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an emulation of the Harp/RM Study effect


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I have to convert several Harp's characters to HERO.

One of them has an animal form spell which uses another spell called Study.

Study is used to memorize a number of forms.

The more levels in study, the more slots in it.


For instance if the character can memorize 3 forms and have studied a cat, a howl and a cow he could use animal form to transform himself into one of this animals.

The character can empty a study slot at will in order to memorize a new form. (by casting Study)


I don't want to build a HERO standalone version of Study (there is no study power). But i'd like to keep its effect.


I could build animal form with Multiform and a number of added alternate forms. But those alternate forms should not be fixed. (= the study effect)


I've thought about several possibilities, including a quite limited VPP version, but i'd like to know your opinions about this problem.

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Re: an emulation of the Harp/RM Study effect


Easiest fully legal method would be to buy the Multiform as a Multiform Only VPP. The power skill used to shift the VPP would be "Study". If having the new animal actually there is important, add a -1/2 Changes in Limited Circumstances to the control cost of the VPP.


Or you could just do the whole thing with Multiform, the Power Skill and GM's permission.

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Re: an emulation of the Harp/RM Study effect


The VPP is certainly legal but I'm a little concerned about allowing it because it very rapidly works out cheaper than buying the power with additional forms.

Here is the VPP version (as an example)

Multiform VPP: Variable Power Pool, 30 base + 22 control cost, all slots Cosmic (+2) (75 Active Points); all slots Limited Class Of Powers Available Limited (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only previously studied animal forms; -1/2)

75 Active / 52 Real

I've only allowed a 'limited' powers limitation because although multiform is a single power, and should therefore be VERY limited, the power itself allows you access to a vast array of potential powers, so the limitation is almost meaningless, however you can only access 3 forms at a time without making a study roll. I figured that was about right. Also I've made it cosmic because there was no indication that being in a VPP would or should require a skill roll to change forms or take a particularly long time to change forms. Without the 'cosmic' it becomes very cheap: 45 active, 40 real.

An alternative is this:

Multiform (150 Character Points in the most expensive form)

30 Active / 30 Real


Multiform (0 Character Points in the most expensive form) (x64 Number Of Forms) (30 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Can only access 3 slots at a time. Can change which slots can be accessed with a 'study' roll.; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only previously studied animal forms; -1/2)

30 Active / 15 Real

Total 60 Active/ 45 Real

That allows you access to up to 64 animal forms - technically they should be pre-defined, but I would certainly allow you to leave empty slots to be filled as required - any you can only access 3 at a time without hindrance.

Sure there are a lot more than 64 animals in the world, but, realistically, you are unlikely to get through even that many in a campaign, and if you need more, it only costs a couple of points for each doubling of the 'pool' of animals available.

I prefer that approach, personally. It may look more complicated but it is not more difficult in play, less so if you do not buy the VPP as 'cosmic'.

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Re: an emulation of the Harp/RM Study effect


You can also borrow a mechanic from teleportation - each creature studied fills a slot, and each slot has a fixed cost, say, 5 points each. Maybe they have 3 as part of the power (using the example given), and they can buy more as they desire.


Or the limit could be Int/5, or Int/10, with the same restrictions.


You could also build the Study as a detect:analyze power, and the VPP can only work for these creatures that have had this power used on them.


Just a few thoughts.

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