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Build: Rune Magic - Flight


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Re: Build: Rune Magic - Flight


It's still a negative number that (IMO) need not be there. What was wrong with the method on 5ER p. 276? Why was it changed? (rhetorical questions)


Dan would have to answer this in detail but I believe that it is just a limitation of how HDesigner can be applied to model the rules layed out on those pages. It's not a rules change per se.

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Re: Build: Rune Magic - Flight


It's still a negative number that (IMO) need not be there. What was wrong with the method on 5ER p. 276? Why was it changed? (rhetorical questions)


You're mixing up how the Rules Work and how Hero Designer Gets There.


The method Hero Designer is using IS the method on p276. Dan just used the Naked Modifier Construct because all the programming he would need to do to implement the Rules on p276 are already in that particular piece of programming.


It is not, I repeat again, a Naked Modifier Mechanically. That is just how HeroDesigner is implementing visually the Rules.


The Method on p276 does reduce the Cost of the Power - which is a essentially a negative number when listed by itself.

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Re: Build: Rune Magic - Flight


Two things from one of the threads that Hyper-Man linked to:


"Note the difference in the Active Cost calculation....it's not the overall Active Cost of the base Power with all Advantages, it's a mid-way point (the Real Cost of the base Power, with the Naked Advantages applied). There's a certain amount of "double dipping" involved in the END calculation."




"Differing Modifier:

Base Cost: (13*(1+.25)) = 16.25 = 16 points

Active Cost (no Advantages): 16 points

END usage: 2

Real Cost: ((13*(1+.25))/(1+2)) - 13 = 5.333 - 13 = -8 points"


It looked like the steps were done and rounded differently, which could make a difference.


However, taking out my calculator, I see that the Real Cost calculation is actually 13*1.25 THEN rounded to 16 THEN divided by 3. If the calculation were actually as written (without the rounding step), the answer would be 5.4166666.


If the HD calculation method can be shown to be mathematically equivalent to the p. 276 method, then okay, no change. But the smallest differences can change END or Real Cost points due to rounding. I'm trying to think of a case where the last step of subtracting the Total Cost of the base Power from the Real Cost of the UBO. It may not. The two calculation methods may be mathematically identical. But it ain't obvious.

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Re: Build: Rune Magic - Flight


Not to jump in when my head is also rocking at this point, but simply what I meant was:


If you buy the power us UBO, and Uncontrolled, then the answer to the first question (how to manage duration) is 'it expires when its END runs out.' His other option of course would be to slap a Continuing Charge on the power, thereby answering the question in a different way. But I'm fairly certain in my thinking I meant "burn END per instance of use," i.e., every time the spell is cast.

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Re: Build: Rune Magic - Flight




So, in order for this to work the way I intend ( some unknown, unlimited number of "runes" out there pre-charged up and waiting to be used ) it would be similar to building magic items in Fantasy Hero? ( kinda like the "enchantment" stuff )

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Re: Build: Rune Magic - Flight


Building granted powers is discussed somewhere in the Fantasy Hero book - I'd give a page reference if my copy wasn't buried under a pile of library books about Heian Japan. When I'm not allowed to use my preferred handwavium measure of a +1/2 UOO advantage I tend to by a highly-limited UAA as a Naked Advantage. Using a +1/2 is just quicker book-keeping.

The way I see it, this is a missing advantage from the UBO suite - Usuable Simultaneously lets you use it on a given number of targets, all at once in a single action - kinda like autofire if you ask me. There should be a +1/2 advantage Usuable On Other that has no ultimate limit on the number (or mass, what is up with that?) of targets, but can only be granted to one target at a time - you even have to grant it to yourself if you want to use it. Seems to work for me so far.

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