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Wow...you cant perfom a zero phase and then a full phase? Is this right?


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Re: Wow...you cant perfom a zero phase and then a full phase? Is this right?


Hmm....it doesnt specifically so you can do a zero phase and then a full phase. It does imply it. On the other hand, under full phase, it specifically says "can take no other actions".


This is so basic, other people must have come across this before. I'm sure its just a case of bad wording.


Has there been an official ruling on this? Anyone?

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Re: Wow...you cant perfom a zero phase and then a full phase? Is this right?


Hmm....it doesnt specifically so you can do a zero phase and then a full phase. It does imply it. On the other hand, under full phase, it specifically says "can take no other actions".


This is so basic, other people must have come across this before. I'm sure its just a case of bad wording.


Has there been an official ruling on this? Anyone?


Now having flipped to page 358 it seems pretty clear under the Zero Phase action description, Can perform at beginning of phase, after a half phase but not after an Attack action or full phase. Also since you need zero phase actions to reassign MP's and CSL's, I'd think you'd need access to them even if you were planning on a Full Phase action.

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Re: Wow...you cant perfom a zero phase and then a full phase? Is this right?


Hmm....it doesnt specifically so you can do a zero phase and then a full phase. It does imply it. On the other hand, under full phase, it specifically says "can take no other actions".


This is so basic, other people must have come across this before. I'm sure its just a case of bad wording.


Has there been an official ruling on this? Anyone?

The reference I provided earlier does specifically say that you can do that. For Fifth Edition (not revised, the same text is on page 233. Continue reading past Full-Phase Actions to Zero-Phase Actions.
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Re: Wow...you cant perfom a zero phase and then a full phase? Is this right?


Yes, Full Phase is poorly worded; its a case of an attempt to clarify introducing confusion.


Older versions of the rules were much more sparse, but personally I think more clear.


Here's the 4th Edition text:

Any attack such as Mind Control, Energy Blast, or Punch takes a half Phase, but must be the last action performed in the action Phase. A character can half move and then attack, but cant attack and then half move. A Power can be turned on or off at the beginning of the Phase or after a character have performed his first half-Phase, but not at any other time


If there's some question as to the exact timing (like, a character is trying to Desolidify when someone's trying to hit him), the GM should resolve it with DEX Rolls. The zero (0) Phase actions can be done at the beginning or the middle of a Phase, as many different onese as wished, but not after an attack action. Similarly, Skill Levels are shifted only at the beginning of a Phase; the setting lasts until the character's next Phase.


The short answer to your question is: if doing a Full Phase Action, you can take a reasonable number of 0 Phase Actions immediately prior to starting the Full Phase Action, but not in the middle or after the end of the Full Phase Action.

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Re: Wow...you cant perfom a zero phase and then a full phase? Is this right?


I agree that you can do it, and that its just poorly worded. But I disagee that it specifically says it under zero phase. I have FRED and it says exactly like you post says. We are reading the same words, but I disagree as to the meaning. For example...just cause it says you can use it at the begining of the phase doesnt mean you can use it before a full phase. Half actions also say you can use it at the begining of the phase. Its implied.


Thanks for everyones clarification. I would have hated to break that news to the players (umm..you know that thing you always do.....well now you cant!) Actually I would have just house ruled it.

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Re: Wow...you cant perfom a zero phase and then a full phase? Is this right?


While after referring the relevant rulebook passages, I agree with the criticism of unclear wording on this rule, I did cull a couple of more specific rulings in the FAQ which strongly imply that Zero-Phase Actions before a Full Phase Action are allowable:


Can a character also make an attack in the Phase in which he establishes a Set?


No. As noted on 5E 259, a character who wants to use Set must spend a Full Phase aiming, during which he can do nothing else other than Zero-Phase Actions. That means no attacking. Once he’s spent the Phase establishing his Set, he can attack in later Phases with the appropriate bonus as described.


Using Casual Strength is a Zero-Phase Action. So, if you fail to break out of an Entangle using Casual Strength, are you then free to attempt an attack on the Entangle at full STR and if you do more than twice the remaining BODY, still have a Full Phase left in which to act?



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