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Blaster Multi-power help?


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So I'm trying to build a multipower for the first time. The character I'm building goes by the name of Kid Ra (as in the sun god). The idea is that he can focus the power of the sun in different ways. I'd like for him to have a number of tricks up his sleeve, including the following:

Energy Blast (nothing fancy)

RKA (tightly focused laser)

Disarm (I was thinking of using teleport, reduced range, only to disarm, must pass through intervening space, usable against others to create the effect--is this allowable?)

Flash (again, no surprises)

Missile Deflect

(plus any other ideas?)

In a campaign with a 75-point limit on attacks and a base of 385 points, could anyone give me advice? I'm not trying to munchkin, I'm just trying to figure out how to use the MP rules effectively!

Thanks a bunch, folks,


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Well, you might use Telekinsis as your 'disarming' power.


Other ideas

Might I reccomend at least one Area Effect offensive power? Perhaps an Energy Blast or Flash attack that is Explosive, No Range, and Personal Immunity?


It's good for crowd control when facing multiple or hard to hit foes :)

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Originally posted by Speedball

Only a -2 to knock something (like a focus) out of someone's hands? That seems low, which is why I was trying to do something that might otherwise seem really obtuse. Other opinions out there?


Oh, and as for the USPDB, I don't have it, unfortunately...

Most combat maneuvers can be used either at range or in HTH combat, so you can use any combat maneuver that makes sense according to the special effects of your power. You don't have to buy a special EB in order to use the Disarm maneuver, just use your regular EB with the Disarm maneuver. That's straight from FREd.

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Originally posted by Zed-F

Most combat maneuvers can be used either at range or in HTH combat, so you can use any combat maneuver that makes sense according to the special effects of your power. You don't have to buy a special EB in order to use the Disarm maneuver, just use your regular EB with the Disarm maneuver. That's straight from FREd.



Now--can I get some help with the other stuff--building the multipower with the other pieces of the puzzle?

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So far we have:

1) Standard EB

2) Laser RKA

3) Flash

4) Missile Deflection (I always liked this one for projectors)


Other Ideas: if this guy has powers based on magic, he can get creative with his uses of solar energy, like an Entangle made of solar flares (they don;t hurt, they just look lethal). One light-based energy projector in our games has a Mental Entangle with the SFX being hypnotic lights. An NND bought as an Itense Heat Beam also works- the defense being Life Support vs Heat, of course. Heat and Light also lend themselves to Dispel/Supress powers vs Cold and/or Darkness powers. And somewhere, whether or not its in the multipower, this character is just screaming for Images bought for generating light.

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Here's a typical one:



75 Multipower: Sunbeams


7 u 15d EB

7 u 15d Flash

7 u 5d RKA

7 u 10d EB, Armor Piercing

7 u 10d EB, Affects Desolid

7 u 10d EB, Explosion

7 u 7d EB, AE Cone*

7 u 6d EB AVLD (Flash Defense)



* Not sure if I have the Advantage level right - don't feel like looking it up.


This represents a generic blast, a flash (duh), a focussed beam, another focussed beam, a "phased" beam, a "photon torpedo", a "wide-angle beam", and a "dazzle" that stuns by overloading optic nerves.


This what you were looking for?


BTW, I concur about the Disarm being inappropriate and unnecessary. There is no "Disarm" Power - you can use any one of several different effects to effect a Disarm.

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Here's how I'd build those powers, plus a few others I thought of. Your GM has final say, of course. He/she might not like the way I've built the Disarm, for example.


Note that you can make any or all of these powers cost 0 END by reducing the main power by 33%; i.e., 10d6 EB, 16 1/2d6 Dispel, 3d6+1 RKA, etc., then adding Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2).


Cost Power END
50 Power Of The Sun God: Multipower, 75-point reserve, all slots: (75 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4), Requires both hands (-1/4)
5u 1) Flail of Ra: Energy Blast 15d6 (vs. ED) (75 Active Points) 7
4u 2) Lance of Ra: Killing Attack - Ranged 5d6 (vs. ED) (75 Active Points); Beam (-1/4) 7
5u 3) Eye of Ra: Flash 8 1/2d6 (Sight Group), Explosion (+1/2), Selective Target (+1/4) (75 Active Points) 7
5u 4) Shield of Ra: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target, Ranged Adjacent Hex (+1/2) (75 Active Points)
3u 5) Grasping Hand of Ra: Telekinesis (45 STR) (68 Active Points); Only To Disarm (-1) 7
5u 6) Presence of Ra: Dispel Darkness 25d6 (75 Active Points) 7
1u 7) Aura of Ra: Sight Group Images, Increases Size (4" radius; +1/2), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Megascale (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Can Be Scaled Down: 1" = 1km (+1/4) (27 Active Points); Only To Create Light (-1)
4u 8) Body of Ra: Desolidification (affected by Magic), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (60 Active Points)
Powers Cost: 82
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