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[Character Concept] Psychokinetic/Jedi Knight


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Greeting Herophiles, I need you help with a new player’s character, specifically with his Disadvantages [Psycological Limitations].


The character is actually a Mutant Psychokinetic who believes he is a Jedi Knight sent by the Jedi Council beyond the Rim to our system to protect the innocents and the Republic from the Sith and Separatist remnants.


He believes that most Superhumans are Force Sensitives, using the Force Instinctively in ways not easily understood.


His LightSabre is a Psionic Construct and the actual Focus (mock ups) Limitation represents his Mental Blocks.


He uses 2 Light Sabres in Combat. To make the Jedi Knight less lethal I imposed a Multipower version allowing him to do non lethal Damage.


He also manifested a Psionic Construct of a Transport (By What?)


Thanks in advance



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Re: [Character Concept] Psychokinetic/Jedi Knight


[fake Vader voice]

So, you wish to discern psychological limitations for a young fool who believes he's a Jedi, eh? For such as he, I believe we should begin with:


(Breathes loudly)


Delusional: Believes he is a Jedi Knight (Common, Total, 20 points). This is self-explanatory, and should make for some interesting scenes when he is confronted with the propagandic pablum created by George Lucas and his ilk.


(Breathes loudly)


Believes he is sanctioned by the Jedi Council (Common, Total, 20 points). This helps to 'explain' his presence on your world. 'Yoda told me to come here!' Heh.


(Breathes loudly)


Follows the Jedi Code (Common, Total, 20 points). If he truly believes himself to be a Jedi Knight (instead of merely playing at being one because they're 'so cool'), then he will try to follow the inane Code of the Jedi, which emphasizes suppressing your emotions instead of unbridling them. It's not that he doesn't understand emotions, it's that he feels that he can't act on them. To his allies, he will often come off as a cold fish. To your media, he will come across as inhuman.


(Breathes loudly)


Must Protect Earth fro 'The Sith' (Common, Total, 20). This is the other half of his reason for being here. The 'specific mission' given to him by the 'Jedi Council'. And because of all the 'Force Sensitives' present, nothing short of a 'disaster on the Galactic Rim' would make him want to leave (Good luck finding his spaceship, though. ;) ). Your Knight will be slightly paranoid, seeing many (if not all) of the supervillians as sith, and investigating any known 'Schools for Gifted Youngsters' for potential Sith taint, and possibly offering his time as a teacher (even if he doesn't have any useful skills) if he judges the school favorably. And now we get to our final Psychological Limitation...


(Breathes loudly)


Preachy (Common, Total, 20 points): Even if there aren't any 'Schools for the Gifted' in your campaign, your young 'Jedi' will constantly try to impart/force the Jedi code onto his 'Force Sensitive' teammates. How many times must they hear 'There is no emotion; there is peace.' before they turn to the Dark Side in order to shut him up? Not long, I would imagine.


(Breathes loudly)


And there you have it, young gamemaster, 5 Psychological Limitations that will give you and your Player a clearer view of what it means to be a Jedi.


(Breathes loudly)

[/fake Vader voice]

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Re: [Character Concept] Psychokinetic/Jedi Knight


Thanks Nevell for the Star Wars Hero PDFs. Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress. I may resort to a Variable Power Pool (Force Powers) and just give the player a listing of Force Powers.


Jedi Knight


Val CHA Cost Roll Notes

20 STR 10 13- Lift 100 kg; 4d6 HTH Damage

20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7

20 CON 20 13-

20 BODY 20 13-

20 INT 10 13- PER Roll: 13-

20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

20 COM 5 13-


10 PD 6 Total: 10/16 PD ( 6 rPD)

10 ED 6 Total: 10/16 ED ( 6 rED)

4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12.

10 REC 4

50 END 5

50 STUN 10

Total Characteristics Cost: 166pts.


Movement: Running: 10"/20"

Swimming: 5"/10"

Leaping: 25"/50"

Gliding: 30"/60"


Cost Powers & Skills END/Roll

8 Running +4†(10â€/20†NCM)

2 Swimming +2†(5â€/10†NCM)

--- 176pts.

Clairsentience (Sight, Hearing, & Mental Sense Groups)

Damage Reductions 50% rDEF, Requires a Force Roll (-1/2)

Detect (The Force/Mental Powers) Sense, Range, Discriminatory, Analyze, Telescopic x20 vs. Range.

Detect (Actions of Opponents)

Detect (Life Force/Living Beings)

Find Weakness w/ all Attacks, 11-

Healing 1d6 “Take away the pain & Stabilizeâ€.

Luck: 4d6 "The Force"

Mental Defense +15 Usable by Others, Ranged Useable by 4 Other

Mind Control

Mind Link

Mind Scan




Missile Deflection & Reflection vs. All Ranged Attacks, etc, etc, etc…

Life Support: Hibernate/Stasis

Gliding “TK Parachuteâ€

Running +10â€

Leaping +25â€

Swimming +10â€


Multipower: Lightsabre

1. 3d6+1 RKA, AVLD (Force Field, Lightsabre, Combat Luck style DEF; +1), Does Body (+1), IAF (-1/2)

2. 8d6 EB, NND (Force Field, Lightsabre, Combat Luck style DEF; +1), Does Knockback

3. Thrown Lightsabre

4. Parry Missile Attacks

5. Cut Through Objects “Tunneling†or Armour Piercing & Penetrating


Martial Arts: Jedi Arts (Light Sabre & TK Techniques)

Maneuver OCV DCV Damage


Counter Strike

Offensive Strike



Flying Strike







3 Weapon Elements: Clubs, Bare Handed, & TK.



--- Anonymity:

--- Reputation:



6 Combat Luck: The Force 6rDEF

3 Combat Sense:

--- Danger Sense;

5 Eidetic Memory

4 Speed Reading



3 Acrobatics

2 Analyze Combat Technique

3 Breakfall

0 Climbing 8-

--- Combat Driving (Grav Bike)

--- Combat Piloting (Star Fighter)

12 Combat Skill Levels +4 w/Lightsabre

--- Computer Programming

0 Concealment 8-

--- Contortionist

0 Conversation 8-

--- Cramming

0 Deduction 8-

10 Defense Maneuver IV

--- Electronics

--- Fast Draw: Lightsabre

--- High Society

--- KS: The Force

--- KS: The Republic

0 AK: Home Area 8-

0 Language: English (native)

0 Language: Galactic Standard

--- Navigation (Space)

--- Oratory

0 Paramedic 8-

12 Penalty Skill Levels; +8 w/ Block, Missile Deflect, & Sweep.

--- Persuasion

3 Power Skill: The Force

0 PS: Jedi Knight 8-

5 Rapid Attack (HTH Combat)

--- Riding

--- Security Systems

0 Shadowing 8-

--- Skill Levels; +4 Overall

0 Stealth 8-

--- Streetwise

--- Survival

--- System Operations

--- Tactics

--- Teamwork

0 TF:

10 Two Weapon Fighting (P.396-397)

--- Weaponsmith (Lightsabre)

Total Powers & Skills Cost:

Total Character Cost:


100+ Disadvantages

Accidental Change:



Distinctive Features: Mutant/The Force



Hunted: Law Enforcement (Watched; v

Hunted: IHA/ Separatist or Imperial Remnant

Hunted: PSI/Sith Lords

20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

Physical Limitation:

20 Psychological Limitation: Jedi Code (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Delusional: Believes he is a Jedi Knight (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Must Protect Earth from 'The Sith' (Common, Total)

Reputation: Deluded Superhero


Social Limitation:





Total Disadvantage Points:

















Designer's Notes:



(Created by TheQuestionMan, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)



Thanks again fro the Psychological Limitations.





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Re: [Character Concept] Psychokinetic/Jedi Knight


Ironically enough, I had a character in the last campaign I was in who had exactly that MO(mutant who thought he was a jedi). The lethality of his lightsaber got him into a LOT of trouble though, as he hurt people even while holding back. He put Dr. Megaton's son, Fusion, in the hospital, prompting dear old dad to hire Tachyon to "teach" him a lesson.



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Re: [Character Concept] Psychokinetic/Jedi Knight


Ironically enough, I had a character in the last campaign I was in who had exactly that MO(mutant who thought he was a jedi). The lethality of his lightsaber got him into a LOT of trouble though, as he hurt people even while holding back. He put Dr. Megaton's son, Fusion, in the hospital, prompting dear old dad to hire Tachyon to "teach" him a lesson.




Thanks for the Meta Plot. Hmmm... how would the Law Enforcement Agencies and Superheroes deal with him? Hmmm... Oh yeah that's the ticket.





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Re: [Character Concept] Psychokinetic/Jedi Knight


with "does no bleeding" a lightsaber can be a fairly non-lethal weapon if used on limbs. Yes, you will lose the limb. Yes it will hurt like a mother. But they will probably not outright die because of the lessened body multiple.


Also if you cut off a guy's hand in a clean swipe, you might be able to PRE attack the rest into submission without cleaving limbs off

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