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The latest bit of BattleTech TRO infamy

Guest Major Tom

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Guest Major Tom

I had the chance this weekend to browse through a couple of the updated

BattleTech TRO books, and one of the "Notable MechWarriors" bits in par-

ticular made me groan. In the entry for the Thug BattleMech, there

was a bit about a MechWarrior who, together with some fellow MWs who'd

lost their 'Mechs, concocted a scheme to steal some replacements from an

enemy camp. They accomplished this by not only dressing as soldiers from

the enemy side, but also by pretending to be corpses being carried into the

camp by their friends.


The name of this MechWarrior? Shaun.



The name by which this little group has become known?



Wait for it...







"The Dead".



Do the fiends now responsible for producing the TROs have no shame?

Wasn't it bad enough years ago when FASA sprung Dr. B. Banzai and

Team Banzai on us?



Major Tom :rolleyes:

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Re: The latest bit of BattleTech TRO infamy


no worse than the Tim Bradstreet art in assorted books, where Clint Eastwood and Jackie Chan popup


and the picture of Farrah Fawcett Majors he borrowed for Natasha Kerensky


or Steve Venters putting himself on the cover he did for Sorrensons Sabers


the original House Kurita sourcebook devotes about half a page to the planet Terrapin Station and its Deadhead cult


then theres the Inner Sphere map, which looks like they told a road atlas for the american midwest and tossed darts to get planet names in a lot of cases

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Re: The latest bit of BattleTech TRO infamy


other oddball battletech trivia bits:

if you ever got to a con where they had the huge atlas model on display, it was custom built,.except for the cockpit, which is a 2 seater F-16 cockpit model


then we could talk about Traveller trivia

the cover painting of Fifth Frontier War shows a closeup of a fighter cockpit, the kill markings visible are Space Invaders

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Re: The latest bit of BattleTech TRO infamy




How could I forget another kurita unit

Kolchaks Nightstalkers

Mcgavins Nightstaklers


the pictures of Hanse Davion strongly resemble King Edward the fifth in a different uniform.


longtime hardluck mech unit called Barretts Fusileers, always wondered if that was a homage to the Barretts Privateers song

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Guest Major Tom

Re: The latest bit of BattleTech TRO infamy




Another bit of FASA-produced TRO fluff that comes to mind is the MechWarrior

whose urban-warfare specialty was, essentially, BattleMech mugging. The guy

would hide in a dark alley, wait for a lance/column to walk by, then jump the

last 'Mech in line -- without making any sound that would tip off the victim's

lancemates -- and kill it.


The mental image this story conjures up is an interesting one, to say the least.



Major Tom :D

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Guest Major Tom

Re: The latest bit of BattleTech TRO infamy


So how does a MechWarrior take down a BattleTech quietly?



That was never exactly explained in the entry, but it was clear from the fluff

that the MW accomplished this feat while inside his 'Mech. The entry also said

that the guy's commander couldn't believe that he could kill an enemy 'Mech

without any warning at all, so the commander tagged along on the MW's next

mission hoping for a demonstration of this skill. Sure enough, the opportunity

for a demonstration came along, not only impressing the CO but scaring the

bejezus out of him as well.



Major Tom :dyn

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