbe-Elster. Which was now a benighted, fouled and dead land.

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Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


The Bard's Synopsis


Waiting to depart for Elbe-Elster, Red went wandering around town. Cadmus retrieved his new sword-a flash Halay steel one-and bought a few other necessary travel items. The ship then sailed, and we had a few quiet days of travelling, getting to know the crew, but then, in the distance, a sail appeared, heading straight for us. Closer and closer they came, soon obvious to all as pirates. As our captain put on sail to flee, the party armed and armoured themselves, ready to repel borders with excessive force.


As they came closer, their ballistae fired over us. Then a second shot smacked into our mast. Having deciding this was unfair, Cadmus carefully attached one of the Baron's miraculous firebloom potions to an arrow and, at a distance of nearly 200m, slammed it into the pirates' deck with his mighty longbow. All were impressed. Yet the pirates kept gaining.


At 60m Cadmus smashed another firebloom potion into the pirates' rigging, boosting our morale. Unfortunately, the pirates began firing arrows back. An arrow smacked into Cadmus' armour, and in return he sank a shaft into the chest of his assailant. The fireblooms were dying out-curse those fireproofing mages!-and the pirates kept gaining! Suddenly, and miraculously, a whirlwind appeared in the ocean and sped towards the pirate ship, settling over it and forcing the pirates below. They fell away, much to Thodric's disappointment-no cleaving today. Days later, a huge storm swept over the ship, breaking our mast. For a

while we thought we might sink, but the storm abated, and we managed to limp onwards-everyone unhurt.


Near home, we passed lots of ships fleeing in the other direction, yelling at us to turn around for war is ahead! We try to look surprised, and mostly fail. At the docks, we find that most able bodied men are already further north with the Duke. We decide to follow. First, the Baron and Cadmus make a deal with the dockmaster and the captain-the details of which lead to an apparent minor falling out between Red and Cadmus, leading Cadmus to apologise to Red, a lot-and make some money for the group.


Now with some funds, Thodric and Riso begin recruiting whoever is left. We gain a few young, but eager, lads. We travel north, pausing only to buy horses cheap from those fleeing south. Soon we recruit a few more people, bringing our Grand Armee up to: us, 3 guards and 5 lads-one with his own suit of chain! The others make do with leather armour.


The baron sends a messenger-priest north to the duke with a copy of his war warrant, commanding the Duke to meet him in Elbe-Elster. We go straight there, where, much to our horror, we see a melted castle, utter devastation and what is left of 50,000 troops-a mere 15,000 men. So we head away a few days to a bridge to cross to join the army. Then, one night, as we are camped-at least armoured in a war zone, not lounging in hotel rooms-a man steps out of nowhere and chops a guard in half. Then another steps out. The fight is on, but this time, we are ready. Will we repeat last time, or will we take these scum out, loot their bodies and find their masters? Find out, next time!


The Secret Diary of the Bard


The Baron decided to raise funds by 'selling' the captain's ship to the harbourmaster while telling the captain that he was 'renting' it for 50 pounds. Unfortunately, he then left Cadmus to work out the details. On discussion with the harbourmaster, Varin determined that it would be easier, and more profitable, to simply sell the ship for real. He had little trouble getting the harbourmaster to pay 110 pounds for the ship-which he intended to use to take refugees a few days away, dump them, then come back and get more-a clever but morally repugnant little scheme which Varin thought amusing. So he decided to help. First, he organised the agreement of those sailors on the ship Cadmus knew would be amenable to working for a different master at higher pay, then he convinced the captain and two other, less-amenable sailors to come with him and Red to get paid. Bringing Red turned out to be Varin's first real mistake.


Having led these men to a dark warehouse 'where the harbourmaster was working', and carrying the only light source, Varin dropped the light and killed two and wounded one. Red, confused and not nearly as helpful as Varin had hoped, tried to save one, asking ridiculous questions about why we should kill these men. Surely, he exclaimed, we could let this one sailor go-as though it would not be bloody idiotic to let free a man who knew Cadmus by name and had just been wounded by him and had his companions murdered by him! Keeping calm, Varin gave Red some twaddle about it being for the greater good of the world, we must sacrifice some for the good of the many, blah blah blah, until the sailor Red was protecting bled to death. Then Cadmus apologised profusely to Red, agreeing that his idea of a non-violent solution was probably better-and indeed it might have worked, but not past the first sword stroke by Varin. Then it was too late.


Anyway, Varin then collected 110 pounds from the harbourmaster, pocketed 10 as his fee, and went back to the Baron, providing his new partner with the money and the ship's cargo, which was unloaded and sold for another 10 pounds.


The next night, after the harbourmaster's new ship had sailed, Varin dropped off a note and symbol at the harbourmaster's office-because it was funny to balance out his nasty little scheme and ensure that some of his ill-gotten gains were given back to the poor. The note read: "Today a serpent saw you profit from the fear of innocents. Normally I would be amused. Today, you disgust me. Let me share the fear with you. I shall keep my eye on you-so share the wealth with the poor. If I come past and find that you have not-you shall share your blood with the worms. Varin, the Serpent of Loki."

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Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign


Question for you, Curufea: since you're moving your game to RPG.net's wiki, does this mean you have to open it up to editing by anyone? Isn't there potential for abuse that way? I'm asking because you had/have so much info I can't see that you'd want anyone else to have the ability to change it.

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