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[Characters, Hero Team] Strike Force One


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Strike Force One is a group brought together by Primus originally as a 'emergency backup' team for more established hero groups, and formed of five heroes who work more or less independantly when not united. When not officially working together, they work their individual 'beats' but will often come to each other's aid if needed.


Group consists of 350-point characters (plus disads)



October Raven, de facto leader and mystic:



Johnathan Albertson, alias October Raven is a pagan hero who learned his magic from "The Book of Midnight", which is allegedly penned by the Goddess of Night, Nyx. He is a respected member of the magical community. He only drinks alcohol on his holy days (one glass) and never smokes. Otherwise, he will drink water, even in bars.


He makes his home in Vibora Bay, Florida. Technically. He lives in a pocket dimension he can access whenever in the city called "Sanctum Raven"


He has an enemy in a former friend of his, a madman named Geisteskrank who practices Necromancy.


STR 10

DEX 14

CON 10

BOD 10

INT 20

EGO 23

PRE 10 (40 when using presence attacks, see Powers)

COM 12

PD 10 (20 PD/10 rPD with Shadow Cloak)

ED 10 (20 PD/10 rPD with Shadow Cloak)


REC 10

END 35


Running 5

Swimming 1

Leaping 1



11 pts KS: Arcane and Occult Lore 21-

3 pts AK: Vibora Bay 13-

5 pts Deduction 17-

4 pts Language: Greek (Completely fluent; literate)

20 pts +4 DCV

8 pts +4 with Psychic Vampirism


16 pt Base: Sanctum Raven


Sanctum Raven: 78-point Base


DEF 10

Size 3



40-point Location: Pocket Dimension ("In" Vibora Bay, Location Easily-defended, Modifier Another Dimension)





20 pts Combat Sense 18-



40 Point Shadow Cloak: Force Field 10/10/10/10, Costs END only to Activate, Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; Appears as a costume), Incantations, Gestures, END = 5

11 Point Shadow Step: Teleportation 5'', x8 Noncombat, Gestures (Complex), Incantations END = 2

8 Point Let Me See Your Troubles: Telepathy 6d6 (Human Class), Concenration, Must Concentrate Trhoughout Use (0 DCV), Eye Contact Required, Incantations, Gestures. END = 2

60-point Psychic Vampirism: Transfer (Opp END to Own END) 6d6, Incantations and Gestures END = 9

52-point Psychic Tendrils: Drain STUN 6d6, Damage Shield, END Only to Activate, Activation Roll 14-, G estures, Incantations END = 9

8-Point To Santcum Raven: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension); 4 Charges, Gestures, Incantations

12-pt Karma Strike: HTH +4d6, NND, Side Effect (automatic, Damages Self), X2 End, Incantations

15-pt Intimidating Aura +30 PRE, Loses about Half Effectiveness (Only for Presence Attacks)




25-point Psychological Limitation: Cannot Injure Another Living Being (Very Common, Total)

15-point Physical Limitation: Anemic (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

10-point Rivalry: Professional (Geisteskrank, Rival is as Powerful; Seek to Harm or Kill Rival; Rival Aware)




Grey Wolf, the Melee specialist of the team:



Tommorrow Corporation is a conglomerate of research companies whose slogan is "A Better Future For All". In reality, Tommorrow Corporation is bent on world domination though science and technology.


Tommorrow Genetics, a division of Tommorrow Corporation, kidnapped Thomas Sabre as a prototype for Project Canis, which was intended to create werewolf-like assasins. The project went wrong, and Sabre is a permanent wolfman. The experiment caused him to go into a blind fury killing all the researchers.


He now lives as a vigilante. Dr. Adam Evers, a researcher with no relation to Tommorrow Corporation, is his sole confidante, and the reason why he has a roof over his head.


Like Mr. Nonsense, he takes care of street-level crimes in Millenium City. They work together on occasion when outside of Strike Force One.


STR 40

DEX 41

CON 40


INT 15

EGO 15

PRE 50


PD 20 (24/4r with Armor)

ED 20 (24/4r with Armor)


REC 10

END 80


Running 10

Swimming 10

Leaping 20



3 pts: Breakfall 17-

3 pts: Acrobatics 17-

3 pts: Disguise 12-

3 pts: Stealth 17-

3 pts: Tracking 12-

20 pts: +4 DCV



10-pts Follower: Dr. Adam Evers (52 Base Point. He's a normal but is able to support both himself and Grey Wolf. He's not listed as a dependant because if anything Wolf depends on Evers for protection and shelter)



5 pts Rapid Healing



33 pt Wolven Fury: HTH +10d6. END = 5

30 pt Claws of Death: HTH 1d6 KA (2d6 w/STR), Armor Pierciing, END = 3

5-Point Lycanthropic Healing Factor: Healing 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Extra Time 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Self Only END = 1

5-Point Howl of Rage: +4 with HTH, Costs Endurance (Only to Activate), Increased Endurance Cost x5, Activation Roll 15-, Incantations END = 10



15-pt Distinctive Features: Lycanthropic Body (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Dectable by Virtually Everyone)

20-pt Enraged: When Engaged in Combat (Very Common), go 8-, recover 11-

20-pt Hunted: Tommorrow Genetics 11- (Mo Pow, Capture)

10-pt Money: Destitute




Shift, the "Punisher" of the group



Shift was raised by a bounty hunter who took him as his own son. This happened after a killer the bounty hunter was chasing got in a head-on collision with a car that Shift's parents were in on the way to the hospital. The bounty hunter delivered the young boy, and the mother died shortly after.


At the age of 8 he discovered his teleporting powers by accident. Thus the name "Shift".


He technically doesn't exist. He has an assumed name and social security number, but otherwise there's nothing on him. He can get licenses with the alias, but otherwise, there's almost no way to gain any personal info on him.


He works in Hudson City as a bounty hunter and vigilante. He saved weapons designer Takeshi Katsumura's life, so Katsumura rewarded him with a special nonlethal weapon. Shift hates murderers, but doesn't have a code against killing.

"Black and white morality only exists in the minds of fools," is a saying of his.


While he will kill if neccesary to save a life (either his own or anothers), he doesn't take it lightly. "I did what I had to do and every second of my life I wish I didn't have to do it. But if I didn't, and that person died, I would never live with myself".


He smokes (much to October Raven's dissaproval) and drinks often but is not an alcoholic. He often fights with a lit cigarette in his mouth and has a flask of whiskey with him at all times. "So what if it will kill me? Chances are I'll be dead tommorrow anyway."


STR 20

DEX 20

CON 20


INT 15

EGO 15

PRE 20

COM 13

PD 10 (20/10 R with armor)

ED 10 (20/10 R with armor)


REC 10

END 40


Running 6

Swimming 2

Leaping 4



3 pts WF: Small Arms, Blades

6 pts AK: Hudson City 16-

12 pts +4 with any three maneuvers (Used for HTH attack and Rifle attack)

3pts Streetwise 13-



3 Pts Anonymity

4 pts Money: Well Off

3 pts Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapon Permit, Bounty Hunter License

14 pt Contact: Takeshi Katsumura, CEO of Katsumura Weaponry (Extremely useful resources, very good relationship) 18-



8 pt Combat Shooting



33 pt HTH Attack + 10d6 END = 5

36 pt Teleportation 15'', No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, No Combat Movement END = 4

30 pt Body Armor 10 PD 10/ED

60 pt Katsumura Weaponry A-7 Nonlethal Assault Rifle: Energy Blast 15d6, STUN only, Armor Piercing, Penetrating, Activation Roll 14-, 12 Charges, No KB, Real Weapon, Beam

6 pt Teleport Defense: +4 DCV, Costs Endurance (to Activate), Increased Endurance Cost x5



10 point Reputation: Loose Cannon, 11-

(this is completely unfounded and comes from his pessimistic view and 'loner' personality. He will follow orders, but he will do so in a way he deems appropriate with the perameters)

10 point Hunted: Various Hudson City Criminals 11- Less Pow, Harshly Punish





Mr. Nonsense, the group wildcard



William Terrance Forbes is a super who is very bizzarre. He wears a 'costume' that consists of mismatched, brightly colored clothes. He also has oddball mannerisms that fit his abilities, which have been described by October Raven as "Chaos Manipulation".


He does street-level work in Millenium City. While most members of SF1 (even Grey Wolf) would rather have backup from another member of the group if possible, he is usually the most convienent because of his flight speed. October Raven is the only member of the group who has no problem at all with Mr. Nonsense's "Unique" personality, so he will usually look to Mr. Nonsense when he needs help.


STR 10

DEX 26

CON 12


INT 20

EGO 20



PD 10 (16/6R with Combat Luck)

ED 10 (16/6R with Combat Luck)


REC 10

END 50


Running 6

Swimming 2

Leaping 2



3pts Ventriloquism 13-

3pts Mimicry 13-

3pts Contortionist 14-



12 pt Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)



36 pt: Hey Mom! Look At Me!: Stretching 8'', x4 Noncombat, No Velocity Damage. END = 4

33 pt: BAD MEAN MAN!: HTH +10d6 END = 5

5pt: Why would ANYONE want to read MY mind?: Mental Defense (9 pts total)

2pt: Weakness is for the Weak!: Lack of Weakness -2 for Normal Defense

65pt: Faster Than A Speeding Potato: Flight 30'', x4 Noncombat, Costs END only to Activate, No Turn Mode, Activation Roll 14- END = 8

40pt: Flying Penguin Attack!: Energy Blast 8d6, Indirect (Any Origin, Any Direction)

No KB, Gestures, 12 Charges

15 pt: Heads I Win, Tails, I Also Win. If It Lands On The Side, I Still Win: Luck 3d6

16pt: Missed Me! Now You Gotta Kiss Me!: +4 DCV, Costs END to Activate. END = 2



15-pt Repuation: "Eccentric", 14-

10 pt Psychological limitation: Fear of Garbage Cans (Common, Moderate)




And TIM, the robot. Actually more "Brick" than Dark Wolf is as he can take a beating better.



Tommorrow Industries Machine 44-5-218-M was created by Tommorrow Corporation's (see Grey Wolf) robotics firm as a cyber-soldier. Primus rescued/reprogrammed "TIM" (Shift named him) and put him to work with Strike Force One. When not with SF1, he works for Primus.


STR 35

DEX 15

CON 40


INT 30


PRE 10

COM 10

PD 40

ED 40


REC 15

END 80


Running 6

Swimming 2

Leaping 7



18 pt Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Hacking and Computer Security, Personal Computers, AI, Mainframes and Supercomputers, Military Computers) 18-

3 pt Electronics 15-

5 pt Cryptography 16-

3 pt Analyze: Combat 15-

4 pt +4 OCV to Energy Blast

5pt Mimicry 16-

3pt Paramedics 15-



4 pt Speed Reading (x10)

5 pt Eidetic Memory



15-pt Does Not Bleed

10-pt No Hit Locations

5-pt Lack Of Weakness (-5) for ND

20-pt KB Resistance -10''

17 Cloaking Device: Invisibility to Sight and Hearing Groups, Activation Roll 14-

15 pt Automaton (Cannot Be Stunned)

36 Energy Blast 20d6, Increased Endurance Cost x3, Activation Roll 14-, Beam

END = 30



15-pt Susceptibility: Water, 1d6 Damage Instant (Very Common)

20 Hunted: Tommorrow Industries 11- (Mo Pow, Capture)

15 Distinctive Features: Robotic Body (Not Concealable, Noticed and Recognicable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)



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Re: [Characters, Hero Team] Strike Force One


October Raven has no offensive powers other than an END Drain. What if he fights something without END or with little need for END, like some automatons or anyone with all of his powers bought to 0 END cost? What if he just needs to break something? His 2d6 normal punches won't help much there.


Grey Wolf has 18 OCV and DCV, an 18 DC punch, and no resistant defenses. Huh? He doesn't have an especially high BODY, either, which is how some people compensate for a lack of resistant DEF. Also, NND attacks do STUN only by default unless you upgrade them with 'Does Body (+1)', and there wouldn't be any point to having AP on an attack that doesn't interact with defenses at all. There is no point in having Rapid Healing (which is per-hour regeneration) on a character with per-turn regeneration, which is hundreds of times faster.


Shift has the lowest DEX and CVs of any character on the team, and his ability to take a hit isn't very special. A hit from a 12d6 attack is almost certain to stun him, and it looks like you have high average DCs in your game.


Mr. Nonsense is an overall nonsensical build, but I assume that that is exactly what you were going for. It's ironic that he's probably closer to what most campaigns would consider suitable than your 'serious' characters.


TIM is actually pretty solid, but he's going to spend a lot of time waiting for his END to recover so he can use his blast... and a lot of time running from punks with super soakers.


Overall, I notice that you inflate a lot of stat values and use Activation rolls for no reason other than to shave points.

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Re: [Characters, Hero Team] Strike Force One


Made a few changes:

October Raven- Damage Shield now drains STUN, now has 7 ranks of Arcane/Occult Lote, has an NND HTH attack, Shadow Cloak is now 10/10/10/10.

To Sanctum Raven is now 4 Charges with no Activation roll.


Shift- EB no longer has No Range Modifier, DEX and INT increased, EGO decreased


Grey Wolf- No longer has Rapid Healing, KA no longer NND but has X2 AP, now has 4/4 Armor that adds to his Res

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Re: [Characters, Hero Team] Strike Force One


You seem pretty new to HERO so let me see if I can help you out a bit. Let's take a look at your first characters characteristics:

STR 12 - STR, 12 doesn't take advantage of any of the break points, I'd go with 13 instead.

DEX 30 - Cripes, this guy is a nomal mystic that has the DEX of Spiderman.

CON 13 - Pretty low for the amount of damage your other characters throw around

BOD 10 - Normal. In a supers campaign probably won't need much more than this.

INT 35 - This INT is super-human, and makes your character one of the smartest people on the planet. This is where Reed Richards and Dr. Doom would be.

EGO 24 - Eh, I could see an argument for an EGO this high, for a mystic, but it's still thorugh the roof, especially considering no mental powers. When I make an EGO'ist (super that relies on mental powers) I rarely go this high.

PRE 20 - If you consider the max human presense is 20, and he's right there.

COM 20 - Same thing here. You see him as one of the best looking people on the planet?


I hope that gives you a better baseline. At the risk of starting a HUGE war, I list where I think comic book heroes would fall in champs world with their DEX. Everyone please remember, this is just a rough estimate, not meant to be the end all be all of where DEX's should fall. I'm doing this on the fly not spending hours considering each step.


10-14: These are your "normals" and "lesser heroes" character's like Shadowcat and Dr. Strange would fall on the higher end of this.

15-17: These are highly trained people. Cyclopse, Magneto, I'd put around here.

18-20: These are very well trained, but still normals: Nick Fury, the Joker, I'd probably but here.

21-23: These are very good fighters, but still relatively human. I'd put A TON of characters in this range: Electra, Moon Knight, Mockingbird, Robin.

24-26: These are either ultimate fighters, or low super-DEX charaters. Batman, Captain America, Nightcrawler.

27-32 These are superpowered characters. Spiderman would be the high end (or a bit higher).


Hope that helps a bit.

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Re: [Characters, Hero Team] Strike Force One


Ah, alright, gotcha. I'll work on them some more.


EDIT- More changes


October Raven- Lower characteristics, Activation Roll removed from some powers, Drain and Transfer upped to 6d6, added Combat Sense and a power that boosts PRE for Presence Attacks

Shift- Lowered some of his characteristics as well, gave him Streetwise as it makes a ton of sense for him.

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Re: [Characters, Hero Team] Strike Force One


You're getting closer, but you've still got some stats through the roof.


This is one of my characters in a current campaign. He's a simple flying Brick. Some of his stats are REALLY high because he's an Emperyan (if you're familar with Marvel Comic's Eternals, same thing). That's why his EGO, PRE, COM and INT are that high.


This guy is pretty tough in a one on one fight, and look at his stats. His CON is "only" 30, even with 20 DEF's (which might be low for campaigns with a higher SPD's) the character's never been CON Stunned. 30 is the highest CON I've ever had and I've been playing for over 20 years.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: [Characters, Hero Team] Strike Force One


i like the idea of strike force one


I had to rep him for his eerie case of parallel evolution... Our first and longest running "real" champions team was PRIMUS Strike Force 4 (Force 4 for short).

Stirred up all sorts of memories :thumbup:


when I get my memories rolled up all tidy I might post a cliff's notes version in case the OP'd like to throw 'em in as background

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Re: [Characters, Hero Team] Strike Force One


I had to rep him for his eerie case of parallel evolution... Our first and longest running "real" champions team was PRIMUS Strike Force 4 (Force 4 for short).

Stirred up all sorts of memories :thumbup:


when I get my memories rolled up all tidy I might post a cliff's notes version in case the OP'd like to throw 'em in as background

My current group's first Champions game (well, it was only myself and The Doctor - our GM- at the time) was Team 1. A group of metas recruited by my character as a PRIMUS meta-team, to deal with meta threats that the normal agents couldn't handle. Great minds and all that, I guess.

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Re: [Characters, Hero Team] Strike Force One


Technically speaking, stats don't become superhuman until quite a way past the Normal Characteristics Cap.


From 5ER pg. 40 (bolding is mine):


Char Weak Challenged Average Skilled Competent Legendary Superhuman

STR 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-13 14-20 21-30 31+

DEX 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-13 14-20 21-30 31+

CON 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-13 14-20 21-30 31+

BODY 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-13 14-20 21-30 31+

INT 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-13 14-20 21-50 51+

EGO 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-13 14-20 21-50 51+

PRE 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-13 14-20 21-50 51+

COM 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-13 14-20 21-30 31+

PD, ED 0-1 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-10 11-15 16+

SPD 1 1-2 1-2 2-3 4-5 6-7 8+

REC 1 1-2 2-4 5-6 7-10 11-13 14+

END 2-4 6-10 11-20 21-26 27-40 41-60 61+

STUN 3-4 7-11 12-20 21-27 28-40 41-60 61+

Running 1” 2-3” 4-6” 7-8” 9-10” 11-13” 14”+

Leaping 0” 1” 2” 3” 4-5” 6-11” 12”+

Swimming 0” 1” 2” 3” 4-5” 6-9” 10”+

In our game...

Reed Richards and Dr. Doom would have a 50 INT,

Cap would be DEX 30/ SPD 7 (Spderman would be 35 or 40 DEX),

the White Queen would have a 30 COM (she's hawt), ect.

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Re: [Characters, Hero Team] Strike Force One


TIM's defense is radically unbalanced. Automaton means he's utterly immune to Stun' date=' so only Body matters. With 40/40 defense on top of that, he can bounce anything up to and including Dr Destroyer's main guns.[/quote']


He's not immune to STUN, he's immune to being CON Stunned. If he were immune to all STUN damage, his defenses would cost three times as much.


Though I notice that it's not explicit on his character sheet that his defenses are Resistant, as one might assume, so even if he were a full Automaton you could destroy him with a pocket knife.

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