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Character: Experiment 626


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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
63	STR	53	22-	Lift 150 tons; 12 1/2d6 HTH Damage
20	DEX	30	13-	OCV: 7/ DCV: 7
23	CON	26	14-
13	BODY	6	12-
30	INT	20	15-	PER Roll 15-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV: 3
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack: 3d6
8	COM	-1	11-
30	PD	17		Total: 30 PD (30 rPD)
30	ED	25		Total: 30 ED (30 rED)
4	SPD	10		Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
18	REC	0
46	END	0
57	STUN	0
Total Characteristics Cost: 191

Movement:	Running: 6"/12"
Leaping: 6"/12"
Swimming: 0"/0"

Cost	Powers & Skills
5	Bite: HKA 1 point (1/2d6 with STR), END 1
7	Claws: HKA 1 point (1/2d6 with STR); Penetrating (+1/2), END 1
30	Bulletproof/Fireproof: Damage Resistance (30 PD/30 ED)
20	Can Catch A Plasma Bolt: Missile Deflection (All Attacks), Reflection, Any Target; 
Plasma Blasts Only (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase; -1/2)
-2	Can't Swim: Swimming -2"
8	Clawed Fingers: Clinging (normal STR); Cannot Resist Knockback (-1/4)
16	Wriggle Through The Cracks: Desolidification; Cannot Pass Through Solid 
Objects (-1/2), Does Not Protect Against Damage (-1)
20	Sharp Hearing: Enhanced Perception +4 With Hearing Group, +4 Versus Range 
7	Six Arms: Extra Limbs (2), Inherent (+1/4)
5	Can See In The Dark: Night Vision
15	Mutable Form: Shape Shift (Sight and Touch Groups; single form: "dog"), Costs END 
Only To Change Shape (+1/4); Extra Time (Full Phase; -1/4)

9	Ambidexterity (No "Off" Hand)

20	Hard To Hit: +4 DCV
3	Climbing 13-
3	Combat Pilot 13-
3	Concealment 15-
3	Demolitions 15-
3	Fast Draw (Pistol) 13-
2	Language: English (fluent)
0	Language: Galactic (native)
7	Stealth 15-
3	TF: Large Motorized Ground Vehicles (tractor-trailer), Military Spacecraft (Red Police 
Cruiser), Two-Wheeled Muscled-Powered Vehicles (Big Wheel)
10	Two (Four)-Weapon Fighting (Ranged)
3	WF: Blaster Pistol, Chainsaw, Red Police Cruiser Weapons
3	Thinks Faster Than Supercomputer: Jack-Of-All-Trades
2	PS: Build Model Of San Francisco Out Of Common Household Items 15-
2	PS: Cooking 15-
2	PS: Dancing 13-
2	PS: Guitar 13-
2	PS: Imitate Elvis 15-
2	PS: Imitate Godzilla/Giant Rubber Monster 15-
2	PS: Juggling 13-
217	Total Powers & Skills Cost
408	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
15	Distinctive Features: Ugly Little Blue Bear/Dog (NC)
25	DNPC: Stitch's Family (Lilo & Nani Pelekai; normal, x2 DNPCs) 14-
10	Hunted: United Galactic Federation (MoPow, NCI, Watching) 8-
15	Physical Limitation: Cannot Swim (I, F)
5	Physical Limitation: Short Arms (I, S)
5	Physical Limitation: Small (1m tall; I, S)
5	Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can only leap half as far as STR indicates (I, S)
10	Psychological Limitation: Dislikes Bright Lights/Crowds (U, S)
5	Psychological Limitation: Dislike For Water (U, M)
15	Psychological Limitation: Wants A Family/Protective Of His Family
10	Reputation: Genetically Engineered Engine Of Destruction (Ext) 8-
88	"Oh Good! My Dog Found The Chainsaw!" Bonus
408	Total Disadvantage Points

Optional Disadvantages
15	Psychological Limitation: Bad Tempered (C, S)
15	Psychological Limitation: Destructive Programming ("He will be irresistibly drawn to 
large cities where he will back up sewers, reverse street signs, and steal everyone's left 
shoe.") (C, S)


Genetic Experiment 626 is the creation of that Evil Genius Dr. Jumba Jookiba. Why he built 626 is unknown, although as an Evil Genius, it's not like he really needs a reason, right? Anyway, as Jumba's experiments were against the laws of the United Galactic Federation, He ended up in prison, while Experiment 626 was sent off to exile on a distant asteroid. Unfortunately for the Federation, Experiment 626 escaped en route.


Stealing a hyped-up police cruiser (the "red" one), 626 hit the hyperdrive and took off, scarcely bothered that his ship was damaged and he'd not set a destination into the autopilot. So, as luck would have it, he (crash) landed on Earth -- specifically the Hawaiian island of Kauai. Leaving the wreckage of his spaceship, 626 is promptly run over by several tractor trailers, at which point he is dropped off at the local animal shelter. There, he is adopted by a little five-year-old girl named Lilo, who wants a dog to be her friend and guardian. Although her older sister and the shelter's operator are less than thrilled about little Lilo adopting a "dog" that was basically dead that morning, they don't stand in her way. Of course, they'd been even less thrilled to learn that Jumba (accompanied by Earth "expert" Agent Pleakley) have arrived intent on capturing Experiment 626 and returning him to the aforementioned asteroid. And so the fun begins...



As created by Jumba, Experiment 626 has only one real mission: "to destroy everything he touches!" And for a while, that's all he does. However, life with Lilo has an interesting affect on 626. She gives him a name ("Stitch") and a sense of family -- or more accurately, a sense of loss for not having a family. This causes his destructive programming (Defined as being irresistibly drawn to large cities, backing up sewers, reversing street signs, and stealing everyone's left shoe.) to breakdown, so that he stops destroying and even voluntarily goes near water (which he normally hates). Eventually, Stitch adopts Lilo and her older sister Nani as his family, becoming their caretaker (in a sense).


For those who wish to simulate a "pre-Lilo" version of Stitch, just add in the two optional Psychological Limitations, remove his DNPC and current Psych Lim, and you're all set.


Quote: "This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little and broken, but still good. Yeah... still good."



While explaining his creation to the Galactic Council early on in the movie, Dr. Jumba gives the following rundown of Stitch's powers: "he is bulletproof, fireproof, and can think faster than super computer. He can see in the dark and can move objects 3,000 times his own size."


Although we never see Stitch shot at with a bullet, he does survive the crash of his space ship with nary a scratch, is only briefly stunned by a fall of several thousand feet, and has to be run over by three tractor-trailers in succession to be knocked out. As for fireproof -- well, he does drive a tanker truck of gasoline into a volcano and ends up only a little singed. Thinking faster than a super computer is harder to quantify, but he does figure out how to escape from captivity fairly interestingly, builds a model of San Francisco after only glancing at a postcard, learns to play guitar in just a few minutes, builds a bomb out of a doll and a roller-skate, and generally picks up quick on what is happening around him. I can only guess about seeing in the dark, as it never really comes up as a power. However, his ability to lift objects 3,000 times his own size (meaning if he weighs 50 kgs, he can lift 150,000 kgs!) is demonstrated amply when he picks up the descending blast door, smashes Dr. Jumba with a Volkswagen Beetle ("Blue punch buggy! No punch back!"), and stops an 18-wheeled tanker of gasoline dead in its tracks.


Although Stitch has an amazing 63 STR, he can't really use it as effectively as other bricks. His size (about 3' tall -- if that) makes it difficult for him to punch and leap with the same power as a taller person would. So his various Physical Limitations are meant to limit his physical abilities. He can lift, grab, and hurl objects with his full 63 STR, but can't really punch at all, only leap a fraction of what he should, and has trouble with anything requiring leverage (such as many entangles). Exactly how much STR he can really use in these situations is up to you, but I'd say only half (i.e. 30) sounds about right.



Normally, Stitch is a short (2'-3' tall) blue bear-like creature with six limbs. He can change shape into a four-limbed ... uhm... bear/dog form as well.


Designer's Notes:

"Lilo and Stitch" has to be one of the funniest, if not the funniest, Disney films ever made. It certainly is the most whacked animated film they've ever done (Although, "The Emperor's New Groove" comes close on both accounts). You pretty much know what kind of film it will be when Lilo gives her reason for feeding Pudge the fish a sandwich: "Pudge controls the weather." And it just gets stranger from there...


Building Stitch was fairly easy, as Jumba rattles off everything he can do about 5 minutes into the film. Of course, you can tinker with Stitch's abilities, adding such things as his four blaster pistols (lost when he was hit by a truck), or upping his Missile Deflection to include anything. Dump his silly skills (like most of his PS's), make him around 6' tall, and you have a frightening alien brick (a new gladiator from Malva perhaps?)


(Stitch created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba, Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Didn't get to see the movie but I like the write-up. Even at 2-1/2 feet tall, Stitch should have been able to terrorize the planet. Lucky for us he ran into an innocent child first.


Which inspires my next poll: Stitch vs. The Iron Giant! Their Characteristics might not be that different despite the size disparity, and Stitch has a mean streak that more than makes up for the Giant's heavy weaponry.

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Originally posted by Kevin Scrivner

Didn't get to see the movie but I like the write-up. Even at 2-1/2 feet tall, Stitch should have been able to terrorize the planet. Lucky for us he ran into an innocent child first.


Oh see it, by all means!!!


And Lilo... innocent? Uhm.... (recalls the "My friends need to ne punished" scene...).


Which inspires my next poll: Stitch vs. The Iron Giant! Their Characteristics might not be that different despite the size disparity, and Stitch has a mean streak that more than makes up for the Giant's heavy weaponry.


I've considered a character sheet for the Iron Giant... I was frustrated by a lack of understanding of his weapons systems and such.


Oh, and who didn't get all emotional over the Giant's "No Atomo, me Superman" line?

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Not to derail your thread on Stitch but...


Hope this helps with the write-up:


The Iron Giant is a 50-foot artificial intelligence of undetermined extraterrestrial origin. Not merely a robotic automaton, it exhibits self-determination, childlike curiosity and a desire to learn, and quite human emotions such as love and loyalty. It is able to comprehend and apply complex theological and moral concepts. I'd write it up as a full-fledged character rather than as a mere robot.


The movie implies that the Giant was intended to conquer Earth but that its programming was altered by injuries sustained during its crash landing and by its growing friendship with a young boy, Hogarth Hughes. Although the Iron Giant boasts a bewildering array of weaponry, it's mostly just Special Effects. As depicted in the movie, it has three to five really BIG energy RKAs with varying Power Advantages.


Eye Beams - The Giant's first line of defense is your basic laser: energy RKA, AP, No Range Penalty, No KB. These red beams trigger automatically when the Giant encounters a recognizable and hostile weapons system (such as a hunting rifle pointed in its direction or a frightened platoon of National Guardsmen). I'd give it a No Conscious Control Limitation; the Giant has to make an EGO roll to prevent the beams from firing.


The Giant apparently has the Psychological Limitation "Enraged When Attacked" which triggers its other, normally concealed and unavailable, weaponry. These devices all fire bolts or beams of green energy.


"Typewriter" Arm Blaster - An Autofire attack with lots of Charges; an anti-personnel weapon used in the movie to take out Army trucks and jeeps


Arm Cannon - The Giant's second largest attack, used to destroy tanks in the movie


Chest Maser - The Giant's ultimate weapon, a long-range Explosion. A cup-shaped depression in the chest emits a seething ball of energy with a blast radius greater than that of an H-bomb. The Giant would have wiped out the Navy's Atlantic fleet with this weapon had not it been distracted by Hogarth Hughes.


Oddly enough, the Giant employed none of these weapons while attempting to stop a descending nuclear missile, instead choosing to collide with the falling warhead.


The Iron Giant can fly via thrusters on the soles of its feet. Thick metal plating enables the Giant to shrug off bullets and even tank shells, although it became disoriented in flight when struck with air-to-air missiles. The Iron Giant also has a form of Regeneration. Even when blown to bits it can gradually recover, repair, and reassemble its components.

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A friend heavily recommended Lilo & Stitch so my wife and I watched it despite reservations. We got a good laugh out of it bcs Lilo is a lot like my wife, and Stitch is a lot like me :D


The scene where Lilo gives Stitch a bottle full of coffee to calm him down was particularly hilarious for us bcs Im a hard core caffeine addict and get cranky without a regular fix :P


Thanx for the write up Surbrook! If you take requests, Id be interested in seeing your write up of Jason Bourne from the recent movie The Bourne Identity, and if youve read the books, the book version too :) The movie version made him into more of a martial artist, but the book version of Bourne is just about the ultimate secret agent type character.


Also, your version of Captain Jon Sparrow from the new Pirates of the Carribean would be interesting as well :)

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Originally posted by Killer Shrike

Thanx for the write up Surbrook! If you take requests, Id be interested in seeing your write up of Jason Bourne from the recent movie The Bourne Identity, and if youve read the books, the book version too :) The movie version made him into more of a martial artist, but the book version of Bourne is just about the ultimate secret agent type character.


Also, your version of Captain Jon Sparrow from the new Pirates of the Carribean would be interesting as well :)


I'm fairly sure I won't be doing Jason Bourne, while Captain John Sparrow would require me to get the DVD of the film first.

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  • 4 years later...

Re: Character: Experiment 626


As for the Iron Giant...


Some day I'm going to side down and do a little sound editing for it. I think "War Machine" by KISS would make an excellent soundtrack for the scene where the Giant finally shows it's full potential...

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