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Usagi Yojimbo Hero


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In this thread I will be posting my character adaptations for Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo. Some of the material is based on the Usagi Yojimbo Role-Playing Game by Gold Rush Games, while other elements come from the Sengoku Role-Playing Game. Of course, scenes in the comic itself trump all. I'm not done with the character sheets, but wanted to get what I do have out and up for comment and inspection. I'm not sure how much of the cast I will be doing, other than to say I want to touch on all of the main and/or interesting characters.


I'm placing this in the Fantasy Hero section because when you get right down to it, UY is a fantasy series. There are strong swordsmen, evil black "knights", bandits, noble lords and those who are treacherous and self centered, magicians, priests, magic weapons and artifacts, and monsters. Everything you need for a fantasy setting and campaign. Enjoy.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero




Gaming in the World of Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo


"Mental bearing (calmness), not skill, is the sign of a matured samurai. A Samurai therefore should neither be pompous nor arrogant."

Tsukahara Bokuden.


What is Usagi Yojimbo?

Usagi Yojimbo is monthly comic series, the creation of writer/artist/letterer Stan Sakai, detailing the life of Miyamoto Usagi, an anthropomorphic rabbit. Born near the end of the Sengoku Period, Usagi (which is Japanese for "rabbit") served as a samurai during the time of civil wars, only to be made a ronin (lit. "wave man," a masterless samurai) upon the death of his lord. Now Usagi travels to and fro across Japan as a shogyusha (student warrior), honing his skills and engaging in various adventures.


Usagi Yojimbo is a fairly popular series, and Sakai has won multiple awards for his work, while the introductions to the various collected volumes contain comments from such comics notables as Stan Lee, Jack Davis, Matt Wagner, and Peter Laird. In addition, two Usagi Yojimbo role-playing games have been made. One was produced in 1998 by Gold Rush Games and used a variant of the Fuzion engine, while a second one was produced in 2005 by Sanguine Productions and uses their Ironclaw system. Finally, Usagi has appeared in various versions of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, including comics, the animated series (both of them), and the official toy line.


History of the Comic

Originally, Sakai wanted to do a comic series on the life of Miyamoto Musashi, using normal humans, but while working on concept sketches drew up a fierce rabbit samurai with his ears tied in a topknot. Liking the unique visual look, and realizing that using anthropomorphic would allow him to create a much more fantastic setting than he initially had anticipated, Sakai developed his sketch into the character of Miyamoto Usagi, samurai, ronin, and occasional yojimbo (lit. "bodyguard").


Usagi Yojimbo first appeared in 1984, as part of the Albedo Anthropomorphics comic series. Later, it was moved to the anthropomorphic anthology Critters, published by Fantagraphics (who also produced the first seven collected volumes of Usagi Yojimbo). It then moved to Mirage Comics for a short time (roughly a year and a half), before finally finding a permanent home with Dark Horse Comics. As of this writing, there are 19 collected volumes of Usagi Yojimbo material, with number 20 due to arrive in July of 2006. Stan Sakai, has written, drawn, inked, and lettered something like 150+ issues of Usagi Yojimbo and is probably second or third (behind Dave Sim and his 300 issues of Cerebus, and Erik Larson's Savage Dragon) on the list of longest-running comic with a single artist/writer (However, many Japanese mangaka have surpassed these numbers, albeit with a different format of comic book and often with a studio full of assistants).


The Usagi Yojimbo Universe

Usagi Yojimbo takes place at the beginning of the Edo period and the founding of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Although the comic series is full of samurai action and adventure, in truth what we are seeing is the last gasp of a now defunct social class who's services are unneeded (even if many samurai or unaware of and refuse to see the changes around them). In some ways, this gives an aura of sadness to the series, for if Sakai keeps to real history (and he seems to be, as characters have mentioned how the current Shogun is stepping down in favor of his son, which Tokugawa Ieyasu did in 1605, making Tokugawa Hidetada the new Shogun), then we are witnessing the twilight of the samurai class, and Jotaro, the idealistic young samurai-in-training, will find little need or use for his skills when he comes of age.


History of the Tokugawa EraAlso known as the Edo Period, this is an era of Japanese history lasting from 1603 to 1867 (the start of the Meiji restoration). It came about when Tokugawa Ieyasu emerged victorious from the Battle of Sekigahrara (September 15th, 1600), defeating the army of Toyotomi Hideyori. This allowed Ieyasu to claim the title of Shogun ("general") and become the military dictator of Japan. Ieyasu spent the next few years after his military victory consolidating his rule, then abdicated in favor of his son Hidetada in 1605. Afterwards, Ieyasu worked to eradicate the remaining Toyotomi, eventually destroying their last stronghold at Osaka in 1615.


The Tokugawa rule of Japan was absolute. They were nominally vassals to the Emperor, but in truth controlled the Emperor and through him, the court, all the daimyo (lit. "great names"), and the various religious orders. Control was maintained by a feudal hierarchy, with the Tokugawa at the top and three levels of daimyo below them. Desiring to maintain order, as well as weaken the daimyo, the Tokugawa enacted a series of harsh and restrictive laws governing what the population could do (up to and including their choice of clothing), restricted travel, outlawed Christianity, prohibited the building of oceangoing ships, and locked the social classes in place. Armies were disbanded, weapons outlawed, and most daimyo forced to spend every other year at the capital in Edo (eventually Tokyo). When coupled with required contributions for military needs and public works projects, these regulations served to weaken the daimyo financially, making it nearly impossible for them to challenge the Shogun's rule.


If Sakai follows this in his Usagi Yojimbo stories, then in about 8 years or so (universe wise), the Shogon's control will be absolute, and people such as Lord Hikiji will be unable to continue their campaigns of conquest. In fact, things will only get worse for people like Usagi, as travel will be greatly restricted, and there will be many more ronin on the loose with nothing to do. The Geishu, despite being Shogun loyalists, may find themselves in great financial difficulty, what with the cost of traveling to Edo every other year.



This is a basic timeline, showing major events of the Usagi Yojimbo universe. It doesn't cover all events, and is taken from material presented in the The Usagi Yojimbo Role-Playing Game by Gold Rush Games.

81: Birth of Yamato-Dake (lit. "Brave Hero of Japan").

1180-1185: Rivalries between the Taira and the Minamoto (a.k.a. the Gempi War) culminates in the Battle of Dan-no-ura. The Minamoto destroy the Taira, with the child Emperor Antoku-Tenno throwing himself in the sea to avoid capture. The Imperial regalia is tossed into the sea as well, and while most is recovered, the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi ("Grasscutter") is lost on the sea bed.

1329: Swordsmith Koetsu forges the daisho ("paired swords") Yago no Eda ("Willow Branch"), a katana, and Aoyagi ("Little Willow"), a wakizashi. These blades will eventually be given to Usagi Miyamoto.

1500 - 1605: The Sengoku-jidai, or era of great wars. Constant civil war ravages Japan until Tokugawa Ieyasu wins the Battle of Sekigahrara in 1600.

1578: Usagi Miyamoto born in Mutsu province, in north Honsu.

1593: Usagi becomes a student of Katsuichi.

1597: Usagi wins a tournament sponsored by the Dogora fencing school, and is gifted with the swords Yago no Eda and Aoyagi. He is asked to take service with Lord Mifune when ready, and does so in early winter.

1598: Usagi becomes one of Lord Mifune's personal bodyguards.

1600: War erupts between Lords Hikiji and Mifune.

September 5: Battle of Sekigahrara. Tokugawa Ieyasu is now able to proclaim himself Shogun.

Late fall: Battle of Adachigahara, Lord Hikiji defeats Lord Mifune. Usagi gains the scar over his eye in this battle.

1601: Death of Lord Geishu Matachi, and the succession of Lord Geishu Noriyuki.

1603: The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy story arc.

1605: The Grasscutter story arc.

1606-1607: Presumed date for events as of Usagi Yojimbo Volume 20.


Technology, Magic, and Society

The overall technology level of the Usagi Yojimbo universe is no different than that of real world Japan circa 1610. Some touches of Western technology have been seen -- such as the teppo (matchlock rifles) seen in The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy. Interestingly, Usagi Yojimbo features fewer guns that do other works set in the era. Seven Samurai, for example, is set circa 1587 or so, just two decades before Usagi Yojimbo, and the presence of guns is a prime plot point. On the other hand, Japan did have some advanced technologies of its own -- such as woodblock printing presses and paper making -- and had such for some time before they appeared in Europe.


Weapons: As you might guess, the katana is the weapon of choice. Other weapons appear from time to time -- mainly yari (spears) and yumi (bows), with the jitte (truncheon), a common police weapon. Ninja invariably use straight-bladed ninja-to, shuriken, kami (sickles), and similar "ninja" weapons, such as nets, smoke bombs, and flash grenades. There are the occasional odd weapons as well -- such as many of Yagi's devices built into his "babycart of death" or the kusari-gama used by one of the members of Shi. A Usagi Yojimbo campaign could feature many more -- with characters armed with naginata, tetsuo-bo, and the like.


Vehicles: Due to Japan's mountainous regions, wagons never become popular -- so most everyone gets around on foot. Samurai and the noble classes ride horses, while the rich and elite ride in palanquins. River traffic is by small boat, while the ocean traffic is by large ships. All vehicle power is going to be either gravity, muscle, or wind. Self-propelled vehicles are still two centuries in the future.


Travel: As mentioned under vehicles, travel is almost always by foot, unless you are of the right social class and can ride a horse. Roads are fairly well-maintained, mainly because they see so much use. Roadside inns are common, although travelers looking to save a little money can stay in local shrines, abandoned temples, and empty farmer's huts as well. Ocean travel is uncommon, as most everything you want to get to is on land, with ferries taking travelers from island to island. With the rise of Tokugaawa to power, travel away from Japan is forbidden, and foreign trade is restricted to just two ports (one for the Chinese and one for the Dutch).


Medicine: Medical procedures are what you'd expect for early 17th Century Japan. The taboos surrounding corpses make any sort of medical knowledge hard to come by, so much of the medical theory appearing in the West won't appear in Japan for some time. However, by the same token, Japan's strong preference for cleanliness and the like does help with such things as infection and disease. Scenes in Usagi Yojimbo seem to indicate most samurai have more than a passing familiarity with basic first aid, and it's common practice to remove arrow heads (for example) with heated blades (which are also used to sear wounds to prevent infection). Bed rest, broth, and warm, dry clothing is also part of any healing process. While not perfect, it is a step above certain European practices.


Money: Currently, the basis of the Japanese system of wealth is the koku, a unit of measure equal to 180 liters of dry rice (enough to feed one man for one year). The kan is the coin equivalent to the koku, and the rest of Japanese coin money is as follows:


Sen: Small round copper coin, with a square hole in the middle. Equal to one meal.

Mon: Small round silver coin. Equal to rice for a month or 30 sen.

Kan: Small round gold coin. Equal to rice for one year or 12 mon.

Ryo: Large oval gold coin. Equal to rice for 4 years or 4 kan.

Oban: Large oval gold coin. Equal to rice for 8 years of 2 ryo. (Very rare).


As a side note, in the manga series Blade Of The Immortal, it is stated 30 ryo is enough to live off of for two years or more, while in several times in Usagi Yojimbo, Usagi has been stuck with inn bills of close to 50 ryo!


Sorcery in Usagi Yojimbo

Magic abounds in the world of Usagi Yojimbo, you just have to know where to look for it. For example, Usagi encounters supernatural creatures constantly, having run into hannya, kappa, nue, yurei, and other such beings. Mahotsukai (sorcerers) have appeared several times, with one central to the plot of the Grasscutter arc. However, little magic in Usagi Yojimbo is obvious or direct. Only Sasuké the Demon Queller seems to use "traditional" point-and-zap magic spells. Most mahotsukai use long rituals, requiring incantations, gestures, foci, and so on in order to enact such powers as Mind Control, Telepathy, Clairsentience, and the like. Magic in Usagi Yojimbo is subtle and rarely obvious. There are no real magic weapons (Jei's spear and the sword Grasscutter aside) but magical items have appeared from time to time (one of the most potent being an enchanted ink set that allowed the artist to bring his paintings to life). Game Masters should keep the presence of magic in the background, hinting at it from time to time if needed, but never presenting it openly. Supernatural monsters, on the other hand, should show up all over


The Place of Animals and Humans in Society

Since Usagi Yojimbo is a world of anthropomorphic animals, one may wonder how more "normal" animals may fit into it. The tokagé (lizards) seen all though Usagi Yojimbo fill in for many animal roles, being a combination of pet, pest, and food source. At the same time, one sees pet dogs (Lord Noriyuki had one for a while), pet cats (one of which turned into a monster), and horses. Other "everyday" animals include fish, turtles, frogs, birds, and an assortment of insects. All of these animals are just that; animals. They can't speak, don't have hands or opposable thumbs, and walk in all fours.


Of course, removing deer, boars, pigs, and (I presume) chickens from the world leaves one with the question of "what do people eat"? Rice is popular, as well as various forms of vegetables (much the same as in period Japan, in fact). Fish is also common, as well as some insects, and as I said before tokagé. As near as I can tell, there's no "predator-prey" relationship between herbivores (such as Usagi, who is a rabbit) and carnivores (such as Jei, who is a wolf). People in the world of Usagi Yojimbo don't eat other people (obakemono are a different matter). On the other hand, herbivores (such as Usagi) do seem to eat some meat, such as fish and the like, while carnivores will eat rice (Usagi once caught a turtle for his dinner, and Katsuichi mentions cooking a pumpkin for dinner).


Humans are a different matter. Humans are very rare in Usagi Yojimbo, and only one has appeared more than once (that being Lord Hikiji). In the early days of Usagi Yojimbo humans appeared in the background from time to time, but as the series has progressed, Stan Sakai has stopped doing that (for reasons unknown -- he might just not want to draw people). On the other hand, many magical beings take a human appearance, such as Ocho, the shape-shifter, or the Aki-onna ("Autumn Woman"). The two monkey woodcutters were supposed to be a pair of humans as well, but Sakai drew them up as monkeys, liked the look, and kept them that way. The basic impression is that humans are very rare (nearly as rare as snakes, in fact) and any human appearing in an Usagi Yojimbo story is going to be someone special and/or of a supernatural nature. It is recommended the GM disallow his players from taking human PCs in an Usagi Yojimbo campaign. Conversely, if playing in an Usagi Yojimbo campaign, the presence of a human shouldn't set off danger signals -- Usagi doesn't show surprise or fear at meeting a human, and treats them no different than any other person he encounters during his travels.



Death is a very common occurrence in the world of Usagi Yojimbo. Nary a story goes by in which someone, usually a foe of Usagi or one of his friends, doesn't die. In fact, some stories see large numbers of deaths, often in the dozens (or more). Usagi himself has killed innumerable foes, with a body count well into triple digits, while Jei has slaughtered entire processions numbering several score individuals. However, despite the number of deaths, the comic isn't soaked in blood -- battles in Usagi Yojimbo are very "clean," with a distinct lack of gore, severed limbs, and even wounded individuals. After a fight people are either alive (and virtually unharmed), or dead. Several things contribute to this -- one is the skill of the major, "named" characters, all of who have Deadly Blow and Skill Levels versus Hit Locations (since they manage perfect torso hits with every strike). Another is the fact that most foes are bandits, nearly base-level characters with an 8 in most Characteristics (such as CON and BODY). Finally, there's the aesthetic value, in which Sakai presents an semi-idealized view of the samurai era, in which violence is common place, but he tries to keep it fairly clean, avoiding the image of numerous maimed characters left lying about after a battle (and thus presenting the question of what to do with the survivors).


In a Usagi Yojimbo campaign, the GM needs to be aware of this issue. Not every blow from a PC is going to be a lethal one, and if you use Hit Locations there's always the chance of arm and leg hits. Odds are, any sword fight in a Usagi Yojimbo setting will see numerous wounded, especially if foes break and run after being hit once (or twice). As noted below, under Character Creation, giving PCs things like Deadly Blow and Penalty Skill Levels can help with this issue, making them more like the comic characters, but there is no perfect method, unless you adopt some sort of "mook" rule, where nameless bandits, gangsters, and ronin can be killed with but a single well-delivered sword blow.


Important Groups

Geishu Clan

The Geishu are a very important and visible clan in the world of Ussagi Yojimbo, at least with regards to Ussagi and his allies. Usasgi first meets the Geishu in Volume 1, when he helps Tomoe Ame protect Lord Geishu Noriyuki from attacks by the Neko Ninja clan. He then meets them off and on again all through the series, developing a close friendship with Tomoe (as well as the beginnings of a romantic relationship between the two), and becoming a valued ally of Lord Noriyuki himself. The Geishu are supporters of the Shogun and loyal to the Tokugawa. This has often put them at odds with the aims of Lord Hikiji, and the two have butted heads from time to time. In an Ussagi Yojimbo campaign, one possible origin for a party of PCs would be to make them retainers to Lord Geishu -- this would give them plenty of chances for action and adventure as they deal with the machinations of Hikiji and his ilk.


Hikiji Clan

Little is known about the Hikiji othen than the fact that Lord Hikiji, a.k.a. "the Shadow Lord," desires to be Shogun and seeks to undermine the power of many of his neighbors. Hikiji is served by his councilor, the snake Hebi, as well as the Neko and Komori ninja clans. Initially, Hikiji employed the Neko exclusively, but events in the latter volumes (15 and onwards), has him working more with the Komori instead. Chizu has stated the aims of the Neko and those of Hikiji are no longer the same, although Kagemaru seems to feel otherwise. In an Usagi Yojimbo campaign, it seems likely that any plots to overthrow a local lord, topple a daimyo, or even bring down the Shogun, can be traced to Lord Hikiji (or one of his close allies).


Mifune Clan

The Mifune were the clan that Usagi joined in service as a samurai. Lord Mifune was the one who sponsored the fencing competition where Usagi won his swords and was highly impressed by Usagi's skill. After accepting service with Mifune, Usagi rose rapidly though the ranks, eventually becoming one of Mifune's personal guards. A strong, and well-respected leader, Mifune fought often with Lord Hikiji, usually emerging victorious. Hikiji finally brought things to an unstoppable head when his ninja managed to murder Mifune's wife and son. In the war that followed the two finally met at the battle of Adachigahara. There, Mifune almost proved victorious, until betrayed by one of his generals. The battle turned against Mifune, and he was killed in an shower of arrows. Usagi then cut Mifune's head off and escaped the battle, burying the head in a nearby forest to keep it from being displayed by Hikiji as a spoil of war. As a final note, is seems the name "Mifune" is a homage to the great Japanese actor, Toshiro Mifune.


Ninja Clans

1) Komori Ninja

The Komori are bats. First seen in the story "Blood Wings", they have appeared repeatedly since, and are rivals of the Neko Ninja for the patronage of Lord Hikiji. As they are humanoid bats, their hands aren't large enough for most weapons, so they use blades attached to the outside edges of their wings, and specialize in swooping Move-By attacks.


2) Mogura Ninja

Moles, the Mogura specialize in stealth, emphasizing their digging and tunneling skills. They've appeared twice so far, attacking Usagi's village, and collapsing a cliff onto a lord's procession. They don't use weapons, as the claws on the ends of their fingers are lethal enough. However, they are very sensitive to bright light and are easily blinded by large fires and sunlight.


3) Neko Ninja

The most commonly encountered ninja clan, the Neko have been around since Volume 1 of Ussagi Yojimbo. Often employed by Lord Hikiji, the Neko were led by Shingen, until his death during The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy story arc. Afterwards, his sister Chizu took over, but she eventually was ousted by Kagemaru. Currently, Kagemaru runs the Neko, and is seeking to discredit the Komori and cement a strong relationship with Lord Hebi and thus Hikiji. Chizu, meanwhile, is on the run and in hiding. As a final note, the Neko clan must be just huge as they have lost what seems like hundreds of members in the course of the twenty-odd Volumes of Usagi Yojimbo, with the worst losses coming during the The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy and Grasscutter I & II story arcs (which only cover a period of 3-5 years when you get down to it).


Important Places

Adachigahara/Adachi PlainThe location of the fatefull final battle between Lords Hikiji and Mifune. Usagi has visited it several times, although not on purpose and at least once ended up there without realizing where he was. The Plain was inhabited by a goblin for a time, a survivor of the battle who couldn't leave do to actions he performed that day. Usagi killed the goblin.


Geishu CastleGeishu Castle is the seat of power for the Geishu clan, who rule over and administrate the Geishu province. It is home to Lord Noriyuki and Ame Tomoé. While secure enough against most threats, it has been infiltrated on several occasions by Neko Ninja (who, it must be admitted, can get into any location, no matter how secure).


Sanshobo's TempleThe Buddhist temple of Priest Sanshobo is located in a forested region of Geishu Province (or very near it). It is home to roughly 30 monks, all of whom have take Buddhist vows. Used as a base of operations by Usagi and Gen for a while, the temple was closed by Sanshobo during the Grasscutter II story arc after Inazuma killed some thirty-odd priests upon being possessed by the spirit of Jei.


The Tangled SkeinThe Tangled Skein is a forest well-known as the home of assorted obakemono (monsters). Travel within it is always hazardous, although giving gifts to the forest's guardian kami (spirits and gods) can usually ensure a (mostly) safe journey. Getting lost in the Tangled Skein usually means you're never going to be seen again and most people wisely avoid the place. Usagi has had to deal with the haunted forest before, encountering hannya (female demons), an evil tanuki-bozu (shape-shifting badger-like dog), a nue, and similar creatures.


Building Usagi Yojimbo CharactersThe base point level for an Usagi Yojimbo will depend on several factors, not the least of which is the GM's desired power level. At it's core, Usagi Yojimbo is a heroic fantasy setting,using Real World Martial Arts, which means one should be able to get by with 75+75 point characters. But, in truth, it is obviously much more than that, and I feel it should be elevated from the "Real World" category up to Cinematic or even Wuxia-level martial arts. The main characters certainly act like the heroes of many Wuxia and Chambara films, cutting down up to a half-dozen men in a single sword stroke, surviving great wounds, single-handedly defeating hordes of enemies, and so on. Thus, you could be Usagi Yojimbo characters on 100, 125, or even 150 base points. It just depends on how powerful you want the PCs to be, and how powerful their foes will be.


Power Level and Notes on the BuildsThe Usagi Yojimbo characters have been written up on 75-200 base points, depending on how powerful they are (and their finished point totals). Most will be in the 150-200 base points range, as most of the "name" Usagi Yojimbo characters are very competent swordsmen. I have made everyone buy their core weapons, as this I am working off the idea these are Wuxia characters. I also have a given most of the major characters a core set of abilities, such as Combat Luck, Danger Sense, and Deadly Blow. Most everyone of a certain skill level exhibits these abilities, as well as certain core skills -- most notable Analyze Fighting Style, Defense Maneuver, and Rapid Attack. While this may look repetitious after a while, it does simulate the way the characters are portrayed in the comic.


Important and/or Notable PeopleThis section lists many of the important characters Usagi has encountered in his travels. It doesn't list all of them, as that is beyond the scope of this article (and project). Instead, I have concentrated on those characters GM would find most useful to adapt to their own games, regardless of setting.


Character List

  • Ame Tomoe: A female samurai, Tomoe serves Lord Noriyuki as his personal bodyguard. She is a skilled swordswoman, and more than a match for many foes.
  • Chizu: The leader of the Neko Ninja, Chizu has recently been ousted by Kagemaru.
  • General Ikeda: A former vassal to the Geishu, Ikeda supported rebellion against them, but lost. He then went into hiding, eventually learning to live with defeat and his life as a peasent.
  • Inazuma: A ronin, Inazuma wanders the roads of Japan, trying to stay one step ahead of assassins and bounty hunters sent after her by Boss Bakuchi.
  • Inspector Ishida: A yoriki (policeman), Ishida has some very unconventional ideas (for Tokugawa Japan) regarding justice and who it should apply to.
  • Jei: The "Blade of the Gods," Jei is a demonic spearman who's name is normally only spoken in whispers.
  • Jotaro: Usagi's son, Jotaro is a samurai-in-training, who's courage is unquestionable. He also takes after his father in many ways, which often gets him into trouble.
  • Katsuichi: Usagi's sensi (teacher) in the art of the sword, Katusichi lives alone in the mountains, where he trains Jotaro.
  • Kitsune: A street performer, Kitsune does what she can to get by -- which often translates to various acts of theft.
  • Miyamoto Usagi: Possibly the greatest swordsman of his age, Usagi is a ronin, who wanders the path of the student warrior. Good-hearted, his major flaw is a tendency to stick his nose into other people's business.
  • Murakami Gennosuké: A scruffy ronin, Gen is a bounty hunter, who hunts criminals for money. Despite his gruff exterior, he's a but of a softy -- but don't tell him that!
  • Lord Geishu Noriyuki: The young lord of Geishu province, Noriyuki has his hands full trying to deal with his neighbor -- Lord Hikiji.
  • Sanshobo: A former samurai, Sanshobo has turned his back on the material world to become a Buddhist priest.
  • Sasuké;: A demon queller, Sasuké; deals with monster and demons on a daily basis -- is it no wonder he gives so many people the creeps?
  • Shingen: The fomer leader of the Neko Ninja, Shingen was killed assaulting a castle. Upon his death, his sister, Chizu, took over.
  • Yagi and Gorogoro: Former bodyguard for the Hirone clan, Yagi has since been forced out and travels "the road to Hell," selling his sword as an assassin.
  • Zato-Ino: Despite being blind, Zato-Ino is a master of the sword, and is the best swordsman to be found in Usagi's world.



The Art of Usagi Yojimbo: 20th Anniversary Edition (Dark Horse Comics)

Sengoku (Gold Rush Games)

The Usagi Yojimbo Role-Playing Game (Gold Rush Games)

Usagi Yojimbo: Monsters! (Gold Rush Games)

Usagi Yojimbo Collections (Volumes 1-7 Fantagraphics, Volumes 8+ Dark Horse Comics)

Volume 1: The Ronin

Volume 2: Samurai

Volume 3: The Wanderer's Road

Volume 4: The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy

Volume 5: Lone Goat and Kid

Volume 6: Circles

Volume 7: Gen's Story

Volume 8: Shades of Death

Volume 9: Daisho

Volume 10: The Brink of Life and Death

Volume 11: Seasons

Volume 12: Grasscutter

Volume 13: Grey Shadows

Volume 14: Demon Mask

Volume 15: Grasscutter II -- Journey to Atsuta Shrine

Volume 16: The Shrouded Moon

Volume 17: Duel at Kitanoji

Volume 18: Travels with Jotaro

Volume 19: Fathers And Sons

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
18	STR	8	13-	Lift 300 kg; 3 1/2d6 HTH Damage
21	DEX	33	13-	OCV:  7/DCV:  7
18	CON	16	13-
14	BODY	10	12-
10	INT	2	11-	PER Roll 11-
12	EGO	2	11-	ECV:  4
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
10	COM	0	11-

8	PD	6		Total:  11 PD (3 rPD)
7	ED	5		Total:  7 ED (3 rED)
4	SPD	9		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
8	REC	0
36	END	0
32	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  96

Movement:[/b]	Running:	6"/12"
Swimming:	2"/4"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Kenjutsu[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
4	Block	+2	+2	Block; Abort
4	Evade	+0	+5	Dodge Versus All; Abort
4	Lightning Stroke	+2	+0	Weapon +1 DC Strike
5	Slash	-2	+1	Weapon +2 DC Strike
Use Art With Swords

23	[b]Katana:[/b]  HKA 1 1/2d6 (2 1/2d6 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); 
OAF (-1) plus +1 OCV; OAF (-1), [b]plus[/b] Ranged (+1/2) for HKA 1 1/2d6; OAF (-1), 1 
Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4)
15	[b]Wakazashi:[/b]  HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1) 
plus +1 OCV; OAF (-1), [b]plus[/b] Ranged (+1/2) for HKA 1d6; OAF (-1), 1 Recoverable 
Charge (-1 1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4)

10	Fringe Benefit:  Kirisutogomen
1	Reputation:  Bounty Hunter (among other bounty hunters and criminals), 11-, +1/+1d6

6	Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
33	[b]Dairokkan:[/b]  Danger Sense (Sense, Out Of Combat, Immediate Vicinity, Discriminatory)
7	[b]Swordmaster:[/b]  Deadly Blow (+1d6 HKA with swords)
3	Lightsleep

16	Combat Skill Levels:  +2 with Combat
6	Combat Skill Levels:  +2 with Kenjutsu
8	Targeting Skill Levels:  +4 OCV with Swords

3	Acting 12-
5	Analyze Fighting Style 12-
3	Climbing 13-
10	Defense Maneuver IV
3	[b]Iaijutsu:[/b]  Fast Draw 13- (HTH Weapons)
2	KS:  Bounty Hunter World 11-
1	KS:  Criminal Law And Procedure 8-
2	KS:  Criminal Underworld 11-
2	KS:  Kenjutsu 11-
2	PS:  Bounty Hunter 11-
3	Paramedic 11-
1	Riding 8-
3	Shadowing 11-
3	Stealth 13-
3	Tracking 11-
3	WF:  Blades, Bow, Off-Hand
[b]184	Total Powers & Skills Cost
280	Total Character Cost

150+	Disadvantages[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  Missing Horn (C)
10	Distinctive Features:  Style (Kenjutsu) 
15	Physical Limitation:  Greedy; often asks "what's in it for me?" (C, S)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Secretly Softhearted (C, S)
5	Rivalry:  Other bounty hunters (prof.)
10	Social Limitation:  Ronin (F, M)
5	Unluck:  1d6
60	[b]Experience
280	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]



Gen is the son of the famous General Murakami, samurai of the Shirogeta clan. When his lord, Nobu Asano, was killed by a treacherous councilor, Murakami went off in search of him, bringing his wife and child with him. A true samurai, General Murakami apparently cared little for this hardships his wife and son went though, and only desired to find the traitorous Councilor Oda. While nether unkind or unfeeling, he simply didn't display emotion, as to do so was a sign of weakness. At the same time, he taught Gen the way of the sword, until Gen decided a life dedicated to a vendetta with no end is sight wasn't for him and left.


A young teen, Gen had no family and no clan, and not much of a future, until he encountered the bandit Kazu and his wife. Killing Kazu and capturing his wife, Gen found the reward money to be more than he'd even seen and allowed him to buy a real meal. His future, it seemed, was set, he would become a bounty hunter -- which he seems to excel at, even if he can't hold on to any reward money he might receive.


Gen first appears in Volume One, The Ronin, in the story Bounty Hunter. His origin is given in Volume Seven, in the story Gen, where he encounters Councilor (now Magistrate) Oda. Interestingly, in Chapter Nine of the Samurai story arc, seen in Volume Two, Gen makes the comment "The saddest day of a samurai's life is the day he becomes a ronin. Some day I'll tell you how I became masterless." This line is then invalidated when Gen gives his origin in Volume Seven, meaning either Gen was lying about losing his lord (doubtful) or Sakai hadn't decided on what Gen's background story was (which is the far more likely an explanation).



Unlike most samurai, Gen isn't much for honor and the way of bushido. He's far more practical, and more interested in "what's in it for me?", specifically monetary rewards. He will often try to make a profit from an adventure, taking money from the dead, looking to sell information back to those is was stolen from (or, at least asking about a reward) and once asking how much the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi might be worth of sold. By the same token, Gen tries to do the right thing, and has a soft spot for the unfortunate, giving his entire reward to two orphans so their uncle could afford to take him in. He also has come to like the free and open life on the road, and has refused service with the Geishu at least once. Usagi calls Gen a cheat, and Gen does attempt to cheat/trick Usagi into paying for meals and stays at inns, with mixed success. On the other hand, Gen will abide by a deal and will keep his word -- if he gives it.



"Honor? I can't relate to that. 'Money' I can relate to."

"He cheated me! Me -- Gennosuké! I'm the one who does the cheating!"

"I don't joke about money."



Gen is a skilled swordsman, but still only middle of the pack when compared to the rest of the UY cast. Zato-Ino nearly killed him, as did Inazuma, and Jei, and he's obviously not as skilled as Usagi or Yagi. That said, he's no slouch in a fight, and can certainly handle large numbers of unskilled bandits and the like single-handedly. He tends to fight with his katana in one hand as the saya (sheath) in his other. His style is basic, nothing fancy, and gets the job done. Usually, he strikes first and tends to go for torso shots (using his Targeting Skill Levels), often killing foes in a single blow. If hard pressed, Gen isn't above fleeing the battle field, and will even call off an attack if the foe is obviously more than he can handle.



Gen is an anthropomorphic rhinoceros who's a little taller than normal with a somewhat thick build. His skin is gray and he's in perpetual need of a close shave. Zato-Ino cut off Gen's horn during the The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy story arc, and for a time Gen had just a stump. Later, he had a potter make him a ceramic horn, into which he hand baked a small blade. Gen dresses in black hakama and a patterned kimono with what looks like a radish (or daikon) mon. He tends to carry his katana over one shoulder, holding it by a strap.


Designers Notes:

Gen's character sheet is derived from the Fuzion stats given in the Usagi Yojimbo Role-Playing Game put out by Gold Rush Games. Additional skills were derived from material in the Sengoku Role-Playing Game and from scenes in the comic series. Gen himself is based on the character of Sanjuro, as played by Toshiro Mifune and seen in the films Yojimbo, Sanjuro, and Yojimbo Meets Zato-ichi. He's a very popular character and appears regularly in the series.


Although not the best fighter in the UY universe, Gen is skilled enough, and represents a decent skilled swordsman template for GM's wanting to build combat-capable samurai without making them the death-machines that Usagi, Zato-Ino, and Yagi are. This character sheet represents him as of around Volume 19. To make Gen more powerful, give him more kenjutsu maneuvers and more Combat Skill Levels.


(Gennosuké Murakami created by Stan Sakai, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero



("Lightning Flash")

[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
14	STR	4	12-	Lift 100 kg; 2 1/2d6 HTH Damage
23	DEX	39	14-	OCV:  8/DCV:  8
16	CON	12	12-
12	BODY	4	11-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
16	EGO	12	12-	ECV:  5
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6
16	COM	3	12-

7	PD	4		Total:  10 PD (3 rPD)
6	ED	3		Total:  9 ED (3 rED)
4	SPD	7		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
6	REC	0
32	END	0
27	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  101

Movement:[/b]	Running:	6"/12"
Leaping:	4.5"/9"
Swimming:	2"/4"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Kenjutsu[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
4	Block	+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Cut	+0	+2	Weapon +1 DC Strike
4	Disarm	-1	+1	24 STR Disarm
4	Evade	+0	+5	Dodge vs All, Abort
4	Lightning Stroke	+2	+0	Weapon +1 DC Strike
5	Slash	-2	+1	Weapon +2 DC Strike
5	Thrust	+1	+3	Weapon Strike
Use Art With Swords

23	[b]Katana:[/b]  HKA 1 1/2d6 (2 1/2d6 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); 
OAF (-1) plus +1 OCV; OAF (-1), [b]plus[/b] Ranged (+1/2) for HKA 1 1/2d6; OAF (-1), 1 
Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4)
15	[b]Wakazashi:[/b]  HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1) 
plus +1 OCV; OAF (-1), [b]plus[/b] Ranged (+1/2) for HKA 1d6; OAF (-1), 1 Recoverable 
Charge (-1 1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4)
15	[b]Grabs An Arrow From The Air:[/b]  Missile Deflection:  Arrows and Projectiles, Deflect 
Adjacent Attacks (+1/2)
2	[b]"Like Fighting A Grasshopper":[/b]  Leaping +2" (4.5" forward, 2" upwards), END 1

10	Fringe Benefit:  Kirisutogomen
1	Reputation:  Master of the Sword (among samurai and ronin), 11-, +1/+1d6

6	Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
33	[b]Dairokkan:[/b]  Danger Sense (Sense, Out Of Combat, Immediate Vicinity, Discriminatory)
7	[b]Swordmaster:[/b]  Deadly Blow (+1d6 HKA with swords)

12	[b]"Natural Affinity For The Steel":[/b]  Combat Skill Levels:  +4 with Kenjutsu
12	[b]"Natural Affinity For The Steel":[/b]  Targeting Skill Levels:  +6 OCV with Swords

2	AK:  Japan 11-
0	Climbing 8-
0	Concealment 8-
0	Conversation 8-
0	Deduction 8-
10	Defense Maneuver IV
5	[b]Iaijutsu:[/b]  Fast Draw (HTH) 15-
1	Language:  Japanese (native and literate)
0	Paramedic 8-
0	PS:  Samurai 8-
3	PS:  Street Performer 14-
3	Shadowing 12-
3	Sleight Of Hand 14-
3	Stealth 14-
3	Streetwise 13-
3	WF:  Blades, Off-Hand
[b]202	Total Powers & Skills Cost
303	Total Character Cost

150+	Disadvantages[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  Style (Kenjutsu)
20	Hunted:  Boss Bakuchi (MoPow, Kill) 11-
20	Psychological Limitation:  Code Of Vengeance:  Must avenge all insults to self and 
lord (C, T)
15	Psychological Limitation:  "Very Spirited" (C, S)
15	Reputation:  dangerous swordswoman (extreme) 11-
10	Social Limitation:  Ronin (F, M)
5	Unluck:  1d6
58	[b]Experience
303	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]



As a young girl, Inazuma was given the name "Bara-no-hime," or "Rose Princess" by her father. He said she was "as delicate as a flower" but to "watch out for her thorns" due to her spirited nature. He also arraigned to have her marry a councilor of the court, a man older than Inazuma's father. Inazuma wished to have nothing to do with this marriage and instead ran off with the young and dashing samurai named Hisashi.


With the Shogun's peace on the land, there was no positions open with other lords and soon the money ran out. Hisashi tried to make money performing sword tricks but wasn't very good, so Inazuma asked him to teach her, figuring a female swordswoman might attract crowds. The moment she picked up a blade, Inazuma felt an affinity for the sword and quickly surpassed her husband in skill. She took the name "Inazuma" ("Lightning Flash") and became a successful street performer. Her husband on the other hand....


Hisashi took to drink and gambling, usually losing any money Inazuma had made that day. Things kept on in this fashion until Hisashi made the mistake of trying to blackmail Boss Masakazu. His body was found days later, a look of horror frozen in his face. Inazuma proceeded to cut her way to Masakazu, killing all of his guards, and then him.


While Inazuma had avenged her husband's death, Boss Bakuchi, Boss Masakazu's father, wasn't so understanding, and now seeks her death. He as struck several times, with hired assassins, but each time has failed.


Inazuma first appears in Volume 10, The Brink Of Life And Death, in the story A Meeting Of Strangers. She next appears in the same volume in Lightning Strikes Twice, where we hear her origin and how she became a wanted woman wandering the roads of Japan. In Volume 12, Grasscutter, Inazuma is possessed by the spirit of Jei, and becomes, for intents and purposes, the "new" Jei. This character sheet represents the pre-Volume 12 Inazuma, for the post Volume 12 Inazuma, combine this character sheet with Jei's. As I haven't read Volume 20 yet, I don't know exactly what she's like in combat or if her sword is black.



Inazuma's past experiences have hardened her heart (as her quote attests) and made her quite the ruthless killer. She has killed a number of Boss Bakuchi's hired swords and assassins and shows no real remorse of the fact, going so far in once sequence as to prop the corpses up and tell them her life story. However, unlike Jei, she doesn't wantonly slaughter anyone she meets and prefers to avoid trouble (if she can) -- on the other hand, she won't go out of her way to avoid a fight. She even saved Usagi from an archer's arrow, although she did state this was to repay him for a debt she owed him. At the same time, Inazuma has her pride, her strong "wild" streak (meaning she values her independence and freedom) and won't take insults without a response. All in all, Inazuma is a very dangerous woman and not to be trifled with.


Quote: "Something hardened in my heart that day."



In a fight Inazuma makes quick, strong cuts, pulling no punches and killing a target with each sword stroke. Like her name, she's very fast, capable of snatching an arrow out of the air, and has come out on top in fights where she's been outnumbered upwards of eight to one. She rarely blocks, but prefers to go on the offensive, usually using Cuts and Lightning Strokes to slay her foes, although she has pulled such flashy stunts as Thrusting into someone behind her (without looking). She also like to move around while fighting, and Gen said fighting her was like dueling a grasshopper. Normally, Inazuma fights with just her katana, but she has been known to hold her saya (sheath) in her off hand.



A pale-furred feline, Inazuma is of average height, and looks to be as tall as Usagi, with an athletically attractive build. Her years on the road, coupled with her normally stern expression detract from her beauty to some extent. Her hair is long, black, and worn in a topknot. Her kimono is a russet color, decorated with a three-spot "paw print" pattern, while her hakama are reddish.


Designer's Notes:

Inazuma's character sheet is loosely derived from the Fuzion stats for other characters given in the Usagi Yojimbo Role-Playing Game put out by Gold Rush Games. Additional skills were derived from material in the Sengoku Role-Playing Game and from scenes in the comic series. Inazuma herself is a wholly original character, created specifically by Stan Sakai to be the new Blade of the Gods (which probably explains her "doomed" origin and outlook). Interestingly, her real name is unknown, as "Bara-no-hime" is just a nickname. The Wikipedia entry for Inazuma indicates that after possession by Jei, she gains the attentions of Sasuké the Demon Queller and Priest Sanshobo. She also isn't totally under Jei's domination and has been able to fight free for brief periods -- usually just before going to sleep or after waking up. Finally, Gen, who was hunting her, called off the chase after finding some of her victims and noticing how much like looked like victims of one of Jei's attacks.


(Inazuma created by Stan Sakai, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero



[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
16	STR	6	12-	Lift 233 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage
23	DEX	39	14-	OCV:  8/DCV:  8
20	CON	20	13-
18	BODY	16	13-	See Below
14	INT	4	12-	PER Roll 12-
20	EGO	20	13-	ECV:  7
30	PRE	20	15-	PRE Attack:  6d6
8	COM	-1	11-

8	PD	5		Total:  11 PD (3 rPD)
8	ED	4		Total:  11 ED (3 rED)
4	SPD	7		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
8	REC	2
40	END	0
36	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  142

Movement:[/b]	Running:	6"/12"
Swimming:	2"/4"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Kenjutsu[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
0	Block	+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Cut	+2	+0	Weapon +2d6 (+1 DC)
0	Evade	+0	+5	Dodge Versus All, Abort
5	Slash	-2	+1	Weapon +4d6 (+2 DC)
Use Art With Swords

[b]Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Yarijutsu[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
4	Block	+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Disarm	-1	+1	26 STR Disarm
4	Evade	+0	+5	Dodge Versus All, Abort
3	Legsweep	+2	-1	Weapon +1d6 (+0 DC); Target falls
4	Root	+0	+0	30 STR to resist Shove; Block, Abort
4	Shove	+0	+0	Shove, 30 STR
5	Slash	-2	+1	Weapon +4d6 (+2 DC)
4	Thrust	+0	+2	Weapon +2d6 (+1 DC)
1	Use Art with Spear, Shaft

34	[b]Yari-Jutsu:[/b] Multipower, 69-Point Pool, all OAF (Spear; -1)
2u	1) [b]Flurry Of Spear Thrusts:[/b]  Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) on up to 3 1/2d6 HKA, 
Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/2); Extra Time (Full Phase; -1/2), OAF (Spear; -1), 
END 2 per shot
2u	2) [b]Whirling Spear Strike:[/b]  Area Of Effect  (One Hex, Doubled, Selective; +1) on up to 
3 1/2d6 HKA, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4); Extra Time (Full Phase; -1/2), 
OAF (Spear; -1), Can Be Blocked (-1/4), END 3

13	[b]Hard to Kill:[/b]  +20 BODY; Only To Stave Off Point Of Death (-2)
23	[b]Katana:[/b]  HKA 1 1/2d6 (2 1/2d6 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); 
OAF (-1) [b]plus[/b] +1 OCV; OAF (-1), [b]plus[/b] Ranged (+1/2) for HKA 1 1/2d6; OAF (-1), 
1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4)
15	[b]Wakazashi:[/b]  HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1) 
[b]plus[/b] +1 OCV; OAF (-1), [b]plus[/b] Ranged (+1/2) for HKA 1d6; OAF (-1), 1 Recoverable 
Charge (-1 1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4)
24	[b]Yari:[/b]  HKA 1 1/2d6 (2d6+1 with STR), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Reduced 
Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1) [b]plus[/b] Stretching: 1", Reduced Endurance 
(0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1), Always Direct (-1/4), No Noncombat Stretch (-1/4), 
Only To Cause Damage (-1/2)
10	[b]Drawing Out The Soul:[/b]  Drain BODY 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); 
OAF (spear; -1), Blade Attack Must Do BODY Damage (-1/4), Only Works Against 
Characters Who Have Souls (-1/4), Linked (to Yari HKA; -1/2)
21	[b]Consecrating the Blade:[/b]  Major Transform 3d6 (normal spear or blade into consecrated 
spear or blade [[i]i.e.[/i] weapon now has a black blade and does +1 STUN], "heals back" when 
Jei selects a new weapon to be his own ), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Standard 
Effect (9 BODY; +0); Extra Time (Full Turn; -1 1/4), No Range (-1/2), Limited Target 
(bladed weapons; -1/2)
2	[b]Doesn't Feel The Cold:[/b]  Life Support (Safe Environment:  Intense Cold)
13	[b]Aura of Cold:[/b]  Change Environment 2" Radius, -1 Temperature Level, Reduced 
Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); Always On (-1/2), No Range (-1/2)

6	Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
32	[b]"They're Here":[/b]  Danger Sense, Sense, Any Danger, General Area, Intuitional
10	[b]Swordmaster:[/b]  Deadly Blow (+1d6 HKA with HTH Weapons)
3	Light Sleep

6	Combat Skill Levels:  +2 with Spear
10	Combat Skill Level:  +2 with Hand-To-Hand Combat

0	AK: Japan 8-
3	Breakfall 14-
0	Climbing 8-
0	Concealment 8-
0	Conversation 8-
0	Deduction 8-
10	Defense Maneuver IV
1	Language: Japanese (native and literate)
3	Paramedic 12-
2	PS:  Samurai 11-
0	Shadowing 8-
3	Stealth 14-
2	Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 12-
3	Tactics 12-
2	WF:  Common Melee Weapons
[b]297	Total Powers & Skills Cost
439	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages[/b]
20	DNPC:  Keiko the Innocent (Incompt) 11-
15	Distinctive Features:  Creepy Voice (like one from the grave) And Empty Eyes (NC)
15	Distinctive Features:  Eerie Presence (aura of cold/evil) (NC)
10	Distinctive Features:  Style (Yarijutsu)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Believes Self To Be The "Blade Of The Gods" (C, T)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Casual Killer/Driven To Destroy "Evil" (i.e. Jei's a total 
sociopath) (VC, S)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Hates Usagi (Must kill Usagi to take place among the 
gods) (C, S)
10	Reputation:  Blade of the Gods/Deadly Killer (extreme) 8-
119	[b]Blade of the Gods Bonus
439	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]



Jei's origin is a complete and total mystery. His initial appearance in Usagi Yojimbo looked to be a one-shot, until Stan Saki brought him back again and again for further adventures with Usagi.


In his first appearance, Jei fought Usagi and attempted to kill him for being "evil." A bolt of lightning ended the fight, and Jei was presumed slain. He later appeared as a bandit leader and captured Jotaro, Usagi's son by Mariko. The resulting fight with Usagi pitched Jei off of a cliff and into a river. He was found by a fisherman and recovered to full health. Killing the fisherman, Jei then encountered Keiko, the "innocent" and with her traveled about seeking Usagi. Along the way, he found the sword Kusanagi (Grasscutter) and fought both Usagi and Gen for its possession. He wounded both -- Gen severely -- before dying on the blade of Grasscutter. As his body turned to ash, it would seem that this death is for good... or is it?


This write-up is for Jei after he encounters Keiko, but before his death (naturally).



Jei is utterly insane. He speaks at one point of being possessed by a burning fever and then awaking with the knowledge he was the "blade of the gods" and it was his duty to destroy evil in all its forms. The only problem is that Jei sees evil in everything and everyone. He has slaughtered whole shiploads of people and the entire processional party of a daimyo. Jei's main desire however, is to kill Usagi, so that he may then die and take his place among the gods.


Although Jei is a sociopathic killer, he doesn't slaughter people wantonly. Usually he needs to be provoked to start one of his rampages. Of course, considering his nature, provoking Jei can be accomplished simply by talking to him (and the longer you talk to him, the more chance of his deciding you're evil). For example, Jei will not bow to any lord, or any processional -- he is "above" such things. When pressed to do so by a lord's retainers, Jei pronounced the retainers (and their lord) "evil" and carved up the lot. If not hassled, however, odds are Jei will not trouble anyone himself.



"My actions are not my own! I am merely an emissary of the gods! My blade finds the evil in this world and destroys it!"

"As an emissary of the gods, I set the standards for sanity in the world."



Jei is an excellent and accomplished spearman. He has fought Usagi to a virtual standstill several times, losing only by the slimmest of margins. He is also skilled with the sword, although not to the extent that Usagi is. Two of Jei's favorite tactics with his spear is to unleash a flurry of rapid strikes at a single target, or to whip his spear around in a large circle, slashing at all in range. In addition, Jei's spear seems to draw out the souls of those it kills, and several victims have remarked on feeling cold and/or extreme pain (Gen said that it "burned").


If Jei ever loses his spear, he will find a new one and "consecrate" it to the gods. This requires him to hold the weapon up and bless it. The blade will then turn black. This consecration will turn any normal weapon into a +1 STUN weapon. It should be noted that Jei's swords are not black, and that he could not consecrate the sword Grasscutter.


The Hard to Kill power represents Jei's ability to come back from almost any wound. Basically, in order for him to really die (magic weapons not withstanding), Jei must go to negative 38 BODY. His Aura of Cold is the sort of power some Game Masters may want to ignore. It is readily apparent in his first appearance, but less later on. Keiko never comments on it, although others do. I should note his power of "They're Here" only really appeared once, but sort of makes sense, considering his origins. Also, Jei killed three armed samurai with just his bare hands. He might have some sort of HKA defined as "Clawed Hands" or some such.



Jei is a tall anthropomorphic wolf with long black hair drawn up in a samurai topknot. His eyes are white and empty of pupils, while his fingers have long claws. He wears a long black kimono with white trim, a pale yukata, and a white obi. In the obi are thrust a katana and wakizashi, while Jei carries his yari in his hand. The yari is normally kept sheathed, but when the blade is revealed it is dead black.


Jei's appearance is fairly frightening in of itself, but his voice is supposed to be "like one from the grave." Jei also seems to radiate cold, or at least the temperature drops when ever he is around.


Designer's Notes:

Jei's character sheet is loosely derived from the Fuzion stats for other characters given in the Usagi Yojimbo Role-Playing Game put out by Gold Rush Games. Additional skills were derived from material in the Sengoku Role-Playing Game and from scenes in the comic series. As for Jei himself... he's a very, very strange character. For starters he seems (or seemed) to be unkillable. Every time he was thought dead, he would return, whether it was from being struck by lightning or from falling off a cliff into a river. He didn't truly die until Usagi stabbed him with the sword Kusanagi. Even then, his death wasn't permanent, as his spirit entered the body of Inazuma, a female swordsman of unsurpassed skill. Personally, I think that the last page of Volume 12, Grasscutter, where Keiko encounters the "new" Inazuma with the words "I've been looking all over for you... Aunty." to be one of the most creepiest sets of panels in comics.


A lot of Jei's origin and nature can easily be understood by the following comment from Stan Sakai: "Jei... started off as a gag, a character whose name was inspired by Jason from those Friday the 13th movies. Jason. Jei-san. Get it?"


(Jei created by Stan Sakai, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero



[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage
15	DEX	15	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
11	CON	2	11-
9	BODY	-2	11-
18	INT	8	13-	PER Roll 13-
16	EGO	12	12-	ECV:  5
13	PRE	3	12-	PRE Attack:  2 1/2d6
20	COM	5	13-

3	PD	1		Total:  3 PD (0 rPD)
3	ED	1		Total:  3 ED (0 rED)
3	SPD	5		Phases:  4, 8, 12
4	REC	0
22	END	0
20	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  50

Movement:[/b]	Running:	7"/14"
Swimming:	2"/4"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
23	[b]Cane Sword:[/b]  HKA 1d6+1 (2d6+1 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); 
IAF (-1/2) [b]plus[/b] +1 OCV; IAF (-1/2)
3	[b]Palm Strike:[/b]  HA +1d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), END 1
2	[b]Fast On Her Feet:[/b]  Running +1" (7" total), END 1
5	[b]Lucky Girl:[/b]  Luck 1d6

3	Resistance (+3 to EGO)

5	Combat Skill Levels:  +1 with Hand-To-Hand
2	Combat Skill Levels:  +1 OCV with Thrown Objects
5	Skill Levels:  +1 with Agility Skills
5	Skill Levels:  +1 with Interaction Skills

3	Acting 12-
0	AK:  Japan 8-
3	Climbing 12-
3	Concealment 13-
3	Conversation 12-
0	Deduction 8-
1	Gambling (Fighting Tops) 13-
3	KS:  Koma (tops) 13-
1	Language:  Japanese (native, literate)
0	Paramedic 8-
2	PS:  Koma Making 11-
3	PS:  Street Performer 13-
3	Seduction 12-
3	Shadowing 13-
5	Sleight Of Hand 13-
3	Stealth 12-
3	Streetwise 12-
1	WF:  Blades
[b]93	Total Powers & Skills Cost
143	Total Character Cost

75+	Disadvantages[/b]
5	Distinctive Features:  Highly Attractive (EC)
15	DNPC:  Kiyoko-chan (Normal) 11-
20	Hunted:  Varies (gangsters, police, and so on) (Mo Pow, Capture) 11-
15	Psychological Limitation:  "A girl has to do what she can to get by." (C, S)
15	Social Limitation:  Lower-class Citizen (V, M)
[b]145	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]


Born the daughter of a fabric broker, Kitsune's mother died when she was still very young. Her father remarried and his new wife took an instant disliking to Kitsune. Eventually, she had Kitsune sold to an inn in a nearby town, where the young girl was worked hard. Growing up beautiful, she caught the eye of a local brother owner, who offered to buy her from the innkeepers. Kitsune overheard the deal being made, and ran off, eluding her pursuers, and eventually making her way to Edo, the Shogun's new capital.


Penniless and desperate, Kitsune stole a money bag and ran off, only to be pursed by the police. As luck would have it, she encountered a woman street performer, who hid her away and then took her in, gave her a bath, fed her, and then made an offer: if Kitsune would stay with her, she (Saichiko) would teach Kitsune all she knew.


Saichiko taught Kitsune a wide variety of skills, such as her various tricks with tops and the sword, as well as assorted thief skills. Naturally quick, Kitsune proved to be very adept, and learned swiftly. Eventually however, Saichiko was caught and killed by a samurai wise to her pickpocket tricks. As for Kitsune, she left Edo, and has since wandered Japan, moving from town to town, performing for the street crowds and supplementing her income with various thieving jobs. Sometime after Volume 16, Kitsune took an "apprentice" of her own, a girl named Kiyoko, who like Kitsune, has no family.


This character sheet represents Kitsune after Volume 16. Simply remove the DNPC to create the pre-Volume 16 version.



Kitsune's constant mantra is "A girl has to do what she can to get by," which sums up her outlook on life perfectly. Having seen what the world is like (sold at an early age to an inn, then again to a brothel), and knowing that only the samurai make the laws, she's decided that the only person who is going to look out for the Kitsunes of the world is Kitsune. Thus, she looks out primarily for herself, and has stolen from Usagi and Gen (at least in their initial meetings), and Kiyoko has done the same to young Jotaro. She will also willingly take jobs stealing and/or helping to blackmail rich merchants and gang bosses. While not totally amoral or without a conscience, Kitsune does take a very practical outlook on life.


Quote: "A girl has to do what she can to get by."



Although quick and skilled with the blade, Kitsune is not one to engage in sword fights. Instead she likes to use her physical charms to throw others off guard, then lift their purse while distracted. She is also an excellent thief, skilled at climbing, moving quietly, finding hidden objects, and so on. As a street performer, she can make a top spin along the blade of a sword, and can balance a top on the tip of a blade. If needed, she can hurl a heavy top with accuracy, and can defend herself in a pinch with the canesword she carries for her street performances.



Kitsune is (as you may have guessed by her name) an anthropomorphic fox of average height, with a slender build, an engaging smile, and highly attractive features. Her hair is black and falls well down her back if worn loose, but normally she keeps it pinned up. Her clothing consists of a long kimono covered with a pattern of maple leaves.


Designer's Notes:

Kitsune's character sheet is derived from the Fuzion stats given in the Usagi Yojimbo Role-Playing Game put out by Gold Rush Games. Additional skills were derived from material in the Sengoku Role-Playing Game and from scenes in the comic series. She is a totally unique creations of Sakai's, although a "kitsune" is the trickster fox of Japanese folklore (which is why Saichiko gave Kitsune that name -- Sakai never gives Kitsune's birthname). Although not a powerful fighter, at 145 points she's the perfect template for any number of thief-like characters suitable for Fantasy Hero and Ninja Hero games.


(Kitsune created by Stan Sakai, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero



("Blind Pig")

[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage
24	DEX	42	14-	OCV:  8/DCV: 8
16	CON	12	12-
13	BODY	6	12-
12	INT	2	12-	PER Roll 11-
11	EGO	2	11-	ECV:  4
10	PRE	0	12-	PRE Attack:  2d6
9	COM	0	11-

7	PD	4		Total:  7 PD (0 rPD)
7	ED	4		Total:  7 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	6		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
6	REC	0
32	END	0
30	STUN	1		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  84

Movement:[/b]	Running:	7"/14"
Swimming:	2"/4"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Kenjutsu[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
4	Block	+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Evade	+0	+5	Dodge vs All, Abort
4	Cut	+2	+0	Weapon +2d6 (1 DC)
5	Running Strike	+1	+0	Weapon +v/5; Full Move
5	Slash	-2	+1	Weapon +4d6 (2 DC)
5	Thrust	+1	+3	Weapon Strike
Use Art with Swords

23	[b]Cane Sword:[/b]  HKA 1d6+1 (2d6+1 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); 
IAF (-1/2) [b]plus[/b] +1 OCV; IAF (-1/2)
5	[b]Fearless:[/b]  +10 PRE; Defensive Only (-1)
2	[b]Fast On His Feet:[/b]  Running +1" (7" total), END 1
5	[b]Can Smell Falling Leaves I:[/b]  Discriminatory, Targeting For Normal Smell
8	[b]Heightened Sense of Smell:[/b]  Enhanced Perception: +4 with Smell/Taste Group 
PER Rolls
27	[b]Can Smell Falling Leaves II:[/b]  Spatial Awareness, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 

3	Lightsleep
7	[b]Swordmaster:[/b]  Deadly Blow (+1d6 HKA with swords)

18	Combat Skill Levels:  +6 with Kenjutsu

0	AK:  Japan 8-
3	Climbing 14-
0	Concealment 8-
0	Conversation 8-
0	Deduction 8-
5	[b]Iaijutsu:[/b]  Fast Draw 15-
0	Language:  Japanese (native)
0	Paramedic 8-
3	PS:  Masseuse 14-
0	Shadowing 8-
3	Stealth 14-
2	Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 12-
2	WF:  Blades, Off-Hand
[b]143	Total Powers & Skills Cost
227	Total Character Cost

125+	Disadvantages[/b]
10	Enraged:  If Angered, Betrayed, Or Tricked 14-/11-
15	Hunted:  Numerous Bounty Hunters (AsPow) 11-
20	Physical Limitation:  Blind (A, G)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Bad Tempered And Irritable (C, S)
0	Psychological Limitation:  Desires Peace In His Life (C, M)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Hates/Hunting Usagi (C, S)
15	Reputation:  known bandit (extreme) 11-
15	Social Limitation:  Wanted Outlaw (F, M)
[b]230	Total Disadvantage Points

-13	[b]Wooden Nose:[/b]  Add IAF (-1/2) to Can Smell Falling Leaves I, Can Smell Falling 
Leaves II, and Heightened Sense of Smell.
-15	Remove Psychological Limitation:  "Hates/Hunting Usagi"
20	DNPC:  Fujiko (wife) and his unnamed child (Normal) 14-



Nothing is known about the life history of Zato-Ino. He was born blind, and has been subject to taunts and jeers his whole life. At some point, he learned the use of the sword, and used this skill to strike out at his tormenters. Unfortunately this soon left him a wanted man, and he has been forced to remain on the move ever since, trying to stay one step ahead of the ever-present bounty hunters.


Zato-Ino and Usagi have met several times, and their first encounter ended with Usagi lopping off Ino's nose. Ino had a wooden replacement made, which allowed him to once again smell the world properly. He swore revenge on Usagi, but their next match ended in a draw. Their third encounter came as Ino was fighting Gennosuké (and Gennosuké was losing). Usagi convinced Zato-Ino to help assault Lord Tamakuro's castle in exchange a life of peace in the Geishu province. Zato-Ino agrees, but ends up shot by a matchlock musket and thought dead.


Zato-Ino first appears in Volume One, The Ronin, in the story Blind Swordspig. His last appearance is in Volume Seven, Gen's Story, in the appropriately named The Last Ino Story. This write-up is for Zato-Ino before he meets Usagi for the first time, although the various options allow you to create Zato-Ino at different points in his career.



Zato-Ino is driven by one main emotion -- anger. Although he desires peace, and a peaceful life, he is constantly beset by violence, as people who have heard of him and his exploits attack him -- either out of fear or in hopes of winning the bounty on his head. Naturally, this makes Ino angry, and when Ino is angry, he tends to lash out and kill. Of course, these new killings only start the whole cycle all over again.


After being shot during The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy, Zato-Ino ended up in an isolated farming village. He saved the villagers from an attack of bandits, and eventually married a woman named Fujiko, and was to be a father soon when last seen in The Last Ino Story (and later appeared on the cover of an issue of Usagi Yojimbo with Fujiko holding his infant daughter). As Sakai has not had him reappear since, it seems Zato-Ino has at last found the peace he has been looking for.



"I am one with nature. It is people I am in conflict with."

"You act so self-righteous samurai... I hate you... And what I hate, I kill!"



Zato-Ino is blind, which would normally be a great disadvantage, except Ino has a very well-developed sense of smell. So well-developed he can "see" with his nose, as well as smell the leaves falling from the trees or the blood one someone's blade. He is quite capable of fighting multiple opponents with little or no trouble, and is naturally unhampered by darkness. Only wet weather and rain interferes with his sense of smell, which is why Zato-Ino tends to hole up when it rains.


Zato-Ino's sword skill is second to none. He is only one of a select few to actually beat Usagi in a duel, and Ino nearly killed Gennosuké in their fight (as it was, Zato-Ino lopped Gennosuké's horn off). Ino fears nothing, and will not back down from most threats. He is a very dangerous opponent.



Zato-Ino is a anthropomorphic pig of average height for the world of Usagi Yojimbo. He is perhaps a few inches over 5' in height, with a thick, strong build. He is blind, perpetually in need of a shave, and wears a wooden nose where his original one used to be. Zato-Ino dresses in a black, knee-length kimono and sandals. His cane-sword doubles as a walking stick.


Designer's Notes:

Zato-Ino's character sheet is derived from the Fuzion stats given in the Usagi Yojimbo Role-Playing Game put out by Gold Rush Games. Additional skills were derived from material in the Sengoku Role-Playing Game and from scenes in the comic series. Zato-Ino himself is derived from the cinema character of Zato-Ichi, played by Katsu Shintaro, and star of over 25 films. The name Zato-Ino comes from the word "zato" meaning "blind" and "ino" meaning "wild boar." The film Yojimbo also featured a character nicknamed "Ino" do to his wild, pig-like habits, and ferocity with the sword. The video game Guilty Gear X features a blind fighter named "Zato-1" (aka "blind one").


This character sheet represents Zato-Ino before he encounters Usagi but after he starts his life on the road. You can add in the options to represent Zato-Ino at different points in his life. As a final note, Stan Saki has stated that Zato-Ino is the most skilled swordsman in Usagi's world.


(Zato-Ino created by Stan Saki, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero


Not bad, although I'd have run it as a Cinematic game, not WuXia. You can make a decent game of it using just ordinary people and a few good swordsmen (so to speak.)


A note... The Japan entry in AB2 isn't really complete, per se, so you might want to fill in the gaps there. For example, I have not seen a serious mention of the hebi, a giant snake said to be able to turn into a human at times--although there are entries in AB1 that would allow this sort of changes to create this particular orochi hengeyokai. Perhaps a short fill-in-the-holes to help people in building mystic monsters for UY HERO?

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero


Not bad, although I'd have run it as a Cinematic game, not WuXia. You can make a decent game of it using just ordinary people and a few good swordsmen (so to speak.)


A note... The Japan entry in AB2 isn't really complete, per se, so you might want to fill in the gaps there. For example, I have not seen a serious mention of the hebi, a giant snake said to be able to turn into a human at times--although there are entries in AB1 that would allow this sort of changes to create this particular orochi hengeyokai. Perhaps a short fill-in-the-holes to help people in building mystic monsters for UY HERO?


Orochi, pages 38-40, AB II.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero


While we are on the topics of missing monster here is one from J-Horror Legends that I am pretty sure could fit into one of the numerous creatures already in AB2.


From SaruDama- The "Nurari Hyon" is a well-known traditional monster/ghost. The name means something like "Slippery Old Man" and refers to its most common appearance as an elderly man wielding uncanny abilities. (The Japanese adjective nuru nuru means "slippery".)


His powers seem to be TK based (he throws people out of a shop into a near by pond with gestures) and the ability to be invisible. I haven't quite figure out whether it is a mental thing of ignore the strange old man or whether it is true invisibility....

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero


Interesting. I saw an Usagi Yojimbo RPG during my last run to a real game store, but it was by (memory blank ...) Sanguine(?) games, using a system with which I was completely unfamiliar. I flipped through it and nearly picked it up, but I restrained myself on the virtue of figuring that since I'd just use it for conversion fodder, I'd be better off trying to get ahold of Ninja HERO ... and I've discovered that me and 'hardcore' Feudal settings don't get along.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero


Interesting. I saw an Usagi Yojimbo RPG during my last run to a real game store' date=' but it was by (memory blank ...) Sanguine(?) games, using a system with which I was completely unfamiliar. I flipped through it and nearly picked it up, but I restrained myself on the virtue of figuring that since I'd just use it for conversion fodder, I'd be better off trying to get ahold of Ninja HERO ... and I've discovered that me and 'hardcore' Feudal settings don't get along.[/quote']


Good choice. I looked at the game in question and was totally unimpressed.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero




Named Character Package


The following package represents the Characteristics, Powers, Skill, and Talents, common to all major (i.e. "named") characters seen in Usagi Yojimbo. As virtually all the major/named characters are swordsmen, this package is geared towards combat-capable samurai, as opposed to such major (and named) characters as Inspector Ishida, Lord Noriyuki, Kitsune, and so on.


Cost	Ability[/b]
6	+3 BODY
6	Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
33	Danger Sense (Sense, Out Of Combat, Immediate Vicinity, Discriminatory)
7	Deadly Blow (+1d6 HKA with weapon of choice, usually swords)
10	Defense Maneuver IV
3	Fast Draw (DEX) (HTH Weapons)
10	Martial Arts (choice of maneuvers, usually kenjutsu)

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  75 points.

Value	Disadvantage[/b]
10	[b]Distinctive Features:[/b]  Style 
[b]Total Cost Of Package Disadvantages:  10[/b]

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero


Yeah ... I didn't see too much that really grabbed my attention when I was flipping through it, either.


I'd've been too tempted to try to graft a magic system onto it, too ... I needs magic in my fantasy.


One of the things that annoyed me was they only gave character sheets for Usagi and Tomoe, and then the ones the did give were down-powered "starting-level" ones or some such nonsense. The rest of the character sheets are sample PCs.


As for magic... what is seen in UY tends to be stylized and ritualistic. Very little "point and shoot" magic, except for Sasuké the Demon Queller.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero


One of the things that annoyed me was they only gave character sheets for Usagi and Tomoe, and then the ones the did give were down-powered "starting-level" ones or some such nonsense. The rest of the character sheets are sample PCs.


As for magic... what is seen in UY tends to be stylized and ritualistic. Very little "point and shoot" magic, except for Sasuké the Demon Queller.


Figured as much ... I don't even think the Sanguine Games version addressed Magic at all (I looked at the Table of Contents specifically for Magic and didn't see it).

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero


Figured as much ... I don't even think the Sanguine Games version addressed Magic at all (I looked at the Table of Contents specifically for Magic and didn't see it).


The GRG version said "don't let the PCs be magicians" and talks about keeping it rare so the PCs don't become used to it. Except Usagi runs into the supernatural all of the time....

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero


Talking about GRG, Sengoku has some nice example for a more ritualistic style of magic. If you are planning on running a feudal Japanese campaign, it is a great source for magic and other background. So I would suggest looking there.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero


Talking about GRG' date=' Sengoku has some nice example for a more ritualistic style of magic. If you are planning on running a feudal Japanese campaign, it is a great source for magic and other background. So I would suggest looking there.[/quote']


I generally prefer general-purpose magic to be at least combat-capable, if not necessarily a great idea. While long rituals may be themely and cool, they become rather clunky to deal with while gaming.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo Hero


I generally prefer general-purpose magic to be at least combat-capable' date=' if not necessarily a great idea. While long rituals may be themely and cool, they become rather clunky to deal with while gaming.[/quote']

Since in this case the intent is to keep magic out of the hands of PCs for the most part, I can see how this would work. Keep in mind that Sengoku is a chambara game, and there is a far greater emphasis on swordplay than on the supernatural.


However, I can easily imagine a campaign where the part consists of a wandering exorcist and her bodyguards. She has the spiritual powers and knowledge of Shinto and Buddhist ritual required to deal with the supernatural, but needs to be protected while she does her work.

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