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Comprehensive Pulp Resources List

Lord Liaden

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The following was posted on the RPGnet discussion forums. It looked too good not to share. :)



Roleplaying Games


Adventure! (White Wolf)

The Adventures of Indiana Jones (TSR)

Blood Shadows (West End Games)

Boomtown Planet (Timeless Games)

Call of Cthulhu (Chaosium)

Castle Falkenstein (R. Talsorian Games)

Crimefighters (Dragon Magazine #47)

Crimson Skies (FASA)

D20 Past-Pulp Heroes (Wizards of the Coast)

D20 Pulp Heroes (Wizards of the Coast)

D20 Pulp Heroes-Northport (Polyhedron 161)

Danger Quest (Torchlight Games)

Daredevils (Fantasy Games Unlimited)

Dime Heroes (Deep 7)

Forbidden Kingdoms (OtherWorld Creations)

Gangbusters (TSR)

Gear Krieg (Deep 9)

Golden Hero (Pisces All Media)

Golden Heroes (Games Workshop)

GURPS Cliffhangers (Steve Jackson Games)

Hellboy (Steve Jackson Games)

Indiana Jones Adventures (West End Games)

Justice, Inc. (HERO Games).

Pulp Adventures (Iron Crown Enterprises)

Pulp HERO (DOJ, Inc.)

Pulp Zombies (Eden Studios)

Rocketmen (WizKids/Pinnacle Entertainment)

Rocketship Empires: 1936 (StoryART Games)

Shades of Earth (HinterWelt Enterprises)

Space: 1889 (Game Designers Workshop)

Terra Incognita (Grey Ghost Games)

Thrilling Tales (Adamant Entertainment)

Top Secret Agent 13 Sourcebook (TSR)

Two-Fisted Tales (Politically Incorrect Games)

Victoriana (Heresy Gaming)

Weird Wars (Pinnacle Entertainment)


Roleplaying Aids & Accessories


Looking for reasonably-priced paper miniatures? Check out Sparks: Cairo Moon from S. John Ross’ website: http://www222.pair.com/sjohn/sprkcai.htm.


Crusiau Patrick has some great pulp paper miniatures available (for free) on his website, Cardboard Fighters: http://users.skynet.be/gwindel.


World Works sells the best paper scenery currently available on the market. Check ‘em out at: http://www.worldworksgames.com.


Paper World has tons of free paper accessories for download: http://www.paperworlds.com. Although the quality is a bit spotty, it is free, and so you can’t really complain!


Are you more of a traditionalist when it comes to miniatures? If you need to feel the heft of lead (or plastic) during your gaming sessions, be sure to check out White Knight’s Pulp Era Miniatures: http://wk.frothersunite.com/sc/pulp/Pulpsc.htm.


The guys over at Brigade Games have a nice selection of appropriately pulpy miniatures as well. Of particular interest are the following: Late World War One (Renegade), World War One Gallipoli/Palestine, The Great War in Africa, and Mob Wars (Brigade Games Historicals), Circus World (Brigade Games Miniatures), Early World War Two (Crusader), and Animals and Mummies (Black Tree Design). Pretty much all of the Eureka lines have something for every occasion (including Aztecs, winged monkeys with fezzes, and cultists)! There’s some great pulpy scenery available from Monolith, some niche figures from Graven Images and From Beyond, and Sloppy Jalopy has a few nice pulp-era trucks! You can check ‘em out yourself at: http://www.brigadegames.com. The site’s owner, Lonny, is a great guy and has been the recipient of many of JB’s dollars!


EM-4, specifically the Dunwich Detectives sets has a nice line of prepainted pulp miniatures for sale on the Crystal Caste website: http://www.crystalcaste.com.


Check out the gallery over at the Reviersco website: http://www.tin-soldier.com. Here you’ll find tons of neat models (both paper and “leadâ€), including ships, planes, zeppelins, and even armored cars!


The Dirty 30s website, http://www.paper-dragon.com, is essentially an online pulp/noir sourcebook for use with any roleplaying game set in the 1930s.


The Pulp Avengers: Gamemastering Pulp Adventures in the 1930s and 1940s, from Brian Misiazsek, is a classic web reference that contains scads of information for the aspiring pulp GM! Stop by the website: http://www.fantasylibrary.com/lounge/pulpavengers.htm and give it a read!


Pulp Project 1557, a fringe project inspired by a message on the Yahoo Groups Pulp Games website (http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Pulp_Games/), is a pulp-themed Wiki that can be found at: http://www.seedwiki.com/page.cfm?wikiid=2331&doc=Pulp%20Project1557


Movies & Television




The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984)

The Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu (1956)

Allan Quatermain and the City of Gold (1987)

Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)

Army of Darkness (1993)

Batman (1989)

Batman Begins (2005)

Batman Forever (1995)

Batman Returns (1992)

Batman and Robin (1997)

Big Trouble in Little China (1986)

Biggles: Adventures in Time (1986)

Blade (1998)

Buck Rogers (1939 and 1977)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)

The Blood of Fu Manchu (1968)

The Brides of Fu Manchu (1968)

Bullshot (1983)

Cast a Deadly Spell (1991)

Chandu the Magician (1932)

Chandu on the Magic Island (1935)

Chinatown (1974)

Daredevil (2003)

Darkman (1990)

Devil in a Blue Dress (1995)

Dick Tracy (1990)

Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze (1976)

Evil Dead (1981)

Evil Dead II (1987)

The Face of Fu Manchu (1965)

Firewalker (1986)

Flash Gordon (1980)

Hellboy (2004)

Highlander (1986)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)

The Jewel of the Nile (1985)

King Kong (1933 and 2005)

King Solomon’s Mines (1950 and 1985)

The Land that Time Forgot (1975)

Lara Croft: Tombraider (2001)

Lara Croft Tombraider: The Cradle of Life (2003)

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)

The Maltese Falcon (1941)

The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932)

The Mask of Zorro (1998)

The Mummy (1999)

The Mummy Returns (2001)

The Phantom (1943 and 1996)

The Phantom Creeps (1939)

Pulp Cinema (2001)

Quartermass (1978)

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (1985)

The Return of Chandu (1934)

The Rocketeer (1991)

Romancing the Stone (1984)

Sahara (2005)

The Shadow (1940 and 1994)

Sin City (2005)

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)

Steamboy (2005)

Tarzan Escapes (1936)

Tarzan and the Amazons (1945)

Tarzan and the Lost City (1998)

Things to Come (1936)

The Thirteenth Floor (1999)

The Untouchables (1959 and 1987)

Van Helsing (2004)

Zone Troopers (1986)




Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Series (1997)

Firefly (2002)

Flash Gordon (1954 and 1996)

Highlander: The Series (1992)

Relic Hunter (1999)

Remo Williams (1988)

The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne (2002)

Tales of the Gold Monkey (1982)

Van Helsing Chronicles (1997)

The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1992)

Zorro (1957, 1981, and 1990)


Comics and Graphic Novels


AP Comics



Dark Horse Comics



DC Comics



Image Comics



Moonstone Books



Penny Farthing Press



Rorschach Entertainment



Silver Bullet Comics



Vanguard Productions






The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist (Dark Horse Comics)

Battle Hymn (Image Comics)

The Black Forest (Silver Bullet Comics)

Buckaroo Banzai (Moonstone Books)

Captain Gravity (Penny Farthing Press)

The Collected Works of Buck Rogers in the 25th century (A&W Visual Library)

Dallas McCoy (Rorschach Entertainment)

Danger Girl (Image Comics)

The Gloom (AP Comics)

The Goon (Dark Horse Comics)

Gravedigger (Rorschach Entertainment)

Grendel (Dark Horse Comics)

Greyshirt: Indigo Sunset (America’s Best Comics)

Hellboy (Dark Horse Comics)

I Love a Mystery (Moonstone Books)

Indiana Jones (Dark Horse Comics)

Iron Ghost (Silver Bullet Comics)

Jack Hagee, Private Eye (Moonstone Books)

Lazarus Jack (Dark Horse Comics)

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (DC Comics)

Lucifer Fawkes (Rorschach Entertainment)

The Phantom (Moonstone Books)

Rex Mundi (Image Comics)

The Rocketeer: Cliff’s New York Adventure (Dark Horse Comics)

Sandman Mystery Theater (DC Comics / Vertigo)

Scarlet Traces: The Great Game (Dark Horse Comics)

The Spider: Scavengers of the Slaughtered Sacrifices (Vanguard Productions)

Tarzan (Dark Horse Comics)

Terra Obscura (America’s Best Comics)

Tom Strong (America’s Best Comics)

Tomorrow Stories (America’s Best Comics)

V for Vendetta (Vertigo)

Young Indiana Jones (Dark Horse Comics)


Online Comics


The Adventurer’s Club



Astounding Space Thrills



Captain Spectre and the Lighnting Legion



Captain Task



File 49



Hollow Earth



John Law, Detective



Midnight Medicine



Modern Pulp



Nightmare World



Perils on Planet X






Robot and Me



Thomas Edison, Time Traveler



Tom Sparks, Atomic Detective



Supernatural Crime



The Thrilling Adventures of Captain Spectre



Pulp Stories and Reference




•Robert Bloch

•Max Brand

•George Bruce

•Arthur J. Burke

•Edgar Rice Burroughs

•Hugh B. Cave

•Raymond Chandler

•Leslie Charteris

•Agatha Christie

•Lester Dent

•August Derleth

•Arthur Conan Doyle

•Maxwell Grant

•Dashiell Hammett

•Robert J. Hogan

•Brant House

•Robert E. Howard

•Carl Jacobi

•Henry Kuttner

•Harold Lamb

•H.P. Lovecraft

•John P. Marquand

•Kenneth Robeson

•Sax Rhomer

•Clark Ashton Smith

•Curtis Steele

•Grant Stockridge


Doc Savage: His Apocolyptic Life by Philip Jose Farmer

Doc Savage Omnibus #1-13 by Kenneth Robeson

The Fantastic Pulps by Peter Haining (Editor)

Lost Horizon by James Hilton

The Mammoth Book of Pulp Action by Maxim Jakubowski (Editor)

The Mammoth Book of Pulp Fiction by Maxim Jakubowski (Editor)

The Pulps by Tony Goodstone (Editor)

Pulp Masters by Edward Gorman and Martin H. Greenberg (Editors)

Rod Serling's Twilight Zone by Walter B. Gibson




Adventure House Guide to the Pulps by John Gunnison (Editor)

The Classic Era of American Pulp Magazines by Peter Haining

Cliffhanger: A Pictorial History of the Motion Picture Serial by Allan G. Barbour

Danger is My Business by Lee Server

Dragon Hunter by Charles Gallenkamp and Michael J. Novacek

The Great Pulp Heroes by Don Hutchinson

The Hero Pulp Index by Robert Weinberg and Lorh McKinstry

It's a Man's World: Men's Adventure Magazines, the Postwar Pulps by Adam Parfrey (Editor)

Pulp Art: Original Cover Paintings for the Great American Pulp Magazines by Robert Lesser

Pulp Fictioneers by John Locke (Editor)

The Pulp Jungle by Frank Gruber

Pulpwood Editor by Harold Hersey

Richard Halliburton’s Complete Book of Marvels by Richard Halliburton

The Pulps: Fifty Years of American Pop Culture by Tony Goodstone

Those Macabre Pulps by Darrell C. Richardson

Walter B. Gibson and the Shadow by Thomas J. Shimeld




20s and 30s Style by Michael Horsham

America in the Twenties and Thirties by Sean Cashman

The American Guide by the Federal Writer’s Project

Atlas of Ancient Archaeology by Jacquetta Hawkes (Editor)

The Barnstormers by Don Dwiggins

Bugles and a Tiger by John Masters

The Complete Encyclopedia of Antique Cars: 1886-1940 by Rob de La Rive Box

The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft by Paul Eden and Soph Moeng (Editors)

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Lost Civilizations by Donald Ryan

The Dark Valley: A Panorama of the 1930s by Piers Brendon

Dimestore Dream Parade: Popular Culture 1925-1955 by Robert Heide and John Gilman

The Flying Carpet by Richard Halliburton

From the Crash to the Blitz: 1929-1939 by Cabell Phillips

The Glorious Adventure by Richard Halliburton

The Illustrated Directory of 20th Century Guns by David Miller

Liners, Tankers, and Merchant Ships by Robert Jackson

The Mafia Encyclopedia by Carl Sifakis

National Geographic Magazine

The New York Times Chronicle of American Life from the Crash to the Blitz, 1929-1939

Nostalgia: Spotlight on the Thirties by Michael Anglo

The Royal Road to Romance by Richard Halliburton

The Sears & Roebuck Catalog

Seven League Boots by Richard Halliburton

Shanghai: Collision Point of Cultures, 1918-1939 by Harriet Sergeant

This Fabulous Century 1920-1930 by Ezra Bowen (Editor)

This Fabulous Century 1930-1940 by Ezra Bowen (Editor)

The Writer’s Guide to Everyday Life from Prohibition Through World War II by Mark McCutcheon


Pulp-Related Websites


The 1939-40 World’s Fair


The 1939 World’s Fair promoted one of the last great meta-narratives of the Machine Age: the unqualified belief in science and technology as a means to economic prosperity and personal freedom


The 86th Floor


Everything you ever wanted to know about Doc Savage—and then some! The site’s author, Chris Kalb, also maintains the Hero Pulps website (linked from the 86th Floor) which contains information on G8 and his Battle Aces, The Shadow, The Spider, Operator #5, and The Avenger.


Alt.Pulp @ Google


The Alt.Pulp group at Google has loads of interesting discourse and secretly houses the headquarters of the Masters of Pulp!


The Annals of the Spider


Long before Spider-Man (but inspiring a young Stan Lee), The Spider took on extreme menaces in the rotten Apple, dispensing .45 Caliber Justice along with bleak lessons in service and will power.


The Art of Norman Saunders


Saunders was a pulp artist of great talent who worked from the beginning to the end of the era, then made a smooth transition to paperbacks. This site has tons of images and should provide you with loads of visual inspiration!


Blackmask Online Fiction


Download stories by Dashiell Hammett, Robert E Howard, Kenneth Robeson, Maxwell Grant, Grant Stockbridge, Jens Altmann, and more!


The Buck Rogers Website


For those of you who like a little bit of sci-fi mixed in with your classic two-fisted pulp! This site covers “everything Buck†from 1928 up thru 1995—from the pulps to radio, on to television and the movies.


Fortean Times


Fortean Times is a monthly magazine of news, reviews and research on strange phenomena and experiences, curiosities, prodigies and portents. A great source of adventure seeds and campaign ideas!


The Golden Era Slang Dictionary (@ The Fedora Lounge)


Looking for more purple prose and Jazz Age slang with which to pepper your in-game speech? Look no further than The Fedora Lounge! Well, look a little bit further and check out these websites as well: http://www.armlesstigerman.com/intro/pulp/slang.html, http://bloxword.ca/slang.htm, and last, but not least, http://www.maasmedia.net/seiten/hardboilglossar.html.


The Holloway Pages


An introduction to some of the more popular pulp heroes: Doc Savage, The Shadow, John Carter, et al.


The Indiana Jones Equipment Gallery


Gotta see it to believe it! More detail than any gamer has a right to possess!


International Heroes: Pulp Heroes


Loads (and I mean loads) of information on all your favorite pulp heroes!


Printed Poison


Printed Poison is the e-zine possessed by the ghost of a dead 30s pulp! Inside every issue you'll discover a trove of pulse-pounding, two-fisted, spine-tingling tales of mystery, horror, adventure and sci-fi!


The Pulp Gallery


The Pulp Gallery is a visual reference guide to the wonderful cover art of pulp and pin-up magazines from the 1920's through the 1950's.




Billed as “the online guide to the world of the pulpsâ€, this website delivers! Links to pulp newsgroups, pulp publishers, information on the major pulp heroes, and a links section that just won’t quit!


The Rocket Page


A website dedicated to Republic Pictures’ trio of high-flying heroes: Rocketman, Commando Cody and Larry Martin.


The Tesla Memorial Society of New York


If it has to do with the enigmatic Nikola Tesla, then you can probably read about it here. ‘Nuff said!


Trenches on the Web


A great reference library covering all things related to World War One.


The Zeppelin Library Archive


Ummm...all about zeppelins!



The stuff I posted is essentially the Pulp Resources document we (meaning Double G Press -- http://www.doublegpress.com) put together for The Ravaged Earth Society, a licensed Savage Worlds setting of cliffhanging action and thrilling two-fisted adventure!


Originally intended as part of the book, it will eventually be hosted on our website as a free online resource (updated monthly to keep it fresh). ;)

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Re: Comprehensive Pulp Resources List


Ah, beat me to it.


I was especially pleased to see the inclusion of Bullshot! on the list, being something of a fan of that film; all too often spoofs of the adventure / pulp genre are dismissed as having little to offer, but the good ones do a nice job of distilling the core elements into concentrated form.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Comprehensive Pulp Resources List


One surprising omission from your list. "Yesterday's Faces" by Robert Sampson. Six volumes' date=' published by Popular Press under "Books About The Pulps".[/quote']


Then you should look up that link for Double G Press posted above, and let them know about it. They're still updating the list, so they'd probably appreciate the tip. :)

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Re: Comprehensive Pulp Resources List


Ah, beat me to it.


I was especially pleased to see the inclusion of Bullshot! on the list, being something of a fan of that film; all too often spoofs of the adventure / pulp genre are dismissed as having little to offer, but the good ones do a nice job of distilling the core elements into concentrated form.

I think that I would like to see "Bullshot" again. If it is the one that I am thinking of it is done as a parody of Bulldog Drummond yes ? Haven't read any of the original stories of Mr Drummond either, but I HAVE seen the two 60's-70's movies that were made of his adventures. Possibly, when my most recent order to "Amazon" has arrived (went off late last week) I might be tempted to go looking for the works of "Sapper"!

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Re: Comprehensive Pulp Resources List


The Dungeon, books 1-6 (by Philip Jose Farmer)

The Plutonium Blonde (by John Zakour & Lawrence Ganem), also its sequel The Doomsday Brunette


All are in that style. There's a "New Adventures [of]" (Bernice Summerfield) series for the Dr Who universe, and the book "Down" is very much in that style (as a bonus, if you read it, you can learn the plural form of "prehistoric mole people").

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Re: Comprehensive Pulp Resources List


I think that I would like to see "Bullshot" again. If it is the one that I am thinking of it is done as a parody of Bulldog Drummond yes ? Haven't read any of the original stories of Mr Drummond either' date=' but I HAVE seen the two 60's-70's movies that were made of his adventures. Possibly, when my most recent order to "Amazon" has arrived (went off late last week) I might be tempted to go looking for the works of "Sapper"![/quote']


Worth getting, certainly the first book. There's a very different tone to the Drummond stories compared to a lot of other pulp, surprisingly ruthless (and inevitably not exactly racially sensitive) but with a light-heartedness and sense that even the grimmest business is best handled by a group of chums treating it as a lark.


Drummond is often seen as a bullying fathead - and he has his moments, believe me - but there's much to enjoy in the books, and they introduce one of the great villains.


Bullshot! is indeed a spoof of Bulldog Drummond, originally a stage play. You might also want to keep an eye open for the old Ronald Coleman Drummond films.

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Re: Comprehensive Pulp Resources List


Drummond is often seen as a bullying fathead - and he has his moments, believe me - but there's much to enjoy in the books, and they introduce one of the great villains.


There are some absolutely priceless quotes about Drummond and his attitudes in Sampson's "Yesterday's Faces" series. I didn't use them in PH because I wasn't sure from the context whether they were things Drummond actually said in some book, or Sampson describing Drummond via made-up quotes (I suspect the latter).

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Re: Comprehensive Pulp Resources List


I have a decent list of Drummond sources on file, which I'll copy below. Unfortunately I've lost the original source for this information, so apologies to whoever posted it on the 'net originally.


Bulldog Drummond



Bulldog Drummond is a British fictional character created by "Sapper", a pseudonym of H. C. McNeile (1888-1937), in imitation of the hard boiled noir-style detectives appearing in contemporary American fiction. The stories followed Captain Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond, D.S.O., M.C., a former WWI Army officer who had set up his own private detective business after the war. The stories, like the character, were often direct and brutal, and often rang of jingoism and racism. The character first appeared in the novel Bulldog Drummond (1920), and was adapted into a number of films and radio serials.

Bulldog Drummond stories


Bulldog Drummond novels:


* Bulldog Drummond (1920, by McNeile)

* The Black Gang (1922, by McNeile)

* The Third Round (1924, by McNeile)

* Bulldog Drummond (1925, by Gerald du Maurier and McNeile)

* The Final Count (1926, by McNeile)

* The Female of the Species (1928, by McNeile)

* Temple Tower (1929, by McNeile)

* The Return of Bulldog Drummond (1932, by McNeile)

* Knock-Out (1933, by McNeile)

* Bulldog Drummond at Bay (1935, by McNeile)

* The Challenge (1937, by McNeile)

* Bulldog Drummond on Dartmoor (1938, by Gerard Fairlie )

* Bulldog Drummond Attacks (1939, by Fairlie)

* Captain Bulldog Drummond (1945, by Fairlie)

* Bulldog Drummond Stands Fast (1947, by Fairlie)

* Hands Off Bulldog Drummond (1949, by Fairlie)

* Calling Bulldog Drummond (1951, by Fairlie)

* The Return of the Black Gang (1954, by Fairlie)

* Deadlier Than the Male (1966, by Henry Reymond )


Bulldog Drummond short stories by McNeile:


* "Lonely Inn"

* "The Mystery Tour"

* "The Oriental Mind"

* "Thirteen Lead Soldiers"

* "Wheels Within Wheels"


Bulldog Drummond in film and radio


Bulldog Drummond silent films:


* Bulldog Drummond (1923)

* Bulldog Drummond's Third Round (1925)


Bulldog Drummond talkies:


* Bulldog Drummond (1929)

* Temple Tower (1930)

* The Return of Bulldog Drummond (1934)

* Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back (1934)

* Bulldog Drummond's Revenge (1937)

* Bulldog Drummond at Bay (1937)

* Bulldog Drummond Comes Back (1937)

* Bulldog Drummond Escapes (1937)

* Bulldog Drummond in Africa (1938)

* Bulldog Drummond's Peril (1938)

* Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police (1939)

* Arrest Bulldog Drummond (1939)

* Bulldog Drummond's Bride (1939)

* Bulldog Sees It Through (1940)

* Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back (1947)

* Bulldog Drummond at Bay (1947)

* The Challenge (1948)

* 13 Lead Soldiers (1948)

* Calling Bulldog Drummond (1951)

* Deadlier Than the Male (1966)

* Some Girls Do (1969)


A Bulldog Drummond radio serial ran from 1941 to 1954; Bulldog was voiced by George Coulouris .

Bulldog Drummond by modern writers


Bulldog Drummond was one of many characters featured in the anthology Combined Forces (1983) by Jack Smithers .


In 2004, Moonstone Books released a Bulldog Drummond comic book written by William Messner-Loebs and illustrated by Brett Barkley .


Kim Newman's short story "Pitbull Brittan", published in 1991, was a savage parody both of Bulldog Drummond and of the state of England under Margaret Thatcher, and featured the eponymous adventurer's battle against an international conspiracy responsible for the 1984 Miners' Strike.




Edit: Just remembered another old favourite, worth looking into: Dick Barton, Special Agent was a radio series, and at least one adventure is available on tape from the BBC.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Comprehensive Pulp Resources List


Just a question for you "pulp" fans. Has anyone read the "Jimgrim" books by Talbot Mundy and can you give me an opinion on them ? I'm still waiting for my last "Amazon" order to arrive but I am working on my next. At the moment it comprises two Rafael Sabatini, two Robert E Howard, a H Rider Haggard and a Talbot Mundy ("Jimgrim and The Affair In Araby", which I thought i'd get as a "sample" of a "Jimgrim" adventure)

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