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How to create power: flight via temporary energy platform


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Re: How to create power: flight via temporary energy platform


Yes, you would have to have different write-ups but once you have the base platform modifying it is simple.


size+speed+protection I think has to go to the vehicle. It has BODY and DEF, plus the added advantage of adding powers if necessary (although, admitedly this gets a little wonky). Just sticking with basic size, spd, dex, def, and body get's you what you need. And this requires no handwaiving.


The other options require you to stretch the rules more. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but you have to be willing to accept those limitations. I think the UAA+AE+PM is an elegant solution and does represent certain FX well, but a summoned platform seems more representative of some of the realities of that flying style.


For example, if you use the UAA+AE+PM, who moves when? Can one character make a full phase attack while the generator performs a full move? If it is a summoned platform, there is no question.

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Re: How to create power: flight via temporary energy platform


I agree with mudpry8, summon a Vehicle.


12 pt Summon 30-point Vehicle, Slavishly Devoted (+1) (10 Active Points)


This Gives you a

Size 1, STR 15, BODY 11, DEF 5, SPD 3, Flight 10"


Fairly Simple

It is a Platform about the size of a car, that can carry 400 lbs. Done


Just an Idea... Of course it could be a little more powerful


24 pt Summon , 62-point Vehicle, Slavishly Devoted (+1) (24 Active Points)


This Gives you a

Size 4, STR 30, BODY 14, DEF 7, SPD 3, Flight 10" X8 NCM


Actually it is 61 points heh but the right up can be that simple on the character sheet..


Just my two cents

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Re: How to create power: flight via temporary energy platform


Very similar to what we have in Narosia. The twist we did was to make the "vehicle" desolid with Affects Physical World on STR. The ESS numbers are both the penalty to cast and the cost of the spell. From the grimoire:


Force Riding

Target/Area: N/A

Duration: Enchantment

Range: No Range

The caster shapes a disc of force on which to ride. Controlling this disc in combat requires the Flying skill. The caster can be knocked off, although he can bring the disc around under him in his next phase with a successful Flying roll provided the disc can move quickly enough.


The disc is an independent motive platform. Use the rules for Mounted Combat and maneuvering, substituting the Flying skill for Riding.


While this disc provides a platform with a certain lift capacity, it cannot be targeted physically. Only Essential Manifestations can target it, or it can be dispelled. As it is invisible, targeting it is at ½ OCV unless the targeter possesses an appropriate enhanced sense.


The disc provides no amount of protection for the rider. The disc is 1 hex in size (2m in diameter). While more than one person could be supported on the disc, maneuvering it in combat would be very difficult.

The caster must be standing on the disc to operate it; it will not move otherwise.


Base Effect:

Disc Stats: STR 13, DEX 17, BODY 8, DEF 2, SPD 3, Flying 11”.


The disc is invisible, exists in the Essential Plane (effectively desolid), but it’s STR can affect the physical world.


This spell is a special application of the Summon power. For all intents and purposes a flying disc is created by the spell which only the caster can control.






STR 17, DEX 17


STR 20, DEX 20, SPD 4

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Re: How to create power: flight via temporary energy platform


If it's standard practice to use summon for vehicles and other objects' date=' then I stand corrected about needing a new power, since that pretty much does the trick.[/quote']

It's not SOP. But is it an acceptable build - The Ultimate Vehicle p27 discusses this.

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Re: How to create power: flight via temporary energy platform


One of the problems with using Summon is that technically it only allows you a certain amount of help (favors/time) from the thing you Summon, even if it is Slavishly Loyal. If that is fine, or if the GM is okay with waiving it for a case like this, go for it.

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