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Trying to develop an interesting power set


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I've been trying to put together a set of powers for a character I'm creating, but I can't seem to figure out a way to model the effects I'd like in the system.


Basically, I'd like to have him to have a suit of some description, which has hundreds of thousands of pockets and drawers existing in some abitrary extra-dimensional space.

Using components pulled from the suit, he is able to create specific tools and weapons which exist for a short length of time or until charges are used up (depending on the item in question).


For example, one of the items would be a Net Gun, so Entangle with AOE Cone, No Range, No Endurance, an OAF and a number of Charges.


That's easy enough, but I can't see a way to represent the suit with it. Linked doesn't seem to fit, because the suit in itself isn't a power (is it?) and a second Foci seems wrong because each item, once made, doesn't need the suit to operate (ie. he could feasibly make a couple of Net Guns and pass them out to teammates, but they wouldn't be any good once the charges ran out)

I'd like creating each item to require a short amount of time as well, so that, in a pinch, he can't just drop one thing for another. But, again, I can't see anywhere to fit this to make it work.



Anyone got any suggestions about how I could achieve this?

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Re: Trying to develop an interesting power set


How about a Variable Power Pool with either Focus or Only in Hero ID. The special effect being that he rummages through the extra dimensional drawers of the suit to put things together. You can also add requires extra time and skill rolls to represent having to search the drawers and put the device together. What you may consider doing is going through what other abilities the suit might offer and possibly linking those.


For Example: You may use Armor as a base and have the VPP linked to that. Maybe Desolid or Missile Deflection as well to represent opening drawers on the suit to send an inbound attack to the extra dimensional space. The latter would not be part of the VPP since the hero could use the drawer trick while using a tool from the suit.


Hope this helps.

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Re: Trying to develop an interesting power set


I would just make it a VPP Gadget pool with OIHID and Restrainable. I would not take Focus lim on any of the powers, because he doesn't lose the ability to use the power when his gun gets taken away (he can always build a new one from components taken from the suit.) I would also not take charges on any of his powers since he can, again, always build a new gun or whatever. I'd buy the powers down to 0 END instead.

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Re: Trying to develop an interesting power set


Shrinking Arsenal: VPP (Gadget Pool), 40 base + 20 control cost, (60 Active Points)



Scourge (Jack Monroe) - Thunderbolts



Hank Pym (Giant Man) - Avengers



Dimensional Compression - Ultraviolet





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Re: Trying to develop an interesting power set


I've been trying to put together a set of powers for a character I'm creating, but I can't seem to figure out a way to model the effects I'd like in the system.


Basically, I'd like to have him to have a suit of some description, which has hundreds of thousands of pockets and drawers existing in some abitrary extra-dimensional space.

Using components pulled from the suit, he is able to create specific tools and weapons which exist for a short length of time or until charges are used up (depending on the item in question).


For example, one of the items would be a Net Gun, so Entangle with AOE Cone, No Range, No Endurance, an OAF and a number of Charges.


That's easy enough, but I can't see a way to represent the suit with it. Linked doesn't seem to fit, because the suit in itself isn't a power (is it?) and a second Foci seems wrong because each item, once made, doesn't need the suit to operate (ie. he could feasibly make a couple of Net Guns and pass them out to teammates, but they wouldn't be any good once the charges ran out)

I'd like creating each item to require a short amount of time as well, so that, in a pinch, he can't just drop one thing for another. But, again, I can't see anywhere to fit this to make it work.



Anyone got any suggestions about how I could achieve this?


Ummm...OHID and a VPP?

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Re: Trying to develop an interesting power set


Typical Gadget VPP with limitation Focus required to change power slots. Focus is standard "power suit" focus. Might also RSR: Gadgeteer to change power slots. Might also require extra time to change power slots depending on how long it takes you to gadgeteer.


Alternative interpretation... Time to change power slots is variable/rolled/RSR and he's spending time rummaging through pockets finding the right item/part.

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Re: Trying to develop an interesting power set


Yah, I'm chiming in with the VPP....had a player in one of my games once who had something similar; he was a Brainiac-level hypergenius who had created his own pocket dimension, and just kept a bazillion gadgets in there that he could draw out whenever he wanted....we just did it with focus rules and a VPP, and sometimes things like extra time as Jaxom mentioned above, or Gestures depening on how the device was put together, that kind of thing. It doesn't really matter so much if there are a lot of limitations on an item if you're not gonna be using it regularly anyway...

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Re: Trying to develop an interesting power set


A VPP seems the way to go. You can simulate the focus based aspects of the suit/ gadget combo without taking the Focus Lim (which others have pointed out may not fit) using the following Limitations.


OIHID - This would represent he needs to be wearing the suit to create the gadgets. Takes a full phase or more and preventing the character from putting on the suit would stop the ID change.


Restrainable - The character needs his hands free to assemble and activate each gadget.


Physical Manifestation - Though taking away or destroying a gadget will not prevent him from using the power in the same way a focus would, it will force him to to create another before he can use the power again.

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