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(Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag


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I think it's time for another one of these.


We start with three titles. Pick one and write a short plot seed for it, then add a new title to choose from.


Starter List:


"Master of the Phantom Wind"


"The Sky Would Only Hurt You"


"All the Trees Clap Their Hands"



Let's see what we can come up with!

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Re: (Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag


"All the Trees Clap Their Hands"

The master villain Thorn has been put in jail, but a week later, there is serious talk about letting him out again. It seems trees all over the state are starting to manifest great animation, as it uprooting themselves and attacking people! It seems to be starting in the cities, but soon it will spread to the national parks, and then, there will be an army of trees storming upon entire towns!


Thorn has offered his 'help' in stopping it, in exchange for being cleared of all charges and set free, but is he sincere, or behind it? The PCs maybe asked to baby-sit the criminal and make sure he doesn't 'try anything funny'.



Next options

"Master of the Phantom Wind"


"The Sky Would Only Hurt You"


"Loving you IS wrong"

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Re: (Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag


"The Sky would only hurt you"


The flying hero/es suddently finds that whenever he flies the winds buffet him about and he inevedably ends up crassing at crusial moments. This exculates untill the hero is convinced he should never fly agian. (This would have to be established over several adventures)


A old Indian confronts the team, warning them that the spirits of the sky are angry that man has forgotten his place and chose to fly. He offers to take the heroes on a 'spirit quest' to conftont the spirits and win them over before the problem spreads to other supers and aircraft.


Is the old indian on the up and up? or is this a trap for the heroes? Perhaps he trully thinks what he says, but actualy it is a vilian with a wether machine tampering with the heroes flight?


Next Options

"Master of the Phanotm Wind


"Strangers in a NORMAL land"


"Loving you IS wrong"

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Re: (Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag


Master of the Phantom Wind:


A Chinese Wuxia martial artist with air based "special" martial moves is in town and he seems to be threatening a group of Hong Kong expatriates, wealthy businessmen, seeking revenge for something they did before emigrating. The targets all seem to hate and mistrust each other a great deal and are each trying to prepare for the martial artist's arrival in different ways. Is he just a shakedown artist or does he have a legitimate grievance? And if he does have a grievance, are all the men guilty or just one? And how far is he going to push it?


Next Options


"Project Pandora"


"Strangers in a NORMAL land"


"Loving you IS wrong"

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Re: (Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag


"Loving you IS wrong"


Bulldozer fell prey to a misfired mind control spell/device (last time he's teaming up with that loser) and is now in love with a male player character. He keeps alternating between acting towards the target as he does towards women that he's attracted to, and feeling nauseated that he has these feelings. Worse for Bulldozer, the effect is designed to renew itself constantly (Continuous Uncontrolled) so his meager Ego Rolls aren't getting any easier. He's even trying to give up his life of crime for his new beloved.


Will the player characters find a cure for Bulldozer? Or is this fitting punishment for his noxious behavior in the past?


Next options


"Project Pandora"


"Strangers in a NORMAL land"


"And Thus I Refute Telios"

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Re: (Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag


"Project Pandora"


It began with the noblest of intentions - removing evil from the world, reversing what Pandora had done. But a mad scientist's mind control device turns out not to remove evil impulses, but simply makes its victims believe nothing they do is evil. As the effect of the device slowly spreads block by block throughout the city, can the heroes stop a growing mob acting on their basest impulses? And can they withstand the power of the Pandora Device long enough to shut it down?


Next options


"Pilgrim Hymnal"


"Strangers in a NORMAL land"


"And Thus I Refute Telios"

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Re: (Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag


Strangers in a NORMAL land

In the previous adventure, the PCs were whisked away to deal with some off-world threat (or maybe through time, by Capt. Chronos). When they return they find a world very different world to the one they left. EVERYBODY has at least one super ability. Most people have abilities suited to their jobs. Upon further investigation, as far as everyone else is concerned, this has always been the case since the 1950's, with the first cases appearing during WWII. And for one final twist, the PCs are wanted SuperCriminals, with Prof. Zerstoiten as the head of UNTIL! Just what is happening here, and how do the PCs get home.


Next Options


"Pilgrim Hymnal"


"And Thus I Refute Telios"


""Left To My Own Devices"

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Re: (Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag


"And This, I Refute Telios"


The PC's, in a preveous adventure, had faced some geneticly constructed humaoids created by Telios. One of there number rebeled agenst Telios and survived. Now, this being is trying to be recognised as a sentient being by the corts. And Telios is claming the the being is HIS PROPERTY and that the being should be returned to him promply. The PC's are asked to chose sides...eather the being in question has a right to exist as an independent being, or that he is simply property.


(Alright...I realy don't know what refute means...but I did watch Unleashed. A good film, if you asked me.)


Next Choices:


"Pilgram Hymnal"


"Left To My Own Devices"


"Bewair: The Crazy8"

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Re: (Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag


Left To My Own Devices:


When just a single player is handy, his character turns out out to have taken a moderately severe injury in the last fight (which may or may not have been played out). All the rest of the team are "out on a mission", and while they are gone, an enemy supported by a group of agents breaks into the base and proceeds to start trying to turn it into a death trap for the returning team. While still injured, our hero must find a way to use his superior knowledge of the base and the advantage of surprise to defeat the intruders.


Next Choices:


"Pilgrim Hymnal"


"Bad Moon Rising"


"Beware: The Crazy8"

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"Bad Moon Rising":


A geneticist manages to find the cure for Lycanthropy and is involved in a power struggle between two werewolf clans. One clan wants to use the cure for themselves while the other plans to develop a viral weapon based on the cure that will reverse its effects and cause a plague of werecreatures rampaging through the campaign city. The heroes are caught in the middle.


Next Choices:


Pilgrim Hymnal


"Beware: The Crazy8"


"In Memory I Will Awake"

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Re: (Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag


Pilgrim Hymnal:


Technically a prayer book with some hymns in it, this one is unusual in that several of the pages in the back have been sealed shut with wax at some point. It was discovered in the collection of a noted eccentric who in the last few years of his life simply accumulated artifacts without ever actually cataloguing them.


Somehow, rumors have started about the true nature of this ordinary-looking volume, and half the secret societies in the campaign are determined to get their hands on it. Does it hold a treasure map? Instructions for a blasphemous ritual? The secret shame of some long-ago zealot? The scribblings of a child? Only he who possesses the Pilgrim Hymnal will discover its true value.


Next Choices


"Beware the Crazy8"


"In Memory I Will Awake"


"The Brotherhood of Last Sons"

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Re: (Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag


"Beware the Crazy8"


Grab decides to play the clasic card game their own way. Each member must commit five heists (their hand) The item stolen serves as the suit, and the items value serves as its number. They play in alphabetical order. For example if Black Diamond were to steal 2 BMW automobiles valued at $120,000 total then Cheshire Cat must either, steal another number of BMW's or something else valued at $120,000 dollars. each player has one day to take their turn. Of course stealing eight of anything has some special GM determined result.


The nature of what is stolen and how is up to the GM. As are the clues, and witnesses. The PCs should figure out the game by the third or fourth turn unless the gm has most of the crimes follow the numbers. The other Grab members are of course watching the heist should some heroes decide to mettle in their game


"In Memory I Will Awake"


"The Brotherhood of Last Sons"


"Mensa welcomes Grond"

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