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Re: [bUILD ADVICE] Dazzler


At the most basic level, where she can make low powered Flashes and Energy Blasts/RKA's with ambient noise or her tape deck, it's just a limitation on her MP. Something along the lines of "DC's dependent on volume of ambient noise". Then you just need to figure out how much noise she needs for each die of effect.


However, she probably also needs Absorption or Aid of some kind so that she can turn something like Banshee's voice into a bigger than normal attacks.

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Re: [bUILD ADVICE] Dazzler


Sounds like IIF, sound effects of opportunity. If she carries a small tape deck, that's still an IIF; a large boom box might be OAF.


I like the small multipower idea (maybe IIF), with an Aid based on ambient sound that boosts it and an Absorption for sound attacks that does the same.


You could also use an activation roll to control when full effects are available.


+4d6 effects to Light Powers, Act 8-


Or something.

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Re: [bUILD ADVICE] Dazzler


Wow, I just made a Dazzler character. I actually think it's a pretty neat concept.


The way I did it was with a multipower of light powers, then I created an END Reserve. The sound absorbtion was a Darkness vs. Hearing. The END Reserve would only recover when darkness was up. You have to get your GM to buy off on the option rule that the END reserve recovers (SPD/REC)* every phase instead of only recovering post segment 12, but the limitation that it can only recover in the Darkness field should give the GM some comfort, especially if you put the darkness in the multipower so you can't use your attack powers with it (or lockout the multipower when Darkness is in use).



*For example of you have a speed of 5 and the recovery on your END Reserve is 15, you recover 3 END every action phase you have your darkness up.

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Re: [bUILD ADVICE] Dazzler


Wow, I just made a Dazzler character. I actually think it's a pretty neat concept.


The way I did it was with a multipower of light powers, then I created an END Reserve. The sound absorbtion was a Darkness vs. Hearing. The END Reserve would only recover when darkness was up. You have to get your GM to buy off on the option rule that the END reserve recovers (SPD/REC)* every phase instead of only recovering post segment 12, but the limitation that it can only recover in the Darkness field should give the GM some comfort, especially if you put the darkness in the multipower so you can't use your attack powers with it (or lockout the multipower when Darkness is in use).



*For example of you have a speed of 5 and the recovery on your END Reserve is 15, you recover 3 END every action phase you have your darkness up.

I did it simularly, except the END reserve's recovery didn't have any limitations (continuously recharging from ambient sounds). Did have a small amount of absorption (sonic attacks only) always on. By the rules, if absorption feeds directly into the END reserve, those pips are"use it or lose it" with a very short shelf life. A baroque, but legal, alternative is to have the absorption boost the recovery of the END reserve rather than putting END directly into the reserve.

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Re: [bUILD ADVICE] Dazzler



Yikes, no offense, but I don't think that resmebles her at all.


+30 PRE to intimidate? Where'd that come from?


I won't go too much into the stats as different people have different views but 60 STUN, and 6 SPD seems pretty excessive.


ALL her powers run off of sound not just her laser, and she is able to store up the sound energy (many examples of her going somewhere noisy to "recharge")


She also developed the "Solid Light" effects while with the X-Men (I see you're including her invisiblity to machines so her solid light was that time period too).


Just some thoughts YMMV.

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Re: [bUILD ADVICE] Dazzler


Yikes, no offense, but I don't think that resmebles her at all.


+30 PRE to intimidate? Where'd that come from?


I won't go too much into the stats as different people have different views but 60 STUN, and 6 SPD seems pretty excessive.


ALL her powers run off of sound not just her laser, and she is able to store up the sound energy (many examples of her going somewhere noisy to "recharge")


She also developed the "Solid Light" effects while with the X-Men (I see you're including her invisiblity to machines so her solid light was that time period too).


Just some thoughts YMMV.


I'd have to check but I converted Marvel characters from the MSHG using the charts in an old AC. I did increase some things on them so they were survivable in my campaign since I believe the average 350 Champions character will most likely kill the average Marvel character rather quickly. Also I based all the Marvel characters I have made on their write ups prior to 1994 or so. The only reason I presented the character was for the general make up of her primary power.


Light Emission: Dazzler can do the following stunts at the above levels:
  • Laser: 2 areas
  • "Dazzle" to confuse and blind for 1-100 rounds. Endurance FEAT vs. intensity or be at -4CS
  • Calm or hypnotize at 1 area range. Psyche FEAT or tranquilized for 1-100 rounds.
  • Lightshow
  • Rocket Flight: Straight line at Feeble airspeed by directling her blasts beneath her.
  • Intimidation: Because they look extremely spectacular an opponent unaware of her true abilities must make a Good Psyche FEAT or flee or fight at -2CS.

From the MSHG. I just took it as an increases PRE. How would you take it?
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Re: [bUILD ADVICE] Dazzler


Hmm I hadn't seen that before. From what it sounds it looks like you've built it correctly, although you may want to add a lim, only vs people that don't know/haven't fought her. I'm also not sure I'd make it +30 as most of the people in a super battle won't be impressed.

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