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Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


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I'm making a gravity-based character (who has multiform because he's a 5 dimensional creature, including time). I wanted one of his forms to be purely defensive, to protect civilians and such.


However, for some reason I want to be able to protect the innocent from a nuke--even though I don't think it will ever come up. This seems virtually impossible however, given the write-up in the equipment book (multiple 20d6 damage effects at ground 0). I ended up reading the Extra-Dimensional Movement power, and it commented on using it to make an impenetrable defense. Given some thought I came up with this:


Gravitic Bubble (e.g. dimensional pocket)


Space warps around the user of this ability, shunting the user and everything around him into a pocket dimension that is the same size as the area of effect. This dimension, once created, is completely seperated from normal space-time, and can only be viewed or accessed via abilities designed to look into other dimensions. The same applies for those inside this dimension and looking out.


Cost: Extra Dimensional Movement 20 (Single [newly created] Dimension), +50 (Mass is up to 102,400 kg)

Advantages: +1 AoE Circle, +1 Usable as an Attack (effect hits those around the user, no range, and those around him don't choose to go)

Active Points/Total: 210


Naturally I'd have some disadvantages, but does this seem like a reasonable power use of the ability? I couldn't find anything that used an AoE for teleportation/extra-dimensional movement that wasn't a gate. Naturally Gates are quite different, as each person decides to go in or not.


Do I need to add a way for those inside to leave, such as moving outside the radius of effect?


Other thoughts?


Thanks in advance.




Edit: Changed base price of ED to 20 plus mass bonus.

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Why 27 Dimensions? I'd just go with 1 Dimension.


Make sure the GM will allow an abort to shapeshift as well, and then turn on the power. That's two actions so usually not allowable as an abort action, limiting you to knowing the nuke is about to hit - not a big deal, but a reminder.

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Why 27 Dimensions? I'd just go with 1 Dimension.


Oops, that actually should be 32 points. It's travelling to a related group of dimensions, each point corresponding to your physical location. It isn't really one other dimension, since one bubble isn't connected to the others. I'd imagine that limiting the size of each dimension to the area of effect is a 0 point limitation. You can't use the power to travel anywhere (by shifting dimensions, moving, and shifting back), but that also means no one is going to bump into you in your bubble.


Since they are different dimensions it also means you can have more than one person make such a bubble and you all go to different places. You can also change the size of the bubble (buying multiple areas for the power). I can see an arguement for a single dimension, but it just didn't feel right to me. In reality there are an unlimited number of such dimensions, each one as uninteresting as the last (and as far as special effects go for this power, they rightly shouldn't exist until this power brings one into being).


This sort of applies to my situation in particular, since I am planning on this form of my multiform to have duplication (always on). 9 little beings with purely defensive powers to protect the innocents. I am thinking about giving them regeneration with resurrection, which can be stopped by moving the dead one far enough from the others. (As it happens I don't think this form would be humanoid...I was thinking about a bunch of, perhaps black, spheres that fly around). Anyhow, with 9 identical uses of this power they need to all be different places.


Make sure the GM will allow an abort to shapeshift as well' date=' and then turn on the power. That's two actions so usually not allowable as an abort action, limiting you to knowing the nuke is about to hit - not a big deal, but a reminder.[/quote']


Well, I'd be surprised if we actually face a nuke. I was just looking at what would be needed to survive one, and it seems nigh impossible to protect people from them. Assuming about 4 different effects that each have 20d6 dice of damage (all killing damage), even a 100 PD/100 ED Force Wall could potentially break. That's assuming you apply each 20d6 damage effect seperately, which the book didn't seem clear on--I'll check the faq. If you add all the damage together and apply it at once then you'd need over 300PD/300ED to have a good chance of stopping the blast (also life support high radiation). At 5 points per 2 PD or ED, that's insanely expensive even with a lot of limitations (1500 base active points means you are either going to have to have charges--which seems like cheating--or have no endurance which means you need over 20.0 in limitations to have this cost under 100).


I figure if you can protect people from a nuke then you can protect them from most anything. For this power I planned on knowing something was coming ahead of time.


I suppose you could try to make something using Gate and a Teleportation Area to simulate this too. Have it spherical (and hollow) and then anything that hits one side of the gate goes out the opposite side. I'll try my hand at that later, as that certainly would handle the odd warping of space (imagine looking at it from the outside).



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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


From what I'm understanding you want to simply move a large number of people from the Nuked Dimension into a Safe Pocket Dimension.


You should only need EDM: 1 Dimension, Same Point.


EDM doesn't allow spacial movement to you always come back out where you went in and you only need to move to the single point in the 1 Dimension since you're creating the Pocket Dimension pretty much on the spot. Where ever the person went in - is where the person comes out. No need for a related set of Dimensions, all going to the same dimension with slightly different offset points - this is covered nicely by the AoE Advantage placed onto the EDM. Moving multiple objects is covered by the Mass Multiplier already. I still see no reason for more than 1 Dimension.


Unless there's something in description I'm missing...

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Actually, he can stick with his original description and still use only one dimension. Imagine a dimension made up enirely of impenetrable solid mater. Now imagine that a gravitic space warp entering this dimension causes a bubble to form in this matter (in a corrosponding location to the home dimension). When the space warp ends (and all foriegn matter is gone), the bubble "pops" and impenetrable solid mater space returns to normal.


One dimension is all you need. Just gotta get creative with the properties of that dimension.


P.S.: Really cool idea Drachasor. What would be cool would be to create some sort of AE Clairsentience effects that allows the people in the bubble to see "out" into normal space to see what's happening. Would kinda suck to return a little early.


For that matter, it might be wise to consider buying up to any location in a single other dimension (any place on Earth). While I've never survived a nuclear bomb, I've heard the radiation fallout tends to last a while.

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Hmm, here's the workup for a teleportation shield:



20"-- 40 points

Increased Mass 6400 kg (6 tons)-- 25 points

Fixed Location (opposite side of sphere): 1 point (or some other small number)



+1 Area of Effect (10" sphere, can be larger if teleportation distance increased, but that's expensive)

+1 Continuous

+.25 Hole in the Middle (fixed size, one less than the circle in radius)

+.5 Usable by Others

+.5 No Endurance



-.5 Gate

-.25 No non-combat movement

-1 Can only Teleport to Fixed Locations

-.5 Concentration (0 DCV)


66 * 4.25 = 280 active points

280/3.25 = 86 Real Points


Hmm, that would mostly do it anyhow, though someone outside could teleport inside, and senses that can detect things on the inside of the gate enclosure would detect people. Most indirect attacks wouldn't work, as they'd go through the gate, but some would. A Nuke's blast should pass right through the gate to the other side, without harming anyone inside it.



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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


The problem with using "Gate" as I understand that Limitation is that damage would pass through to where you gated to - i.e. the nuke's blast would follow you as long as the Gate was still open.


But imagine a dome shaped gate with you in the middle. Any attack that would hit you, hits the gate and goes elsewhere. You don't actually go anywhere. :)

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Ah well ... eh heh heh ... yeah I like that idea. I'm using that one. "I'm sorry, none of the Damage hits me, it just passes through my Damage Mitigation Gate."


(ah crud, and I can't Rep you for it until I pass some more around...)



No Koh can not have this...at least not yet...maybe...

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Yeah - that's a decisive answer. My GM ... hard nosed all the way. And who said anything about Koh?


Just because Sarah can x-dim travel through space doesn't mean she can travel through time. At least not yet...or at least until it suits my stories purposes. ;P

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


I just realized you could do the teleportation trick more straightforwardly with Extra-Dimensional Movement, though it can be a bit more expensive (you lose a -1 limitation).


Extra-dimensional movement:

To the same location in an absolutely identical except--22 points

Typically this will be on the opposite side of the sphere. (Perhaps you need to define some sort of group of mirror universes).


Increased Mass 6400 kg (6 tons)-- 25 points


+1 Area of Effect (10" sphere, can be larger if teleportation distance increased, but that's expensive)

+1 Continuous

+.25 Hole in the Middle (fixed size, one less than the circle in radius)

+.5 Usable by Others

+.5 No Endurance


-.5 Gate

-.25 No non-combat movement

-.5 Concentration (0 DCV)

47 * 4.25 = 200 active points

280/2.25 = 89 Real Points (slightly more expensive, since we lost "only to fixed locations").


It would be nice to add missile reflection to this (the shield would look like a mirror and anything that entered the portal would leave it in the same location in the other dimension), but that's very tricky to do. It would need to be at ranged, uncontrolled, with some custom limitations: only on attacks that hit the shield for reflection, and only on attacks that hit the shield at close to a 90 degree angle for reflection. Then it would have to have its own OCV stat to use (using the character's doesn't make sense). Would be cool though.



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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


If the character is going to use this often, he should probably buy his ‘safe dimension’ (or part of it, anyway) as a base.


After watching Eat Man ’98 too many times, I actually came up with a whole family of supers who’s only real power was xdimensioning themselves or stuff back and forth from their pocket dimensions.



If nothing else, it’s a FANTASTIC place to park your car.

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Woo! Infinite PD/ED Force Wall! Damn! That hurts. Or doesn't' date=' maybe. :think:[/quote']


Mmm... maybe it could... Reduce the cost with a Side Effect: Damage that would hit character (or anything in the area) goes off nine minutes in the future, but always with the character in the center of effect, regardless of location, hitting/missing and doing damage normally. It's not a dimensional bubble, it's a temporal. Call it a cosmic snooze button.

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Hate to point this out, but I have to....


If you X-Dim people out of an area that a nuke is about to detonate in, unless you somehow clean up the area while they are gone, its going to kill them when you X-Dim them back. Hard Radiation like that will not fade in 5-10 hours....


Suggestion: X-Dim the nuke to a "safe" pocket universe, just make sure no one lives there or they may not be happy.


Gummi: Can I have suggest my super defenses that Tim stole? ;)

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Not to be a stick in the mud but it sounds like you are using EDM/teleportation to simulate desolidification. If you are simply placing a warping shield around people that makes them untouchable then why not just go with the simplier mechanic (and I think cheaper :)).


It doesn't sound like the character is using the pocket dimension for any thing but protection. Now, if he/she is going to use it as storage or movement then I could definitely understand.

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Hate to point this out, but I have to....


If you X-Dim people out of an area that a nuke is about to detonate in, unless you somehow clean up the area while they are gone, its going to kill them when you X-Dim them back. Hard Radiation like that will not fade in 5-10 hours....


Suggestion: X-Dim the nuke to a "safe" pocket universe, just make sure no one lives there or they may not be happy.


Gummi: Can I have suggest my super defenses that Tim stole? ;)


In a Champions universe they just get superpowers though, right? : )


If one is near the center of the blast, then it is probably better to move the nuke. If you are a mile away then you need to defend yourself and moving the nuke might not be viable. Hmm, the teleportation gate method is superior then, since you can make another gate inside to take everyone elsewhere.


Or you could have a transdimentional force wall that gives Life Support: Radiation. Put it in place before you come back.



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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Hate to point this out, but I have to....


If you X-Dim people out of an area that a nuke is about to detonate in, unless you somehow clean up the area while they are gone, its going to kill them when you X-Dim them back. Hard Radiation like that will not fade in 5-10 hours....


Suggestion: X-Dim the nuke to a "safe" pocket universe, just make sure no one lives there or they may not be happy.


Gummi: Can I have suggest my super defenses that Tim stole? ;)

Unless you buy "Any Location" with EDM then EDM out, and use another EDM to go back in to a different spot.


Or link a Megascaled Teleport to it where you EDM out, and on reentry are automatically moved some miles away.

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Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power


Not to be a stick in the mud but it sounds like you are using EDM/teleportation to simulate desolidification. If you are simply placing a warping shield around people that makes them untouchable then why not just go with the simplier mechanic (and I think cheaper :)).


It doesn't sound like the character is using the pocket dimension for any thing but protection. Now, if he/she is going to use it as storage or movement then I could definitely understand.

Because [EDIT: the standard writeup of] nukes (or part of them) are bought as Affects Desolidified IIRC. Could be wrong, but I think that was the whole point of the thread.

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