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The Minority


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Here is an iron age campaign I've been considering running. However I've only ever done silver/bronze campaigns before, so I was wondering If I've got the right idea down.


The setting:

In the 1960s things were not looking good for America. They were being

made a mockery of by the veitnam war, protestors were making more and

more people turn against the Government and their money was dwindling.

President John F Kennedy knew he had to end the war. But how?


His top scientists revealed a secret most of the world knew nothing

about. Using material they had uncovered from an extraterrestrial

object, they had created an incredibly potent disease. The disease

targeted the DNA and broke it down and reasembled it in a way that the

body couldn't function. And it wouldn't show any sign of illness, so

nothing could cure it. And it wasn't Contageous! After the first

release you couldn't get it from being near another person. It was the

perfect bioweapon!


The problem however, was that the Russians found out about this

'bioweapon'. The week before the weapon was due to be released,

Russian spies stole all of the formula.10 days later, 4 Russian

Terrorist groups in 4 different cities, Washington, New York, Detroit

and L.A, released a huge amount of the disease into the air. It took 3

hours for the disease to stop spreading. It took half that time for

80% of all those citizens to die.


The disease didn't spread any farther. But America was terrified of

this incredible weapon the Russians had. Many countries broke away

from America, no longer trusting the once great super power. Some

Eastern European states even returned Communism, just to stay

protected. America had to pull out of the Vietnam in disgrace.


But in the wastes of all the dead, the survivors weren't exactly scott

free. Their children had been drasticly altered, and possesed strange

gifts. Some no longer produced carbon dioxide, but the highly flamable

Methane, giving the impression they could breathe fire. Others had

gotten bones so hollow they could glide like a bird. But that barely

scratched the surface of the weird powers.


After 20 years, the government had accepted these people existed and

now intended to use these people for their own purposes. Sending these

new 'DNA men' as the scientists called them, into covert operations,

they could work as an army in one! Using more and more frequent

strikes against Russia, the Warsaw Pact was dumbfounded. Poland and

Czechoslavakia even had the audacity to ask for aid and they recieved

it, leaving the Warsaw Pact. (The Prague Spring had never occured due

to America losing it's power, and Solidarity succeded with greater

success due to the help of the DNA men.)


But one thing changed this little happy picture. One of the DNA men,

Paul Weinstien, a person with control over heat attacked the president

George H. W. Bush, and burnt him alive infront of millions of people.

His vice President Dan Quayle became president, and made a

proclamation that all of these 'DNA freaks' are enemies of the states

and are to be sentanced to death. After this horrible killing, not

alot of people argued with this.


Since then, these super people have been hunted down, set as the blame

for all the world's problems. Some have emigrated to Russia, which

allows them in with open arms. The cold War is still on in 2008, and

it's about to get a lot hotter.


Any questions?

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Re: The Minority


here are the campaign guidelines:


200 Base

Points + 150 Disadvantage


70 active points

CVs of 7-13, and SPDs of 4-10.


Resistant PD/ED no higher then 20.

Using the equipment resource points in Dark Champions page 150

(inshort, guns and such are free...sort of)

And at least 30 points wort of hunted and 25 points, Being a DNA

human: (Very Frequently, Severe) Social limitation.


Any ideas or opinions are welcome.

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Re: The Minority


The United States is not going to give up their living weapons just because one went rogue any more than they gave up the marine corps after Lee Harvey put his bootcamp training to unapproved uses. What they could do, of course is use this as an excuse to clamp down on freaks who are unwilling to serve. Even then though, it's more likely they'd divide up their empowered population into rogues and loyals and regard the loyals with no more than moderate suspicion.

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Re: The Minority


The United States is not going to give up their living weapons just because one went rogue any more than they gave up the marine corps after Lee Harvey put his bootcamp training to unapproved uses. What they could do' date=' of course is use this as an excuse to clamp down on freaks who are unwilling to serve. Even then though, it's more likely they'd divide up their empowered population into rogues and loyals and regard the loyals with no more than moderate suspicion.[/quote']


Oh oh. I thought I could keep it a secret longer. My PCs would have had to be led along and then given the answer. You basically figured it out.


They have only put them up as public enemy number one. A target to vent cold war frustrations and problems on. This way American citizens would all work together. That is why the game is called the Minority.


The US government doesn't kill all the DNA men they find. They do it to the useless ones for public show. But there are rumours of another place captured DNA men are sent to. A place that would have them begging for death.


Think Ultimate Weapon X and your half way there to how horrible the place is. and How secretive.

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Re: The Minority


It's an idea for a dystopia, but no way would the president be killed by one man. Secret Service would have a team ready for anything like that.


In my opinion, it would be better to have the reverse happen.


Instead of a clampdown, Most of the world has gone over to the Russians. We have essentially almost lost the cold war, with only Canada and England as allies (maybe Austrailia). The Russians are grinding everyone down.


Teams of these DNA men are sent out to spark rebellions in other countries to keep the Russians from committing purges and the like.


Additionally depending on the powers allowed, some of the DNA men would be able to build super tech with enhanced brain power. America could be the last bastion of scientific advance in the world.



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Re: The Minority


He isn't a normal man. He was a super hero, with the aid of the Russian secret service and so covert he could easily get close to the president.


Your idea is interesting and I will bear that in mind. I am however gonna stick with mine for the long run. If i do it your way the DNA men become the adored heroes, and that's not what I am looking for.


A game of grey morality. Why help someone if they will never thank you for? Why not kill the man who caused you so much trouble? And what you would do in such a world, where you are killed for the way you are born?


How long the PCs can restrain themselves from killing everything in sight ad derailing the campaign out of frustration?

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Re: The Minority


It's an idea for a dystopia, but no way would the president be killed by one man. Secret Service would have a team ready for anything like that.


In the Iron Age nobody can be trusted. Quayle's masters could easily have had their agents in the Secret Service leave gaps in their coverage so they could replace a no longer tractible puppet.

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Re: The Minority


In the Iron Age nobody can be trusted. Quayle's masters could easily have had their agents in the Secret Service leave gaps in their coverage so they could replace a no longer tractible puppet.


I'm trying to picture Dan Quayle as a puppet master....


Still trying...


Nope, sorry, nothing there.




I imagine the first thing that happens once the newest dips**t president declares all DNA men super-persona non-grata is that many of them will flee to some other country that is willing to offer them asylum. Way to shoot yourself in the foot there, Danny boy. Go ahead and give away the only advantage you have.

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Re: The Minority


He isn't a normal man. He was a super hero, with the aid of the Russian secret service and so covert he could easily get close to the president.


Your idea is interesting and I will bear that in mind. I am however gonna stick with mine for the long run. If i do it your way the DNA men become the adored heroes, and that's not what I am looking for.


A game of grey morality. Why help someone if they will never thank you for? Why not kill the man who caused you so much trouble? And what you would do in such a world, where you are killed for the way you are born?


How long the PCs can restrain themselves from killing everything in sight ad derailing the campaign out of frustration?


Heroes help people because that's what they do. They don't expect thanks. Building your campaign on an unrealistic premise about human behavior will only cause it to fail.


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Re: The Minority


Very true. But one thing.

1. They aren't heroes. They just have super powers. They don't have bright costumes, they aren't invulnerable. And they ahve no reason to think the best of people. Think Punisher or Hancock before the PR guy. Not the most well liked or heroic people in the Punisher's case.


But maybe your right. The point is, it's easy to be heroic with black and white morality and everyone loves you. It's much harder to be a hero in the reverse, when everyone hates you and there is no clear answer.

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Re: The Minority


Very true. But one thing.

1. They aren't heroes. They just have super powers. They don't have bright costumes, they aren't invulnerable. And they ahve no reason to think the best of people. Think Punisher or Hancock before the PR guy. Not the most well liked or heroic people in the Punisher's case.


But maybe your right. The point is, it's easy to be heroic with black and white morality and everyone loves you. It's much harder to be a hero in the reverse, when everyone hates you and there is no clear answer.


Doesn't sound like they'll have many opportunities to be heroes.

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Re: The Minority


While not my cup of tea, it's an interesting premise. Just make absolutely sure that your players understand the tone of the campaign. That the world in general is going to be distrustful of and often hostile towards their characters. If they can accept that, then run with it. Just be sure to give them the occasional "Great Character Moment". It can be hard to enjoy a game when it seems that nothing your character does is meaningful in some way.

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