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How would you build an arm with an A.I.


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Re: How would you build an arm with an A.I.


Is the arm always self-aware, or does he activate it when it separates?


My first choice of build would be Duplication through the OIF Battlesuit. This could be a slaved system to the suit or independant based on the Duplicate's Psych Lims.


Reasoning from effect, you could just give the character limited Telekinesis and Clairsentience with a "Mobile Arm" special effect.


Or you could build a follower if the arm has an intelligent system which could store information, give tactical advice, etc.


Just my $0.02CDN

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Re: How would you build an arm with an A.I.


I agree with Acme. If the arm is an independent entity under the player's control then Duplication is a good way to build it. If the arm is under GM control, then Summoning or a Follower might work also. If you go with Duplication, Mind Link is a good power to simulate something like a closed band radio, telepathy, ect.

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Re: How would you build an arm with an A.I.


Is the arm always self-aware, or does he activate it when it separates?


My first choice of build would be Duplication through the OIF Battlesuit. This could be a slaved system to the suit or independant based on the Duplicate's Psych Lims.


I wouldn't do it this way. If it gets destroyed, it could always be rebuilt but Duplication states you lose those points. Can be rebuilt vs losing points contradicts this build. However, if you have a bendable GM who will allow this special case (he'll allow you not to lose the pts but you need time to rebuild) this could work.


Reasoning from effect, you could just give the character limited Telekinesis and Clairsentience with a "Mobile Arm" special effect.


Good idea.


Or you could build a follower if the arm has an intelligent system which could store information, give tactical advice, etc.


Just my $0.02CDN


See Duplication above. You could always use Summon or buy a robot as a the arm. Your options are many.


My preference is Duplication, assuming a GM that will make a special exception for this concept.

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Re: How would you build an arm with an A.I.


24 Telekinesis (30 STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (67 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (If destroyed takes extended time to replace; -½), Linked (Clairsentience; -½), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Can only get to places a crawling arm could get to; -½), Physical Manifestation (-¼)

24 Clairsentience (Hearing Group And Normal Sight), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 12" per Phase), Targeting, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (67 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Always has to start where arm left (usually at character); -½), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (If destroyed, takes extended time to replace; -½), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Can only get to places a crawling arm could get to; -½), Physical Manifestation (-¼)


Total Cost: 48




10 Physical Limitation: Loses use of arm when using TK or clairsentience at range (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)

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Re: How would you build an arm with an A.I.


Lots of ways. The simplest way IMO is just to build it as a follower. Duplication can also be used (the two mechanics share the same base anyway). You could also build the arm as a vehicle and the "A.I." as either an actual AI or even just a "dumb" computer if it's not truly sentient but just executes certain predefined routines like "move arm" "strike with arm", etc. You could go cheap of course and just buy Extra Limb and 1 point of SPD only usable with Extra Limb. You could start getting more esoteric and reason backwards from certain specific effects if the "arm" isnt really an "arm" but rather a justification for some other abilities.

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Re: How would you build an arm with an A.I.


To an extent the answer here lies in defining the question a bit more, and an understanding of what the various choices mean. If you build the arm as an actual AI or a follower or some such then you do not necessarily fully control it - it is, in effect a GM character that will (generally) do as you say.


If that is what you want, fine, but if not then you would be better off with a power build.

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Re: How would you build an arm with an A.I.


To an extent the answer here lies in defining the question a bit more, and an understanding of what the various choices mean. If you build the arm as an actual AI or a follower or some such then you do not necessarily fully control it - it is, in effect a GM character that will (generally) do as you say.


If that is what you want, fine, but if not then you would be better off with a power build.


Alien hand syndrome, bay-bee. Ever seen Dr. Strangelove?

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