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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Here is a list of the b18 fixes/enhancements...


The "Better late than never" bug fix release.


This build addresses many of the bugs you all found with b16 and b17:


Build 18 (10/18/07)

* Colorize and decorate .rptok files in the Image Explorer

* Move map selection button to the right side of the toolbar

* Fix bug: hex vision offset

* Fix bug: facing arrow is popping outside token bounds

* Fix bug: Hero rolls are broken

* Fix bug: hex grid line width

* Fix bug: remove measurement lines from oval topology tool

* Fix bug: use correct icon for Template Tool group when selected

* Fix bug: dragging snap-to-grid large tokens makes the token jump

* Fix bug: conic vision was not working for saved tokens



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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Guys, just a heads up. As the day has gone along, I've been feeling worse and worse. I'm not sure if it is just the weather or if I'm coming down with something.


If I'm not on by 6:15 go ahead without me, and feel free to NPC me. I'm hoping that once I get out in the fresh air on the way home I'll feel better, but just in case...

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Guys, just a heads up. As the day has gone along, I've been feeling worse and worse. I'm not sure if it is just the weather or if I'm coming down with something.


If I'm not on by 6:15 go ahead without me, and feel free to NPC me. I'm hoping that once I get out in the fresh air on the way home I'll feel better, but just in case...

Don't sweat it. I have a nice zombie massacre alternate storyline planned if you don't show up. You know 500 point zombies, 0+25 point characters. :eg:


It's all on RPMiller folks. He doesn't show up, you get massacred. No pressure. :D


Seriously, if you don't feel up to it, take the night off. Get some rest.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


1) Starwolf: Great news, I've seen that happen so many times it isn't even funny, but great news anyway.


Knew a cardiologist once who said that you had to be extra careful with heart news - the stress of the news is often worse than the condition!


2) Hmm, zombies.... I could kill me some zombies... or even better, clowns...


How about 125-point characters, and a zillion 25-point clowns, highest scoring character wins?


As someone else quipped recently on the subject, "fast clowns or slow clowns?"

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Just a heads up' date=' there may be a bug in the Hero dice parser for maptool build 17. In b16 we could enter [3d6h'] Stun [3d6b] Body and get the Hero results. In b17 he same notation gives me a java.big math error...
I'm not seeing how these are different than a 3d6 roll. :help:
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


After looking through the Battlegrounds program, I gotta say the only thing that still has me hesitant is the price... We would need a GM license (29.95) and at least 6 player licenses (a five pack is 67.95), so we would be looking in excess of $100.00 for the group. I love the look and feel of the die roller, but for now I think MT is coming along nicely. I am also VERY impressed with the level of support we have received from Trevor.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


After looking through the Battlegrounds program' date=' I gotta say the only thing that still has me hesitant is the price... We would need a GM license (29.95) and at least 6 player licenses (a five pack is 67.95), so we would be looking in excess of $100.00 for the group. I love the look and feel of the die roller, but for now I think MT is coming along nicely. I am also VERY impressed with the level of support we have received from Trevor.[/quote']


That is my one big hang up with it as well. If it really offered features that MT didn't, I could see making the investment and it would be easy enough for us to all share the cost of what $15 each. For the record heruca is very responsive as well, but I think Trevor still has him beat in that area. Not to mention the speed and frequency of updates can't be matched. He gives Dan Simon a run for his money. ;)


I'm not really interested in changing programs again at this point. It looks slick' date=' but I like MapTools just fine.[/quote']


I tend to agree.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


So, give me the 411 on the game last night. What happened?


I feel much better today by the way. I slept about 15 hours by my estimate. I woke up around 8 pm I think and responded to a couple emails and forums and then hit the pillow again and slept through to morning. Thanks for letting me take the night off as I obviously needed the sleep. :)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Here's the short version, I'll have the full transcript posted tomorrow to my website with a link.


Ta'Rang and the girl (Czarina) saw some strange monster thing as she had the barrel of a gun to the back of his head. He probably owes the creature his life as Czarina descended into a quivering ball at that point.


Top side you guys reach the room as some things attack us (Sam misses the initial PER Roll as is a bit oblivious for a second). They're big tough things that shoot FIREBALLS at us. Caspar, Wade and Sam (who is using that shotgun) attack one - it takes a few seconds (just over 1 Turn) as Caspar's OCV is pretty low and Wade tried the Stunner for a phase while Sam's shotgun (who hit every every shot I might add :) ) is largely ineffective. Killian in the meantime is being attacked by another creature, and Ta'Rang is getting Czarina out of the ductworks so we can beat a hasty retreat.


(the creatures, when killed, disintegrate into ash before they even hit the deck - which makes me think the GM has played too much Silent Hill and I'm a bit creeped out by that.)


The monster attacking Wade/Caspar/Sam decides that after Sam shoots it in the head (still to no effect) she might be a threat and fireballs her - Sam is rather badly hurt and her EVA is even worse off. Oxygen works but the planets surface is a no-no. Wade finishes it off. Killian finishes his off. Ta'Rang is attacked by a third and really quickly dispatches it with that word of his. The team runs, getting to the top of the airlock lift Elvisbob transports them all out and to the safety of the Mercury.


Sam and Czarina are brought to Medical while Wade goes a little off kilter at Sam being rather badly burned (he's visibly angry). He proceeds to slag the facility from orbit (or reduce it to rubble). Sam staggers out of Medical (because she's stubborn, and sometimes kind of dumb that way) and gets him to stop (mind you Sam is at 50% positive Body - she's not in danger of death but is in a pretty bad way) and then probes Elvisbob for some more info. Sam states she is looking for some information and a box - and is a little upset that the office tower was slagged as well, but is in too much pain to put any effort into it. (and finds Wade's gesture sweet.)


They identify two more facilities on the planet, both underground (stupid rocks). Doc states it had some kind of mental contact - there are a bunch of souls pleading for help on the planet. We go down and hover over the ruins at Sam's bequest so Doc can try and read the minds/souls down there. Doc gets into some odd conversation then is "attacked?" by something offering a deal, something about a child being taken. It's a little unclear. Killian and Ta'Rang are busy attemping to make a Big Gun to more quickly take out the monsters as our weapons were deemed too slow (taking multiple shots instead of 1-3 like they'd like).


Czarina emerges from Medical where was on an IV for nutrition (being dehydrated and malnurished a bit) and announces "They're here." which is of course the cue for the group to notice the odd flow from Cargo Bay which reminds them of the odd glow from the creatures on the planet. Obviously they're now in our ship.


Then Nol throws out the "To Be Continued" line and we all get a week of panic.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Nice summary ghost-angel. That cut to the heart of the matter. :)


Glad you are feeling better RP. I want to post the transcript, but there are some whispers between Doc and me. Terrie did a great job taking all the information I gave her and feeding it to the crew in a convincingly confusing matter. Maybe after this arc is over and I award XP. In the meantime, I think ghost-angel said he would post his copy which really would have all the information Ashcroft would know anyway.


And while I can NPC a missing player's character, I rarely do. I usually have a bunch of side whispers, even when trying to keep things in the main room and that takes a lot of typing energy to keep up. In this case, I and the rest of you, can presume that Ashcroft was plenty busy with his own critter and managed to do enough damage to kill it in exactly the same time as the others. I imagine that they are there and functioning as they would, just not making any decisions or impacting what is going on in any significant manner.


I really have some work before next week's game. I hope you all will continue to enjoy the Gemini Ascendant Halloween Special. ;)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Glad to hear you feel better RP :D


in other news I have made progress in making up a MT Hero base campaign file. I have added the base properties of Body, Stun, END, OCV, DCV, ECV, PD rPD, ED, rED. Initially I played with some other properties but the pop-up display seems fixed in size and if you crowd more than 10 items into the list the text starts to overlap and becomes hard to read. Having said that. A property only displays if a value is added so we can define some alternative properties say for example vehicles or charges so long as no more than 10 properties are assigned a value.


Any ideas... or suggestions for the properties are appreciated.


In addition we can now add a non-editable image of a character sheet to each token. Here is where a combat summary style short HD export would really be handy. The process would be export into the combat summary. Preview the combat summary and take a screen shot (prt sc in windows). Paste the screen shot into your favorite paint program (windows paint works just fine for this). Then save the file as either a png or jpg. Finally open your token properties in maptool by double clicking. Select the Config tab. Drag the image of your saved combat summary onto the far right box in the token properties, it is labeled character sheet. You access the character sheet during the game by right clicking your token and select show character sheet. When the character sheet appears you can scale it by rolling your mouse wheel, and close it by clicking the little red x in the upper right hand corner.


Note you can use this same method to add a character portrait to your token, just drop it into the center box instead of the far right box.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Possible Attribute Ideas:













Doubling up some similar stats into a common notation (such as the CVs always listed as OCV/DCV/ECV like: 5/5/3) and including the most often used Movement Powers in a Heroic Game and having the Mental and Power Defenses (because Psionics are real and who knows when you'll need Power Def) can all be helpful.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


For the MT tables, I have finished a people hit location table that has a Huge amount of granularity compared to the standard table. It still works with just a single click.


I am running into one glitch...


I can't get a table to do an inline dice roll, for example, if I enter "Lose [1d6] STR" into a table, I get;


Lose [1d6] STR


But I want;


Lose <<1d6 => 4>> STR




I have posted this question on the MT boards, so we'll see. In the meantime I have completed the Generic Vehicle Damage chart, Starship Hit Location, the Aircraft Hit Location, The Impairment Time Chart, and the Disabled Charts.


Still to do...

The remaining vehicle hit locations (boats, cars, submarines, motorcycles, and tanks)

The Creature hit locations

Some kind of HD combat summary export (this must be condensed so that it can fit onto a single screen, as the Character sheet image in MT is not scrollable/pageable).



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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Possible Attribute Ideas:













Doubling up some similar stats into a common notation (such as the CVs always listed as OCV/DCV/ECV like: 5/5/3) and including the most often used Movement Powers in a Heroic Game and having the Mental and Power Defenses (because Psionics are real and who knows when you'll need Power Def) can all be helpful.


Great ideas... I will give that a try and see what seperators the value will accept.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Great ideas... I will give that a try and see what seperators the value will accept.


OK here is the test result... It works mostly.


We can indeed enter O/D/ECV with a value of 4/3/3 and it displays correctly, but...


The popup seems to be constrained to a double column and each combination of Label and value fits nicely into about 8 spaces. More than this and the information is forced outside the ballon parameters and becomes unreadable. I'll play with it more and see what can be done.

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