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Disease examples?


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Can anyone point me towards any pre-existing examples of diseases already costed out? I could do it myself, but I'd rather not have to re-do stuff that's already out there.


I'm building a Dispel-based "Cure Disease" spell, and I want to know how hefty it needs to be to cure, say, the common cold or leprosy.

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Re: Disease examples?


Can anyone point me towards any pre-existing examples of diseases already costed out? I could do it myself, but I'd rather not have to re-do stuff that's already out there.


I'm building a Dispel-based "Cure Disease" spell, and I want to know how hefty it needs to be to cure, say, the common cold or leprosy.


Inaddition to the ones in the beastiary (some poisons also) there are a few examples in FHG and FHG (Witchcraft and Black Magic sections IIRC). Other than those few and one of the example power write-ups in 5th Ed there aren't too many that I can remember.


BTW - It is gonna need to be huge, to the tune of 200-300 AP.

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Re: Disease examples?


Here's one way to do it.


Let's say Curing Disease is an Adder to Healing.

Can Cure Diseases and will say that it is a +5 point Adder.


The next question is how much healing do certain diseases take? I'd say a sliding scale.


1) Annoying to Slightly Annoying is 10 to 15 points (cured with 2 to 3 dice)

2) Very Annoying to Serious is 20 to 30 points (cured with 4 to 5 dice)

3) Very Serious to Life Threatening is 40 to 60 points (cured with 7 to 10 dice)

4) Usually Fatal is 80 to 120 points (not cured except by extreme measures)


Remember to balance this with the power level of your game. A healer that can throw down 10 dice of Healing (100 Active Points) can wipe away any disease of Level 3 or less.


Diseases usually start at a low level and progress to a higher level, making early detection (or just Curing after any contact with potential diseases) really important.

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Re: Disease examples?


Here's one way to do it.


Let's say Curing Disease is an Adder to Healing.

Can Cure Diseases and will say that it is a +5 point Adder.


The next question is how much healing do certain diseases take?


Gotta remember that most diseases are linked NND RKA & Drains (multiple stats but usually CON or BODY). That is gonna widen the net of what your need to do - healing (Any 2 or 4 Stats at once).

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Re: Disease examples?


Another arguable way to do it is a Usable By Others Life Support Immunity (to remove the symptoms) coupled with a Minor Transform to' date=' "rid the target's body of the disease" (to remove the possibility of reinfection). :whistle::ugly:[/quote']


Transform is the way to go. A minor one in the early stages, a major one if they are knocking on death's door.

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Re: Disease examples?


I've always had trouble with the ammount of points required for simple things like dieases and poisons, and how hard it is to "Remove" / "Cure" them.


Sure Enough if Lucretia Borgia Poisons you, eek uggh, a few hours later you're dead.....

You catch Cholera, You're Dead right?


Unless you have access to the "Right Things" - Skilled Help.


I mean with Cholera it's just boiled water and Electrolytes and you survive...

Bubonic Plague, Penicillin and you're fine. { Substitute fantasy Equivalent }


Some really Cool Quick Poisons, just require extended CPR and you'll survive....

Which shouldn't go much beyond the Cleric with the most Minor Summon Air Elemental...


I had this weird Idea, which I will have to work on and see if it works and was not just a stupid brainstorm.:


Build Poisons and Diseases as "Imp Followers" so they end up being worth 4 or 5 Real Points.


Give Them A Skill "Inhibit STR" or "Inhibit X"

So A Certain Disease Imp Say: Inhibits your STR, It has maybe only 15 STR in is STATS, so it can only Inhibit 15 STR of the Victim, thus leaving them 'Weak'. The Imp Has to Make it's Inhibit STR Skill for this effect to work....


Anyone Applying their "Healing Skill" - Paramedic - Not Healing Power, Contests with the Imp in Skill vs Skill, and may be able to loosen the 'hold' of the Imp on it's victim


Imps that are meant to be Poisons Or Killing Diseases get to Apply a HKA every so Often to cause Loss of BODY, or whatever dpending on the attack.

Of course the HKA probably is "Indirect" or something like that - "Always targets inside of victim"


Mundane Surgeons and or Alchemists, might have a high Healing Skill and can therefore with the aid of appropriate equipment easily 'defeat' said Imp in the Skill vs SKill.


After a Set Time the Imp merely leaves. If the Victim is still alive, they were a 'Survivor' of that disease.


Holy Healers - Clerics and Such might 'Banish the Imp' directly rather than 'curing the disease'



I don't know , perhaps it is a stupid idea, perhaps it costs too many points.

But I'm really getting to like the idea of:


In a Fantasy World Setting: Having a Medieval "Fantasy" View of Illness, rather than our own modern correct understanding.


You would end up getting the "Game idea" that "if you don't douse that Wound in Holy Water, the Chaos Disease Demons get into it, and cause corruption".. Rather than "better slap some antibiotics... err I mean healing herbs on that wound"


This would lead to any "Ritual" Disease prevention Skill being Complementary to A "Healing Skill" and PCs shouldn't have to pay huge CPs for 100AP Healing Powers to easily rid people of Fatal Diseases that are 'easily curable' given simple care. {Provided the Carer doesn't collapse as well}

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