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Re: Amnesia


I had a PC ask me about that once, I agreed. I bought his disads and then let him in on anything physically obvious but supplied no explanations.


I bought him some hunteds, some psychological limitations. I treated the Amnesia as a physical limitation but would not revel its worth, because I assigned its worth based on how important it might be to remember the other disads.

I made sure at least one of the hunted wanted something from the player but they'd never say what it was, as if it should be obvious.

I also had some fun and gave him a lurid bi-sexual past with jilted lovers of both sexes eventually finding him at all the wrong times.

Someone tells me they want to be amnesiac I hear "pick my disads?" and I think if you're going to make me work on your disads, I'm going to have some fun.

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Re: Amnesia


Thanks for fixing that for me. Repped.


Is there a way to avoid that formatting?

Do you mean avoid using the

 tags for ASCIIish or whatever it's called text? Not that I know of. You can set the font to [font=Courier New]Courier New[/font], but there's always the chance someone's broswer setting will override it.
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Re: Amnesia


In my experience, Amnesia is a PLAYER Limitation.


In the PbEM version of my campaign I had one player who had no desire to take the time to reread old posts or (as near as I could tell) even the part of the post marked "[OLD]" that people usually include to help maintain context. So his character developed the odd quirk of being unable to give an accurate accounting of what had happened (game time) two minutes earlier.


This was made worse by the fact that when he was brought into my game world from another campaign the global villain organisation (actually parahuman terrorists) he (and his GM) chose as a substitute for Viper isn't all that Viper-like. And I told him this. Yet he kept trying to describe them in Viper-like terms. The character looked like a mind-addled idiot.

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