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Clever use of illusion spell


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My primary Fantasy Hero character is a wizard. Some time ago I bought him an Illusion spell. But in the time since then I haven't really used it much, or even particularly well.


So I'd be interested in y'all's insights into clever uses of Illusion, or clever ways you've used an Illusion spell, or even just insights into how to deceive your opponents.


Thank you!


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Re: Clever use of illusion spell


Don't get hung up on big, splashy effects. The most effective illusions are subtle and used in conjunction with other techniques, like a flight of pigeons or a dropped coin to turn an enemy's attention for a moment; making a locked door appear unlocked to fool someone into cornering himself; a brief glimpse of the party running around that corner so the guards don't see them ducking behind this corner; making the enemy's scabbard seem empty to prevent him drawing his sword; an arrow or two thunking into the wall to fake a hidden archer; making a wound look mortal to lure an enemy closer; etc. And those are just adventure-oriented ideas. Illusions are arguably much more useful in political and social intrigues, in tandem with PRE skills, to build trust, sew mistrust, feign wealth, etc.

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Re: Clever use of illusion spell


I've always liked the trick of making someone believe that the ground was flat and obstacle-free... especially when there's a chasm or convenient pit for them to fall into... that also works both ways, if you want to keep some thug at bay, make there seem to be a deep pit or acid pool between you. I also like the trick of making it appear to be two or three of the spell-caster so that the PC can get surprise or get away. And then there's the sharp spear that looks like a beautiful woman trick or the illusionist's cloak that looks like bat wings, I could go on and on...

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Re: Clever use of illusion spell


Mmmmm... Illusion spells. I can't really give advice about how to use illusions because they are totally dependant upon circumstance and GM interpretation to be effective. Any of the suggestions you've already gotten are valid, but they depend upon you being in game where those sort of things occur, and a GM who is willing to allow his NPCs to be convinced by your illusion.


I once played an illusionist in another game system and I never once used an actual illusion spell to achive anything. It was the related abilities like invisibility, and my other spells that were far more effective.

My basic problem was that a convincing illusion of a wall of fire, or pit of acid, was higher level then a spell that would ACTUALLY create a wall of fire or a pit of acid.


Man, I'm bitter about illusions.

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Re: Clever use of illusion spell


Yeah, a lot of GMs get stingy about illusions the same way they're stingy about Mind Control. That's why I like subtle effects. If the illusion is only glimpsed out of the corner of the eye, or is something nobody would bother to question, or presented in a situation where they're evaluating visual cues very quickly, then the illusion itself doesn't have to stand up to careful scrutiny.

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Re: Clever use of illusion spell


My proudest use of illusion ever wasn't even in combat. Not really.

Playing second edition D&D, we had a barbarian PC in the party, and he'd gone berserk during the immediately previous combat, when we'd fought giant scorpions.


He failed to break out of it, and was about to attack one of our party, who couldn't take a lot of damage.

Thinking quickly, I cast my illusion and re-animated one of the giant scorpions.

The barbarian failed his saving throw and promptly started fighting the scorpion.

Another player (not the sharpest knife in the drawer) fired an arrow in his direction, for a reason I can no longer recall. When the arrow hit the barbarian, and he was about to turn and attack the archer, I had the scorpion sting him in the exact spot the arrow struck him.


Long story short, I managed to keep the barbarian swinging at illusions until his berserk finally wore off. Most creative use of an illusion I ever pulled off.

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Re: Clever use of illusion spell


Illusions I've used in a variety of games over the years, some of which have been mentioned:


The illusion of safe terrain hiding chasms, ditches, rocks, etc. This works well when you're being charged.

The illusion of unsafe terrain so that the enemy has to go around.

The illusion of more men on your side; filling out the ranks, so to speak.

The illusion of a single person/thing guaranteed to put at least a little fear into your opponent (a noted knight, archers, a captive monster, etc)

Distracting illusions - attractive women, lost children, various sights and sounds designed to do nothing but cause the target to turn their head for a phase/round or two.

The illusion of a person being knocked out or killed in combat when in reality they aren't. The bad guy moves to the next target, essentially turning his back to the person he thought he'd just killed. Used a couple of time to good effect.

Illusion to hide or exaggerate wounds, depending on what's needed.

Illusion to hide or exaggerate the quality of goods or animals, to affect price (or, in one case, to avoid theft).

Illusion for purely entertainment purposes, especially in accompaniment of a song or tale (acting out the story as it unfolds). Can be used to acquire sleeping quarters, free meals, etc.


Just off the top o' my head...

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Re: Clever use of illusion spell


How's this? In a D&D 2E game I used a Cantrip to make a chest full of gold look like copper (by simply changing the tint of the metal a bit). Got a party of 1st- and 2nd-level characters past a bunch of potentially, "bothersome," orcs who didn't see a load of copper as quite worth the bother (they of course still charged us the usual exorbitant fee for passage, but we didn't mind all that much that time). :D

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Re: Clever use of illusion spell


Often the most potent illusion is to make a specific, memorable person into an ordinary person. Instead of the (in)famous fighter Randall Sheildsmasher, it's some farmer from down the road a fair piece.


Invaluable method of slipping past trouble. ;)

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Re: Clever use of illusion spell


Images aren't just deception. Use them for decoration.


When you are looking for someone or something, paint a picture with Images.

When you want to communicate secretly to someone across a room, make a whisper or written note.

When you enter a room, make spotlights and trumpets.

When you win a fight, make a bell ring, a crowd cheer, and a bunny girl hand you a trophy.

When you get angry, make thunder hit and your eyes turn white: PRE attack.

When you want to use Seduction, make a good atmosphere.

When the princess speaks before the people, make it sound and smell like she passes gas again and again, or make birds poop on her, or make her nose grow, or give her horns and a snake tongue, or make a wall appear in front of her so no one can see her, or make a laughing monkey appear on her head.

Use Images to entertain people by playing a concert or showing a movie.



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