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Jack Emmert On "Identifying With Your Heroes"

Steve Long

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Re: Jack Emmert On "Identifying With Your Heroes"


Interesting, I tend to agree too. However as everyone in the game is a superhero - I'm not sure the same pathos will occur. There will be a much higher level of self-interest in a character's own story, especially in an MMO environment full of many, many other PCs.


The only difference between the NPC and PC in such a setting is that all the PCs will have the same shared experience with the NPC, but only a few will know about the same PCs.


Because of the trend of MMO to have character rewards be power - NPCs that provide the ability for a PC to gain power will have more importance than any well-written character. Will a PC spend half an hour chatting to an NPC with a good story? Or 5 minutes with 5 NPCs who give quests for a new magic weapon that is more powerful than their current?

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Re: Jack Emmert On "Identifying With Your Heroes"


The Nemesis concept might be the only way to help identification, to me.

All other NPC dialogues, as interesting as they can be, are served to absolutely every other hero.

Which create the unfortunate (and silly) case where you can't really say your character has a friendship/relationship with a NPC, based on past experience since everyone else pontentially also has it.

So, as long as NPCs are "generic", having a "generic dialogue", destined to the "generic heroes" we will be, I can really identify to the character on screen, speaking to those NPCs.


However, the Nemesis might be an unique experience. Noone else will share that relationship/opposition.

That's where, I believe, most attention to dialogues should be put, to make lines of your Nemesis truly personnalized.

If the Nemesis refers to your powers, your past encounters with him/her and so on, you'll feel special.

More than if the Nemesis is serving generic lines, being only personnalized, for you, because of its powers and look.


The difference would be between :

"Damn you ! This time, you will not stop me !"


"Damn you, , unlike when we met during , even your won't stop me this time !"

In the second case, you feel the Nemesis talks to your character, at least and this line is likely to be almost unique.

(I guess you can drop in your Nemesis lines many references that are specific to the characters, references to successes, failures, powers, advantages, flaws, skills etc)


It isn't much, but it would help me to identify to my character.

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Re: Jack Emmert On "Identifying With Your Heroes"


I was particularly impressed with this idea:


When hiring for our writing position, all of the applicants had to take a test. One of the questions was:

A supervillain is monologuing his triumph to his seemingly helpless superhero nemesis. Write this monologue from two perspectives. The first – the supervillain is a cold, calculating monarch of an Eastern European nation. The second – the villain is maniacal, nearly insane.

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Guest steamteck

Re: Jack Emmert On "Identifying With Your Heroes"


Well, As usual I identify with completely different things than he mentioned. He ignores completely the "wish fulfillment" James Bondesque aspect of Stark and his being basically a normal guy whose brain gives him his powers. I like Thor and Superman personally for the same reasons myself.Mythic level characters with prowess and moral fiber far beyond the normal man, an example to be looked up to etc. He's probably right but it just proves I don't think like everyone else.

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Re: Jack Emmert On "Identifying With Your Heroes"


Wow, I can't possibly disagree with his take on Superman more. And I reject his premise entirely - I don't want superheroes to identify with, to empathize with - I want superheroes to look up to. This is why I read much more DC than Marvel.


Unfortunately, as a long time City of Heroes player, I've noticed a tendency Jack has to conflate "what people want and enjoy" with "what I, Jack Emmert, want and enjoy."


If you're reading, Jack - I don't play MMOs for the same reason you do, and I don't read comics for the same reason you do.

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