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Creating a Mimic


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I've just started running a campaign and I'd like to be able to create a character with the ability to Shapeshift into other characters. Now that part I find to be easy enough to create power wise, with a basic defined multiform. The only extra thing was I wanted them to be able to copy the powers of the person they're imitating. Now I found that Copying Powers you have to define what you copying or stealing by touch when you buy the power.

Is there anyway to create a shapeshifting power that grants the metamorph the abilities of the person they are imitating. Either by looking at them and mimicing them, or by touch and then copy. I'm sure there must be some way to do this so some helpful pointers of where to look would be helpful.

I'd be grateful for any help/assistance that can be offered.

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Re: Creating a Mimic


A few ways to do it, from fairly simple and low powered to very complex but high powered.


The simplest method is Shapeshift to take the form you want and a VPP to copy the powers. Put "Must Touch Target to be Copied" on the Shapeshift at -1/2 and Limited Class of Powers: Targets Powers Only, only as powerful as the target (-1) Changes only when touching target (-1/2) on the control cost of the VPP. You can layer on more limitations and advantages as well to simulate exactly how you want the power to work; there's an exmple of this kind of pool on p.265 of the USPD, and another in the Ultimate Metamorph book.

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Re: Creating a Mimic


There is a good example in tUM which allows you to not only copy powers, but also copy special powers, power frameworks, and skills (which normally cannot be in a power framework). Is very similar to Odd's suggestion.


I suggest a Multiform Variable Power Pool. This allows you to totally copy the target, as opposed to just copying powers. Here's a crude example build...


V.P.P. "Mimic Pool"

Control Cost Modifiers:

- No Skill Roll Required (+1)

- One Type of Power: Multiform Only (-1/2)

- Multiform only Mimics Target (-1/2)

- Powers, Skills, Perks, and Talents May Only Be as Powerful as Target’s (-1/2)

- Requires a Successful HTH Attack Roll (-1/2)


The GM can limit what forms the character can copy by placing a limit on the Pool Cost. For example, if the GM only wanted you to be able to copy upto a 350 pt. character, the pool cost would be limited to 70 pts. I hope this gives you some ideas.

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Re: Creating a Mimic


Thanks for the suggestions guys. Personally I was a bit stuck the only way I could think of was a Power-Frame work on Multiform with all the powers of the PC's under each form. Which would probably cost loads.


Although looking at it, the power only seems to cost for the most expensive of the forms. So I could have 8 forms and if the highest cost was 100 that would only be 20. Plus the 15 for 8 forms. Which isn't too expensive really.

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Re: Creating a Mimic


I've been toying with the Duplication power for Jericho type characters and was wondering if this would work here too.


I was thinking that you might buy Duplication, usable as an attack to essentially create a duplicate of the person you want to mimic.


You would then use another purchase of duplication to combine your character with the newly created duplicate.


Now this requires some handwaving:

You accept that the second duplication power can utilise the duplicate of the target for the second duplication power.


You accept that if you split from the combined form that the duplicate immediately recombines with the original (with no damage/healing that would normally result from such an action) regardless of distance.


You accept that the mimic character can be the holder of both duplication powers but that the combined form would be that of the created duplicate.


If you can swallow those whole, then you have the ability to create a mimic character. You know the point value the character can mimic (I have ruled in the past for the Jericho style characters that if the character being modelled is a greater point value than the duplication allows that several powers are not quite under control and therefore not available). You could rule that all the powers were proportionately reduced but the way many campaigns work with active point limits etc you might find that all of the powers are then to weak to be useful. Better a limited set of effective powers than a full suite of semi-effective ones.




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Re: Creating a Mimic


Something I toyed with the other night was;


Multiform [8 forms] Highest Form Cost = 150. (Which is what I'm using as Base Points for the PC's)

Costs Endurance to change form (-1/4)

[Form 1] True Form.

[Form 2] Mystic - Dispel, Transform.

[Form 3] Martial Artist - Aid 2d6 STR, Aid 1d6 DEX.

[Form 4] Energy Projector - Energy Blast 3d6, DOES BODY. Resistant 25%. Flying.

[Form 5] Weaponmaster - Healing [self Only], Swingline.

[Form 6] Weaponmaster - NO POWERS.

[Form 7] Mystic/Martial Artist - Desolidification, Teleportation, Summon.

[Form 8] Don't know yet.


Now I was unsure whether or not you copy character Characteristics when you copy their form. If sohow does Body work when damaged. In the respect of do you count damage against their body or your own. Or do you reduce the copied characters body and then morph back to your natural state.

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Re: Creating a Mimic


If a mimic & a mime go rounds in Trafalgar Square -- does anyone really give a damn?


Greets, peep. You've already gotten the assistance you needed from Oddhat; I thought you were creating a Mimic, a creature from d20. But you're creating a Doppleganger, which is something else entirely. :D

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