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Quick Multipower Question

SSJ Archon

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Re: Quick Multipower Question


I view the situation of buying part of a Framework seperately with different Limitations as quite different from buying a completely separate Framework. You cannot use the former on its own. It is only an extension of the main Framework. You could view it like it has Linked in a way but it does not. This is like the difference between:

RKA: 2d6

RKA: 2d6; Only on Tuesdays (-2)


RKA: 2d6

2d6; Only on Tuesdays (-2)

The former is a build with two different attacks. Even if Linked were applied they would not add to each other; you'd have to use them in a Multiple Power Attack. The latter is a partially limited power; it looses some effectiveness in certain situations (any day but Tuesday in this case).


As for what Hero Designer lets you do: I don't care. Hero Designer is almost certainly not flexible enough to fully accomidate my imagination.

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Re: Quick Multipower Question


Well again, by just placing the disadvantages into the notes section, and only using custom modifiers, I got the math to come out the same. So I can still put powers and stuff in it without problem.


However, this does bring to my mind a question:

If I have a power bought in the Framework with an Active point cost over 80 but still less than or equal to 120, and it is in a flexible slot, can I, once playing the game, scale the power back, only using say 60 active points of it, does it still have the Focus limitation Staff?


Infact, sense I took an additional limitation on the last 40 Base points, does that mean I must purchase Staff -1 for all my powers that have active points greater than 80? Does this limitation dissappear when I use only say, 60 points, of a 100 point flexible slot?


If not, and If I don't want it that way, do I have to purchase those powers that I want to be exceptions to this rule in a manner similar to how I purchased the multipower, partially limited, and will that do the trick?

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Re: Quick Multipower Question


However, this does bring to my mind a question:

If I have a power bought in the Framework with an Active point cost over 80 but still less than or equal to 120, and it is in a flexible slot, can I, once playing the game, scale the power back, only using say 60 active points of it, does it still have the Focus limitation Staff?

You can do that without the staff if you buy it the way I suggested. No question. :)

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Re: Quick Multipower Question


After all' date=' I don't get annoyed because a car I bought to use as a car, and that was advertised as a car, can't be made to act like a boat.[/quote']


But if what I need is a boat, I don't buy a car.


Better yet; if what I need is a car, I don't buy a train that only runs on tracks.


Ergo, I don't buy Hero Designer. If it's not flexible enough to accomodate whatever house rules I want to use, it's not flexible enough.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is very flexible.

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Re: Quick Multipower Question


But if what I need is a boat, I don't buy a car.


Better yet; if what I need is a car, I don't buy a train that only runs on tracks.


Ergo, I don't buy Hero Designer. If it's not flexible enough to accomodate whatever house rules I want to use, it's not flexible enough.


Like I said - simple consumerism. If I never drive, why would I buy a car? Just because everyone else has one, so it can sit and rust in my driveway?

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Re: Quick Multipower Question


I'm building a wizard and have his magic set up as a multipower. The campaign Active point limit is 100 points. I have asked my Gm and he has agreed because my offenses and defenses have to share a single resevoir, that my multipower can top out 120 active points, but no one slot can have more than 100 active points. However, for campaign reasons I can not use all 120 at once with my staff. I can only use up to 80 without my staff. I should I build this?

At first I thought about an Aid, standard effect, Focus, but that requires ALOT of points, way more than it ought to be.

My second thought is to purchase base cost of 80 and another multipower with linked and focus of 40 points. Does this work? What about 100 active point powers?

This Linked would be -1/2

I'm trying to build it on Hero Designer 1.48 (Working with what I got.)

Ok, going back the the original question.


The reason that HD doesn't allow this, is that it is not allowed by the rules.


per 5er under Partially-Limited Powers, it specifically states that you "cannot partly Limit a reserve or base cost".


So, perhaps you need to start looking at it a different way.

Maybe you should build the MP with the full 120 pt reserve, and the powers as they would be with the staff. Then, partially limit the slots themselves, so that each has a part that is with the staff, and part without.


This should get the effect you are looking for, I am thinking.


Another way (which has definitely been suggested) would be to just have a variable limitation on the pool. Change the nature of the staff, so that it makes it easier to use the full pool.

With a -1 Variable Limitation (giving a real lim of -1/2), you could have the combos I believe were stated above, such as:

OAF Staff

X2 END, yadda, yadda...

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