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Sexy costume power


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I tried looking through my books for suggested powers, but I cannot find the power (although I swear I had it, and that it was nearer the front of a book).


The power was to duplicate a beautiful character's sexy costume's effect when he/she uses it. I think it went something along the lines of...


+20 PRE (-1): only for making seductive PRE-based attacks/skills) (-1/2) OIF: costume


...I thought there was more to it though...and I seem to remember the final cost was near 4 points, but my memory fails me.


I KNOW the power was written up somewhere. Can anyone point me to the book/page and/or rewrite the power here?


Thanks for your help.

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Re: Sexy costume power


You'll have to add the limitation "power does not work after a heavy meal" or "Side Effects: If character puts on a few pounds PRE can only be used to repulse or annoy."


Situational bonuses to PRE based skills should be free, since ANYONE with a COM over a certain level can get the same effect. The character's default all the time Seduction and Persuasion skills should be high no matter what s/he is wearing. After all, put an average normal person in a costume like THAT and what you get is more horrifying than anything else.


I created a character (actually one Multiform of many) who's power was that he was that guy no woman could say no to. It was just done with PRE:30, COM:20 and Persuasion, Seduction, and Conversation bought up to 17-

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Re: Sexy costume power


You'll have to add the limitation "power does not work after a heavy meal" or "Side Effects: If character puts on a few pounds PRE can only be used to repulse or annoy."


Situational bonuses to PRE based skills should be free, since ANYONE with a COM over a certain level can get the same effect. The character's default all the time Seduction and Persuasion skills should be high no matter what s/he is wearing. After all, put an average normal person in a costume like THAT and what you get is more horrifying than anything else.


I created a character (actually one Multiform of many) who's power was that he was that guy no woman could say no to. It was just done with PRE:30, COM:20 and Persuasion, Seduction, and Conversation bought up to 17-


Definitely - maybe it can be a proportional power - as the COM goes up, so does the bonus. As the COM goes down, so does the bonus (to negatives as needed).


There are some people who should go nowhere near a fur loincloth or chain mail bikini. :sick:

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Re: Sexy costume power


Definitely - maybe it can be a proportional power - as the COM goes up, so does the bonus. As the COM goes down, so does the bonus (to negatives as needed).


There are some people who should go nowhere near a fur loincloth or chain mail bikini. :sick:


Oh man! GenCon flashback! Though there always were one or two girls there who could carry it off. Made it almost worth having to look at the ones that couldn't.


Not that you could get NEAR the girls who were able to carry it off for all the desperate sweaty nerds clustered around them.

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Re: Sexy costume power


Which Sailor Scout? And how are you in the Tuxedo Kamen role?




Venus prior to the haircut... now more Neptune (though would need hair dye).


As for me, not really built for the role... I'm more Wolverine sized... and almost as scruffy looking on most days ;)

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