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The futures of the past.

SSgt Baloo

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Re: The futures of the past.


I found a link to Tales of Future Past and thought it might provide inspiration to some of you. I like these sort of sites' date=' and am perpetually disappointed that the future isn't more art-deco that it's turned out to be.[/quote']


I feel the perverse urge to take everything on that site, throw it in a blender, and call the results my next campaign setting.

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Guest Admiral C

Re: The futures of the past.


Cause everything is better with rocket fins. Even milk.


Last time I tried to pitch a Pulp Sci-Fi game the players looked at me like I had a growth coming out of my head that looked like Lewis Black. Or I could have been musing out loud about how Tom Selleck wouldn't make too bad of a space pirate.

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Re: The futures of the past.


Ya gotta use visual aids to hook your players into a pulp future. The sheer exuberance of the artwork should do most of your work for you. Just be prepared to give convincing pseudo-science answers to your hard-science players when they question the need for tailfins on a space helmet. :rolleyes:

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Re: The futures of the past.


Ya gotta use visual aids to hook your players into a pulp future. The sheer exuberance of the artwork should do most of your work for you. Just be prepared to give convincing pseudo-science answers to your hard-science players when they question the need for tailfins on a space helmet. :rolleyes:


Without tail fins on your helmet you can't turn... :snicker:

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Re: The futures of the past.


You mean like a moonbase launching rockets in 1984?


As Crow T Robot said, "Oh yeah, our old future."

Personally, I like the future we ended up with even better than what was once projected. I like it with a few reservations, of course (like all this stuff with people airing their grievences by shooting up crowded areas before committing suicide -- but that's a discussion for NGD), but I like it.


That said, pulp visions of the future can be a lot of fun to read about and play in. :)

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Re: The futures of the past.


Personally, I like the future we ended up with even better than what was once projected. I like it with a few reservations, of course (like all this stuff with people airing their grievences by shooting up crowded areas before committing suicide -- but that's a discussion for NGD), but I like it.


That said, pulp visions of the future can be a lot of fun to read about and play in. :)



You may like it better, but I want my aircar, personal jetpack, and pollution-free city-utopia. And think about it: this is what people used to think the world would be like 50 years or so later. What do most people today think the world will be like in 50 years? As I said, the future used to be a lot cooler.

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Re: The futures of the past.


Speaking of jetpacks. A book that people might find amusing is "Where's My Jetpack" by Daniel H Wilson Phd (Bloomsbury, 2007). It goes into detail about the difficulties involved in actually producing some of the devices of Science Fiction such as personal jetpacks,ray guns and flying cars.

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