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Champion Battlegrounds: What do you think?


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Re: Champion Battlegrounds: What do you think?


Holocaust & cronies are meant to be tough. The whole scenario is designed to challenge the PCs, both tatically and roleplay-wise. Lemme look at it again at a later point in time, and I'll get back to you on it.


Do run the Theme Park one, though. It's just that good, and begging for some "enhancements" of your own. :D Similarily, you can re-use FoxbatBoy and FoxbatGirl for more silly Foxbat jobs. :ugly:

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Re: Champion Battlegrounds: What do you think?


Several months before CB came out, I had run something similar to the amusement park scenario, but with Destruction Company taking over Cedar Point (an amusement park in Ohio). I did almost exactly the same Speed thing on a roller coaster. In mine, it was on the Gemini, which has two sets of cars 'racing' on the tracks, with a bomb on the front of each set. The real trick was that if either was defused alone, the other would automatically detonate. Of course, one PC hero's family was on the ride at the time.


Yes, I wholeheartedly endorse running that scenario.


Never ran the Construction Site one, though. But that same group had taken out Holocaust before, pretty quickly too, so they wouldn't be too intimidated by him.


And any adventure is improved by adding Foxbat!

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Re: Champion Battlegrounds: What do you think?
















Ive run the everything in it exept for the last adventure. The battle with Havoc in my game was a serious PC beatdown and that was after ignoring Havoc's Damage Reduction and not having him shoot around corners and what not. I really like the module, but I was curious what happened in other gm's campaigns. I had 4 standard Superhero Pc's and Havoc was Con stunning them almost every hit, and almost takng them to 0 Stun as well. He is a bad mutha!

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Re: Champion Battlegrounds: What do you think?


Our prior GM ran the Construction Site back before he moved away. It happened to be a labor day weekend that he ran it, so we played on Sunday night since everyone was off on Monday. That 5-hour combat (which ran close to if not over 4 full turns - definitely OUR longest combat ever) sparked our Labor Day/ Memorial Day games traditions, put the fear of Holocaust in ALL of us, and stood as the most exciting moment of our campaign in my mind for a long, long time.


The Amusement Park game is GREAT, too. Getting to chase down a roller coaster that was rigged to explode was a lot of fun for me.

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Re: Champion Battlegrounds: What do you think?


I have some pretty experienced heros in my group. The actual beat down vs. Holocaust was a pretty bad fight, but not insurmountable. They actually had alot more trouble with Omega world. Civilian casualties were very high.



One thing I never understood was the notion that the Minuteman robots were not supposed to be much of a threat to Holocaust. Sure, he had more actions and could drop one in two average hits, but he needed a lot of PC help to get that second hit. Repeated use of the Minuteman Electrified Net launchers were very effective in costing Holocaust actions (I felt a Tactics 13- roll made them smart enough to stagger actions to keep him pinned). Sure he could break out, but he had to bring out the Power-Beams to do it and even then he only did enough damage to escape. Two of the bots kept Holocaust busy while the third worked on his minions.


In the end, the PCs actually ended up having to save Holocausts minions from the Minutemen, then fighting Holocaust on top of it.

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Re: Champion Battlegrounds: What do you think?



In the end, the PCs actually ended up having to save Holocausts minions from the Minutemen, then fighting Holocaust on top of it.



And yet we bagged him! At the cost of a lot of Body, myself included since my character took a power beam to the head at point blank range (and thus was in a coma for a loooong time). :D

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