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Astounding Hero Tales table of contents

James Lowder

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As you Pulp Hero fans have likely heard, Astounding Hero Tales--Hero's first fiction project--is wending through the printing and distribution channels, and should be available in early April. All the stories in the book are originals, including never-before-published works by Lester (creator of Doc Savage) Dent and pulp legend Hugh B. Cave.


The book is available for pre-order at Amazon and from local hobby shops.


Here are the details:



Edited by James Lowder

Hero Games

320 page trade paperback; $16.99

ISBN: 978-1-58366-060-7


Hugh B. Cave -- Foreword

Lester Dent -- “Death was Silent”

Will Murray -- “The Mask of Kukulcan”

Steve Melisi -- “Two-Fisted Crookback”

William Messner-Loebs -- “Wolf Train West”

Steve Eller -- “Godmother”

Richard Dansky -- “Missing Pages”

John Helfers -- “Running Thunder”

Patricia Lee Macomber -- “Playback”

Darrell Schweitzer -- “A Lost City of the Jungle”

Ed Greenwood -- “It Came From the Swamp”

David Niall Wilson -- “Slide Home”

John Pelan -- “Out West”

Thomas M. Reid -- “Bandit Gold”

Robert Weinberg -- “Kiss Me Deadly”

Robin D. Laws -- “The Forgotten Man”

Hugh B. Cave -- “House of Shadows”


Hero deserves lots of thanks for supporting this book, which has been more than five years in the making. And having read the contents again recently, I think the work and the wait have been worth it. I hope you'll agree.



James Lowder

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Re: Astounding Hero Tales table of contents


I SO want this !:) Not sure if I should pr-order it from "Amazon" or wait until it actually becomes available.


The book is wending its way through the printing and distribution process, so delay is quite unlikely. We expect Astounding Hero Tales to be available the first week of April.




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  • 9 months later...

Re: Astounding Hero Tales table of contents


As you Pulp Hero fans have likely heard, Astounding Hero Tales

The book is available for pre-order at Amazon and from local hobby shops.

Sadly this is not the case , despite what is shown on the Amazon site.


St. Barbara placed an order on 29/04/07 and it has taken nearly 08 months to inform us that it is unavailable.


Can anyone can suggest another place to purchase it?


We will check the games stores in Sydney , but don't expect much luck.

The Tin Soldier website does not list it , though they have plenty of Hero Games product.


> Though we had expected to be able to send this item to you, we've

> since found that it is not available from any of our sources at this

> time. We realize this is disappointing news to hear, and we apologize

> for the inconvenience we have caused you.


> We must also apologize for the length of time it has taken us to reach

> this conclusion. Until recently, we had still hoped to obtain this

> item for you.


> We have cancelled this item from your order.


> While this item is not available directly from Amazon.com, you may be able

> to purchase it from one of the many other sellers with product listings on

> Amazon.com. Please click on the link above to visit the product detail

> page.


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Re: Astounding Hero Tales table of contents


Sadly this is not the case , despite what is shown on the Amazon site.


St. Barbara placed an order on 29/04/07 and it has taken nearly 08 months to inform us that it is unavailable.


Can anyone can suggest another place to purchase it?


We will check the games stores in Sydney , but don't expect much luck.

The Tin Soldier website does not list it , though they have plenty of Hero Games product.


Amazon lists it as in stock. I'll ask Hero to check into why they would say it's unavailable. The book is in print and should be easy to get.


You might also try the book search engine http://www.bookfinder.com, which lists both new and used books.



Jim Lowder

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Re: Astounding Hero Tales table of contents


Order it direct from Hero Games.


Odd that Amazon told you it wasn't available, I have two copies and one came from Amazon in June, got it in a week. (and then my wife borrowed it, and never gave it back!)

"Odd" isn't the word I was going to use !:rolleyes: Obviously I should have ordered it from "Hero Games" in the first place. Will try to do that in january when the person who does my online ordering for me gets back. I hope that it will still be around then. This is the first real "stuff up" i've had with an "Amazon" oder !
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Re: Astounding Hero Tales table of contents


Amazon lists it as in stock. I'll ask Hero to check into why they would say it's unavailable. The book is in print and should be easy to get.


You might also try the book search engine http://www.bookfinder.com, which lists both new and used books.



Jim Lowder

That was my other option. I've used "Bookfinder" before to find books that I couldn't get at "Amazon". Of course , if I try ordering it direct from "Hero Games" i'll probably find a few other things to order as well.;)
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  • 4 months later...

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