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Resistent PD not resistent against Nerve Damage

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Hello again

in CybHerOpunk conversion i'm converting Skinweave, aka Armor-that-lies-behind-skin


It convert directly to an rPD (IPE if not too powerful).

But problem is that Skinweave are supposed thinner in sensible area (like thorat, or vitals, or like), and thus even not protective against Nerve Damage

But Nerve Damage/Choke Hold are NND (defense are Resistent PD on vitals/neck).

So i'm to insert a limitation to skinweave: "does not protect against Nerve Damage/Choke Hold". How much you think value this limitation? -½? or better -1?

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Re: Resistent PD not resistent against Nerve Damage


Damage Resistance is the best way (imo) to handle Skin Weave. The only limit you might want to give it is Limited Coverage to reflect the idea that some hit locations are not protected.


It's "invisible" by default.


As Von says, nerve strikes are not (generally) stopped by rPD, but rather by Rigid PD.

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Re: Resistent PD not resistent against Nerve Damage


I wouldn't give them anything for it. Generally' date=' nerve strikes and choke holds are stopped by "rigid defenses" and not "resistant defenses."[/quote']

Just to step on my favorite soap box...well, one of them, anyway...


NNDs should be countered not by specific super powers but by SFX which at least on a theoretical level are "reasonably" accessible to PCs and NPCs alike, in my view preferably even normal human NPCs/PCs. "Force Field" is not an acceptable defense for an NND (yes, I know, "it's in the book", well, exactly, my contention is the book is wrong), but "Being Grounded or Otherwise Electrically Contained" is. Otherwise we end up setting up NNDs designed to exploit mechanical weaknesses and "classes", so to speak, of PCs/NPCs instead of really designing them as intended based on SFX and having "just the right defense". I think this better justifies the -1.

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Re: Resistent PD not resistent against Nerve Damage


I always assumed that when the term 'Force Fields' was used (in relation to an NND or AVLD power) it referred to the special effect of a field of force (like in the Star Trek brig), not to the FF power. I guess it is kinda wonky, like an energy blast vs. pd.

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Re: Resistent PD not resistent against Nerve Damage


To sideline the discussion somwhat and go on about zornwil's point (shouldn't that be 'insulated' not 'grounded' - if you are grounded, the charge has somewhere to go.....I suppose you could have a copper weave suit that conducts the charge to earth through itself rather than through you, ut....I'll shut up now, eh?). I agree with his emphasis on SFX to an extent, but in defence of the humble force field I usually consider them 'by default' to be seperated from the body so they are good defences for anything that would cause damage if it touched. Mind you SFX don't necessarily have force fields working that way....


The problem with SFX based 'defences' is it is a bit of a munchkin's playground. Suddenly everyone has a costume made of 'advanced materials that provide electrical and thermal insulation' or somesuch.


I tell you what I wouldn't mind seeing as defences: more use of Life Support. I mean you could have 'electrically insulated' for 1 or 2 points: wouldn't stop a 'normal' electrical attack, but good enough against NNDs just as LS: Cold won't stop a chunk of ice but will stop your blood freezing. At least the little darlings have to pony up some points for all the cunning defences then....


Electrics, sonics, psionics (my brain is hardenned against intrusion :)), whatever. Every possible sfx that can cause damage in a campaign should have a corresponding LS, IMO.

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Re: Resistent PD not resistent against Nerve Damage


As I understood it, though, NNDs are something that normals should in some semi-reasonable way be able to manage, so I think SFX are indispensable. I agree that "it is a bit of a munchkin's playground" but, especially in supers games, that's along the lines of many other such things and speaks to the need to play in genre.

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Re: Resistent PD not resistent against Nerve Damage


As I understood it' date=' though, NNDs are something that normals should in some semi-reasonable way be able to manage, so I think SFX are indispensable. I agree that "it is a bit of a munchkin's playground" but, especially in supers games, that's along the lines of many other such things and speaks to the need to play in genre.[/quote']


You are, of course, quite right. Mind you, given that LS is so cheap I wouldn't have too many qualms about ad hoc improvisations, from a well times jump for electricity to covering your ears for sonics to wearing a piece of tin-foil on your head for psionics: all stuff anyone could manage, but not terribly reliable in 'combat'. My concern is that you shouldn't be able to just sfx your way out of it all the time without some ongoing effort, or at least a high degree of ptential fallibility UNLESS you've spent points on it. Having a free NND proof costume just seems a little too easy.

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Re: Resistent PD not resistent against Nerve Damage


As I understood it' date=' though, NNDs are something that normals should in some semi-reasonable way be able to manage, so I think SFX are indispensable. I agree that "it is a bit of a munchkin's playground" but, especially in supers games, that's along the lines of many other such things and speaks to the need to play in genre.[/quote']


My typical handling of NNDs is to (as often as possible) define both a game mechanic and an sfx based defense. Admittedly, not all attack effect concepts lend themselves to this, but those that do get this treatment.

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