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A possibly dumb question


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Recently, I've thought about running a few of the older champion adventures/modules (Demon's Rule, To Protect and Serve, Champions in 3-D, etc) but I came across the puzzle if you can run 4th ed adventures using 5th ed rules?


Any help with this puzzle would be much apprecated. Thanks

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Re: A possibly dumb question


5th edition is very, very similar to 4th edition. In fact, in most cases, you can take a 4th edition character sheet and play it in 5th edition with no changes.


Some of the powers have different costs, and some of them work a little differently, so the characters may not be 5th-ed legal, and might not work exactly like they're supposed to (for example, Flash worked by target's Phases in 4th; in 5th, it works by Segments, and is now cheaper), but you can use them easily enough.

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Re: A possibly dumb question


I agree with Zeropoint; the changes between 4E and 5E are mostly small, and the ones that aren't are usually easy enough to figure out in context. For pre-4E Champions, though, the changes are more substantial.


If you follow the link in my signature, below, and scroll down to the listing for "HERO SYSTEM (Pre-Fifth Edition)," you'll be able to find summaries of the differences between the current edition of the rules and earlier ones. You can also view fan-created updates of some of the older published material.

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Re: A possibly dumb question


It's pretty simple. If you have Hero Designer, you can just recreate the characters in 5E format. The points will *usually* (but not always) be higher, and some skills/perks/talents/powers names have changed, or been placed elsewhere, but it's not that difficult.


I have a 5E FtF game where I used 4E and earlier modules/adventures. It's not difficult to run them, though generally the 5E PCs will be tougher.

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Thanks for the help


To everyone that's commented, thank you for your help with this. It was something that I was really curious about you know?


Also, Lord Liaden-the adjustments for the characters in the "To serve and protect" module was a real find, thanks for finding that gem. However I'm curious if anyone did stats adjustments for the characters in the "Zodiac Conspiracy"?

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Re: Thanks for the help


To everyone that's commented, thank you for your help with this. It was something that I was really curious about you know?


Also, Lord Liaden-the adjustments for the characters in the "To serve and protect" module was a real find, thanks for finding that gem. However I'm curious if anyone did stats adjustments for the characters in the "Zodiac Conspiracy"?


Yes. I should still have the error-corrected version of the "Zodiac Conspiracy" on my hard drive. I can't post them, but I could send them to you. However, they are still 4th Edition edits, not 5th Edition updates.

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