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Dimensional Controller


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I was looking through some of the books and I've been tossing this idea in my head for a master villain that could change the current surrounding into a "reality bubble" that had completely different rules all made by him. I've been looking through powers like Change Environment, Extra Dimensional Movement, and Major Transform and while all of them seem like they could work, I am not too sure what to use.


The basic power is this:


The creation of an isolated reality bubble in our universe in which the creator would have "laws" made that would hurt or hinder the team in different ways. A variable power pool seemed to be the best use of this power with some rules I thought of:


- A reality that has little or no gravity

- A reality bubble that negates powers

- A reality bubble that causes vertigo to the players

- A reality bubble where the heroes can't do anything unless "Simon Says"

- A reality of darkness


There are more ideas but thats the basic gist. So what would be the best approach for some of these rules of the reality bubble?

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Re: Dimensional Controller


I reckon handwavium is the over-riding factor here.


If you say powers don't work, well they don't. Done.


Little gravity? Not a clue but I'm sure you can look at zero-g rules and work from there.


Vertigo - Sounds like the players get a free psych lim there.


Darkness - Hero has rules for that.


As I say it sounds like you're just changing the enviroment or making cosmetic changes that don't particularly need to be written up in any particular way.

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Re: Dimensional Controller


One of the meta-rules that guides power design in the Hero System is that for every 'attack' there is a defense, which tends to be cheaper than the 'attack'.


So, with that in mind, what is the defense for this 'dimensional control'?


Other than not being in the area being affected, that is.


What combination of powers, defenses, special effects or other things will negate this power's effects?

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Re: Dimensional Controller


One of the meta-rules that guides power design in the Hero System is that for every 'attack' there is a defense, which tends to be cheaper than the 'attack'.


So, with that in mind, what is the defense for this 'dimensional control'?


Other than not being in the area being affected, that is.


What combination of powers, defenses, special effects or other things will negate this power's effects?


I would consider anyone with extra dimensional movement and FTL movement. They are essentially trapped in the reality bubble until they "beat the rules" which has each reality bubble as a game and if they win they can be released. Also mentally affecting the mutant with this power or somehow stunning him would work as well

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Re: Dimensional Controller


How about just plain Extra Dimensional Teleport' date=' Area of Effect ? You teleport the heroes to a reality that has the attributes you mentioned. Then provide a place linked to it.(The "bubble" as you call it)[/quote']


I like that idea. Then for things that can be done with the book (damage, Telekinesis, etc) I'll use normal rules. Thanks

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Re: Dimensional Controller


How about a Base, with some funky abilities in it?




I would consider anyone with extra dimensional movement and FTL movement. They are essentially trapped in the reality bubble until they "beat the rules" which has each reality bubble as a game and if they win they can be released. Also mentally affecting the mutant with this power or somehow stunning him would work as well


This bit makes me think of Mental Illusions.

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Re: Dimensional Controller


From what I have been working on so far, I will be setting up a VPP in which the character (Codenamed Infinity) has the following:


Reality Sphere: VPP (haven't settled on a cost yet) Can Change as Zero Phase Action +1


Laws of Reality Sphere:


Extra Dimensional Movement: (Travel to any corresponding location to a related group of dimensions), Usable as Attack +1, Ranged +1/2, Area of Effect +1 = 112 Active Points



This power would be used multiple times to set up the different rules. For example, I could use the power three times to set up a reality sphere with 3 rules at the same time, or three different spheres with a separate rule. There are some ways to escape the reality


1. Having a power that relates to moving through spacial dimensions

2. Knocking out the mutant

3. If trapped in a reality where you have to beat a "game", you actually beat the game.

4. In each reality there is an exit that only appears when the mutant is in the sphere. Others can try and use this door to escape the reality sphere.


I will post up rule ideas in a bit

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