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Kishi Banahana

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Due to some recent threads I got inspired to make my own team of anime sailor moonesque magical girl group. They're known as Kishi Banahana or Knight Flowers. Extra thanks to Tribe for doing the drawings for them. First up team page. The concept was heavily influenced by Tokyo Mew Mew, Love Hina, and any ecchi anime I've watched.:D



Down town Tokyo, exploded into Chaos. Windows in the stores shattered into millions of pieces of glass that reflected the noonday sun like light on a prism. Cars flew, but not like in the manga, no these cars flew straight up under plumes of fire, and exploded in defeating booms as their gas tanks ignited. Hordes of Chaos Minions scrabbled along the streets singing the song of Chaos as the roamed. No one was safe from the creatures Chaos Realm. Creatures without names and only a vague shape struck out at anything that moved.



Through the smoke and flames leaped the cricket hero Koorogi, his leaps taking him over the ruined cars and the fallen poles. Chaos Minions swarmed toward him, but where driven back when the sound of Cricket Kick came from Koorogi followed by an ear shattering sonic kick that destroyed many near Koorogi. However, there were many more eager and willing minions just dying to tear at the leader of Senshudan One. The shouts of "Chaos" reverberated up and down the street.



A street away from Koorogi another member of Senshudan One faced similar odds. Peter Fu, world famous actor, and erstwhile super-hero known as Stuntman, danced with only the grace of one who had trained in the martial arts since he was a little boy, stood against a seemingly endless stream of Chaos Minions. Letting out a loud shout he planted a devastating kick to a Chaos Minion shaped like an oni. The minion let out a loud grunt before flying far far way from the Chinese actor. However, many more wear willing to take their fallen comrades place. One of the sword-wielding minions raked his blade down Peter's back, and even though Peter made a roll away from the blade it still left a crimson stain that ran up and down his spine.



In the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Shadow Dragon played cat and mouse with the Chaos Minions. However, she wondered which she was, the cat or the mouse. She would down a minion with a well-placed dart, only to be swarmed by ten other minions hot for her blood. Wiping sweat from her brow, Shadow Dragon pelted up next flight of stairs, with a horde of ravening Chaos Minions hot on her tail. Pause, throw the dart, and kill the Chaos Minion, run like hell. This was becoming a constant theme for Shadow Dragon. Her big fear was that she was going to run out of places to run. How far up did she have to go before reaching the roof? Then what?



Ichiro fared better than most of the others. He could fly, and fly he did. Ichiro tried his best to analyze the nature of the attack by the Chaos Minions but this one even tasked his super-computer brain. Like a bomber out of a war, Ichiro swept through the streets unleashing devastation on the Chaos Minions as he flew, but deep inside he wondered if it would be enough. It was only a moment, and his radar barely registered the blip before the Chaos Minion was on him. The minion stabbed and stabbed at the robotic super-hero, and it was quickly was getting under his armored skin. Thinking back a microsecond, Ichiro determined that the chaos minion had leaped on him from a nearby building.



Ichiro wrestled with the minion, and his superior robotic strength was certainly giving him an advantage, when the Chaos Minion got lucky. Its attacks had disabled his thrusters, and like that old adage, what must go up, must go down. Like an out of control rocket Ichiro slammed into the street. The explosion was tremendous. Ichiro stood unsteadily from the crater he had created, and ran a diagnostic on himself. The results didn't look good, and things were looking worse when he scanned the group of Chaos Minions heading his way.



Meanwhile Kitsune was hopping from foxhole to fox hole on step ahead of a bunch of Blade Vampire Chaos Minions. They certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves as their blades flashed in the light, and their laughter tinkled like the breaking of glass. However, the kami wouldn’t allow the minions to grow too cocky. Given just a moment of respite she would unleash lightning or fire that would decimate their ranks, but it was quickly being proven that no matter how many she fried another two would take it’s place. Chaos was certainly winning the day.



Koorogi wasn’t sure where the girl had come from; he was too busy fighting for his life. However he paused for a moment when he heard the girl say something. It sounded like “Kishi Daisy TRANS-FORM-ATION!” Then the most incredible thing happened. A glow surrounded the girl and she rose off of the ground. Her clothes disappeared and both Koorogi and the Chaos Minions paused in their fighting to watch. Eventually the light faded and the girl was against standing on the ground. This time, however, she was dressed in a costume that only could be a super-heroes costume, and she was holding a large hoop with white petal-like protrusions running around the edge. It was like someone had pushed the play button and the Chaos Minions once again attacked. However, this time Koorogi had the assistance of this mysterious girl, who seemed to blush whenever she got too close to the cricket hero.



Stuntman had cleared a circle around him, and he weaved a little while setting up to kick the next Chaos Minion who might get too close. Peter barely saw a movement to his left, and sprung into action. Yelling a martial arts yell (one he was famous for), he leaped to the side he leg coming around for a round house kick that would certainly shatter the skull of the Chaos Minion attacking him. Stuntman scarcely saw the girl, who instantly reminded him of Ravi Singh, an Indian actor he had acted alongside in the Bollywood/Hong Kong movie “Dragons into the West”. Being the expert martial artist he was, Stuntman twisted in mid air, and the kick that would’ve probably taken the girls head off, became a fancy three point landing; one leg stretched wide, the other bend, and his right hand on the ground; all in perfect balance. With ideal Asian composure he stared at the girl, and with equal poise she looked back at him. That was until the Chaos Minion that Stuntman was going to kick sprang up, its’ sword leading the way straight for the girls heart.



Moving as fast as he could, Stuntman knew he would be too late. However, the sight before him stopped him in his tracks. The girl didn’t look worried at all. Stuntman was amazed, and impressed. Then she spoke, and the words seemed magical to Stuntman. She said, “Kishi Orchid TRANS-FORM-ATION!” Out of the blue, a purple light surrounded the girl, and she rose up in the ground. Not only did Stuntman stop and stare, but also so did the Chaos Minion. Peter’s eyes widen ever more when her clothes disappeared, to only be replaced, with what could only be described as an odd Japanese school girls dress. However, it wasn’t the fetching costume that caught his eye, it was the huge club she was swinging around like a feather. The Chaos Minion facing didn’t stand a chance. There was a loud crunch as the Chaos Minions head was driven between its shoulders, before it exploded into a million pieces. Stuntman was impressed, and wondered if she had an agent. However, that thought had to be put on the backburner as more Chaos Minions made their presence known. Action time.



Shadow Dragon pounded up another set of stairs. Her legs were burning, but what a work out she was getting. Shadow Dragon barely noticed the little girl with the white cowgirl hat, until she almost tripped over her. Without thinking Shadow Dragon picked up the girl and ran. What a little girl would be doing in the Tokyo stock exchange while Chaos Minions was everywhere was anybodies guess. Shadow Dragon just ran, she didn’t even have time to throw a dart, she just ran.



“Onee-chan,” said the girl, “could you put Chung-ae down please. Chung-ae can help.”



Shadow Dragon didn’t pay the girl any mind. However, this was also the time she finally came to the roof of the building. A well-placed kick sent the door to the outside flying, and Shadow Dragon and her packaged quickly followed it. Shadow Dragon put down the girl; sweat pouring down her body. She positioned herself between the girl and the doorway, and prepared for the coming attack. Like flies the Chaos Minions swarmed out of the doorway hot for Shadow Dragons’ blood. War fans came up; the Chaos Minions wouldn’t find an easy target in Shadow Dragon. This was when Shadow Dragon heard the girl behind her say something. It sounded like “Kishi Carnation TRANS-FORM-ATION!” Then there was a pink light that washed over Shadow Dragon, but she paid it no mind. Curiously though the Chaos Minions had stopped and stared past her to the girl she had rescued.



Ichiro was slammed by spear and hooked sword from Chaos that swarmed him like a virus. However, Sensei Progress Green had made him well, a beacon of the honor that his father always stood for. Ichiro surged up throwing the Chaos Minions off of him like a purge. Plasma vented from his arms incinerating the minions left and right but they still kept coming. Deep inside the android, his sensors pinged a new target. Could it be more Chaos Minions, but the signature didn’t quite match. Turning twenty-three point six degrees to his left, Ichiro saw her. Another quick scan showed his visual sensor that it was a human female, approximately one point five two meters in height, and ninety three kilos; classified as a teenager. In another nanosecond Ichiro queried his database about this human, and came up with a vague match, something to do with the battle on the bullet train with him and Koorogi. Why said subject would be here at this point in time, Ichiro couldn’t process. However, this was certainly the situation his father had built him for. A human was endangered, Ichiro had to assist. Ichiro threw out an arm and was lumbering towards the human female (identity unknown), when his visual sensors picked up a drastic increase of photon energy centered on the human female. His auditory sensors picked up words the human female was saying, and saved them for further analysis. The words were “Kishi Rose TRANS-FORM-ATION!” Again a search of his database turned up no results. Perplexing, thought Ichiro. A light refracting with the color red, classified as a rose color enveloped the human female. For the briefest time, Ichiro’s sensors couldn’t penetrate the light, but it faded a little, and Ichiro could see that the human female’s clothing had disappeared (possible inter-dimensional transportation), to be replaced by a uniform similar to a schoolgirl uniform (no match to any of the three hundred schools or academies in the greater Tokyo metropolitan area).



When the girl returned to the ground she was holding a two-meter whip, possibly composed of an organic material. The human female smiled, and the smile struck Ichiro. I reminded the android strongly of Princess Snowflake Pink. There was fierceness; happiness to the smile and the fallen Princess Snowflake Pink was known to smile like that. It gave Ichiro a sense of hope, a sense of love. If only an android could feel such emotions. That smiling face came closer to Ichiro, and the whip was not far behind. Like an extension to the human female it blazed a path through the Chaos Minions, and for a moment, Ichiro wonder who was rescuing whom. Chaos Minions fell like rice under the scythe of the human females whip. Not to be outdone, Ichiro extended his arm, and the plasma energy burst forth again vaporizing the Chaos Minions as he fought. It felt good to be…alive?



Kitsune was breathing hard; her nine tails whipped back in forth in her agitation. No matter how many Chaos Minions she destroyed, no matter how many narrow escapes she made, it didn’t seem to matter. It was like the monsters knew exactly where all her foxholes led. Exhaustion was quickly settling in. It was also at this point that Kitsune realized that the Chaos Minions were herding her, and possibly the rest of Senshudan One as well. Mister Chaos was certainly putting all his pieces on the table this time. Kitsune had her back to wall; her hackles raised, and facing her were three Chaos Minions drool dripping down their ruined faces in anticipation. Kitsune had to crane her head up when she heard the shout above her. “Kishi Lily TRANS-FORM-ATION!” And then there was a bright light showing where this girl with a wild mane of hair blowing in the breeze stood. Kitsune strongly smelt magic on the girl, but had a hard time identifying it. She certainly got the attention of the Chaos Minions, as they stopped looking at Kitsune. Kitsune felt a little hurt. What was she chopped liver?



Things didn’t stay that way for long, because the girl with a naginata that kind of looked like a lily sprung down from the wall the blade of the naginata leading the way. The chaos minion was split from the crown of its head to its crotch, and it still had a dumb look on its face before it exploded into a million pieces. This was the break that Kitsune was looking for, lightning flared and fire roared from her magic. Chaos Minion roasted and then exploded, and all the while the girl is her odd school uniform danced with her naginata shaped like a lily cutting here, and slicing there. The smell of magic was strong on the girl. However, more and more of the Chaos Minions poured into the alleyway, so what little leeway they created seemed to ebb as they fought on.



Koorogi stood back to back with the girl and her odd weapon. They were totally surrounded, and exhaustion was taking a toll on them both. That was when he heard the rings. The rings of a seven-ringed staff carried a seedy looking monk. All eyes turned to the monk, who stood there and pushed his straw hat back so that it fell back to hang from his neck. Assuming an odd pose, the monk started chanting. Koorogi had no idea what the words meant, but even a detective like him could figure out that it was magic. The chant certainly had an effect on the Chaos Minions. As one they turned to tear the monk from limb to limb. The girl leaped away to stand between the Chaos Minions and the monk. Koorogi was dumbfounded. The Chaos Minions were started to melt, their cries of Chaos burbling as the quickly melted into a pool of dark sludge.



All across downtown Tokyo the Chaos Minions melted like ice cream left out in the sun too long. Senshudan One along with all the girls gathered in front of the chanting monk. The monk abruptly stopped chanting when an errant breeze blew by, raising all of the girls’ skirts. The girls naturally screamed out in embarrassment and tried to pat down their waving skirts. The monk was just babbling by this time, and a thin line of blood leaked from his nose. All of the girls, Kitsune, and Shadow Dragon all glared at the monk. All were familiar with those wayward breezes. As for the other members of Senshudan One they tried to look occupied studying anything else but what was going on.



Things finally were settled down. Koorogi tried to talk to the girl who had fought alongside him but she nervously moved behind the red headed girl who seemed to speak for the group.



“I’m Kishi Rose,” said the red head, “and this are my friends. We’re the Kishi Banahana, the Knight Flowers.” Kishi Rose then introduced the others, Kishi Daisy, Kishi Lily, Kishi Orchid, and lastly Kishi Carnation their youngest member.



“And this is Niwashi the Gardener. Don’t mind him, he’s just a perv,” said Kishi Rose.



“We fight chaos,” chimed in Kishi Carnation.



Area of Operations

The Knight Flowers fight crime mostly in the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan area. However, trips to hot springs inns, various camp grounds, and school field trips to other parts of Japan aren’t that uncommon. Anywhere in Japan where chaos or crime sticks up its ugly head is sure to hear the words, “Kishi TRANS-FORM-ATION!”



Niwashi gave each of the Knight Flowers magical flowers that were watered by the Waterspout of Chaos or Peace. He has had hopes that his actions would allow him to return to the Order of Order. However, while the order has kept an eye on their fallen monk, his attachment to worldly matters will always keep them at arms length.


The other girls have their own goals and aspirations. Hiroko wants to finally kiss and possibly date Masao-kun, but if only she can stop being so dreamy when around him. Otsu on the other hand would just be happy if her brother got a clue, and that Otsu got a photo-sticker taken with her and Koorogi. As for Shiuli, being a member of Kishi Hanabana allows her the freedom to escape from her boring lifestyle, and it annoys the heck out of her bodyguards. Yuriko’s attitude is similar to Shiuli’s, except she doesn’t have bodyguards (unless you count her brothers), and fighting against chaos is a real kick in the pants. Yuriko wouldn’t want to be anything else. It’s the thrill that matters to Yuriko. Finally Chung-ae, is too hyper to do anything else. She can’t sit still long enough for anything but fighting crime.




Outside of the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan area, the Kishi Banahana are virtually unknown. However, their crime fighting skills are reported in the local papers. The Knight Flowers are known as the kid sister to the Senshudan One team. The group doesn’t have a sponsor, though a lot of teenage magazines would give their left arm for an interview with the Flowers, but after fighting crime they always seem to disappear without a trace.


Kishi Banahana has occasionally battle with the New Empire, and with various Yakuza gangs, but mostly their main foes has been Mister Chaos and his countless Chaos Minions.



Mister Chaos seems to have a great dislike for the Knight Flowers. To him they represent everything that is wrong with Japan, and their magic seems to draw upon the same source as his. Mister Chaos doesn’t understand the link between the two, and it grates on him like a sore tooth.

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Re: Kishi Banahana


Okay let's get started. I wrote the backgrounds kind of like in a story pattern, so if you read the backgrounds in order I wrote them it'll be easier to get the whole picture. So first up is Kishi Rose.




Ikoma Hiroko


Character Sheet (click here)



Hiroko walked through the park lost in thought. A smile played across her youthful face. She was sixteen and she was in love. Her face colored a little when she thought that thought. Masao-kun sat only a seat away from her in class, and Hiroko could watch him all day, or until Tanaka-Sensei would notice her inattention to his lessons. Then there would be an embarrassing tongue-lashing. Mr. Tanaka expected his student to pay strict attention to his lesions. Hiroko didn’t mind; she was in love, Masao-kun was so dreamy. Hiroko had to do a little twirl as she walked causing her school uniform skirt to furl.



The spring sun felt great on her skin as Hiroko walked swinging her book bag at her side. Hiroko had to grab her skirt and pull it down when a rogue breeze blew it up. Several people, all of them men and boys, stopped to stare at her. Hiroko blushed crimson, before rushing away.



Not paying much attention where she rushed, Hiroko didn’t see the old man before she crashed into him. Hiroko fell backwards onto her rump, and her book bag went sailing off into the grass.



“Ow, ow,” moaned Hiroko. It hurt to fall down on ones rump. As she looked up at the man she ran into, she could see that he was staring at her, a little trickle of blood leaked from his nose. Hiroko let out a scream. The pervert was looking up her skirt. Hiroko let out a shriek in embarrassment. Almost of its own volition her leg came up catching the old man between his legs. His look of pleasure quickly changed to a look of total agony. However, Hiroko didn’t wait to watch. Like a bullet train she fled the park. Her book bag was totally forgotten.



Discontentedly Hiroko returned home, where she removed her shoes, and shouted to the house that she was back. Her mother poked her head out of the kitchen, and she smiled at Hiroko.



“Honey,” said her mother, “dinner will be ready soon, so go get cleaned up. We’re going to have a guest tonight. I’m met the most interesting monk in the market today, and I’ve invited him to dine with us. So best manners.”



Hiroko could only groan. Her mother met people all the time, but why did she did she have to invite them to dinner.



Back in her room, Hiroko quickly changed out of her uniform for more casual clothes. She took a long look at her skirt. Fortunately there were no rips or grass stains on it. Thank Buddha for small miracles. Before going down to the dinning room, Hiroko paused to kiss the photo of her beloved Masao-kun. One of these days, Hiroko swore, she’d really kiss Masao-kun, one of these days.




The smells from the dinning room greeted Hiroko as she came down the stair. Hamburger steak. Yes! That was one of her favorites. Expectantly Hiroko strode into the dinning room, only to freeze. The man sitting at the table was the pervert who looked up her skirt at the park. Instantly the man stood, and they both pointed simultaneously at one another and shouted,






“You!” shouted Hiroko again, “You looked up my skirt!”



“You!” shouted the man; “You kicked me in the crotch!”



Hiroko's mother looked up at both of them smiling, a little confused.



“Surely you must be mistaken Hiroko,” said her mother, “This is Niwashi, a monk of the Ryu-Dai Monastery.”



Hiroko put a hand behind her head rubbing her hair looking totally embarrassed, tittering a little. Niwashi in turn bobbed his head. He too was embarrassed.



“Sit, sit,” commanded Hiroko’s mother, “the food will get cold.”



Dinner continued, awkwardly. Hiroko couldn’t bring herself to talk much with Niwashi, but the monk made up her lack of conversation by chattering about almost everything.



“Ah yes,” said the monk, “terrible, just terrible.”



“What is terrible?” asked Hiroko.



“Oh,” said Niwashi, who looked like he was startled by Hiroko’s question.



“The monsters in streets. Surely you have seen them in the streets.”



Hiroko had in fact seen the monsters. The media was calling them Chaos Minions, and supposedly they were the servants of a super-villain calling himself Mister Chaos. Of course no one had ever seen this Mister Chaos.



“Yes, my friend Otsu-chan and I were riding the Honshu Express when a bunch of the monsters attacked the train. Fortunately Ichiro and Koroogi both showed up shortly after, and defeated the monsters easily.”



Ichiro and Koroogi were both famous super-heroes; part of the well known group Senshudan One. Otsu had a crush on Koroogi, but Hiroko just couldn’t understand the attraction to a cricket. However, Hiroko really envied them. She too wished she could fight crime like them.



“Hiroko,” said her mother, “you never told me this.”



“It’s okay mother,” said Hiroko a strange gleam in her eye, “we weren’t hurt, but it was a little gross when the Chaos Minions disintegrated after Senshudan One defeated them.”



“Senshudan One,” said Niwashi, “They are a most excellent group. Japan is truly fortunate to have defenders such as they.”




After that dinner was finished, Hiroko was about to go back upstairs to finish her homework, and then give Otsu a call before bed. She called good night to Niwashi and her mother, but before she could make her escape, Niwashi spoke her.



“Ikoma-Chan,” called Niwashi, and Hiroko paused at the foot of the stairs.



“If you have time this weekend, could you come to the Ryu-Dai Monastery. I am the gardener there and I would like to show you our gardens. It would give this old monk pleasure.”



“Okay,” said Hiroko as she rushed up the stairs. She had a ton of homework to get done.



Hiroko had never been to a monastery before. The Ryu-Dai Monastery was a place of contemplation of the eight-fold path, and the place was huge; it covered at least two city blocks. Like a lot of the religious institutions, the monastery was ancient as well. The monastery was built at the beginning of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Hiroko paused at the gateway to throw a few coins in the box, rang the bells to wake the gods, clapped her hands and said a little prayer, about Masao-kun, naturally.



The gardens of the monastery spread wide gently over the side of the building. Actually there were three gardens. One was the vegetable garden, which helped feed the, monks, and there was a small Zen garden with its raked gravel and stones. The abbot himself tended that one. However, it was the flower garden that interested Hiroko the most. Flowers of all kinds of profusion grew in that garden, from gardenias to roses, and lording over this kingdom of flower was Niwashi the Gardener. Niwashi was tending to his roses when Hiroko arrived. A huge sunbonnet hides most of Niwashi, but when he turned a big smile was plastered on his face. Hiroko dimpled at this.



“Ah Ikoma-chan, welcome, welcome to the gardens of the Ryu-Dai,” said an ecstatic Niwashi.



“Come, come closer. Yes, yes. Do you see this rose? Surely it matches the color of your hair exactly.”



With a snip, Niwashi cut the rose and held it out to Hiroko.



“Wow,” said Hiroko, “It’s beautiful.”



However, just as Hiroko was about to take the rose, three men leaped over the wall landing with a boom. Flowers nearby seemed to wilt in their presence. Hiroko was about to let out a scream, because these men were not men at all. They were Chaos Minions. This was also when Hiroko felt the prick of the roses thorns.



Hiroko looked down at her hand, but instead of blood coming from her hand rose light bled out. The light surrounded Hiroko and it brightened, as she was lifted off of the ground. Words sprang to her mind, and came out in a yell.






The rose light grew brighter still, and in a blink of an eye all her clothes vanished. Hiroko was shocked to say the least. However, the transformation continued. Starting from her feet a pair of scarlet boots grew, and then at her waist a skirt of black was formed. Finally a pair of scarlet gloves grew down from her finger tips to her elbows. The light faded, and Hiroko gently returned to the ground. However, not only had she transformed, but so had the rose. No longer was the rose a rose, but a thorn studded whip.



Hiroko felt great power course through and she looked real cute as well.



“Wow,” she breathed, and twirled the rose whip over her head before striking a pose in front of the Chaos Minions.



The Chaos Minions stared at Hiroko as if they were stunned or confused.



“I won’t forgive you for this!” she yelled as she charged.



The fight didn’t last long after that.



And just as if it were a dream, Hiroko returned to her normal self.



Niwashi came up to stand next to Hiroko.



“So it starts my dear,” said Niwashi, “Soon others will grow from the seeds we’ve planted today. Soon it won’t just be Senshudan One safeguarding Japan, but the Knight Flowers. Chaos hasn’t got a chance.”



Hiroko could only stare at the flower in her hand, and remember how it felt to be Kishi Rose.



Hiroko is probably the most up beat of all of the Kishi Hanabana. Nothing keeps this cheerful teenager down, expect possibly for teenage angst. Her greatest fear is that Masao-kun doesn’t love her, especially because Masao-kun, just seems so oblivious to her. Boys! Otherwise, Hiroko is a caring and sweet person. She even polite to the super-villains she fights, unless they really upset or try to harm Masao-kun. Then she'll never forgive them. Often times, Hiroko is mistaken for an air head.



However, Hiroko has a serious crush on Masao-kun. Now only if he’d only return her feeling to her. Of course, Hioko always gets ultra-shy when around Masao-kun. Often times she can’t say anything at all, and only blush. Of course there are times when loving Masao-kun, drives Hiroko to distraction, and it’s these times when she overreacts. These are the times when Hiroko really embarrasses herself. Oddly enough, Masao-kun, rarely seems to notice.



One of Hiroko’s most endearing traits is her loyalty to her friends. There isn’t nothing that Hiroko won’t do for them, including sacrificing herself. Of course her friends being teenagers themselves, they've learned to make us of Hiroko's loyalty. The only times her loyalty has been really tested is when it comes Masao-kun. Hiroko would rather spend time with him than her friends, but when forced to choose between the two, tries her best to include Masao-kun with her friends. However, there are times when even that gets out of her control.






Hiroko has been given a magical rose by Niwashi the Gardener. When she calls out the magical words, “Kishi Bara TRANS-FORM-ATION!” she becomes Kishi Rose, or the Knight Rose. Her street clothes vanish and are replaced by her knight costume. This transformation does take a second or two to finish, and oddly enough most villains wait for Hiroko to finish her transformation before engaging her in a fight.



Once transformed, Hiroko gains a lot more strength, stamina, and speed, but not really to a super-human level. More on the level of a well trained martial artist. Also transforming with Hiroko is her rose, which transforms into a long thorn studded whip. Hiroko uses the rose whip in a number of different ways. Offensively the thorns can tear through almost any armor, or defensively it can create a shield of sorts that protects Hiroko from most attacks. Of course, Hiroko can also use the whip to tangle up a foe. Recently Hiroko has even learned how to use the rose whip to take a focus away from a foe. However, she’s not always successful with that attack.



Hiroko has learned some martial arts from Niwashi. Mostly, it’s defensive in nature, but Hiroko can deliver a painful kick. Also the transformation grants Hiroko the ability to run and jump further than a girl her age.



Hiroko is a beautiful sixteen year old girl. She always has a sunny smile, and there seems always to be a twinkle in her eye. Hiroko isn’t very tall; barely over five feet in height. She has light brown eyes, and dark red hair color, almost the color of a rose. Hiroko likes to wear a lot of different clothes, rarely wearing the same outfit twice in a row. However, Hiroko always seems to be carrying a rose around with her.



It’s when Hiroko transforms into Kishi Rose that she truly shines. Her street clothes vanish, and are quickly replaced by a costume that is vaguely like a Japanese school uniform or Seifuku. Her boots are scarlet in color and run up to her knees. Likewise her gloves (not a normal part of Japanese school uniform), run up to her elbows. The rest of her costume consists in a short pleated black skirt, a white blouse with a sailor style attached collar, and with a rose on the breast pocket. Tied around her neck is a scarlet neckerchief.



Also her rose, transforms into a long brown whip that is studded with silver thorns.



Physically, Hiroko doesn’t change at all. The only change that occurs is that her eye color changes from brown to a red. Oddly enough, Masao-kun, who has been around both Hiroko and Kishi Rose, seem oblivious to the similarities between the two.

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Re: Kishi Banahana


Next we have Hiroko's best friend Otsu.




Kishi Daisy





Otsu Kamachi came from a long line of booksellers. Her family had run the Book-a-Topia for three generations, of which Otsu was the youngest member of the family. She was the hardest working of her parents’ children, unlike her older brother Masao. Her brother could be counted on to find something better to do than work in the store.



Otsu had been born in the city of Yokohama, but when her grandparents had decided to retire the whole family moved to Tokyo. It was in elementary school that Otsu met her best friend Hiroko Ikoma. Otsu was always a quiet girl, and some of the other girls at her school thought it would be fun to pick on Otsu, because she wouldn’t defend herself. It was Hiroko who came to her rescue and sent the mean girls packing. Her friendship with Hiroko was perfect. Hiroko wasn’t good at schoolwork, and it wasn’t long after that Otsu decided to tutor her. On the other hand, Otsu couldn’t boil water without burning it, and Hiroko was a fairly good cook.



It was while the two were just starting middle school that things changed a little. Masao being two years older than she had gotten a moped for his birthday, and instantly thought he was some kind of biker or something. Otsu just thought he looked ridiculous trying to look tough and all. It came as quite a shock to Otsu when Hiroko confessed to Otsu her undying love for her brother. Of course Hiroko couldn’t confess her feelings to Masao, as she would be too embarrassed. Otsu wasn’t sure what to do; it was only Masao after all.



Things got even weirder when Hiroko started making Masao box lunches. Hiroko seemed to prepare a new one every day. Not that Masao took any notice of this however, he just gulped down the food and thanked Hiroko before getting on his moped and taking off to join his friends. At first Hiroko would become maudlin over this, but then later would say that her box lunch wasn’t good enough for her Masao-kun, and be off to create an even more perfect box for him. It seemed so illogical to Otsu.



However, the girls’ friendship was strong as ever. Both needed each other, and helped out one another all the time. It was a rare day when both were calling the other on her cell phone.



Otsu got excited when she was able to get tickets to the Sapporo Photo-Sticker Convention. Naturally she invited Hiroko along. Otsu really got a kick out of photo-stickers and had quite a collection of photos of her, and Hiroko, and even a few of her and Masao. So the two girls had to board the Honshu Express bullet train that would take them out of Tokyo and down south to Sapporo.



Otsu and Hiroko were in deep conversation, or as her father put it, girl talk, when the train shuddered violently. This was quickly followed by the sound of tearing metal. Like the rest of the passengers, the girls watched in horror as two strange manlike creatures tore the roof from their car. The creatures seemed to be like something out of their worst nightmares, they were twisted and grossly deformed. Otsu felt like she was going to have a panic attack. She didn’t like icky things. With lurching steps the monsters came toward the two girls. Hiroko leaped to her feet and stood in front of Otsu. She wouldn’t let Otsu be hurt. However Hiroko herself, didn’t have to fight against them as two different men leaped into the hole created by the monsters. Hiroko and Otsu recognized them immediately, as did the rest of the passengers. It was Shenshudan One, the heroes of Japan. One of them was the cricket hero Koroogi, and the other was the robotic Ichiro. Otsu barely saw them however, because she had lost her glasses in the struggle.



It was a blurry scene that Otsu saw. The brown blur, which she thought was Koroogi, had kicked one of the monsters so hard that it blew a hole out of the train and was lost from view. Meanwhile, the black and silver blur fire beam of bright red light at the second. This seemed to be too much for the monster because it exploded into a disgusting pile. By the time Otsu found her glasses the heroes was gone, but she could clearly see the smile on Hiroko’s face. The girl looked excited. Otsu was a little disappointed. She had a little crush on Koroogi herself.



A few weeks after the incident of the train, Otsu noticed that Hiroko would disappear at the oddest times. It didn’t make much sense to Otsu. She wondered if Hiroko had found a new best friend, or maybe a new boy friend (her brother wasn’t much of one if you asked Otsu). After the third time, Otsu was determined to follow Hiroko and find out what she was doing. Putting on a trench coat, a hat, and sunglasses Otsu tried to secretly follow Hiroko.



Otsu was a little surprised when she saw Hiroko talking to an old man; he must be a pervert, as he acted like he wanted to touch Hiroko. Otsu was just about to interrupt when she something poke her in the back. She about jumped out of her skin, because she just knew that it was a gun.



“Hey Onee-Chan,” said a voice behind her, “whatcha doing, huh?”



A nervous Otsu turned to see young girl in pigtails dressed as a cowgirl, pointing a cap gun at her. Otsu let a loud sigh of relief after she saw that it was only a little girl.



“If you must know,” said Otsu conspiratorially, “I’m secretly falling my friend. She has been acting suspiciously lately.”



“Oh,” said the girl, as she peered past Otsu, and then let out a “Wow! She’s beautiful.”



Otsu quickly turned back around, but Hiroko was gone. Otsu couldn’t help but gape. Hiroko had just been there, and then she was gone. However, the old man was still with a bemused look on his face.



Angrily Otsu rushed up to the man her finger pointing. She didn’t notice the young girl trailing behind her.



“You! You!” growled Otsu, “What did you do with Hiroko? Well! Well!” Otsu was practically hysterical over losing sight of Hiroko.



Otsu wasn’t able to say much more, as a nearby wall exploded, and beautiful costumed girl flew towards them, knocking them all to the ground. The girl looked awful familiar. As did the two monsters who stepped through the ruined wall towards them. Otsu couldn’t help herself, and screamed at the top of her lungs. The young girl seemed to be extremely excited at the sight of two Chaos Minions coming toward them.



The costumed girl picked herself up, dusted off her clothes, and Otsu got a real close look at her.






Hiroko turned and smiled at Otsu.



“Isn’t this great Otsu,” said Hiroko, “I can be just like Senshudan One.”



“I won’t forgive you!” shouted Hiroko as she charged the Chaos Minions.



However, Hiroko didn’t seem to be having much luck with the Chaos Minions. These ones seemed faster than her, and soon tears showed in Hiroko’s dress. Otsu was quickly at her wits end. She rushed over to the man, who just stood there watching.



“You got to do something,” she pleaded. However, he just gave a hopeless shrug to Otsu.



“Here,” he said, “take this.”



The man handed Otsu a daisy.



Otsu totally lost it. She actually yelled at the man.



“What am I supposed to do with this?!!!!”



And then it came to her unbidden.






A bright green glow bloomed around Otsu, and she slowly raised off of the ground. In a blink of an eye, her clothes vanished. Otsu was mortified. However, the transformation continued. Starting from her feet a pair of verdant boots grew, and then at her waist a skirt of black was formed. Finally a pair of verdant gloves grew down from her finger tips to her elbows. The light faded, and Otsu gently returned to the ground. However, not only had she transformed, but so had the daisy. No longer was the daisy a daisy, but had became a hoop with broad petals projected around the edge of the hoop.



Otsu felt great power coursing through her, and it took her moment to analyze what had happened.



“Wow!” she exclaimed.



“Well don’t just stand there,” said the man, “Kishi Rose can certainly use your help.”



“Right,” said Otsu as she jumped into the fray. Her normal demeanor of being meek was momentarily forgotten. It felt good to fight against the Chaos Minions.



It was long after her transformation that the Chaos Minions were exploding. It was still icky, but Otsu didn’t have much time to reflect upon it because when the fight was over she and Hiroko transformed back into their normal forms. Hiroko was still excited from the fight.



Hiroko quickly introduced Otsu to the man, whose name was Niwashi, a monk of the Ryu-Dai Monastery. It was Niwashi who gave Hiroko a magical flower that let her fight crime, just like Senshudan One, and now her best friend could fight alongside Hiroko as Kishi Daisy.



Niwashi stood back and beamed at the two girls. His flowers were certainly blooming. Chaos would be held in check. However, his revery was interrupted by a tug of his robes. Looking down he saw a young girl in pigtails.



“Hey onii-sama,” said the girl, “can Chung-ae have a flower too?”



Niwashi beamed down at the girl.



Otsu has always been really smart. She’s the smartest girl in her class. Her one weakness is that she just can’t cook, at all. It’s a good thing that she’s friends with Hiroko, who’s a descent cook. Otsu always likes to use her intelligence to analyze any situation. Sometimes people think that Otsu is too brainy, especially her brother Masao, but being as smart as Otsu is, she doesn’t seem to notice it.



Otsu isn’t really good in social situations, another good reason to be best friends with Hiroko. Usually Otsu is really a reserved person, very demure. Otsu has never had a boy friend, and usually doesn’t understand Hiroko’s attraction to Masao. The few times that Otsu comes out of her shell is when Hiroko is in danger or when she encounters something icky.






Otsu has been given a magical daisy by Niwashi the Gardener. When she calls out the magical words, “Kishi Daisy TRANS-FORM-ATION!” she becomes Kishi Daisy, or the Knight Daisy. Her street clothes vanish and are replaced by her knight costume. This transformation does take a second or two to finish.



Once transformed, Otsu gains a lot more strength, stamina, and speed, but not really to a super-human level. More on the level of a well trained martial artist. Also transforming with Otsu is her daisy, which transforms into a hoop surrounded by petal-like projections. With her daisy, Otsu is able to perform a number of special maneuvers, from a move where she spins the hoop all around her can anyone hit is bound to get hurt. Or Otsu can fling the hoop causing it to multiply forming a chain around a foe. Defensively Otsu can use the hoop to deflect ranged attacks, or even use it as a personal shield.



Otsu has learned some martial arts from Niwashi. Mostly, it’s defensive in nature, but Otsu can deliver a painful kick. Also the transformation grants Otsu the ability to run and jump further than a girl her age.



Otsu is a fifteen year old girl who wears glasses. She’s isn’t very tall; barely over five feet in height, but she’s a little taller than Hiroko. She has light brown eyes, and short blonde hair color.. Typically Otsu likes to wear long skirted dresses with plenty of pockets for her books. However, Otsu always seems to be carrying a daisy around with her.



It’s when Otsu transforms into Kishi Daisy that she truly shines. Her street clothes vanish, and are quickly replaced by a costume that is vaguely like a Japanese school uniform or Seifuku. Her boots are verdant in color and run up to her knees. Likewise her gloves (not a normal part of Japanese school uniform), run up to her elbows and are the same color as her boots. The rest of her costume consists in a short pleated black skirt, a white blouse with a sailor style attached collar, and with a daisy on the breast pocket. Tied around her neck is a verdant neckerchief.



Also her daisy, transforms into a large hoop, with projections that look like petals running around the edge.



Physically, Otsu doesn’t change at all during the transformation. The only change that occurs is that her eye color changes from brown to a green. So far no one has been able to make the connection between Otsu and Kishi Daisy.

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Re: Kishi Banahana


Next is Chung-ae Jung. Every magical girl team needs a youthful member, and Chung-ae fills that roll in spades.




Kishi Carnation





Chung-ae Jung was a third generation Korean living in Japan. Her grandparent had fled Korea to Japan when the country tore itself in two. Her family settled in Tokyo, where they eventually set up their own Pachinko parlor. Chung-ae considered herself a Japanese girl, regardless that she had a Korean name. Actually Chung-ae, didn’t really it much thought.



The Jungs were a fairly successful family, and kept close. Both of her grandparents still lived with Chung-ae and her parents in apartment over the parlor. Chung-ae was five when they got satellite television, and got introduced to the American western. Sure she didn’t understand the words, but she was fascinated by all the gunplay. Chung-ae begged and begged her father to get her a six-shooter. She was really disappointed when he told her that guns were illegal in Japan. Sometimes her father could be real dense. It took her grandfather to explain to him that a cap gun is what Chung-ae needed. Chung-ae couldn’t agree enough.



Over the years Chung-ae had a lot of cap guns. She’d run around the apartment, and even into the neighborhood playing cowboy and Indians with the other children. However, she was really thrilled when her grandmother sewed her very own cowgirl outfit. Sure it wasn’t complicated; a frilled pink vest, along with a white cowboy hat the Grandmother had found in the market, but for Chung-ae she was in heaven. She thought she looked just like her idol Calamity Jane.



One day during summer vacation, Chung-ae dressed in her usual cowgirl outfit was heading to the park when she saw a suspicious looking girl. Chung-ae thought she might be a bad guy/bad girl? Any ways, Chung-ae knew the girl looked suspicious, because she was wearing a trench coat, hat and sunglasses, and she was following another girl, secretly. This was too much for Chung-ae to resist. She just had to know what the girl was up to.



Chung-ae sneaked up on the strange girl only like a twelve-year-old girl could. With cap gun in hand, Chung-ae said, “Hey Onee-Chan! Watcha you doing, huh?” The other girl practically leaped out of her skin.



With a nervous titter, the girl said that she was secretly following her friend. Chung-ae looked past the girl, and saw the most amazing sight. A red headed girl was talking to this old man, who must have been a pervert, when the girl was enveloped with a light and then was levitated off the ground and then her clothes were gone (Chung-ae wasn’t sure why her clothes disappeared, but they did), but they were quickly replaced by a cute fuku style of costume. And to top it off, she had this whip thingy. She made Chung-ae think of her hero Calamity Jane.



“Oh!” breathed Chung-ae, "Wow! she's beautiful", and the other girl turned around to see what Chung-ae was talking about. However, the redheaded girl had leaped over a tall wall. Chung-ae could only gap. That was quite the leap.



It wasn’t long, however, that the redhead came back. This time through the wall that she had just leaped over. Chung-ae gripped her six-shooter tighter when she saw what had knocked the redhead through the wall. Two weasel-like men holding spears stepped through the hole intent on hurting the redhead.



The other girl had meanwhile run up to the old man demanding that he help. Chung-ae didn’t know what help the old man could be, and her opinion was confirmed when he gave the girl a daisy. Then things got stranger still. Like the redheaded girl, this girl was enveloped in a light, this time green, and like the redheaded girl rose into the air. Once again her clothes disappeared, to be replaced with a costume similar to the redheaded girls. However, instead of a whip, this girl had a wheel like thingy with what Chung-ae could only think to be petals. It looked like a large daisy.



Chung-ae didn’t have much time to watch as both girls swung into action. With two of them, the monsters didn’t have much of a chance. The next Chung-ae knew the monsters exploded into a million disgusting bits. Boy, that was really exciting. Chung-ae knew she couldn’t contain herself. She rushed up to the old man and yanked on his robe to get his attention.



“Hey Onii-sama,” said Chung-ae as respectfully as possible, “Can Chung-ae have a flower too?”



The old man looked down at Chung-ae, and said, “Why of course you can.” And he handed her a pink carnation. It was the most beautiful carnation that Chung-ae had ever seen. For a moment, Chung-ae waited for the light to envelope her too. She was really disappointed when nothing happened. Chung-ae looked up at the man a frown creasing her cute face.



“It doesn’t work,” she said.



He merely shrugged. Meanwhile the two had return to their normal selves. They came back over to where Chung-ae was talking to the man. The redhead called herself Hiroko, and her friend was Otsu, and the old man was Niwashi, a gardener.



“And who are you?” asked Otsu.



“I’m Chung-ae,” but a bright pink light that enveloped interrupted Chung-ae introducing herself.



The words, “Kishi Carnation TRANS-FORM-ATION!” came unbidden from her lips. She was raised a little off the ground, and to her astonishment, her clothes disappeared just like the others had. And like them her clothes were replaced with clothing similar to the ones they had worn, except her gloves were fringed and a nice pink color. Also too the carnation that Niwashi had changed, just like Otsu’s daisy, and Hiroko’s rose. Chung-ae’s carnation turned into a silver plated six-shooter.



It was a good thing that Chung-ae had changed because out of the blue, another monster came flying. Unlike the other ones, this one looked like a flying sheet. Hiroko and Otsu were both stunned and just stood there. Not Chung-ae. With a move that would put a professional acrobat to shame, Chung-ae did a forward flip, and opened fire with her carnation gun. The gun made a popping noise, but nothing as loud as a real gun, but huge red holes tore in the flying sheet monster, and like the other monster it too exploded into a million fragments. Chung-ae landed next to the other girls and struck a pose. She felt the power flowing through her, and it felt great.



“Wow,” breathed Chung-ae, “That was so cool. Can Chung-ae do that again? Can Chung-ae? Can Chung-ae?”



However, the light had appeared again, and once again Chung-ae was just a girl once more. As for Niwashi he beamed at them all.



Chung-ae is a young, innocent girl, who has lead a fairly sheltered life under her parents. Sure she knows about violence, but it’s more of the good guys wear white hats while the bad guys always were black. Her naivety often shows when she encounters something she doesn’t understand. Of course this doesn’t stop Chung-ae, she’ll just try to relate it to something she does understand, like American westerns. Others often get exasperated when Chung-ae talks like that.



Chung-ae also has trouble staying still for long. She often gets in trouble at school for her inattentiveness. It’s not that she has an attention deficient, it just that Chung-ae is so curious about everything around her that she just has to take a look. This also might explain why she’s the quickest of the Kishi Hanabana. Her hyperactivity gets worse when Chung-ae has sweets, and naturally being a young girl, Chung-ae has a major sweet tooth.



"Kishi Carnation TRANS-FORM-ATION!"



Chung-ae has been given a magical carnation by Niwashi the Gardener. When she calls out the magical words, “Kishi Carnation TRANS-FORM-ATION!” she becomes Kishi Carnation, or the Knight Carnation. Her street clothes vanish and are replaced by her knight costume. This transformation does take a second or two to finish.



Once transformed, Chung-ae gains a lot more strength, stamina, and speed, but not really to a super-human level. More on the level of a well trained martial artist. Chung-ae, however, is the fastest of the Kishi Hanabana Also transforming with Chung-ae is her carnation, which transforms into a silver plated six shooter. Even though the six shooter looks like a normal fire arm, it never runs out of ammo. Defensively Chung-ae can use the six shooter to block attacks against herself. Offensively, the six shooter fire expanding carnation blooms. With a single shoot, Chung-ae can cover a large area with one carnation bloom. The bloom can either entrap a foe, or cause physical damage. Chung-ae can also feather the trigger firing a burst of five shots which create smaller blooms.



Chung-ae has learned some martial arts from Niwashi. Mostly, it’s defensive in nature, but Chung-ae can deliver a painful kick. Also the transformation grants Chung-ae the ability to run and jump further than a girl her age.



Chung-ae Jung, is a young girl of Korean descent, but she was born in Tokyo, as were her parents. She isn’t very tall, but then again she’s only twelve years old. Chung-ae is cute girl though. She has large brown eyes, and her long pink hair is kept in pigtails. Chung-ae doesn’t go anywhere without the pink cowgirl vest that her grandmother sewed for her. Also to complete her outfit is a cap gun, and a white cowgirl hat that her grandmother found for her in the market.



It’s when Chung-ae transforms into Kishi Carnation that she truly changes. Her street clothes vanish, and are quickly replaced by a costume that is vaguely like a Japanese school uniform or Seifuku. Her boots are pink in color and run up to her knees. Likewise her gloves (not a normal part of Japanese school uniform), run up to her elbows. The rest of her costume consists in a short black skirt, a white blouse with a sailor style attached collar, and with a carnation on the breast pocket. Tied around her neck is a pink neckerchief.



Also her carnation transforms into a silver plated six shooter with carnation engraved on the barrel.



Physically Chung-ae doesn’t change at all. The only change that occurs is that her eye color turns from brown to a pink color. So far, even her parents and grandparents who often keep an eye out for Chung-ae haven’t noticed.

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Re: Kishi Banahana


Another facet I've noticed was the rich girl, and this is where Shiuli Kumari comes in. Like Chung-ae, she's not originally from Japan, but India.




Kishi Orchid





Shiuli Kumari didn't like Japan. She'd rather be back at her family estate outside of New Delhi. Shiuli really missed her horses. Sure there were riding clubs here in Tokyo, but Tokyo just seemed to be too busy for horse riding. Such was the fate of a diplomat's daughter. Thank Krishna that she took to languages so easily. Her Japanese was flawless, and if some Japanese looked at her strange, Shiuli would never get them the satisfaction of seeing how see felt. The limo taking her to school hit a pothole, and Shiuli was bounced a little in the back seat.



"Sorry about that miss," said her bodyguard from the front seat. Shiuli frowned at the man. She just couldn't figure out what she needed a bodyguard for, let alone two. Certainly Japan was a safe country. A few of the countries her father had been assigned to, couldn't be considered as civilized as Japan. Besides Shiuli was old enough to take care of herself. Shiuli ditched them as often as she could, regardless of the lecture her father would give her later. At least the bodyguards weren't allowed to enter the school with her. Shiuli thanked Krishna for that.



The limo came to a halt in front of the Han'ei Academy. One of her bodyguards jumped out and came back to her door and with a slight bow opened the door. Shiuli waited a moment, to check her hair, before getting out. She straightened her skirt, and had to hold it in place when an errant breeze blew. Shiuli had to marvel at the other girls in their short skirts, who just screamed and did their best to keep their skirts down. Of course all the boys had to stop and stare. Boys could be so immature. Shiuli had barely turned when two other girls ran right into her. One was Otsu Kamachi, and the other was Hiroko Ikoma. All three went flying in different directions and all landed on their derrieres. Almost in unison all three let an "Aww!" and standing up had to rub the offended part of their anatomy.



Hiroko and Otsu both were quickly on their feet apologizing profusely to Shiuli. "I'm so sorry," said Otsu and Hiroko. "We're both sorry Shiuli-sempi." Shiuli at first glared at the girls. How dare they knock her down, but then she calmed down and with a nod of her head forgave them. Both girls beamed at Shiuli. "So," said Shiuli diplomatically, "what made you pick me as a target for that." As Shiuli walked on to the academy grounds, Hiroko walked at her side, while the more demure Otsu trailed behind. At first Hiroko didn't know what to say. Hiroko and Otsu had been talking about the magical flowers that Niwashi, had given them and that little girl Chung-ae; the magical flowers that let them transform into the Knight Flowers. It was just so, so magical. It was hard for Hiroko to grasp; she wasn't smart as Otsu.



"Um," said Hiroko, "Otsu and I were deep in conversation, and we didn't see you."



Hiroko rubbed the back of her head and looked sheepishly at Shiuli. Shiuli gave Hiroko a deep look.



"Oh," said Shiuli in a teasing air, "could it have been about a certain Kamachi-chan?"



"Um, um. No," said Hiroko turning crimson. Talk about her beloved Masao-kun often brought a blush to Hiroko. However, further conversation came to a halt with the sound of the bell. All three girls had to rush to get to class. It didn't pay to be late for Mister Tanaka's class. Those who did ended up cleaning the classroom after school. Too often Hiroko ended up with that punishment.



Later that day…



The girls' locker room was a noisy place. Girls were changing into their swimsuits, and the conversations ranged from whom was seeing whom to how much bigger their breasts had grown since their last physical, the usual. Shiuli had just pulled up the strap of her swimsuit, when she heard the outside door bang. In ran a breathless Hiroko shedding clothes as she ran.



"I'm late. I'm late," she said through a mouthful of blouse. Shiuli had to smile. Hiroko always seemed to be late. Shiuli grabbed her swim cap and headed for the doors leading to the outside pool. Shiuli had just come to the line for her swim heat alongside Otsu and Hiroko, and the teacher had just blown her whistle when the pool seemed to explode. Water cascaded all over the place. Girls screamed hysterically. Shiuli, however, kept to her place until the monsters started coming out of the pool. Rahshasas armed with spears came flying from the depths of the pool, with screams of Chaos on their lips.



One of the demons came after Shiuli throwing its spear at her. However, before the spear could hit her, someone knocked her over. Shiuli landed on someone, and another girl landed on top of her. Shiuli looked up into the face of Yuriko Nakamura. Her face was practically within kissing distance, and for some reason Yuriko was blushing profusely. It was then that Shiuli realized that their breasts were touching. Shiuli was speechless.



Not sure what to, and Yuriko hadn’t moved her body off of Shiuli, Shiuli reached down to find out who they had landed on. She felt a leg, and that was odd because it was hairy. Shiuli felt higher, and yes it was definitely a hair leg. Shiuli and Yuriko both let out a scream. Unfortunately this seemed to have gotten the attention of the rahshasa again, and the demon reached down and threw Yuriko off of Shiuli. Yuriko continued to scream as she was thrown through the air. Her scream stopped when a blur of red leaped out of nowhere to grab her in mid-flight. However, Shiuli didn’t see that. She was too busy scrambling off of the man her and Yuriko had landed on.



The man, who was not only old, but looked like a monk, lay stunned his arms and legs akimbo; the hem of his robes pushed up over his knobby knees. A look of pleasure mixed with pain painted his features. In his hand he held the most beautiful orchid that Shiuli had ever seen. With a trembling hand the old man extended the orchid to Shiuli. Reflexively Shiuli took the orchid, just as she felt the fetid breathe of the rahshasa on her back. Shiuli felt like screaming again, but didn’t.



The words “Kishi Orchid TRANS-FORM-ATION!” came unbidden from her lips. A lavender light bloomed all around Shiuli, and she slowly rose from the ground, and in a blink of an eye her swimsuit had vanished. Shiuli was shaken to say the least. However, the transformation continued. Starting from her feet a pair of lavender boots grew up to her knees, and then at her waist a skirt of black was formed. Finally a pair of lavender gloves grew down from her fingertips to her elbows. The light faded, and Shiuli gently returned to the ground. However, not only had she transformed, but also so had the orchid. No longer was the orchid an orchid, but it had become a huge club, a club as tall as Shiuli was.



Shiuli felt great power course through her like the sweetest tea. A smile came to her face as she hefted the massive club, which she shouldn’t have been able to lift, but felt as light as a flower.



As for the rahshasa it looked dumbly at the transformed Shiuli. The monster said “Chaos” as if it was a question, and Shiuli smashed it in the face. Teeth shattered like icicles and the rashasha flew off into the sky before exploding like a firework. Laughing in delight Shiuli turned to see if there were any more monsters to fight.



Shiuli was a little disappointed as two other girls dressed similarly to her were decimating the monsters. Both looked vaguely familiar, but it only took Shiuli a moment to realize that the one in red was Hiroko, and the other in green was Otsu.



She didn’t have much time to contemplate on this because one of the rahshasa hefted his spear at her. With a speed she didn’t realize she possessed she blocked the spear and it clattered the ground. Through an agility she didn’t think she possessed, Shiuli did an acrobatic flip over to the monster and brought the immense club down on its misshapen head. The result of the blow was rather disgusting, as the rahshasa exploded into a million pieces.



That seemed to be the end of the fight. Hiroko and Otsu came bounding over to Shiuli. Again the club had become an orchid, and Shiuli too had returned to her more normal self. Shiuli shook with the excitement of the fight. She had down at least two of the monsters.



Hiroko squealed with pleasure and practically danced around Shiuli, and Otsu smiled shyly at Shiuli.



“That was incredible,” said Hiroko, “You’re one of us too, and Knight Flower.”



“A knight flower?” asked Shiuli.



“Yes a Knight Flower,” said a man coming up behind Shiuli. Shiuli quickly turned to look at the man; the same man she had been thrown on by Yuriko moments ago, and who’d given her the orchid. However, Shiuli still couldn’t understand what a man, a monk by the looks of him, would be doing at a girl’s swimming pool.



“And you are the Knight Orchid,” said the man, “I am Niwashi, the gardener. There is much I have to teach you, but then again you did magnificently. Chaos has again been thwarted.”



Shiuli looked at the man doubtfully. Not only was he a pervert, but obviously unbalanced as well.



Shiuli comes from a high caste in India, and her father is an important diplomat. So it wouldn’t be much of a surprise that often times she thinks that she’s superior to everybody else. It’s the life she was born into. Her every need has always been met. Shiuli doesn’t quite understand the commitments Hiroko and Otsu have; they both have to work. She doesn’t mean to look down on others, but it’s hard to fight her upbringing.



Shiuli learned at a young age to keep things to herself. Too often people would try to use her in someway, so Shiuli learned to put up barriers to protect herself. Rarely does Shiuli talk about herself, keeping most of her past inside. Naturally this drives the other girls at the Han’ei Academy to distraction. Everyone of them wants to know Shiuli better, but so far only Hiroko, Otsu, and Yuriko have been able to get close to Shiuli, not that this stops the other girls. Even a few of the guys have tried to get close to Shiuli. None of them have been successful to date.



Shiuli thinks that there isn’t anything anyone can’t do with a little determination. Oddly enough when others are down, it’s Shiuli who often cheers them up, or offers advice on how to get through a problem. It never occurs to Shiuli that a task or even an opponent might be too challenging. She always goes at anything at a 110%.




"Kishi Orchid TRANS-FORM-ATION!"



Shiuli has been given a magical orchid by Niwashi the Gardener. When she calls out the magical words, “Kishi Orchid TRANS-FORM-ATION!” she becomes Kishi Orchid, or the Knight Orchid. Her street clothes vanish and are replaced by her knight costume. This transformation does take a second or two to finish.



Once transformed, Shiuli gains a lot more strength, stamina, and speed, but not really to a super-human level. More on the level of a well trained martial artist. Also transforming with Shiuli is her orchid, which transforms into a massive lilac club. Shiuli generally uses her club in an offensive manner. She can deliver a blow that can knock a foe out with one blow so long as they aren’t wearing armor on their head or are surrounded by a force field. Shiuli can wind up and knock a foe a long distance away. Finally Shiuli can use the club like a shield and protect herself from most attacks. Even though the club is as large a Shiuli, can still wield it as if it were light as a feather.



Shiuli has learned some martial arts from Niwashi. Mostly, it’s defensive in nature, but Shiuli can deliver a painful kick. Also the transformation grants Shiuli the ability to run and jump further than a girl her age.



Shiuli is a beautiful Indian girl of sixteen years. She has flawless cocoa skin that is the envy of all the girls at the Han’ei Academy. Shiuli has long purple hair that she keeps in a ponytail that runs down to the middle of her back. She dresses only in the most expensive of fabrics, and generally wears a sari when she’s able to. Naturally at the Han’ei Academy she’s requires to wear the traditional school uniform.



It’s when Shiuli transforms into Kishi Orchid that she truly gleams. Her expensive clothes vanish, and are quickly replaced by a costume that is vaguely like a Japanese school uniform or Seifuku. Her boots are lavender in color and run up to her knees. Likewise her gloves (not a normal part of Japanese school uniform), run up to her elbows and are the same color as her boots. The rest of her costume consists in a short pleated black skirt, a white blouse with a sailor style attached collar, and with an orchid on the breast pocket. Tied around her neck is a lavender neckerchief. Her normal clothing returns when she transforms back.



Also her orchid, transforms into a massive club, which is tall as Shiuli is.



Physically, Shiuli doesn’t change at all during the transformation. The only change that occurs is that her eye color changes from brown to a purple. So far no one has been able to make the connection between Shiuli and Kishi Orchid.

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Re: Kishi Banahana


Lastly every magical girl group needs that one girl who likes girls more than guys. So that one is Yuriko, who also falls in the theme of bad girl.




Kishi Lily





Shiuli walked quickly down the street occasionally glancing back over her shoulder. She had ditched her bodyguards again, but this time at night. However, the temptation to meet Hiroko and Otsu at a soba shop had been too tempting, and why shouldn’t she be allowed to go out at night. Her father could be overbearing at times. She was young, and not ready to be tied down yet.



She had been paying too much attention to what was behind her, and not what was in front. Shiuli ran straight into two boys who were coming towards her. Why she didn’t knock either one down, she did brush them aside.



“Hey,” said the first, a guy with a lot of metal in his face (lip, eyebrow, and nose), “when you run into someone you should say you’re sorry or somethin’.”



“Yeah,” said the other with a buzz cut and black sunglasses covering his eyes, even though the sun had set hours ago, “that’s real rude of you. Don’t you know that? Don’t you gaijin know that?”



Both boys leered at Shiuili.



“Say,” said Metal Face, “why don’t you go have some fun with us?”



“Yeah,” said Shades, “fun. Lots of fun.”



“Not on your life,” said Shiuli with a glare.



The punch from Metal Face caught Shiuli totally unawares. She doubled over as the air was knocked out of her with a “Swooshing” sound. She felt like she was going to puke. Rough hands grabbed a hold of her, and the two guys started to drag her to a nearby alley. Her mind was in a spin from the shot to her gut.



“Hey you two, leave her alone," came a young voice from behind them.



Both turned to see a young Korean girl in pigtails with a pink vest and a white cowboy hair pointing a gun at them.



“Ha hah,” laughed Metal Face, “Would you look at that? This little girl’s going to mess with us? Whatcha think of that Hiro?”



Hiro sneered at the girl.



“Go home before you get yourself hurt little girl,” said Hiro.



“Chung-ae don’t think so,” said the little girl. Shiuli thought the girl was going to really get hurt. She was just about to say magical words that would turn her into Kishi Orchid, when the girl beat her to the punch.



Shiuli and the two guys both looked at Chung-ae as she said, “Kishi Carnation TRANS-FORM-ATION!” A pink light engulfed Chung-ae, and a moment later Kishi Carnation stood in front of them. Shiuli felt her jaw hit the floor, and the two toughs weren’t in better shape. Standing holding a silver-plated six-shooter that should’ve taken two hands but was casually held in one, Chung-ae beamed at them all.



“Pretty cool, don’tcha think,” said Chung-ae as she did a little curtsy.



“Get ‘er Hideo,” shouted Hiro.



Hideo didn’t need any more encouragement as they charged at Chung-ae. With a smile Chung-ae flipped like an acrobat over them, and fired her six-shooter. Shiuli thought the gun must’ve misfired because it barely made a sound, but the results were dramatic. Chung-ae landed lightly on her feet next to Shiuli and took her hand in hers. As for Hideo and Hiro they were both covered in million upon millions of carnation buds. The buds were so think that neither of them could move.



“That should take of them,” said Chung-ae as she returned to normal.



“I’m Chung-ae Jung,” said Chung-ae, “Hey you got a flower too. Does that mean you’re a Kishi Hanabana.”



“Um, yes,” said Shiuli, “I’m Kishi Orchid.”



“Wow,” said Chung-ae.



“I’m on my way to the Soba shop. Do you want come? Hiroko and Otsu are going to be there.”



“Wow”, said Chung-ae, “Chung-ae hasn’t seen them since, um, yesterday.”



Hand in hand the two left for the Soba shop, Hiro and Hideo completely forgotten. It took the two thugs almost an hour to extract themselves from the flowers. Neither noticed the dark shadows that crept upon them until it was too late. Darkness claimed them.






The four girls had an excellent time at the Soba shop, but it was getting late. Hiroko and Otsu both offered to take Chung-ae home, and Shiuli quickly said her goodbyes. Her bodyguards surely must be beside themselves over worry about her. Shiuli had to chuckle at that thought.



Lost in thought Shiuli walked back towards the apartment where she lived. She again didn’t notice the two shadows following her, at least until they attacked. They looked vaguely like the two roughs who attacked her earlier, but something about them seemed different. Maybe it was that they looked bigger, and maybe it was the strange weapons they wielded that got her attention. They carried flashlight like weapons that made Shiuli think about the weapons they used in the movie “Star Wars”. They even hummed like the light sabers from the movie.



Shiuli only had a moment to react, and had to throw herself prone to avoid getting her pretty head removed from her shoulders. Shiuli smelt burning hair as the tip of her ponytail vanished. They’d pay for that. Springing upward Shiuli practically shouted the words, “Kishi Orchid TRANS-FORM-ATION!”



The light enveloped her and the transformation to a knight flower came quickly. Out of the light came a club wielding Kishi Orchid. As she came down she thought she might hear the satisfying sound of her club crunching a rahshasa’s head. However, the demon actually blocked her blow. Shiuli let out a scream of pain as the other slashed a painful streak across her back. The Orchid Club of Love was a powerful weapon, but it could be used offensively or defensively, but not both at the same time.



Shiuli fell back against a wall, and the rahshasa closed in. This was also the time she heard the sound of a motorcycle. Motor roaring both demons turned in time to see a motorcycle fly through the air. This was followed by the sound of the motorcycle falling on top of both rahshasa. The driver expertly landed and did a little spin, laying down a wide strip of rubber. As for the rahshasa one exploded into a million bits, while the other was luckier and had rolled out of the way.



Shiuli and the demon both looked at the cyclist who had came to a complete halt. It was a girl from the shape of her, and when she removed her helmet long flowing white hair billowed around her head and shoulders. It was Yuriko Nakamura. Yuriko beamed at Shiuli and raise her two fingers in a victory sign before winking at Shiuli. The demon wasn’t impressed. With a shout of “Chaos” he leaped high into the air his light saber leading the way.



Yuriko ducked out of the way, and the light saber cut a large gash into her motorcycle. She let out a scream of anger. “Hey you piece of sh*t! That was my onii-chan’s bike. I won’t forgive you for this.” Yuriko ran at the demon her arms flailing. With a shrug of its shoulders the chaos minion flung Yuriko away. However, instead of hitting a wall, she crashed into a man who had been standing in the shadows. Seemingly of their own volition a pair of hands closed around her bosom, and squeezed. Yuriko let out another wail, and screamed, “Noooo!” A swift kick backwards freed her from the lecherous hands. Yuriko turned to face the pervert who had grabbed her, and was taken aback when she saw that it wasn’t a chaos minion, but an old monk laid out on the ground, a look of utter pain painted on his face. With a trembling hand he held up a lily.



Yuriko only paused to look at the monk before turning to see Shiuli fighting the chaos minion. She couldn’t help but sighing at the sight of Shiuli fighting. It was like watching poetry in motion, and stars seemed to shine from Yuriko’s eyes. Shiuli seemed to be holding her own against the demon, but wasn’t making any headway. Yuriko’s heart seemed to swell at the sight of Shiuli; she must help Shiuli.



However, before she was able to take another step the monk grabbed her leg.



“Wait,” he said, “Take this lily. It’ll help you.”



More in annoyance that anything else made Yuriko take the stupid lily. She would throw it away as soon as she got to Shiuli. However, Yuriko only made one step before words came to her mind, and another before they left her lips.






Yuriko couldn’t help but look down at the flower in her hand, as a brilliant white light enveloped her. The next thing Yuriko knew she was floating off the ground, and in the blink of an eye her motorcycle leathers vanished. Embarrassed to the core, Yuriko tried to cover herself. Her face flamed with embarrassment. Yet the embarrassment was short lived as white boots started growing from her toes all the way up to her knees. This was quickly followed by a black pleated skirt, a white blouse with a lily on the breast, and finally a pair of gloves the same color as her boots grew from her finger tips up to her elbows. Finally the light diminished and Yuriko was returned to the ground. However, not only had she transformed but also so had the lily. No longer was the flower a flower anymore, but a naginata with a blade shaped like a lily.



Yuriko felt great energy flow through her, and she practically giggled; she felt that good. With a twirling of the naganata she leaped into battle. The chaos minion tried its best to hold off the two flower knights it was slowly loosing the battle. Things turned worse for the minion of Mister Chaos when Kishi Rose, and Kishi Daisy hurdled in from a nearby alleyway. Soon the demon exploded into a million bits and the battle was over.



“I have a feeling that something was wrong,” said Hiroko after they had returned to normal.



Meanwhile Niwashi had recovered from the blow dealt to him by Yuriko and came over to talk to the girls. However, before he was able to speak, Chung-ae seemed to appear out of nowhere.



“So this is where everybody is,” said Chung-ae, “don’t leave Chung-ae out. Chung-ae is a good fighter too you know.”



Niwashi paused to pat Chung-ae on the head, but stopped when the other girls stared at him.



“Um…huh,” said Niwashi, “Well, there you go. The five flowers have truly bloomed. I cannot tell you what joys this brings me to see you five. Maybe the brothers will forgive my impertinence and allow me back into the Order of Order.”



None of the girls had any idea what the perverted monk was talking about.



All they knew was the Kishi Hanabana was fine group, and evil and chaos better beware. In celebration all five raise their flowers to the sky, and the moon smiled down upon them.



Yuriko is the only girl in an all male family. Her mother died giving birth to her youngest brother. After her mothers death the family moved from Okinawa to Tokyo. All of the Nakamura’s are known for their wild streak. Yuriko is no exception. There is no thrill too tame for Yuriko. When Yuriko succeeds she’s quick to let everyone know about it. In her family it’s the only way to get noticed. Yuriko can be a loudmouth at times. She doesn’t really care who hears or not, so long as she gets her point of view across.



Coming from a family of all men, it might not be such a surprise that Yuriko likes women. The family house is full of pin-up girls. Her father owns a garage, and her older brother illegally races his motorcycle for quick cash. At times Yuriko borrows it without asking, naturally. Yuriko isn't old enough to drive, but she doesn't let that bother her.



Most people don’t know what to think about Yuriko. She’s always has a smile for everybody, even if some people think there’s something wrong with her. However, people are wise not to cross Yuriko because she knows a few choice words that a girl her age shouldn’t.






Yuriko has been given a magical lily by Niwashi the Gardener. When she calls out the magical words, “Kishi Lily TRANS-FORM-ATION!” she becomes Kishi Lily, or the Knight Lily. Her street clothes vanish and are replaced by her knight costume. This transformation does take a second or two to finish. Yuriko usually gets really embarrassed when the transformation occurs.



Once transformed, Yuriko gains a lot more strength, stamina, and speed, but not really to a super-human level. More on the level of a well trained martial artist. Also transforming with Yuriko is her lily, which transforms into a naginata with the blade shaped like a lily. Yuriko can use either the blade of the naginata or the shaft. Using the blade, she can cut through almost any defense, while with the shaft she can deliver blows that will send a foe flying off into the distance. By twirling her naginata, Yuriko can form a field as such around her that protects her from most attacks.



Yuriko has learned some martial arts from Niwashi, and some brawling from her brothers. Mostly, her martial art’s defensive in nature, but Yuriko can deliver a painful kick. Also the transformation grants Yuriko the ability to run and jump further than a girl her age.



Yuriko is a beautiful young Japanese woman with a wild mane of white hair. She’s always having a smile for everybody, even those who don’t like her. Yuriko likes to wear bikers leathers when not wearing her school uniform, which she hates. She doesn’t much like skirts.



It’s when Yuriko transforms into Kishi Lily that she truly shimmers. Her clothes go away, and are quickly replaced by a costume that is vaguely like a Japanese school uniform or Seifuku. Her boots are white in color and run up to her knees. Likewise her gloves (not a normal part of Japanese school uniform), run up to her elbows and are the same color as her boots. The rest of her costume consists in a short pleated black skirt (the only part of her costume that she doesn’t like), a white blouse with a sailor style attached collar, and with a lily on the breast pocket. Tied around her neck is a white neckerchief. Her normal clothing returns when she transforms back.



Also her lily transforms, just like her. It becomes a naginata, a weapon similar to a halberd. The blade of naginata is shaped similar to a lily.



Physically, Yuriko doesn’t change at all during the transformation. The only change that occurs is that her eye color changes from brown to a white. So far no one has been able to make the connection between Yuriko and Kishi Lily.

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Re: Kishi Banahana


Am I the only person who keeps reading the title of this thread as 'Kishi Bananarama'?


Goddess on the mountain top "POW!"


Burning like a silver flame "ZOWIE!"


The summit of beauty and love "KER-POW!"


And Venus was her name "THUNK!"

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