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Power Build: Mixed Metamorph

J. Chamberlin

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Hiya heroes. I'm lighting up the Signal again; come to my rescue.


I gotta build a werewolf-type, but I want him to be able to turn specific parts of his body into werewolf-parts while leaving the others human - in addition to his actually having the 3 classic werewolf forms. And for extra credit, we only have 100 + 100 disads to work with.


So, I bought the Multiform (135 points in most expensive form, x2 forms), 32 pts. "True" form is the 100 point human form. That part was easy enough, I just had to make three different characters.


Now how would I build, say, the ability to boost his PER by turning his eyes or ears Wolfish, or turning one hand into a claw for an HKA, all while in "True" form? Is that some sort of In/Visible Power Effect or something?


As always, your help and experience are appreciated. Cheers.



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Re: Power Build: Mixed Metamorph


Chances are you can fit everything you want in a very small multipower for his human form.


Something like:


15 Wolfen Traits: Multipower, 15-point reserve


1u 1) Grow Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 w/STR) (15 Active Points); Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 1


1u 2) Wolfen Senses: +5 PER with all Sense Groups (15 Active Points) 0


1u 3) Wolfen Speed: Running +5", x4 Noncombat (15 Active Points)

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Power Build: Mixed Metamorph


I wouldn't do this as a multiform. Multiforms are for distinct forms, this guy has all the stages in between as well.



I'd take all the powers of the full werewolf with the limitation "Only in appropriate form" (-1/4) [essentially, linked to Shapeshift). And I would take Shapeshift (Forms: Wolf, Wolfman, Human, intermediate stages).


So HKAs, STR, regeneration, etc, all with that limitation.

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Re: Power Build: Mixed Metamorph


No you may not, St. Barbara... cuz then you end up with Meted Mixaphors and we're all gonna get confused.


Anyways, thanks all for the suggestions and stuff; I dunno if this character is any good, but at least its done. As ever I appreciate your ideas more than you might think - this game is still too new for me, I hardly get any ideas of my own.


By the way, if this character were playing in a Teen Champions setting, do you guys think 7 PD/ED and 3 rPD/rED is enough for a break-and-enter, second-tier fighter type? Or should I try to do some more juggling?



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Re: Power Build: Mixed Metamorph


I ended up going with Shapeshifting: Human, Wolfman, Wolf, Intermediate Forms then taking all his powers with the Only in Appropriate Forms (-1/4) Limitation (props WhammeWhamme). That kind of left some holes in the guys Attributes, but I juggled around some points and got that all up to okay levels.


All in all, I think its a good build. Now my next chore will be finding someone to 1) approve him, then 2) GM him. But in the meantime, he looks just great to me. Man, there are like no Heros in this town.



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Re: Power Build: Mixed Metamorph


Actually, I wouldn't use a multipower . . . you'd want to be able to use 'wolf running' and 'wolf claws' at the same time.


Just all the werewolf powers, bought seperately (or in an EC if your GM is nice) and with a small Unusual Looks 'More werewolf like the more powers are used'


Though a multipower could be used for something like what your current stance is (Bipedal, ape-like, quadripedal) and so on. Or you could just buy extra running and KB resistance with side effect 'Cannot use arms' or something like that.


You probably don't need shapeshift unless you can look like different wolves or people.



Why do werewolves always have claw attacks? Wolves don't . . .

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Re: Power Build: Mixed Metamorph


I don't think I'll ever come up with a character that works as good as it could, and I'd be lucky to make one that just plain works. I have no actual game experience with this system, I just keep putting characters together - and lemme tell ya, with the amount of time I spent on this werewolf dude I'm not changing anything until I'm sitting at a table with you lot.


Like I said, the character works, but I know he could be better - I just don't know how without totally rebuilding him, and I dunno if thats worth it just yet.


My consolation prize is knowing that I have a near infinite source of assistance building any power I can think of; now I just need flight time to develop a a better feel for the system.


Anyways, thanks much for your help, and stay tuned for my next Build question... looks like it might turn into a series.



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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Power Build: Mixed Metamorph


Actually, I wouldn't use a multipower . . . you'd want to be able to use 'wolf running' and 'wolf claws' at the same time.


Just all the werewolf powers, bought seperately (or in an EC if your GM is nice) and with a small Unusual Looks 'More werewolf like the more powers are used'


Though a multipower could be used for something like what your current stance is (Bipedal, ape-like, quadripedal) and so on. Or you could just buy extra running and KB resistance with side effect 'Cannot use arms' or something like that.


You probably don't need shapeshift unless you can look like different wolves or people.



Why do werewolves always have claw attacks? Wolves don't . . .


Those huge manwolf things with the combination hand/paws. I mean, wolves aren't usually bigger than men either, but it looks scarier with claws.

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