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[Campaign] The Last Dominion


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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


After reading the balance of the adventure to date, I am confidant that the entire group (including our newest members) will be hip deep in the foulest stench of a plot hook that Eosin can muster. :D


It's kind of nice - in a queer sort of way.:think:


I found several things that Kaid needs to attend to,

the sooner the better.:cool:

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Nightstick is also happy to hear that one of the new PCs will be competing with him for "most screwed" character. The PC took an idea presented in The Last Dominion and ran with it. If he was anywhere else it would not matter... In Tharad it matters, allot. He has created the fantasy equivalent of swimming in the chum waters. I can't wait.


The notable news is that I have seen the funniest OMG disadvantage EVER! A female character/female player has "Jerk Magnet" as a disad. I laughed until I almost peed my pants.


I'm getting all excited about the nasty business I can now unleash.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Another tidbit. I was looking over the above post and thinking through things. I actually had to diagram the plot lines and major players in a cloud formation. As I count it there are 5-7 major bad guy factions of the supernatural variety (this includes simply having wizard on the payroll). I am not going to post the information because the players read this as well but for the first time I felt like I was looking at a diagram of a World of Darkness campaign - that seems like a good thing to me.


World of Darkness Campaign = threads of contact, deception, double crossing, bad guy infighting, oppositional relationships that defy the organizational stance. You know all that convoluted stuff.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Bringing it all together...


Jayme, Arron, Torean, Freya, and Sir Jon make their way through the Eastern Marches toward Orenstone. A thick choking smoke hangs over the lands as the party nears Orenstone. The wages of war. Fires burn the countryside. Farms that once served as home and hearth now smolder with remains best left unscrutinized. There is little doubt that the war has begun in earnest.


The small party is met by a larger patrol and escorted to Orenstone. They tell news of Prince Rafns forces reeving the land and the small folks. Rafn's troops care little for meeting an honest enemy - they prefer to burn or hang peasants. Prince Andris and Duke Kier Wingate do their best the troops are not enough to defend everything nor are Rafn's forces settled long enough to mount an attack save for fortifications. The royal scouts seem blessed for their ability to sight spies and informers. News from within Rafn's ranks is more rare than a pious whore.


Still, Prince Andris has made a large push the last few weeks. The forces of Wingate and mercenaries loyal to the Prince have shoved the enemy forcefully from the duchy. Solders speak of heroes and of battle whose names were spoken only days ago. Legends are being made.




Orenstone is sober. Funerals here usually carry an undertone of festivities. Food, travelers, pageantry all liven an otherwise dark event but not today, not this funeral. There are visitors, some from very far away. The funeral will last more than a month while the Duke lays in state even if the party only stays for a few days. Maybe it is that death does not seem so intangible these days. It isn't something that happens to someone else. The reaper walks the land and his scythe does not respect age nor beauty; it doesn't spare wealth or station. Duke Wingate is but one of hundreds who have escaped this realm to dwell beyond the throne of light. Ere it is done he maybe one of thousands? Tens of thousands? Millions? It seems as if the whole world has com e undone since the terrible night when the sky burned and the black wave killed so many in Tharad. If a titan can be ripped apart in his own fortress, who can be safe? Orenstone is sober because the world waits. The goodly folk recite childhood mantras taught by the church. Others seek solace in their cups or in the arms of whomever happens to be willing.




The funeral is lovely as all expect. Powerful words are spoken by Keir Wingate, now Duke. The duchess sits surrounded by her two young daughters their father protected them but they were of age and now they had become bargaining chips for two men whom she little knew even though her blood ran through their veins. The dukes sister lost in thought. The man who could protect her and her son - the rock which sheltered her for as long as she drew breath was dead. Now her son must slay dragons. Her young son.


Jayme sat apart. Always the scholar. He was never drawn to the sword as his kinsmen were. Others knew he commanded vast and terrible powers but where was he when fellspawn rent his father in twain? Where was his vast power. Why did he not wage war with his eldritch art against the forces of Prince Rafn? These looks and other, darker, looks spoke of a world no longer his. Orenstone looked like his home, it even smelled like his home but something vital was missing. Some spark that made the place hollow as if he would wake shortly from some bad dream.


His friends and companions at his side. They too felt the alienness of Orenstone. No longer are they welcomed guests of the duke. A king in name now rules along with his cousin. The twin blades they are called. They are as deadly as they are fearless. Trained for war from birth and more experienced than men three times their age. Around them are the young lions, warriors and bravoes who seek fame by clinging to the cloak of greatness. Another day at court and Arron will be forced to test at least one. His fame marks him. His steady eyes, the eyes of a man who is not intimidated by the young pups, provoke their wrath. One will soon find the nerve to make an excuse to challenge him.


Torean longs to be with his family. His sorrow multiplied by his honor at being asked to sing the dirge as Duke Wingates casket is brought to rest in the main hall. Thousands pack the hall, holding their breath while his pure golden voice gives sound to the grief felt by so many. It is a performance he has always dreamed of but never wanted.




Jayme wanders among the gardens until he finds himself at the river. This is the spot. He recalled nearly drowning here as a child. Now he knows he would have died but he was touched by a spirit. He was spared. He was spared.


A voice interrupts him before his mind falls into the abyss of asking why his father was not spared. "Jayme?" The female voice is soft but carries an undertone of power. Jayme knows before looking that she is a mage. "Yes," he says wary of ambush.


"Neryn sent me. She said that I should travel with you."


Jayme's eyes grew fiery at the name, "Is she here?" he asked unable to keep the excitement from showing.


"No. She sent me but her father still searches. She would not be safe here."


The two spoke for some time before returning to the Fortress. Jayme satisfied that Neryn had indeed sent this inhumanly beautiful woman to travel with him.




Inside the privy chambers the powerful met and discussed plans and plots. Prince Andris, Kier Wingate in his new role as Duke Wingate, Jayme Wingate, Isam Fenthallion, castellans and commanders waited in the wings while troop strengths, fortifications, and vulnerabilities were identified. Matters of importance danced before Jayme who paid little heed except when the subject of magic came up. Late into the meeting he asked for Arron and Freya to be brought in. Prince Rafn fielded an elite cadre of men called the Companions. The bloodthirsty warriors were without peer. They hewed their way through the lines of battle reaping the lives of men with little more than a satisfied grunt.


The names were familiar. Darker memories from days best forgotten. Men, like themselves, trained — no indoctrinated — by the black arts of Hiblus the Black. To call what they endured as children torture was to put too light a face upon it. They were stripped of identity and will, taught to serve without question. Commanded to kill without comment. These Companions were gifted men and that gift was twisted and sharpened to serve as Rafn’s blade. Arron wondered if the “twin blades” were really as good as others made out. They would need to be. Even if they were, the Companions numbered several dozen.


Freya put forth the idea that Prince Andris send to Highvale. It was time to unsheathe their own sword. If anyone could match the killing power of the Companions it would be the young men and women who sought to forget those dark days under the tutelage of Lady Brennica and the Shield Knights.


Jayme listened as the fate of a young ranger named Aria was discussed. Lord Fenthallion wanted her to bleed. She had offended the powerful commander in some way that was never mentioned. Jayme remembered the young tomboy from his youth. She was always with the master-at-arms. Always playing with bow or knocking down bullies who seemed drawn to her like bears to honey. It seemed nothing had changed.


“She can come with us back to Tharad,” said Jayme on impulse. Andris looked to his cousin with a wry smile. Though no warrior Jayme had a knack for picking fights with the biggest kids in the castle.




The young man lay on a moldy straw pallet. The stench of sweat and urine thickened the air until it was nearly tangible. His eyes were still swollen, although they were now a disturbing rainbow or purple-blue to fading brown-yellow instead of blue-black as they had been. His pupils were still oddly shaped, one much larger than the other. The apothecary said that his skull had broke and that was the only thing that had saved him. The brains were addled but would heal in time.


He had arrived at Orenstone the day the duke was murdered. Giving his name as Legato but offering little else. He was looking for Arron or Freya. Names that attracted attention around here. He was held for sometime and questioned but insisted that his message were for the ears of those two alone.


When the dukes body was found, Legato was also discovered in a hallway. Brained nearly unto death. He lingered for days. The apothecary never offering more assurance than, “it might be best if he were to die. Few remain the same after such a blow.” But the warrior did not die. Each day was a surprise to find him still breathing in the morning.


Arron and Freya looked the young man over. His eyes springing open as they arrive. “Wha..wher..” came the voice from a throat thick from the sick bed. Legato choked down water, his stomach threatening to empty at the smallest sips.


Later, Legato would admit to nothing. He knew his name only because a sharp guard remembered it. Days passed while the castle sluggishly sought to erect itself and find center. Each of those days found Legato feeling better. Soon, he picked the katars he had carried into the castle from among a dozen or more weapons and began to re-find the feel of them. Whatever or whoever Legato was, he knew how to work those odd weapons of his.


Somewhere deep he also knew that Arron and Freya were important to him.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


The anticipation I have felt for Saturday's game has even grown more.


Edsel (aka Torean)


I don't know if those are the words that I would use after what Eosin did to us last night!:eek:


I think that Eosin had the best time, he sure had things worked out, no matter which way we went:eg:


It was great getting back in the saddle again!

I thought that fit, seeing as how Jayme got hitched an all.:D

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


I had a good time last night. The evenings entertainment was more in the set of future events than anything else. There were a metric ton of clues dropped last night but the trick is find which belong to which adventure.


One campaign Arc; a million tiny stories and the desperate struggle to keep it all from losing focus in the sprawling party of badness.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


The Funeral

Day 28

The companions meet to discuss the recent turn of events and visit with Sir Jon of Strathmore who was healing in Glengarden Abbey. By days end little is accomplished save the decision that Kaid will be traveling to Orenstone for his fathers funeral.


Day 29

Time consuming but mundane tasks are completed in preparation for the journey. Lady Isolde, the wife of Torean speaks with him about visions concerning an “untempered sword” and the “Seventh Sign.”


Day 30-38

Travel to Orenstone is uneventful save for an up close inspection of the ravages of war. The party spends a day in Brayport where Torean visits with his foster father at the Lucky Monkey Inn.


Day 39

Orenstone: The castle is busy with numerous important dignitaries already arriving. Duke Wingate has been dead for 17 days. Everyone settles in to the fortress.


Kaid spends time that evening with his brother and cousin attending meetings. Jos Fenthallion, son of Isam Fenthallion wants the head of a ranger woman who grew up in Orenstone. Aria, the ranger, and Kaid knew each other well from growing up in the castle. His father had appointed the female warrior to one of his most important positions and Kaid found it odd that his father’s trust would be misplaced. Kaid spoke with his brother and the Prince — offering to take the young warrior away from Orenstone and Jos. There was little doubt in Kaid’s mind that Jos, a commander and his brothers life long companion would not find some way to bring misery into Aria’s life.


When the meeting was over Prince Andris reminded Kaid that they needed to speak of the Duchess of Ormond. His father had wanted Kaid to marry the powerful noble woman to secure and alliance even though her age was triple that of the wizards.


Day 40

See notes posted earlier… Bringing them all together.


Day 41

The first full day at Orenstone. The dismal mood hung over the fortress clouding what would otherwise be a joyous return. Freya and Arron spoke at length with Alured Graves, a visitor from Highvale and a man strongly associated with the Shield Knights. Freya was asked to begin study with the legendary smith known among the Shield Knights as the Artificer. This man was responsible for the forging of their weapons and armor as well as their magic effects. Arron was asked to consider study with the knights as a possible candidate to replace their dwindling numbers. There may never be more than 13 Shield Knights but the last year had seen three of their finest warriors slain in mysterious circumstances. Training would begin in the winter when the fires of war were dampened to embers.


Kaid and Aria spoke at length and it was decided that she would remain in his presence while in public to prevent any "accidents" from befalling her.


The two met and entertained an eccentric nobleman from Tharad named Garm Halsted. Garn is a much older military man who was retired for incompetence by Duke Wingate more than a decade ago. Garn did not think much of the kindness of Duke Wingate but respected his abilities. He sure wasn’t shy about his opinions speaking of the Vladaam’s as if they were demonspawned psychopaths and ruefully wishing Kaid luck in his entanglements. Garn was quite smitten by Aria and invited her to dine with him back in Tharad. Kaid invited himself to the diner.


Day 42

Arron ignored the challenging stares of the young lions seeking to goad him into combat. He was not able to ignore the pleas of a frightened young noble woman as she related a harrowing tale of ominous creatures in a store room off the main hall — Arron, fearing that Orenstone was again under attack, plunged headlong into the storeroom. When he turned around the young woman was advancing on him with her corset undone. Nizza Thron’s voice had grown deeper as she spoke to Arron. Men feared him and his sword was rumored to be mighty. She wanted to find out how deadly it was…


Arron pushed the young woman away as her father entered the storeroom. The guards were summoned and Arron was escorted to the Prince’s chambers along with his accuser, Count Thron. The Count contended that Arron was caught with his hand on Nizza while she was partially disrobed. Arron denied none of this. He did deny the charge that he had lured the young woman into the room with the intention of dishonoring her.


The unreasonable count was inflammatory and accusatory until Arron offered to meet his champion to determine the truth. The older man blanched at the thought and made imprecations that he would seek the shelter of his lord in this event; leaving Kaid to fight with Prince Andris or Duke Wingate’s champion.


A peaceful resolution was found when Arron offered a formal apology.


Arron did not stand alone in the presence of the powerful nobles. The chamberlain had summoned Kaid to his friends side. Arron didn’t seem to need the assistance but it did allow Kaid a chance to lay eyes on the Baron of Tharad and his retinue. Arron was known the Captain-Commander of the Kratian Battlelords who made no move to acknowledge the bond the two shared.


Down in the great chamber Torean and the others were mingling with other attendees including several notable Tharadians. Torean also played his lute to amuse the crowds. Baron Semmion of Tharad entered the chamber during one of these musical displays and paused for a moment. Soon the lord of Tharad sent a runner to summon Torean. The baron offered Torean a chance to play at Dalenguard; the heart of Tharadain nobility. Torean is to present himself to Dalenguard’s senchal when it is convenient.


Day 43

Largely uneventful. The party visits with their new friends and the scrutinize Legato. Freya discovered that the warriors odd hand weapons [katars] were enchanted in some way but that the magic lays dormant. It was also noted that they were engraved with a seven pointed star. There was significant discussion of the rune and its meaning but other than the knowledge that it was once associated with an arcane order of mages little was uncovered.


Day 44

The evening sees Kaid sequestered in a family diner along with the elderly Duchess of Ormond and her lovely granddaughter. Prince Andris pulled Kaid aside and spoke frankly with the wizard indicating that it was time to perform his familial duty and marry the commanding matron at the end of the table. Kaid conceded to the request and discovered that he was to be married in the morning.


[DM NOTE: The war has split Middea and the Wingate side needs Ormond to join forces in the rebellion. The Duchess of Ormond fears that Prince Rafn will soon force her into marriage with someone who will quickly kill her and take the lands of her family. The only defense she has is the shelter of marriage. However, she did not attain and keep her lands by being anyone’s push over. She let Kaid know that when he asked how he should address her when in private “The Duchess of Ormond” was her reply. Kaid pressed and asked for her first name to which she replied, “Duchess.” Formalities were spelled out and the ceremony was performed by her private priest, Father Umana, who was of the Patriarch sect.]

Day 45

At breakfast Kaid had beer brought in to toast his upcoming marriage. There was friendly and not so friendly ribbing done by all.


[DM NOTE II: I’ll let Kaid have to basket of exotic unguents but the horse’s oat feeder is going a little long.]


Immediately after the ceremony, Kaid “made the marriage binding.” The party presumably got roaring drunk at his expense.


Kaid spent the evening dining with the duchess in her private chambers but was interrupted by a knock. He answered to find one of the most attractive ladies he had ever laid eyes on standing at the door. Although she neared forty, her dress and station flattered every asset she had. Her two guards moved in only to be stopped by Kaid. The lead guard told Kaid in level and uncertain terms that he was about to, “cut you in half and feed the remains to your brother” if Kaid did not stand aside.


Kaid bucked up against this but was momentarily distracted by the slap from inside the chambers. The Duchess was kneeling in front of the scantily dressed newcomer. “How dare you defy my son, you whore.”


The duchess remained kneeling as if it was some defiance to do so, “I’ll see your son buried,” said the matron.


So said, the regal woman turned to leave. As she passed Kaid she said, “Bow next time you see your Queen.”


In the great room Legato was returning from the practice field when he chanced to run into an exotically beautiful woman who addressed him by name as if they were long time acquaintances. He later discovers this woman was Queen Risha.


Day 46

Arron had heard rumor that one of Rafn’s Companion Guard was within the castle and made to find him — many wanted to see the two men fight. In the grand chamber he spied Mixon Cros and another trained killer guarding the queen. The other warrior approached Arron asking him to walk for a moment.

Once away from crowds the man introduced himself as Arda Cor. “I serve he whom you seek and can offer you the sword that you so desire, if you can see fit to perform a task.” Arron protested saying that he would never serve Arda’s master.


“We face a mutual enemy and what we ask is a task that you must attend if you wish to stop events from racing forward. Nygon Toth serves that which you oppose. Kill him and the sword is yours.”


Later Arron made his way to the chambers of Alander Vos, Mendicant Elder and revered spiritual leader of Touren. The two spoke at length about temptations and poisoned fruit. When the candles had burned to their nubs Elder Vos offered Arron a book- a cipher – that the two could use to send letters without fear of their being captured.


Day 47

The day is largely uneventful. Tomorrow the primary ceremony for the duke will occur and much of the fortress is busy with preparations. Late in the afternoon all three party mages sense wild and powerful magic shockwaves from the north and very close. Freya, Kaid, and Sera collect their friends and make haste towards the event. Sera who is more tuned towards the arcane working of some creatures says that the aura looks like Neryn’s. Also of concern are nearly a dozen other mages and their guardians who are making for the event. Three of those are members of the Synod.


The party finds the site of the battle, an old and beautiful spring now destroyed and the surrounding trees flattened. Everyone stands around for a long while trying to figure out what, exactly, to do.


The mages all make careful note of each other.


Day 48

The funeral activities consume the whole day. It is nice. ‘Nuff said.


Day 49

Father Umana speaks with Kaid, now his lord in the eyes of the Patriarch church. He warns Kaid that Asa Baranos, a powerful Redeemer, wants Kaid and his companions dead. He has accused the group of consorting with the enemies of mankind. The Apostic and Heretical Inquest is devoting resources to bring the party into Ro’s grace.


[DM NOTE III Asa Baranos was a Redeemer operating in Enverness whom the party thwarted some years ago.]


Alured Graves, the emissary from the Shield Knights returns to speak with the party as they make preparations to leave tomorrow. Lady Brennica and the Shield Knights worry that the group is in dark waters with the evil of Tharad. They would like to send a companion who may help navigate the alliances and dark powers who operate within the city. The party agrees but it seems that Alured is holding something back. The adviser is Hiblis the Black — the foul necromancer who tortured Freya and Arron as children at the School of Peers. It is true that he is but a deformed shell of his former self; stripped of magic, health, and in constant agony but this is a man whose soul is stained with the blood of thousands. Hesitantly they agree.



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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


The Funeral Part II


Day 50-57

Travel back to Tharad. The return home is once again uneventful The wagon carrying the pustulant form of Hiblis the Black is driven by Torean who notes that the oozing form seems to speak all the time in an odd sibilant chant.


Aria and Kaid discuss Jos Fenthallion. Aria had been suspicious of his behavior for some time but recently saw him sneaking into the woods at night to meet unknown parties. She informed the now deceased Duke Wingate of her suspicions. An experienced military scout was assigned to follow Fenthallion and report back on his activities. The scout never returned to the castle and that night Duke Wingate was slain. Aria knew that the former duke would shield her but the new duke was childhood friends with Fenthallion who was himself now second in command of the Wingate forces. A powerful man to have made for an enemy.


Day 58

The party lodged in the Traveler’s Rest less than a full days travel from Tharad. The inn was in a sleepy little fishing village plying the bay for food to feed the city. In the pre-dawn morning screams were heard throughout the village. Trollkin raiders sacked and killed at random through the town. Unusually, among the raiders were several Hounds of Daghar — undead monstrosities that proved to difficult to kill unless doused with water. The spell casters opened up an arcane arsenal on the undead which attracted the attention of a nearby Shadowwraith. The party was shaken by the dark things presence and Kaid was nearly a victim of its black blade (for a second time, this is what got him in the Shadowking’s lair). Once more he survived but was shaken by the blow and felt the slime of corruption seat in his soul.


When the Shadowwraith was destroyed its form dissolved revealing an amulet with the same odd seven pointed star on Legato’s katars. It was discovered that the Shadowwraith had attacked a specific house and killed its inhabitants save for a 10 year old girl who witnessed the event. The ennwrathi was after the amulet.


Also of note was the presence of Borgrim and his mercenaries within the town. Lady Vanderboren had sent them off a month ago to fetch her sister from Chandra.


Session Wrap Up

Experience: All players were awarded 3 XP.



I had fun. It was like putting on your favorite t-shirt. Something just feels good. In literature speak this session would be called an "info dump." There was lots of information and lots of tidbits to pick up on tonight. There was also lots of cross talk and side conversations going on that made it difficult to hear. Not such a good combination.


I'll list the new characters and some thoughts.

Sera: She is Mordha and will have quite the interesting experience in Tharad. The entire game she felt a strong pull towards Tharad and knows that many other Mordha feel the same pull. How many show up remains to be seen. A moth with a 110 IQ doesn't have to fly into the fire.


Aria: This looks like a fun character. She is the star of the next scenario and I expect that she will be cussing me afterward. Her disadvantages really put some DM hooks into her.


Legato: The katar fighting warrior looks like he'll fit right in and hold his own around Arron. His origins remain a mystery but figuring out how to place him into the campaign offered all the spring board I needed to provide plenty of mystery. No memory, strange weapons, strange tattoos, the rune of the seventh sign, and the queen knows his name.... :eek:



In the very busy night I did miss a few things that needed to be addressed. I have to place the "magic talking rock" in the parties hands. Sera has Mind Link but other players need to be able to initiate conversations. Some of the encounters served purposes that are not readily apparent. Everyone probably knows I am going to do something with the public outing of 15-16 magic users. There were also a number of Tharadians whom the party made contact with here. I introduced the first of the Fallen 13 Shield Knights in Arda Cor and it wasn't in a fight. There were actually several really bad people at this shindig but the group didn't actively seek out much of anyone.


I think there was too much information for the new players but I can't see a way of doing it different that would have been less overwhelming.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Down in the great chamber Torean and the others were mingling with other attendees including several notable Tharadians. Torean also played his flute to amuse the crowds.

Torean has a Lute not a flute. Other than that it looks like a nice write-up. I'll have to read it more closely tomorrow when I have more time.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Information Overload is the correct term!:confused:


Even with all of the side discussions going on, the session went very well.

When you have 7 players and 1 GM, that is going to happen. nuf said. ;)


Talk about a smorgasbord of plot lines to follow!

There was something for each of us (though some more than others),

which I think will be spread amongst us next session.:rolleyes:


I know that Jayme has several things that are on his DON'T FORGET list now,

including correspondance with the other half now.:o

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Thanks to Edsel for sending me a copy of my new avatar! :celebrate


Its not rally new, it's just that I have not been able to find my original

copy when Eosin had it drawn up for me a very long time ago.:mad:


I have been meaning to switch avatars when we switch campaigns,

and now I am able to do that!:cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Thanks to Edsel for sending me a copy of my new avatar! :celebrate


Its not rally new, it's just that I have not been able to find my original

copy when Eosin had it drawn up for me a very long time ago.:mad:


I have been meaning to switch avatars when we switch campaigns,

and now I am able to do that!:cool:


I have seen this pictar before, but where misplaces me.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Coming up Saturday is the start of the Skinsaw Murders by Paizo Publishing. There are some small changes but those changes have more to do with naming conventions than anything else... Skinsaw Murders, the name alone gives me the willies.


I went the extra yard for the game this weekend and made the notes received by a certain PC. Finger painting with red paint works well for blood.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


My... that sounds pleasant. :fear:


Pleasant was not the word to describe the scenes that we were confronted with!:eek:


Eosin welcomed our new players with as much hoopla and fanfare that Sherlock Holmes would have been proud to witness.:o


The gruesome and ghastly lay of the encounters kept us all on our toes.:doi:


The log should make for some chilling reading!:smoke:

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


I will see if I can get something written up today but some of the mood may not transfer well or may not transfer with my writing.


The creepy moment of the night was when Celeste realized that the pus oozing corpse of Garm Halstead was not only some sort of flesh eat fiend but that his obsession with her character was so profound that he had been sleeping in her bed - mimicking the way she lay so as to bring him "closer" to her.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


The creepy moment of the night was when Celeste realized that the pus oozing corpse of Garm Halstead was not only some sort of flesh eat fiend but that his obsession with her character was so profound that he had been sleeping in her bed - mimicking the way she lay so as to bring him "closer" to her.


After that moment, Aria would not be left alone! :hush: She did not move but maybe afew hexes away for the balance of the encounters.:eek:

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


The creepy moment of the night was when Celeste realized that the pus oozing corpse of Garm Halstead was not only some sort of flesh eat fiend but that his obsession with her character was so profound that he had been sleeping in her bed - mimicking the way she lay so as to bring him "closer" to her.



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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Yeah its a pretty upsetting villain that we are up against. We ended Saturday's session with him and his ghoul underlings in sight so our next session will start with a combat. It is not something that Torean looks forward too since these things have proved to be hard to kill. Even worse is the realization that Garm Halstead must have been recently turned by the true evil that is at work so he is only a sub-boss of sorts. Things are likely to get more sticky before this is resolved.


As a Bard Torean is all for heroic exploits about which to write songs and wonderful tales. But really... pus-oozing half ghoul / half mind flayers are pretty hard to work into a melodic harmony. Ya gotta give me something to work with here. Dare I say... throw me a bone.

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