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Re: garrote


There probably is an "official" response, but I don't have it.


How about 4d6HA, NND (defense is solid neck protection or no neck), Does Body + a naked NND, Does Body advantage for up to 20 STR? Include a Linked Darkness vs Sound, No Range, Only Affects Target (-1), Requires Skill Roll (garotting / assasination) to indicate the silencing effect. You could require "Must Follow Grab".


A normal guy (STR 10, SPD 2) could kill another normal guy (10 Body) in 18 seconds this way. Sounds about right, but size it to suit your tastes.

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Re: garrote


Here are a couple of garrottes that we use in my Dark Champions game.


Garrotte, Strangling: HA +3d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), OAF (-1), Must Be Aimed At The Head Location Or Has No Effect (-3/4), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), STR Minimum 4 (-1/4), Must Follow A Sucessful Grab Maneuver (-1/4). Active Cost = 22 points, Real Cost = 5 point.


Garrotte, Wire: HKA 1/2d6 (1d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), OAF (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Must Follow A Sucessful Grab Maneuver (-1/4), STR Minimum 5 (-1/4). Active Cost = 15 points, Real Cost = 5 points.

Notes: A wire garrotte does not have to target the head since the wire will cut the flesh of whatever part of the body it is wrapped around.

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Re: garrote


How about a Martial Choke Hold bought with the Focus Limitation? Nice and easy. ;)


I was thinking that but then you would need to know the Martial Choke manouvre. Apparantly garotting is not as easy as it looks, and there is an art to doing it properly. Nonetheless I would think it does three (possibly five) things:


1. It acts as a grab to the neck

2. It does damage to the target on a continuing basis, effectively linked tot he grab (you could break this down to 'direct damage' and 'suffocation damage' and 'blood flow damage')

3. It prevents the target making much noise


First one is easy: I'd think that you could build a garotte as focussed skill levels, or PSLs (to reduce the location penalty) for a grab when targetting the neck and/or extra strength for holding on.


Once you have done the grab you can apply strength (which would be the direct damage) and in a heroic campaign you would probably just say that a side effect of a neck grab is an inability to breathe (with associated loss of REC and suffocation damage), - mind you it will take ages to suffocate - and a flash to the voice 'sense' on an ongoing continuous basis. The real art of garotting though comes in when you apply it right and you clamp down on the jugular and cut off the bloodflow to the brain - which will render the target unconscious in about 4 seconds flat, and dead not long after that.




1. Skill levels or PSLs in a focus (and/or extra strenth for holding on).

2. The grab, and associated direct damage, takes care of itself.

3. The suffocation is virtually impossible to do unless you allow a target specific change environment, or just say that a grab to the throat/neck prevents you from breathing until broken.

4. The 'can't scream' bit is a continuous voice flash (I prefer this to darness, limted, as it continues for several seconds after the garotte is released)

5. The 'cutting off the bloodflow' bit is harder. You can do it with an NND multipower (Normal NND in first slot and smaller NND that does BODY when target unconscious, slots switch automatically) or even a combination of stun and body drains. One interesting idea I had was a stun supress - you can basically KO someone then simulate the killing bit by holding on a little longer and calling it a coup de grace.


Actually putting points to it...well...I'll leave that to you as it really does depend what sort of game it is.

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Re: garrote


I was thinking that but then you would need to know the Martial Choke manouvre. Apparantly garotting is not as easy as it looks, and there is an art to doing it properly. Nonetheless I would think it does three (possibly five) things:


1. It acts as a grab to the neck

2. It does damage to the target on a continuing basis, effectively linked tot he grab (you could break this down to 'direct damage' and 'suffocation damage' and 'blood flow damage')

3. It prevents the target making much noise

Umm...IIRC all of those effects are covered decently by the Martial Maneuver, which you don't really have to, "know," if it is built as part of a (Universal, possibly Independent) Focus. :)


EDIT: However, if it is a heroic game you might have to buy a Weapon Familiarity and could probably buy CSLs as well.

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Re: garrote


Umm...IIRC all of those effects are covered decently by the Martial Maneuver' date=' which you don't really have to, "know," if it is built as part of a (Universal, possibly [i']Independent[/i]) Focus. :)


EDIT: However, if it is a heroic game you might have to buy a Weapon Familiarity and could probably buy CSLs as well.


Garotte certainly acts as a grab, and grabs allow damage to be done by squeezing - but a garotte does a lot more than that: to say you don't need to build the effect - -that is just the effect of having a knotted rope tightened round your neck is a bit like saying you don't need to buy killing attack for a sword - that is just the effect of having a sharp lump of metal stuck in you.


I suppose it is down to each GM. In a heroic game I would probably go with:


1. Make a grab attack (probably with surprise) from behind (although a skilled garotter can attack from in front as well). You have to target the neck (-8 OCV, halved if you have suprise). Success allows you to hold the head and apply strength damage ona continuing basis. A garotte acts as +10 STR to maintain the grab (but not for extra damage). All subsequent effects requirte that the grab be naintained.


2. In addition to damage each phase you are considered to be applying a 60 active point voice flash. Negated if the target has rigid neck protection or does not need to breathe to talk.


3. In addition you can not breathe and can not take recoveries. you take damage when you run out of END. Negated if the target has rigid neck protection or does not need to breathe.


4. With an additional skill (garotting) roll the attacker can apply the garotte in such a way that it cuts off bloodflow, which acts as an additional 2d6 NND - negated by hard neck protection BUT may still have the NND effect even if target does not need to breathe but still has their brain in their head. You may allow the target to oppose the garotting skill roll with escape artist or DEX. The damage is not entirely accurate but near enough for a Heroic game.


5. Once the target is unconscious they can be killed with a coup de grace on a skill (garotting) roll, or just suffocated to death, if you have the time.


In a superheroic game I would make the player buy the flash (voice) and cutting off bloodflow effects, and I'd allow the character to build a bigger NND, or build it as a stun supress.

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