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[Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


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I'm looking for some system advice on emulating the Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher - http://www.jim-butcher.com/books/alera/ .


Most of the residents of Alera (I think that's the continent - I haven't done a thorough world guide yet) have the ability to summon and control one or more elemental allies and use the elemental's power to increase his/her physical attributes.


Furycrafter's (watercrafter, firecrafter, woodcrafter, windcrafter, and metalcrafter - I think) should be relatively easy to emulate, it's the summoning of the ally that I'm unfamiliar with modelling.


What power emulates this?




Greg Volz

Natural Twenty Gaming

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Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


Some more ramblings - (noticing the similarities between Codex Alera and Avatar I've found out that the book series was published October 2004 and Avatar debuted Februrary 2005 - I have no clue if one influenced the other or not. Codex Alera has a much more Roman feel with Aleran's having Citizens, Legionnaires, regional lords, high lords, and also emulating a very Rome in decline type aspect).


Some of the furies are generational and bound to city-dwellers. Those furies are less powerful but more controllable/respond better to direction.


Countryside furies that are bound/summoned farther away from the structure of the city are more powerful but sometimes have a will of their own.


Use of furycrafting is definitely strenuous, i.e. a windcrafter who flies (and alot of them do) can only fly for so long before tiring so most crafting abilities will cost endurance - although more experienced crafters can utilize their furies with more skill thereby reducing end cost.


People can have more than one fury - i.e. Fidelias, an antagonist, has two furies - a wood and earth fury.


Furies take on the shape of animals or humanoid forms when visible - which they are not always visible.


Windcrafter abilities that have been represented in the book so far -


-Supplying air during high flights and perhaps increasing time underwater

-Increasing the speed of attacks thereby increasing damage with swords, thrown daggers

-Calming winds

-Creating winds

- Windcrafter flight appears to be disruptable by "cutting off their air"


more later,


Greg Volz

Natural Twenty Gaming

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Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


Races so far:


Aleran - human (there are mutliple countries and governing factions)


Marat - non-human, pseudo-native American Indian, barbarian - no fury crafting but able to bond with their totem animals including gargants (beast of burden - large), herdbanes (predatorial birds that remind of velociraptors or axe beaks from D&D), horse, fox, wolf and maybe more.


Cane or Canim - think Wolfen from Confrontation.




Greg Volz

Natural Twenty Gaming

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Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


I've considered this problem before and although 'summon' would be the obvious power here I would suggest a follower bought with 'absolute devotion' advantage. This works for country furies at least and their battle forms could be statted out since they do aid their masters in combat at times, (earth furies especially).

The actual furycrafting could then be dealt with in two ways, the fury itself could have all the powers and would be able to exercise them with a succesful magic, (furycrafting), roll from its master. But that would severely reduce the cost of fury powers making furycrafters exceptionally powerful, (which some of them are admittedly).

Alternatively the furycrafter could have a VPP for each element he could control. The more experienced the crafter the less limited his power pool is, however his pool's active points cost would be limited by his fury follower's active points cost, e.g. no furycrafting pool could cost more than double the number of active points spent on the fury it was linked to. This of course reflects the fact that a furycrafter is only as powerful as his fury.

Does that make sense?

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  • 1 year later...

Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


Wait. Do they literally summon a thing that say carries them around or lifts things for them, etc. or is it just a SFX for other game effects like Flight or TK?


"Summoning" is a really broad concept, apart from the actual Summon power. For instance, this supers character, Mythic is a "summoner" but doesnt have a single SUMMON based power.


Can you give more examples on what the magic actually does in context?

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Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


Mostly the summons is an SFX for other powers. But one character, Bernard, actually calls his earth fury and it appears as a large hound made out of rock with Emeralds for eyes.


Aircrafters can fly, draw the breath from others, enhance their reaction time (Speed), use whirlwinds to hold others, and deflect arrows. But a small handful of salt will disrupt the effect.


Earthcrafters can draw great strength from the Earth allowing them to lift and throw heavy boulders and other large weights. They can also use it to move much faster over land, and influence another to sexual passion. They can also track others who are moving on earth or stone from long distances.


Watercrafters can heal, and given enough skill, even the worst injuries. They also can communicate over long distances thru water, drown or draw the water out of another, And even move over long distances thru water.


Firecrafters can ignite materials given just a small spark, influence great fear in others, and shape, and channel flame.


Woodcrafters can blend into foliage, warp wood to grab others or lift them. They are the greatest archers, pulling bows others cannot. And they also can track others thru forests or brushy areas.


Metalcraters are the realms lacksmiths and Swordsmen. It allows them to ignore pain, stiffen their bones to not break, Make steel and other metals harder or sharper, and their reaction time is also enhanced.

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Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally




I'm looking for some system advice on emulating the Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher - http://www.jim-butcher.com/books/alera/ .


Most of the residents of Alera (I think that's the continent - I haven't done a thorough world guide yet) have the ability to summon and control one or more elemental allies and use the elemental's power to increase his/her physical attributes.


Furycrafter's (watercrafter, firecrafter, woodcrafter, windcrafter, and metalcrafter - I think) should be relatively easy to emulate, it's the summoning of the ally that I'm unfamiliar with modelling.


What power emulates this?




Greg Volz

Natural Twenty Gaming


I've seen many effects. Classic summoning, enhanced characteristics, powers such as flight.


Of course, technically the player should have summon..and the summoned fury has a VPP of powers usable by other. But the furies can be just the FX. You could do it both ways, to be honest.


Some furies could be purchased as followers: as the country folk tend to . name their furies, and know them better, as opposed to controlling them. Or, instead of follower, buy a loyalty advantage to summoningtheir furies, based on locale.


Limitations seem to come along with having or using furies--the emotional sensitivity of watercrafters, for example.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


Watercrafters can also sense others emotions and were used to move ships at sea and hide them from Leviathons. I will watch this thread with interest, as I enjoy these books and the magics involved (Aleran Furies, Canim Blood Magic, Marat Bondings (which allowed a Marat bound to an Aleran develop fury crafting)).

I think preset elemental controls for each type of crafting would work. Your level of power would be how many points you want to put into it. And number of furies would be how many different ones you would want to purchase. The reason I say EC is that we have seen windcrafters fly and increase there SPD while increasing vision.

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  • 3 months later...

Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


I am halfway through book 4 my self at this time and love them. Personally I believe it is a VPP per element. There are many effects possible related to an element so it needs to be flexible.


Reading the 4th book says having a fury manifest is not a requirement, but is necessary to reach higher power effects. So I would limit powers to 30 or 45 AP's until a follower is purchased and then limit the VPP AP to 2x the follower AP as suggested. This is per element.



Also I would make each element a talent that can only be purchased at character creation at 1 point per 10 max AP the VPP will have. This cant grow or change as it seems power level of furycrafting is genetic. Powerful furycrafters are obligated by law to wed other powerful furycrafters in order to ensure the Empire has powerful citizens.


I would also require talents at a minimum level of 1+2 for every element controlled. To reflect that only powerful crafters have multiple elements.



Characters with more than 2 elements must have levels of citizenry or nobility to justify their powerful blood, the more elements available the higher level of blood. (this can be waved by GM based on background - unknown bastard, lost child, whatever).



Most furycrafters attract their own furies. However a powerful crafter can transfer a fury (follower) to another character. This is complex and should be carefully monitored by GM to avoid abuse preferably only one way.


Furycrafting requires END.

This is personal END since it can incapacitate a crafter by exhaustion. The more powerful the crafter the less endurance they consume for similar effects (How would you do this?)

Furycrafting requires concentration.

The primary way through out the books furycrafting is countered or broken is by the crafter loosing concentration.


furycrafting is mostly reliable

Unless concentration is broken or impossible due to countering elemental effects, furycraft always seems to work and is reliable in intensity. However damaged crafters seem to have weekend or unavailable powers due to pain. Also wild furies are mentioned to be less reliable but this is actually never demonstrated or exemplified (in the first 4 books).



Any furycrafter can detect anthers crafting if he possess crafting of the same element (this may be inaccurate but seems to be the way it works). Other types seem harder to perceive.


Furycrafting leaves a trail. Other furies can perceive the use of furycraft as well as who uses them. This can be watched for or tracked.


It is possible be invisible to certain types of furies by using the opposing element creatively. Invisible to earth furies if not touching ground, wet salted cloak to be invisible to air furies, etc.


Most furies, unless manifest cant perceive a person not actively furycrafting.


Elemental weakness

All elements have a weakness that hampers and/or blocks their use. Earth doesnt work if not touching the earth, air is blocked by earth (especially salt), water can be blocked by a ring of fire, etc..


"Tame" and "Wild" Furies

City furies are usually tame, this means that a manifest is more an extension of the caster and follows instructions with out question or consideration. These furies provide 3x their AP to the VPP but are limited to 50ap (this is just an estimation).


Country or wild furies are less reliable and require a skill to direct. The more complex or dangerous the task the greater the penalty. Failing the roll means the fury acts of its own accord or does nothing. These furies provide 2x their AP to the VPP and are limited to 100ap (this is just an estimation).


Manipulation over transformation

Most powers manipulate the element they control to manage the effect desired. Actual transformation is rare.



Strong powers and movement powers require buildup, they gradually increase in effect, most are not instant.




Elements(this is copied from somewhere lost source):

Water: Used in healing, communicating over large distances, reading emotions, shape shifting (only to alter appearances), keeping a youthful appearance, and manipulating water; disrupted by fire. A water-fury-wielder is named Knight Aqua

Earth: Used to gain strength, tracking and hunting, manipulate the earth, and calm animals. Earthcraft is disrupted when contact with the ground is lost. An earth-fury-wielder is named Knight Terra

Tree/Plant Life: Used in manipulating plants, tracking and for camouflage; used by archers to bend massive bows to allow arrows to fly further and faster, and to increase accuracy of arrows. Also used to instantly create wooden tools. Requires nearby wood or plant matter, living or dead, in order to use. Disrupted by surrounding the user with metal. A wood-fury-wielder is named Knight Flora

Fire: Used to control firelight to subliminally manipulate passionate feelings such as joy, anger, and fear; used to create and manipulate flames for either constructive or massively destructive purposes; can be used to create cold by extracting heat from an object; disrupted by water. A fire-fury-wielder is named Knight Ignus

Air: Used to fly, control the wind, and to increase speed and agility; Also able to bend air into a lens to see farther or into an echo chamber to allow voice communication without the need for water, however the effective range is much shorter; strong crafters may be able to bend the air to make objects or people seem invisible or to create lenses of air to focus light into a damaging beam; can be used to manipulate the weather. Windcraft is disrupted by earth, particularly in the form of salt. An air-fury-wielder is named Knight Aeris

Metal: Used in sword play heavily as crafters can change the hardness of metal, allowing them to strike with diamond-hard blades. Combat can be totally in the dark as metalcrafters do not need light to sense nearby metal. Shields can also be made more flexible to absorb a greater amount of impact force than normal. Also used in forging weapons and other precise metal objects, and metalcrafters also have dramatically increased pain tolerance and physical endurance. Although they gain speed, accuracy and deadly ability in combat, metalcrafters do not become physically stronger, and still require metal weapons/armor to make the most of their abilities. If attacked by something made of stone or organic material, the crafter is able to block some of the attacks, but multiple would quickly overload his/her defenses. Gaius Sextus, First Lord of Alera, is the only character to display the ability to manifest a metal fury - the effect being that Sextus transformed into metal, in an effect reminiscent of Colossus. A metal-fury-wielder is named Knight Ferrous.


I think that covers the basic theory. Now to put it in to clear working AleranHero.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


Nice job on that overview, Jaws! Funny thing, just today, I was just jotting down notes at lunch (in between reading the 3rd book) for a Fantasy Hero game... :-D


As far as the actual furies, I'm inclined to think of it as a special effect myself. Perhaps with differing levels of 'visibility'. Meaning some powers seem to have the advantage Invisible. For example, when Bernard uses his earthcrafting for strength, the big dog isn't around. (At least that I recall.) And I don't recall him necessarily looking more muscular. Although being able to lift a gargant (just an example!), no one would assume that was his natural strength I guess... And would therefore draw the conclusion foHowever, when he uses it to 'detect' things, the dog is the focal point. But being the Hero system, there's never a correct answer, just what you think it means. ;)


Furycrafting requires END.

This is personal END since it can incapacitate a crafter by exhaustion. The more powerful the crafter the less endurance they consume for similar effects (How would you do this?)


Allow them to buy reduced endurance (but never zero), or endurance batteries perhaps? Heck, maybe even just purchase standard endurance with the limitation: Only For Use with Furycrafting (maybe a -1/4 if a GM is generous ;)). Heck, maybe experienced users just have more endurance, it's fairly cheap. Those are a few ideas, I'm sure other folks will come up with others.


I was thinking about some sort of Perk (?) which defines the upper limits of a furycrafter's power as well as their social standing. For example: Knights tend to be very strong crafters of one fury (IIRC), so you would have the social limitation of Knight , bound to duty, your superiors, etc. This also defines the AP available. Then you could add the disad "No furycrafting ability." Just the skeleton of an idea at the moment...


Hmm... Maybe these should just be packages? So many choices! :drink:


IIRC, Earth crafters also seem to be able to use their fury to increase their seduction rolls... :)


Take care,



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Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


As far as the actual furies, I'm inclined to think of it as a special effect myself. Perhaps with differing levels of 'visibility'. Meaning some powers seem to have the advantage Invisible. For example, when Bernard uses his earthcrafting for strength, the big dog isn't around. (At least that I recall.) And I don't recall him necessarily looking more muscular. Although being able to lift a gargant (just an example!), no one would assume that was his natural strength I guess...


All crafting is visible by other craters of the same element, I would consider it common enough to be one of the 3 senses required by visibility. Furies do not have to be manifest for power to function. My point was that not all crafters can manifest a furry. Those that cant manifest are limited in their power scope. But a furry need not be manifest to use any level of power.


Allow them to buy reduced endurance (but never zero), or endurance batteries perhaps? Heck, maybe even just purchase standard endurance with the limitation: Only For Use with Furycrafting (maybe a -1/4 if a GM is generous ;)). Heck, maybe experienced users just have more endurance, it's fairly cheap. Those are a few ideas, I'm sure other folks will come up with others.

Yeah i was considering limited endurance, END pools would break the feeling of exhaustion that comes from crafting.


I was thinking about some sort of Perk (?) which defines the upper limits of a furycrafter's power as well as their social standing. For example: Knights tend to be very strong crafters of one fury (IIRC), so you would have the social limitation of Knight , bound to duty, your superiors, etc. This also defines the AP available. Then you could add the disad "No furycrafting ability." Just the skeleton of an idea at the moment...


I was thinking talent for base power and perk to match, because politics also define social power not just fury crafting.


Hmm... Maybe these should just be packages? So many choices! :drink:


IIRC, Earth crafters also seem to be able to use their fury to increase their seduction rolls...


Packages will make your players life so much easier. :D


Earth crafters can influence calm and languid feelings that calm animals and tend to put people in the mood. ;)


I'm including them in a certain way in my campaign. So I would appreciate any thing you can share.

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Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


Hmm... Looks like metal crafting can also be used to increase the effectiveness of shields and armor. (See paperback, book 3, pg. 79).


One way to create that would be: Force Field requires OIF (Shield or Armor). I chose FF because it costs end.


Good point on the distinction between the talent (for base points) and the perk for social status. It's quite conceivable (at least in game :)) to have someone with great furycrafting ability but not a matching social status. (Or at least an unknown social status, i.e. "Why in the world would you think I'm the bastard son of the High Lord of Aquitaine?")


Two 'military martial arts' come to mind: the dualist / gladiator and the legionnaire. (From Paperback, book 3, pg. 47) (By no means implying there aren't others, just pointing out some of the many. :))


Take care,



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Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


Hmm... Looks like metal crafting can also be used to increase the effectiveness of shields and armor. (See paperback, book 3, pg. 79).


One way to create that would be: Force Field requires OIF (Shield or Armor). I chose FF because it costs end.

Help me with chapter and context I have the ebooks in my blackberry so page does me no good. However I clearly remember that they do improve anything metalic on them as well as being able to "find weakness" in oponens metalic arms and armor.

Good point on the distinction between the talent (for base points) and the perk for social status. It's quite conceivable (at least in game :)) to have someone with great furycrafting ability but not a matching social status. (Or at least an unknown social status, i.e. "Why in the world would you think I'm the bastard son of the High Lord of Aquitaine?")

It actually hapens in the book. I wont ruin anything for you, but I believe Maximus could just as easily be an unknown bastard, uncle bernard is a Stead holder, wo then becomes count but could easily be abit higher in status if furrycrafting relate dirrectly to power.


Not to mention you could easily loose your status, but your power wouldnt go with it. Atleast not all of it. Since you would probably loose some furries that belong the place you rule or what not.

Two 'military martial arts' come to mind: the dualist / gladiator and the legionnaire. (From Paperback, book 3, pg. 47) (By no means implying there aren't others, just pointing out some of the many. :))


Take care,



I agree here, the barbarians don't seem to have a particular amrtial art, but how avbout the Canim, have you goten to them yet? They are somewhere in the 3rd book.


I am sure there would have to be more than one school of sword fighting lying arround.


I am actually integating them all slightly difrent in my campaign but the essence is the same, and the culture extremely similar. I liked the whole concept quite a bit.


Since you are currently reading them it would help if you could use your fresh mind to take notes of important stuff like powers used, status, organizations.


I will probably read them all again to get ready for the final book in november anyway.


Take care

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Re: [Alera - Furies of Calderon] Advice on Summoning/Elemental Ally


Originally Posted by Harry Canyon

Hmm... Looks like metal crafting can also be used to increase the effectiveness of shields and armor. (See paperback, book 3, pg. 79).


One way to create that would be: Force Field requires OIF (Shield or Armor). I chose FF because it costs end.

Help me with chapter and context I have the ebooks in my blackberry so page does me no good. However I clearly remember that they do improve anything metalic on them as well as being able to "find weakness" in oponens metalic arms and armor.
Towards the end of chapter 6, just after Tavi is tested by the Captain.


Since you are currently reading them it would help if you could use your fresh mind to take notes of important stuff like powers used, status, organizations.


I will probably read them all again to get ready for the final book in november anyway.

I'll certainly add to the thread as I can, sometimes I'm just reading and burning through to find out what happened! So no promises. :D


A section I just read, did reinforce for me that it's an entity of some sort whose power is manipulated by the furycrafter. (Somewhere along the line I started viewing it as an innate power... ) When Amara's fury is weakened by salt thrown by an enemy. There are many ways this could be handled. Perhaps it's just a limitation of each 'power', i.e. something like, "Loses X active points if effect is subjected to salt".


Take care,



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