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Anyone got a Superman Write-up?

Kraven Kor

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Re: Anyone got a Superman Write-up?


There are actually a lot of Superman HERO writeups out on the Internet, based on different sources (Golden or Silver Age, comics or animated, etc.) and individual interpretations. They vary quite a bit in details and power level. Here's a selection of some of the most accessible writeups. Note that several of these are for Fourth Edition HERO, but the differences are pretty minor:























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Re: Anyone got a Superman Write-up?


There are actually a lot of Superman HERO writeups out on the Internet, based on different sources (Golden or Silver Age, comics or animated, etc.) and individual interpretations. They vary quite a bit in details and power level. Here's a selection of some of the most accessible writeups. Note that several of these are for Fourth Edition HERO, but the differences are pretty minor:























Try the links in my signature that say DC and Marvel Character Conversions. :)

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Re: Anyone got a Superman Write-up?


I've been working on a Superman writeup myself, but I'm really more interested in it as part of my effort to get a really good grip on the Hero System than for any kind of game use. Without referencing other people's writeups, I've had a few serious brain-twisters as well as a few great ideas.


One thing that's troubling me is how to handle the incapacitating effects of Krytonite. The lethal damage is easy (it's the most obvious use of Susceptibility), but what about the fact that he's in such intense pain that it requires every ounce of his will to take any action?


I've come up with three different options, but all of them have drawbacks.


1) Affected abilities have Requires a Skill Roll (EGO) while exposed to Kryptonite. Reflects the "every action is an act of will," but complicated and RSR is normally needed EVERY time the power is used, not just under certain circumstances.


2) Dependence: Not being exposed to Kryptonite, resulting in Powers gaining an activation roll, characteristic loss, and incompetence. Simple in execution, but properly a Dependence involves penalties for lack of a dependence, and this is sort of the inverse.


3) Superman has no Kryptonite related traits. Instead, Kryptonite is built itself, with EB and Drain (all Powers and Characteristics); both built with NND (defense is lead shielding), Continuous, Always On, Reduced Endurance (O END), Explosion, Limited Power (only affects Kryptonians), no Range, IAF, and Side Effect (prolonged exposure causes radiation poisoning). This has the advantage of making people like Lex Luthor pay points for their Kryptonite rings, but it just seems... wrong to make the "Kryptonite Effect" a feature of Kryptonite rather than Kryptonians.


(Obviously, all this addresses Green Kryptonite only. The others are a whole 'nother matter. Pre-Crisis Red Kryptonite would be far better represented as it's own power (Variable Transform) rather than any disadvantage on Superman's part.)


There was one power issue that proved easier than I'd anticipated: the classic "intercepting a bullet meant for someone else" stunt:


Fast Than a Speeding Bullet (3 parts):


Missile Deflection (all ranged attacks), At Range (+1) (40 Active Points); Limited Power: Can only be used to deflect attacks aimed at targets other than Superman (-1), Conditional Power: Only if Teleportation (below) has been set (-0), Side Effect: If successful, Superman is automatically hit by the deflected attack (-1). Real Points: 13.


Teleportation 200', No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, Trigger (use of Missile Deflection, above, +1/2)(623 Active Points); No Noncombat Movement (-1/4), Must Pass Through Intervening Terrain (-1/4), Only to Fixed Location (below, -1). Real Points: 249.


Fixed Teleportation Location: Hex adjacent to subject of Missile Deflection (above), directly interposed between subject and the attack. 1 point.


Total cost: 263 points.


The effect is that Superman can abort or use a held action for Missile Deflection, flying at superspeed to appear directly in front of the attacks's target, bouncing the attack off of his chest. I gave the Teleport a speed of 200" to match the range of the missile deflection, but a more accurate portrayal may increase the Range of Missile Deflection and increase the Teleportation appropriately.


Patrick J McGraw

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Anyone got a Superman Write-up?


To tell you the truth, with the "speeding bullet" construct you have I don't think you'd even need Missile Deflection; Supes just puts himself in the line of the attack, so that it has to hit him instead of the original target.


As for the incapacitating effects of Kryptonite, I'd just make that an additional Physical Limitation, probably Infrequently, Fully.

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