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4th Ed vs. 5th ed for Pulp Heroes?


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I saw the announcement for the new Pulp Heroes book and I'm pretty psyched for it! Next to 'Western Hero' this is probably the book I've been looking forward to the most!


How easy will the new book be to use with my 4th ed rulebook? I haven't looked at the 5th ed in detail really so I don't know what kind of changes have been made.


I'm guessing it wouldn't be hard to use with 4th ed...cuz'...Hero is Hero is Hero...but I might be terribly, terribly wrong as well!

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Re: 4th Ed vs. 5th ed for Pulp Heroes?


Not having seen the manuscript I of course can't speak definitively, but I would guess that you won't have much difficulty. The largest practical changes to HERO for Fifth Edition have been to some Powers, which don't come up that much in a pulp-era campaign. Characteristics haven't changed at all, Skills only slightly (plus some additions), Talents and Disadvantages have been expanded and undergone a few modifications but the old ones are still there, weapon and vehicle builds are virtually unchanged.


If you'd like a summary of what's different between 4th and 5th, I recommend this webpage.

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Re: 4th Ed vs. 5th ed for Pulp Heroes?


I've been using "Justice Inc" with the current rules and even that hasn't been too much of a stretch (admittedly I've not done a lot with major powers and complex gadgets, though) so I'd be surprised if you had too many problems. Of course, I expect the next dozen posters to demand to know why you've not bought 5th yet... :winkgrin:

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Re: 4th Ed vs. 5th ed for Pulp Heroes?


I've been using "Justice Inc" with the current rules and even that hasn't been too much of a stretch (admittedly I've not done a lot with major powers and complex gadgets' date=' though) so I'd be surprised if you had too many problems. Of course, I expect the next dozen posters to demand to know why you've not bought 5th yet... :winkgrin:[/quote']


Why not!?!?!?!!?

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