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Pathfinder Hero


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Re: Pathfinder Hero


So very kewl


But I was reading Bruthazmus and his bow has Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4). What is that? Is it in the rules some where that I can lok it up. I have most of the books so just give me a page number. Or if a link to your site also kewl.


Thanks for all these great write ups. Seeing them in print this way is really helping me get a feel for what I want the campaign power level to be at. For example against Bruthazmus he is 9 OCV and 5 DCV vs. Elves. I don't know if any players are going to be elves but it's a kewl thought to keep in mind as to just how deadly they may be and gauge the party so it's not a total party kill.


Just simple great, Thanks again.

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Re: Pathfinder Hero


KS!! As usual Great Work. I have been keenly interested in path finder, but my time has become so short I am having trouble converting enough material for my Arcana Evolved Project.


However with all your hard work pathfinder is back on my plans. I'll pitch in as soon as I have the material.


Are you setting up a section for it on your web page?

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Re: Pathfinder Hero


KS!! As usual Great Work. I have been keenly interested in path finder, but my time has become so short I am having trouble converting enough material for my Arcana Evolved Project.


However with all your hard work pathfinder is back on my plans. I'll pitch in as soon as I have the material.


Are you setting up a section for it on your web page?


I have a very basic web presence for it, but its not linked to by anything as of yet...




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Re: Pathfinder Hero


Some Questions and seeking your thoughts about Pathfinder


My one player wants to be a mage and wants to get the runes on his body to "augment" his magic.He tends to be a sensible player and wouldn't get them unless they give him something worth while. For magic I use a variable power pool so augmenting that really doesn't work. I thought perhaps they are a multipower with a few extra spells, each rune being one, with iether charges he wants or a battery I think with a recovery only near these places of power which furthers the campaign for me though that would be if they were Thassilon runes and not just regular Varisian runes.


Just what limitations does a tatoo have? If a magic item then I can do what ever I want but then "independant" does quite work and certainly isn't a focii.


Sorry just rambling thougths as we worked on characters tonight for the January start off.

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Re: Pathfinder Hero


Some Questions and seeking your thoughts about Pathfinder


My one player wants to be a mage and wants to get the runes on his body to "augment" his magic.He tends to be a sensible player and wouldn't get them unless they give him something worth while. For magic I use a variable power pool so augmenting that really doesn't work. I thought perhaps they are a multipower with a few extra spells, each rune being one, with iether charges he wants or a battery I think with a recovery only near these places of power which furthers the campaign for me though that would be if they were Thassilon runes and not just regular Varisian runes.


Just what limitations does a tatoo have? If a magic item then I can do what ever I want but then "independant" does quite work and certainly isn't a focii.


Sorry just rambling thougths as we worked on characters tonight for the January start off.


Well....lets take this one from the top...


A) If you mean the precise runes presented in Pathfinder, they are just a weak Spell Focus coupled with a cantrip from 1 to 3 times per day as a spell like ability.


In HERO terms what Spell Focus means, if anything, is highly dependent on the Magic System you are using. If you have a concept of "Caster Level", it ups it by one. If you don't you can either model it with some other minor benefit; if you have RSRs then a +1 to the applicable skill roll would cover it. You can also just ignore it as unimportant.


As it happens, in my Vancian Magic System that I use for D&D conversions and the 3e Feat Conversion, I take the later course and consider Spell Focus to be unimportant.


The innate ability is easy; just buy the base effect and give it 1 to 3 Charges.



B) The idea of "tatoos" that grant benefits can be a SFX for a lot of different effects in the HERO System. You can build an entire character around the idea if the GM allows it. It's really a very wide open field.


Personally, I have a Magic System, Runecrafting, which includes the idea of magical Runic Tattoos and has a good bit of coverage on them and a few different approaches. This is my preference:


Runic Tattoo as Extraordinary Magical Power: One option is to allow an exception to the "Must be Independent Foci" guideline for Permanent Magic Items but require the full Real Cost of the Powers in a Runic tattoo to be paid by recipients. This is a very powerful option, but the Real Cost of such tattoos should control abuse. Runic tattoos used in this fashion are essentially just a justification for a character to buy an extraordinary ability which might otherwise not be allowed. Physical Manifestation should be used for such Powers; the skin that the Rune is tattooed on can be damaged, ruining the Rune. This method costs Character Points and counts as a Permanent Magic Item.


Also, here is a Package for an "Illumin", a Runecrafter specializing in Tattoos that might be useful to you.

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Re: Pathfinder Hero


Malfeshnekor, and as a freebie, a basic Barghest


Honestly though, I don't know what kind of crack some of the people that come up with Challenge Ratings are smoking. They've got Malfeshnekor pegged as a CR7. Even cutting some corners on him I end up with a 535 point party-wrecking beast, which is about a CR20 by my estimation.


Use this fiend with caution, in other words.

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Re: Pathfinder Hero


Well D20 and Hero have never jelled


I have done up the languages in the campaign, mine of course, but heavily influenced by Pathfinder. I also use the options in the Ultimate Skill Book.


So Average Languages cost normal, while complex and Very Complex cost more. the Arcane languages are used by spell casters and are needed to spell cast. They also give a benefit in my game to spell casting skill roll if the language is close or very close to the special effects of the spell. Forexample celestial is great for any sort of healing spells.

Human Languages

Language			Difficulty			Occurrence
Azlanti				Average				Rare
Thassilionian			Very Complex			Rare
Taldane				Average				Uncommon
Chelaxian			Average				Common
Shoanti				Average				Common
Shoanti Marks			1 pt.				Uncommon
Varisian			Average				Common
Varisian Tattoos		1 pt.				Uncommon
Olmec				Complex				Common
Taldane and Chelaxian have 4 pts. of similarity, which gives the player half as many pts. in the other.
Shoanti and Varisian have 2 pts. of similarity and other cost one less.
Olmec is an arcane language used in spell casting.
Thassilionian and Azlanti are ancient languages and each cost +1 pt to learn.

Extra-Planar Languages
Language			Difficulty			Occurrence
Abyssal				Complex				Uncommon
Celestial			Complex				Uncommon
Both are arcane languages used in spell casting.

Elemental Languages
Language			Difficulty			Occurrence
Aquan				Complex				Uncommon
Auran				Complex				Uncommon

Auran				Complex				Uncommon
Ignan				Complex				Uncommon

Aquan				Complex				Uncommon
Terran				Complex				Uncommon

Ignan				Complex				Uncommon
Terran				Complex				Uncommon
Each group has 2 pts. of similarity and other cost one less, but the 4, opposed one is then out side the group and cost +1 pts.   All are arcane languages used in spell casting.

Dragon Languages
Language			Difficulty			Occurrence
Draconic			Very Complex			Uncommon
Draconic is an arcane language used in spell casting.
Khazad  Languages
Language			Difficulty			Occurrence
Khuzdul				Average				Uncommon
Noric				Complex				Uncommon
Noric is an arcane Language used in spell casting.

Elven Languages
Language			Difficulty			Occurrence
Elven				Average				Uncommon
Erlin				Complex				Uncommon
Iylar				Very Complex			Rare
Ogham				Complex				Rare
Sylvan				Average				Uncommon
Fey				Complex				Rare
Elven and Erlin have 4 pts. of similarity, which gives the player half as many pts. in the other.
Sylvan and Fey have 4 pts. of similarity, which gives the player half as many pts. in the other.
Ogham, Fey and Sylvan have 2 pts. of similarity and others cost one less.
Ogham, Elven, Erlin, and Iylar have 2 pts. of similarity and others cost one less.
Erlin, Ogham, Iylar, and Fey are all arcane Languages.
Iylar can only be taken by elves.
Someone who has learned a Walker of the Land spell may only take Ogham.

Language			Difficulty			Occurrence
Boggard				Average				Uncommon
Gargun				Average				Uncommon
Orcish				Average				Uncommon
Colossus			Complex				Uncommon
Kors				Average				Uncommon
Kobold				Average				Uncommon
Gnolls				Average				Uncommon
Troglodytes			Average				Uncommon
Drow				Average				Rare
Infernal			Complex				Rare
Undercommon			Average				Uncommon
Mind Flayers			Very Complex			Uncommon
Colossus and Infernal are arcane languages.
Boggard and Gargun have 2 pts. of similarity and other costs one less.
Gargun and Orcish have 2 pts. of similarity and other costs one less.

Other Languages
Language			Difficulty			Occurrence
MinKai				Average				Uncommon

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Re: Pathfinder Hero


Well D20 and Hero have never jelled


Actually, I disagree with this. I personally think the design team of d20 borrowed a lot from the HERO System. With the exception of a few arbitrary mechanics like AoO, its very easy to translate things from one system to the other. AD&D on the other hand required a lot more work to convert

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