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Gentle Persuasion?

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Here's a thought/question for folks:


How much would the limitation "Only to achieve level 'Target will take actions target would not mind doing anyways' with 'Target will think it was their own idea'" on Mind Control be worth?


Or similar limitations with higher levels of effect, of course; I know that it's -1/4 for "Must achieve effect of 'Target will think it was their idea'," but this is a bit more.

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Re: Gentle Persuasion?


Well, you need an effect of at least Ego +30 to get "target thinks it was his own idea" with Ego +10. How often, with the power level in question, would the character have been able to achieve Ego +40 or higher to get an Ego +20 or better result? If he has 12d6 of Mind Control, an average roll will succeed in "persuading" a 12 Ego target with no mental defense. How many targets can he reasonably get a better effect on anyway?


The level of the limitation should depend on how often it will be limiting, or IOW how often he could practically have done better than "target would't mind".


This does beg the question of whether the first limitation is really only worth -1/4, though, since it practically does limit the character to the Ego +10 level of control. On that 12d6, he saves 12 points, and he needs about 6d6 more to be able to offset that 20 points of "thinks it was his idea".


I wonder if it would be more reasonable to buy the desired level of Mind Control (say 6d6, only to "target wouldn't mind" level, probably not very limiting, so -1/4 at best) and then buy +7d6 Mind Control, standard effect, only to make target think it was his idea (or +6d6 Mind Control only usable if making target think it was his idea) with a -1 or -2 limitation (given the severity of the restriction - this is at least "one command only").

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Re: Gentle Persuasion?


How much would the limitation "Only to achieve level 'Target will take actions target would not mind doing anyways' with 'Target will think it was their own idea'" on Mind Control be worth?

It depends on what you mean. Since the target thinking it was their own idea is generally an advantageous thing, I wouldn't allow any limitation for simply achieving this effect. However, if the limitation is "Power *must* achieve the 'think it was their own idea' level," then that is a restriction and is worth a limitation.


But it sounds like what you mean is "Power cannot achieve a higher level of control than 'wouldn't mind doing' (EGO+10)" which is also a limitation, regardless of the "own idea" modification.

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